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(Nick Fury stops in to question a thawed-out Svetlana.)
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Latest revision as of 15:43, 2 February 2018

The Director and a Guest
Date of Scene: 01 February 2018
Location: SHIELD HQ
Synopsis: Nick Fury stops in to question a thawed-out Svetlana. He makes her an offer.
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Svetlana Kuznetsov

Nick Fury has posed:
    It was dark in this area of the medical facility that Agent Romanova and Agent Barnes had brought Svetlana. It was "night mode" right now, and the two members of SHIELD, the medical staff, that were present were writing reports. They were discussing the medical condition of the patient, which the shadow listens to before making his presence known.

    Walking out of the shadows that he was accustomed to living in, the shadowy figure of the Director of SHIELD arrives. Wearing his long, black overcoat, and dark leather boots, General Nick Fury regards the plasti-steel window into the patient room thoughtfully for several seconds until the two Agents finally realise he was there.

    "Director! We didn't know you were coming...we would have..." Fury raises his hand, forestalling the next comments with a look, and a nod. "It's okay Doctor. Is she awake?"

    The other Doctor simply nods, and says, "Yes sir. I can..." Another raising of his hand. "I'll be fine." Fury says as he opens the door, and enters the room.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    The patient's condition is nothing short of remarkable for a woman who's been in cryogenic suspension for 80 years. Muscle tone and reflexes are near the high end of the human spectrum, as are her mental faculties. Psychological assessments are still under evaluation, but those are always subject to interpretation anyway.

    As for the patient? She's in the small hospital-type room that she woke up in. The woman is sitting on the bed wearing headphones and thumbing an iPod. Dressed in loose-fitting hospital garb, at least she's not wearing a gown without a back. Brown eyes flicker towards the door when he steps inside. She pushes a button on the device but says nothing.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Closing the door behind him, Fury stops for a moment, and regards the woman with an appraising air. His eye scans her, looks into her eyes and she regards him, and with a slight nod, allows himself a momentary smile. Looking over at the chair against the far wall, Fury moves over to it, picks it up, and moves it to sit in front of what looks like a mirror. The same mirror he was looking into from the other room.

    "I am Director Nick Fury. Welcome to North AMerica. I hear you have been away for several...years. How are you feeling?" His deep voice was not probing, but appears thoughtful and at least slightly warm.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    She returns the nod, deliberately removing the earbuds. When she speaks it is English, but with a slight accent. "I am feeling well, thank you. All of the tests should confirm that. Agent Barnes told me I have been sleeping for 80 years." Yes, she knows about being a laboratory subject alright.

    "Are you here to talk about what is going to happen with me? I am eating good food and being allowed some exercise, but everyone is being very careful around me. While I was in the Program I trained very hard for 20 hours a day. Right now I am catching up on music. I have gotten as far as 'The Rolling Stones'."

    For some reason the girl seems to think the iPod is part of some music indoctrination program. Then again, considering the sources it may very well be.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury nods, and sits back in the chair, his hands resting casually on his knees. "Yes, I have been informed that you have been asleep for that long, and the tests the Doctors ran seem to confirm that. Your recovery is...remarkable." Fury taps his left index finger on his knee.

    "I am here to chat with you, yes. As to what to do with you...that is entirely up to you, of course. I am sure that Agent Barnes has informed you what organization we represent, and perhaps you could make a formidable intelligence asset. In time."

    Fury pauses for a few seconds, ensuring he got to her questions, one at a time. Smiling at "the Rolling Stones" Fury adds, "I'll ensure that you get to sample some real music, like Coltrane, Ellington, Armstrong, Gaye, and Brown."

    Another pause. "What do you WANT to do?" The emphasis in his voice was on WANT of course. Perhaps this was a test?

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    Svetlana watches Director Fury, not quite impassively now but with a bit more open curiosity. "Agent Barnes told me that we no longer work for HYDRA." she declares almost casually. "I was trained by HYDRA to be a soldier. If I no longer work for them, then I need another purpose." It's a simple enough statement.

    "There is another one here, on this thing they gave me. A 'Lady Gaga'. I am not sure whether it is a joke or not..."

    Dark brows knit, then, her forehead furrowing. It's as if the 'w' word is completely foreign to her. And understandably so. "I... do not know. I have never thought about my own wants, Director. I grew up in Communist Russia and had no choice when I was selected for the program. I am told that I was a good candidate." Her voice trails off as she regards him, then. Thoughtful.

    "What COULD I do?"

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Refreshing." Fury says, one word, that carries a ton of meaning. "I was a soldier, once. They saw fit to make me a General, then the Director of this organization. Imagine that? I appreciate what you are saying soldier. To the point, direct and forthright. Refreshing."
    Just then, Fury stands up, and puts the chair back by the far wall. Then, he stands at the foot of the bed and faces Svetlana.

    "Our enemy is HYDRA, soldier." Fury says, "If Barnes told you anything about what has happened the last 80 years, remember this. We fight for freedom and security for the World."

    Fury nods, and adds, "Now if you check out, no weird mental re-programming, or back up personality, AND if you want to fight for the people, and not some crazy terrorist organization like HYDRA, we have a place for you.

    Fury takes a deep breath, having made a decision. "Speak to Agent Barnes. Agent Coulson. Agent Romanova. They can help you see the good that we do."

    Fury turns to leave, but pauses before getting to the door. Looking over his shoulder at Svetlana, Fury smiles again, "ANd yes, Lady GaGa is real. Scary though that is." Fury allows himself one more smile.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
    The girl smiles a little at his initial reply. "You were a soldier once?" The question doesn't carry the same sarcastic weight or disbelief as it would coming from, say, Cap or Agent Hill. And she does regard him a bit differently as well.

    "I cannot speak for my training or programming, other than what I know and what I can do." she declares after a moment. "I do not know what they did to me, but I know that they did terrible things to Barnes. I can see it in his eyes." And from her expression that doesn't sit very well with her.

    "Your people have given me tests already. You have been kind to me and you have given me what HYDRA has not." A choice. "If I pass all of your tests, I would like to fight for the people in your Army." When he rises to leave she can't help but return the smile. Although she does look a bit confused about his Lady Gaga remark.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nodding, Fury opens the door, and heads into the medical area with a nod, and a final, "Excellent. I will be seeing you around then." With that, Fury is gone, once more a ghost into the shadows without a word to the Doctors who regard him with a semblance of awe, respect, and maybe a little fear.