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Latest revision as of 12:27, 10 January 2018

Just Like Magic
Date of Scene: 09 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Redstar has posed:
It may have been noticed, maybe not, but the obvious mutant or meta-human had been outside the shop for ten minutes. Finally, though, the teen seemed to have gathered her courage and pushed open the door. The chime sounds to alert that another potential customer has entered the shop. Vicky looks nervous and uncertain as she pushes through and into the shop. For a few seconds she stands in the entryway, making an excellent block for anyone else given her wings.
    Yet she isn't the only patron and is shaken from looking around when someone enters, or tries too, and is stopped by a wall of red wing. The squeek of surprise, and a little bit of fear, makes her turn with an expression of utter mortification. "I'm sorry," She says to the wide-eyed older woman clutching her bookbag and looking at the mutant with uncertainty and fear. Vicky is quick to get out of the way, tucking her wings as small and close to her as possible. It doesn't do much and they drag behind her slightly on the ground.
    Yet she stands and stares at the large and labrynth-like store. Slowly her face falls into something akin to hopelessness at ALL THE BOOKS. "I'm never gonna find anything," She says quietly to herself, shoulders sagging.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks up and glances to the youth with the wings curiously... The tall redhead is currently sitting in the lounge area near the cafe/coffee shop... She tilts her head to the left and takes a long pull on her green tea before watching the youth again curiously... She then reaches out and plucks a bit of cracker before handing it to a rather large raven, then another bit to what appears to be some kind of wierd miniature dragon. Save the eyes appear to be slightly glowing smooth amethysts, complete with internal faceting or inclusion like a natural stone rather than say you know eyes...

Kae gets a happy chirp from the dragon before she looks over at the woman behind the desk and motions to the youth before making a questioning jesture... The young lady behind the counter then shrugs... Kae shrugs back and takes another sip on her drink.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky's wings rustle as she slowly turns to look down the long aisles of books. Frustration creases her brow and she rubs at her jaw in thought. Yet that thought is broken by the oddest sound. A chirp to be sure, but not from any kind of creature she knows. Slowly she turns to the cafe, previously ignored because it wasn't what she was looking for, to look among the patrons for some odd pet. What she sees first is the Raven. The dragon ignored for a second as jewelry or maybe a realistic plush until it moves. Then she reacts as most people probably do.
    Vicky jumps slightly and blinks her ice-blue eyes rapidly as she stares at the creature sitting on Kaelyn's shoulder. Her lips have parted on something unsaid and are quickly shut again. "Whoa," She finally settles for and licks her lips. Curiosity has won over whatever first brought her into the shop. Glancing at the counter and over the menu presented of prices she begins fishing in her fanny pack. She steps to the counter after a second and says, "Can I get a small coke please? No ice." And she pays with mostly quarters and dimes.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Wendy, a young auburn-headed woman with well a full on witch's outfit complete with hat nods and grabs a glass, well the only size for soda they have here, this being a 24 ounce glass and assembles the soda. Seems they have a more traditional soda fountain setup. Before she hands the young woman the glass...

Kae glances to Wendy curiously then looks to Vicky ang rins "You look lost is there anything we can do here to help you? Something you're looking for?

Redstar has posed:
Vicky takes the glass with a smile and nod, "Thanks," She says before turning to look at Kaelyn in surprise. This time she takes a second to really look at the woman. "I...uh..." Her eyes keeps going to the dragon on her shoulder though, distracting thing as it is. "Um...I...is that real?" She finally asks, pointing at her shoulder companion.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins slightly, getting a kind of impish look "Pends on what you refer to as real?" She adds... At this point Tanya, another girl, blonde-headed this time wanders by and rubs the dragon under the chin..

"How ya doin' Fanhuil.." she says to the tiny dragon, who then warbles (much like you hear toothless warble in How to train your dragon) and makes grabby paws at the scritching finger...

Kae glances back to Vicky and nods "He's not a halucination or a hologram." She says before grinning again...

Redstar has posed:
Vicky watches with a look of dawning wonder and amazement. "Can I...is it intelligent? Should I ask it...can I give you a scritch?" There is an innocence in her that usually only young children have. The ones who really do believe in magic and Santa Claus and so on. The hand at her side, not the one holding her suddenly very frosty glass, raises slowly towards the dragon as she cautiosly closes the distance. "I guess that is a very good question. What is real..." She trails off as her eyes focus on the gemstone gaze of the dragon.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Fan hops off Kaes shoulder and skitters to the edge of the table now, staring at Vicky with those little amethyst eyes... Its got dark bronze, almost black scales, some runes running down his spine... In fact he looks less biological in look and more metallic.. A happy chirp is given and the little creature reaches up and makes grabby paws at Vicky's fingers now...

Kae smirks "Careful, he's playful, think of him kind of as a very hyperactive, very playful cat... And yes, he can get a little rough at times... Is he sentient? I don't think so, could he gain sentience? Yes, maybe? Is he alive? Well he has a living soul force within him. Now is he biological? No... He's a construct..." She says and grins... "But he's very real, and pretty intelligent to be honest, at least as far as something like him can be... I imagine he can grow more so in time.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky glances from dragon to Kaelyn and back as she finally reaches the table and is able to give the construct scritching under the chin. "So...wait...what's a construct?" She asks in confusion even as she wonderingly kneels to be eye to eye with the dragon. Her own draconic wings rustle behind her showing her excitement. "Hello there, I'm Vicky," She says with a childlike smile, addressing the magical creation directly.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
A warble and a chirp is given, but that's pretty much all the vocalizations that the little creature makes. He is warm to the touch, dry, as one would expect with a scaled creature... He -feels- like a normal creature, soft, pliant under the scales and all, yet still very metallic too.. Touching him is kind of well different...

Kae then shrugs "Construct, as in he was made..." Kae says and rubs at the back of her neck... "Well he was kind of a pleasant happy accident.. I was making some automata, and well he somehow merged with a life force... Judging by how he acts and all I think a cat of some sort maybe.. Who knows.." She adds then umms "Then again, he could just be acting as a small dragon similar to him would act... no clue..." She says and grins a bit...

"Somehow a little lack of knowledge is fun when approaching magic. It is an artform as much or moreso than a science afterall..." Kae then oooh's and shrugs "Im Kaelyn, I own this place." she says and motions to the three girls nearby "The girl behind the counter is Wendy, Tina is behind the checkout counter, and Tanya roams the store and restocks..."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky scritches under the chin and strokes along the dragon's back, just totally filled with the awe of it. "Magic -is- real," She says it like someone who has always believed, just never seen real proof. Well, here it is warbling and chirping under her affectonate fingers. For a second or two her eyes go from blue to red. The look of awe becomes more muted in those seconds, more curious and thoughtful, in her face. Even the fingers scritch and stroke a little more firmly.
    Those eyes shift back to the icy-blue after only a scritch or two andVicky rocks back on her heels, wings bumping the empty table and chairs behind her. There is a clatter as the chair falls and the table scrapes along the floor. The teen whinces and turns to right the chair. "Sorry," She says making a face as she stands and rights the chair. Her glass of coke set on Kaelyn's table briefly as she does. "I wasn't expecting that," She doesn't specify and instead looks at Tanya and then Wendy, nodding to each with an apologetic kind of smile. "SO...your store. That's pretty cool. Ummm..." She pauses before turning a chair around and sitting down slowly across from Kaelyn. "I hope something in here can help. But I have no idea where to start..."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs "Well what is it do you hope to research?" She asks curiously, motioning to the books... "There's a large selection of books onotherwolrdly entities if that is what you're looking for.. One of the tablets can be interfaced and you can do a search by topic. It'll list titles for you. Then will highlight the shelf section each book is located in." she adds and tilts her head "ITs all touch-screen navigation or voice activated if you prefer." She adds. "If you don't know exactly where to start it'll be hard for me to figure that out my self..."

Redstar has posed:
"Do you have anything about possession and souls?" Vicky asks, lowering her voice, and looking extremely uncomfortable as she does. "Unless it's possible to have two minds in one body?" Magic is magic after all and maybe that is what is going on. "Or maybe curses...I don't know..." She bites her lower lip and then takes a long drink from her coke.
    "Okay...I...all my life there has been another...person in my mind," Vicky says after seeming to consider things. The magic shop, the dragon on the table, and a leap of faith have her telling this stranger her secret. "It's like...I'm a cage or something. But sometimes I break and she escapes..."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae motions to the books "Otherworldly beings and such, youll want to read up on them.. There's books on posession within that..." she says and tilts her head. "My expertise is not on such things, including posession and such. i have books on it, and know a bit as does everyone in my position, but I am not an authority... I can try to speak to those who are... Put you in contact with one of them..."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky finds herself nodding in a jerky fashion. "Okay...Uh...yeah, that would be great. People who may know." She says with an awkward smile. "I don't know anything, except what you can see in movies," She snorts and smirks before sipping from her coke. "I figured I better start doing instead of feeling sorry for my ass. Figure out what is...wrong with me," She says.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods slowly "Well as I said, I can put you in contact with folks... I'll give you their name and you can call em.. But it sounds like you are hosting, or have merged in part at least with an other worldly entity... Possessionl, partial or full or otherwise isn't something Im extremely good with... Everyone having their own specialties and such... Mine is really in the area of enchantment... though I'm ok at evocation too.." She adds and shrugs slowly... "However, there's an extensive set of books on such, just use the pad, the books you want will appear in a shelf and the pad will show you how to get to that section...PUll books off, read them, if you want to purchase one great, if not, that's fine too, just leave it on a reading table and the book will go back where it belongs." Kae says again with a smile....

Redstar has posed:
Vicky nods quickly and there is both fear and relief in her eyes. Clearly she doesn't quite understand the magic technical talk the way she frowns at the mention of evocation and such. "Okay. Okay thank you. I'll probably be awhile," She says and gets up. For a few seconds she forgets her drink and then turns back to grab it, walking for the tablets.
    It takes her a minute to find something on it, but she looks up. There is a little more confidence now as she walks into the stacks, looking back and forth thoughtfully. Eventually she emerges with a few books under one arm. She chooses a seat, sets down the coke, and begins to go through them.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins slightly and nods "Take what time you like, if you figure out specific titles you can ask one of us and we'll help.... We're open 24 hours pretty much, so just relaxe and enjoy..."