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Latest revision as of 12:26, 10 January 2018

Lantern Introductions
Date of Scene: 09 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Cruz), Green Lantern (Jordan)

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz was safely back at home after being released from the hospital. She's holed up in her shabby-looking house that she hadn't left but a handful of times in years. She just looks down at the ring on her left ring finger, sighing softly, wearing just a tank top and shorts, trying not to pay much attention to the scars on her right arm. She's simply talking to the ring, and listening to it respond, learning about it, the universe, some about the Violet Lanterns, and other such things. She's a bit depressed - she got back the ratings of her latest book and they bombed badly. That damned evil ring must've been messing with her when she wrote it.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan looks down at his ring, and frowns. With a sigh, and a push of his willpower, the ring takes him to Midtown. With a glance at the area, Hal arrives, the emerald shimmer of energy in the dusk sky was just a gimmer against the backdrop of the city. Just a glimmer.

    Arriving at the location, Hal nods, and floats towards the window of the apartment where his ring informed him that the new ring wielder was located. Getting close enough to touch, Hal floats closer...

    TAP, TAP, TAP. Hal uses his ring to tap against the glass of the window. If anyone was conscious, they would hear him.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz frowns. All the shutters were drawn and blackout curtains were used. She doesn't see who's out there and tries to ignore the tapping - many others have tried to get her attention over the years and she hasn't answered for anyone. But... her ring has other plans. "A Green Lantern is outside the door, Jessica. She gulps, as she starts to look for something to put on that's appropriaet - then remembers. She murmurs for the ring to garb her in that 'uniform' that happened when she put it on and heads toward the door. "Is anyone else around?" she asks softly. "Negative.} She undoes the many deadbolts and locks and cracks the door open, and retreats to the living room. Her house would look like the dwellign of an extreme doomsday prepper - there are shelves of shelves of all kinds of things, including some interesting and quasi-legal weaponry.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Hello...anyone home?" Hal taps on the window three more times...TAP, TAP, TAP and adds, "I can tell you are in there, as I am sure your ring has told you I am out here. We can do this inside, where people can't see me, or you can let me hang out here, all green glowy and very visible." Hal smiles, and crosses his arms across his chest, floating outside.

    As Jessica opens up, Hal floats inside, and lands in the living room. Looking around, Hal lets the energy shield vanish, and with a smile, Hal says, "Well. Welcome aboard Green Lantern. I see you have taken your first steps as a GL." Hal chuckles. "Now what can I do to help you?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz gulps as she darts over to close the door, wondering what hal would think of the big mess that her house is. She just sighs softly. "I don't know what to make of this - that evil ring... left all of a sudden. Left me to die in that building fire that I was trying to save people from." She looks down at the ring. "I must've passed out somehow - for I woke up in the hospital to see this ring floating over my head... then a girl callign herself Star Shimmer - who was glowing violet... came in and told me some things... but she was all talking about love and stuff." Seh shrugs. "I don't feel worthy. I'm a scared anxious person who hid in her house for years because the mob probably has a hit out on me."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "That evil ring is gone...Jessica isn't it?" Hal nods, remembering. "So, it is gone. Huh. I'll have to update our files Hopefully it didn't find someone else, and it is finally gone." Hal frowns, and paces a bit, back and forth, thinking.

    Listening to Jessica though, Hal pauses. "A fire...passed out? In a hospital? Star Shimmer..." Hal's eyes turn and regard Jessica thoughtfully. "Violet light you say? "love and stuff" Was she a Star Sapphire? Do you know who they are?

    Hal pauses, smiles warmly and reassures Jessica. "The Green Lantern ring would not have selected you if you were not worthy, Jessica. SO let's get past that. You need to be trained so you can get used to the ring...we'll have to set that up." That last was almost to himself.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Yeah... we went to the apartment fire that happened a few years ago and Volthoom got tired of my defiance and just left me to die in the smoke - but I was rescued. And... it was a teenaged girl and she was a Star Sapphire, or so she claimed. She wore a uniform like we are, but it was all in violet and she was glowing violet and could make constructs like you do but... violet." She sighs. "She seemed nice." She just looks down. "I guess... the ring said something about I was the first one who had ever fought the ring enough to make it leave me. I suppose that's the 'overcoming great fear' thing." She ponders. "So - what all can this thing do?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal nods, and listens to Jessica as she talks. Absorbing all she has to say. "Fascinating. Wow, you've been through a lot. I am glad you freed yourself of Volthoom, and now, you have a real ring!" Hal smiles and looks at Jessica.

    "I see you got the uniform right. Good start. The ring can do anything your imagination and willpower can create. There is a tutorial within the ring that can help, but really, the trainers on Oa are the best place to learn. Kilowog would be a good start. He's a Green Lantern - one of the ones who trained me."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "Oa?" she asks blankly. "The homeworld of the Green Lantern Corps, in Sector 0," her ring chimed in. "Isn't that... like... very far away?" she asks blankly. "And... I think this was a pre-installed uniform. It happened the moment I put the ring on. I'm glad - it covers my right arm. It's horribly scarred from the ring... the hospital staff said they never saw anyting like it." She ponders. "I... I don't know how to do any of this yet. I'm a science fiction author, not a superhero."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan chuckles, and crosses his arms across his chest, with his ring on top, visible. With a quick wave of his ring hand, Hal says, "Yes. Yes it is. A very long way. The ring can get you there, and it can be an easier trip to have someone escort you of course." Hal's smile is reflected in the amusement in his eyes.

    "Yes, it was "pre-installed". Hal chuckles, and his amusement disappears when she describes her injuries. "Man, sorry to hear that. Well, that is behind you. As for the rest...?"

    Hal moves closer, and winks. "No worries, we'll take care of you. After all, I was a fighter pilot before I became a Lantern, and I know artists, doctors, lawyers, architects, even plumbers who have become Lanterns. You are special, it is who you are, not what you are that matters. We're all superheroes at heart."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles faintly. "Maybe so..." she mutters softly. "I'm willing to give it a try." She ponders. "Do you have some time to teach me how to use this? And..." She trails off. "May I ask who you really are? Since we're... on the same team now?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal smiles, and drops his mask. Now his face was fully visible, and he looks at Jessica with sincerity. "Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps Jessica Cruz. I am Hal Jordan." Officially welcoming her into the Corps, Hal then offers his right hand to shake. Hal then adds, "We'll get through this together. We're family." With that, he nods. "Let's get your training started..."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz takes the handshake. "And I'm Jessica Cruz, but I think you knew that already," she states, smiling softly. "Where are we going?" she asks softly, a hint of hesitation in her voice.