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Latest revision as of 00:05, 26 January 2018

Mishaped Meetings
Date of Scene: 15 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Robin (Wayne), Star Shimmer

Melinda May has posed:
Is it mid-January already? Days just go by too quickly anymore. But with recent events the Triskelion, May felt it was crucial to send word to the Gothamites -- well, one person in particular -- to warn them of potential trouble ahead and to ask that they keep an eye out. She's send a message through her usual channels stating a time and place, and is there now waiting for the Batman to arrive. The only downside to contacting the man this way is that she can never be sure he even got her message until he arrives. IF he arrives.

With the cloak/cape thing that Tim insisted she keep last time she came by Gotham folded and tucked into a small bag slung like a backpack, May waits on the rooftop and mentally curses the January cold. Outwardly, she's as stoic and calm as ever.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin had been relegated to mostly menial tasks since the night of the arms raid. Two specific reasons why are on his wrists.

  "Easy Goliath, set me down over there." He says pointing a gloved finger towards the rooftop meeting place. The red and black Bat-Dragon lands as stealthily as possible, which is to say someone could hear their approach. "Agent." Damian says, getting off of the beast with a soft thud. He doesn't say why he is here, that much should be obvious. But while the Robin mends his wings, he is going to do what he can, if not a little more.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The events of last night left Autumn more then a little exhausted. She came right home and just crashed without ever doing her recharge. When she finally woke up she recharged and went about her business. After a day of trying to find a job. Finally though, night falls.

First thing is first. Checking for any love situations. She is quite content to say she doesn't have anything major. That means, Gotham Patrol. With a quick flash, Autumn is in her Nightingale Armor and heading out the window. A quick launch from her belt grapples the rooftop and pulls her up. From there, she's off.

Rooftop to Rooftop she jumps, running and making fairly good time until she spies someone. The Agent... And then another common sight. Robin. She quickly makes her way toward them. She of course doesn't know that the figure is an agent. In all honestly she's hoping its Batwoman.

Melinda May has posed:
May has learned to expect the Batman or his emissary of the hour to seemingly just appear at her chosen rooftop meetingplace, so hearing someone's arrival is a bit of a novelty. And ... whatever Goliath is, that's even more of a novelty. But, she doesn't let her surprise show at all. SHIELD training in action. She watches the young man -- a different young man from last time -- maybe trying to visually place anything unusual or unique about him.

"I've brought some important information." She very slowly and deliberately reaches into her jacket and pulls out and envelope, which she then sets on an HVAC unit nearby for Robin to take. "It's intel on a person of interest. If you or a colleague see this person, apprehend without injury if possible. If not, monitor from afar. Either way, I would like to be notified immediately."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin's arms had been clad in casts, though a matching green to his gauntlets provided some sort of camouflage. "Shall we call SHIELD r us?" A smartassed question of course. "I'll relay the information." He offers, slowly grasping the envelope and placing it in a pouch on his utility belt. "This person, they have plans on moving into our city?" Our City was right, Batman and the family had a tight grasp on things in Gotham. It was one area most heroes decidedly stayed away from.

  The young Robin was without his usual armaments, most notably so his katana, no sense carrying something you couldn't use.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale lauches herself from another building onto the one where the two figures are located. "Is everything alright here?" Her voice is sultry, disguised to sound a bit more mischievous then usual.

Her eyes go to Robin first. Those emissive violet eyes seem to study him. "Robin. Huh. Nice to meet you." Then her attention goes to the Agent. She frowns for a brief moment. Why? She doesn't say. "A pleasure to meet you."

Melinda May has posed:
May's eyes don't linger on the young man's arms, she doesn't announce her observations that way. "No. You call me personally." It might have been a smartassed question, but she answers it seriously enough. "And I doubt that this person or whomever they have chosen to ally with have any specific intentions on Gotham. But, this individual is a person of interest, and I won't let a chance to apprehend them go to waste simply because they're inside Gotham city limits." May isn't visibly carrying weaponry either, but the way that her leather-like jacket is cut, it could well be armored AND concealing a small blade or two. ... or eight.

When Nightingale arrives as abruptly as Robin did, May goes into full alert. She's not had TWO people attend these meetings before. Keeping her limbs completely relaxed, she moves slowly in a seemingly idle manner, though she's actually putting herself ever so slightly between Robin and the newcomer.

"Likewise," she replies to Nightingale, though with her Vulcan-esque mannerisms, it could possibly come across as sarcastic.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Obviously." Robin retorts, managing a slight smirk. "I'll distribute the intel to Batman and the others." A landing, and Damian's Head turns sharply towards Nightingale. Robin doesn't act surprised in retaliation, a product of his training. Goliath on the other hand stands up on all fours, spreading his leathery bat wings out and snarling at the newcomer. "And just who the hell are you?" He asks, hiding his reach for two birdarangs with his cape. His eyes squinting down, oh he's angry alright. He looks over the newcomer, rolling his eyes a bit. "And tell me why I shouldn't gut you where you stand."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale looks and just smirks at Robin. "I'm Nightingale. Nice to meet you too. Also Not only would gutting me be much more difficult then you can think, but I am sure your boss, ya know? The Batman? He doesn't like that sort of thing. Call off your... Whatever that is and just relax. I've shown no hostility here and don't intend to."

She looks at May and sighs, "I was actually hoping you were Batwoman. I've not seen her in a long while. She's actually the one who training me."

Melinda May has posed:
Okay, Robin having not expected this young woman as well is doubly disturbing, at least until she explains why she's here. "Sorry to disappoint. Call me May." That last is addressed to both people, and if either of them are good at sussing out when someone is lying, she didn't lie about the name. Which, in their nighttime professions, might actually be a bit of a surprise.

With a quick glance at the growling and wing-flaring Goliath, May tells Robin, "If there's nothing else, maybe I should be on my way."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
"Goliath." He calls out to the Bat-Dragon, and the beast calms down, lying back down, though the beast's piercing yellow eyes keep on Nightingale.

  Robin looks to Nightingale, very suspicious. He's never met Batwoman, nor has he met her before. "He's doing what he has been trained to do. Protect me." Robin palms the birdarangs for now, lowering his left arm. "I would agree, Agent May." Robin sneers at the girl. "F$&^ you, think you can just show up and give me commands, I don't know who the hell you are and I'm sure as s&@* not going to oblige." Oh dear, seems old habits are not dying at all.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale smiles, "Be safe, May. My apologies for dropping in on you both. I was just curious as this is my city too." She is very kind with her words. Definitely a far cry from the Bat. She gives a sharp nod to her and gets ready to head out.

That is of course before Robin starts running his mouth. She rolls her eyes. "Geez. Really? You talk to your mother with that mouth?" She sighs. "You do realize we are on the same team right?"

Melinda May has posed:
Okay, no. Robin's open hostility might seem just a tad excessive, but the young woman seems to have caught him unawares as well, and that doesn't really bode well. So, despite having just said she might want to take her leave, she doesn't move. Well, except to take the drawstring bag from her back and step a bit closer to Robin to offer it to him.

"This belongs to one of your colleagues. Thought I should return it." She's also using the gesture to subtly reach for something inside her jacket, that the young man should be able to see easily, and hopefully her current stance will make it more difficult for the young woman to notice.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "My -Mother- has nothing to do with this infringement of privacy." Robin grits his teeth, a bit of a sore subject, his mother. As much as she was a criminal underworld boss, she had loved him, and he her. She died soon before he fled the League of Assassins.

  Robin had been distracted enough to look at May's gesture. A small sigh. "Nightingale..." Sheesh, more with the birds? "I don't know Batwoman's business, hell I don't even know her." He seems to be backing down, chalk it up to his less than peak performance level with his hands, and his father's voice nagging in the back of his head. "And no one mentioned you to me before, so instead of treating you like the other team, I'll leave it at this." Robin takes the palmed birdarangs and places them back on his belt. "Agent May." He says with a slight regard. "I think our business is concluded, I'll deliver both packages to the group."

Star Shimmer has posed:
As May does her thing, and Robin Gives her more shit, Nightingale sighs. Then something starts going off inside her. The tell tale warning that something was going on that she needed to attend to. "Give my regard to the Bat. Dunno when I will be back in Gotham. Nice meeting you both."

With that she turns and leaps off the roof. If anyone bothers to look she will be gone. in the distance, a streak of violet light tears through the night sky. She's not stopping as she rises higher and higher until she breaks the atmosphere and sails into the black.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Robin, but then Nightingale takes her leave before she has to do anything whatever she was reaching to pull from her jacket. No telling what it might be as she doesn't do so when the young woman departs.

"Thank you," she tells the young man, stepping away from him again to give him space. She knows she tends to be extra defensive when she's having to deal with an injury, so she can surmise that he's pretty much the same. Pleasantries out of the way, she moves to climb back down the fire escape. Because unlike SOME people, she doesn't have super powers, or a winged ... creature, or nifty zipline things for travelling to and fro.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I will let you know if we find your person of interest." Though he was on edge, there wasn't much he could do other than ride out the injury. "Goliath, lets go." He says, hopping on the beast and taking off to the cave again. Not much else tonight with Robin it seems.