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Latest revision as of 06:47, 18 February 2018

Date of Scene: 18 February 2018
Location: Outskirts of Metropolis
Synopsis: Lex Luthor wants a look at the wreckage of the White Triangle ship.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Lex Luthor

Mon-El has posed:
    By this time, the crash site of the Daxamite vessel that had gone down a few days ago has likely been cordoned off by SHIELD, Alpha Flight, or other organizations and is closed off to the public, although viewing it from a distance might be possible. Not that there's really much left of it to look at it. The impact of the collision itself had done a number on top of the damage from the fight, and on top of that, someone from Nova Corps had attempted to destroy it as well.

    Currently, Lar is standing around with representatives from various groups who are all trying to figure out whose jurisdiction it should fall into and probably arguing. He keeps on finding himself saying, "I'm not sure, my niece Laurel would know more." over and over again.

Lex Luthor has posed:
For his part, Luthor had not pulled any strings for any sort of access... but is very interested in anything alien nonetheless.

He didn't call ahead to avoid press, but when the Man of Tomorrow comes along, people tend to notice.

So, when the all-terrain limo with two fairly obvious civilian grade armored cars flanking it comes up a hill, and out come half a dozen Team Luthor security, Mercy, Hope, and Luthor himself... it's probably a large surprise for one Mon-El/Lar.

Moving to sit on top of the Limo with binoculars, eyeing the site from where he is.

Mercy, Hope, and Team Luthor spread out, just out of sight, protecting their boss.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar definitely spots the limo convoy approaching, though he doesn't exactly recognize Luthor in particular. Yes, Luthor is a pretty prominent figure on Earth, but the Daxamite doesn't remember most of his time here...only recent months. Although it doesn't come as a surprise that others have come to at least take a look at the wreckage of the alien vessel.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Moving his binoculars along the site, Lex gives a faint eye frown. "What I expected. Disappointing." He muses to no one but himself. Then, he spots the Daxamite from the hill, and waves.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, um...it looks like that man over there wants to speak to me." Lar tells the group of people pressing him with questions he's quite frankly getting tired of. He's at least grateful for the excuse to get away.

    So he floats on over, peering curiously at the man and those with him. "Is there something I can do for you, sir?" he asks.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Yes, I'm interested in knowing if the jurisdictional matters have been settled yet. I understand that the federal government is resisting UN authority." Lex asks as the Daxamite comes over. All too human, he sets off all the same warning bells as Superman does, "You are... Daxamite? Not Kryptonian?" Lex asks, a bit uneasily.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh..." Lar shrugs, landing lightly in front of Lex. "I'm not too sure, to be honest. They seem to be in the process of figuring that out. Not that there's really much there to fight over, really. But you know. I guess they still have to decide who gets the charred debris for legal reasons." His gaze briefly wanders back over to the crash site before returning to the man before him. "Yeah," he nods. "That's right not from Krypton. And who're you? And what's UN?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
Oh boy, this is going to be fun.

"Oh, you don't know me?" Lex asks. He hops down off the limo, adjusts his business to be impeccable, and offers a hand for a handshake... his other hand remaining behind his back, "I'm Lex Luthor. CEO of LexCorp. The Man of Tomorrow." Lex gives by way of introduction, "The UN is the United Nations, the multinational governing body that directs Alpha Flight and the Avengers."

The smile remains, "And you, my friend, are another alien from another planet. Are you a refugee?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar looks slightly abashed when Lex appears surprised that he doesn't know who he is, his gaze flitting about. "Yeah, I know I know...I probably should know who you are, but I've been having some um--memory problems."

    He nods at the description of the UN. "Oh, so they're the ones in charge of those guys." Sounded like the United Planets, just on a smaller scale, right?

    The Daxamite shakes Lex's hand, as gently as he possibly can, although his grip is still almost crushingly firm. He lets go quickly, afraid of hurting the human. "Lar Gand. Refugee? Uh, no...not really. Actually, I just don't know." he gives when Lex introduces himself and asks him if he's a refugee. "LexCorp... Oh, yeah I think I've seen some buildings with that name on it. So 'The Man of Tomorrow', huh? Are you from the future too?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a small oof as the Daxamite almost crushes his hand, which earns a squint from him.

Great, more Superman wannabes.

"That sounds like a rough time for you. LexCorp is a multinational corporate empire I've been from the ground up." Lex informs Lar, "I'm the Man of Tomorrow because I'm always looking for ways to improve the lives of humanity, even with our fair planet hosting a number of aliens." Lex gives a nod to the cruiser, "Did you find the crew, yet?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'm...adjusting." Lar sighs at the mention of a rough time. Then he nods at the explanation for the title. "Oh, I see. Definitely a noble goal."

    Another sigh at the mention of the crew. "Well, yes and no. We have two of them in custody, but the other one is still unaccounted for. He was spotted here a few days ago, not long after the crash itself, presumably trying to fix the comms array enough to get a message out. I don't think he was successful, but he's still at large. They're...um, hostile. According to Laurel, they're from a group that thinks Daxamites are superior above all other races, and are very violent about it."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Zealots usually are." Lex notes, "I've had a number of them after my life as well. Most recently, the Serpent Society." Lex continues, before he steps to the edge of the hill, his hand going behind his back as he observes the cruiser. Well, what's left of it.

"We certainly don't need more hostile aliens." Lex casually mentions, "I understand they were here for the other one of your kind?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "The Serpent Society? Who are they?" Lar asks, curious. "I guess that's one of the downsides of being famous, right? More people know who you are."

    He nods at the last question. "Yeah, my niece Laurel said she used to be involved with them. Or was in the future. I mean will be...it's--complicated. So anyway maybe they wanted revenge on her for deserting their cause or something."

    "Heh, yeah hostile is definitely not good. Problem is, the longer he's here, the stronger he gets. Since this planet's so close to a yellow star."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Right. Actual Superman copycats. It sets Luthors teeth to grinding, even as Lar is to his back.

"Timeline matters always are." Lex gives in reply, "You wouldn't happen to have DNA or photos of them, would you? I can have my people searching for them as well." Lex inquires.

Helpful, isn't he?

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, um, I could send you some." Lar replies when ask about photos. "I appreciate the effort. We're doing everything we can, but it always helps to have more eyes on the case." he says with a nod.

    There's a pause, and he comes up alongside Lex at the top of the hill. "Lex? Are you okay?" he asks, sounding concerned.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I'm fine. I'm just disappointed that the cruiser is to... insubstantial. It really makes the legal matters of claiming it only good for scavenging the hull itself. A useful metal in itself." Lex notes, "I'll be very interested in who gets it."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh," Lar's anxiety seems to have settled at that. "Yeah, I'm sure plenty of people would be interested in studying whatever alloy it's made out of. If had to guess I'd say it probably has at least some inertron in it." he comments, then shrugs. "I guess we'll just have to find out who gets it." A little grin at that.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Inertron?" Lex looks over to Lar, "I'm something of a scientist myself, but I haven't studied much alien technology, outside of Darkseids invasion. What is that?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "It's an incredibly strong and dense compound that is virtually impenetrable." Lar answers. "A lot of the military class vessels on Daxam have at least a bit of it mixed into their hull alloys to strengthen their outer armor but still keep them maneuverable as they need to be. I...would tell you more, if I remembered." he admits, shaking his head.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I see." Lex looks to the cruiser, ideas already forming in his mind, though outwardly he's completely innocent looking, "Now I understand why the federal level is fighting so hard for authority over the claim. Even a small amount could probably revolutionize whole industries on the planet."

Not to mention the military-industrial complex.

"Well, I've seen all I need to see." Lex turns to regard Lar, "Feel free to stop by LexCorp tower to follow up with your Daxamites. I'm always happy to help keep Earth safe from hostile aliens."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs. "Maybe, though I doubt they'd be able to glean much of it from -that- wreckage. It's hard to purify anything less than about 20% when it comes to that stuff. At least as far as I've read. But, I guess it's worth studying what they can."

    He nods. "It was nice meeting you, Lex." he says with a polite smile.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"And you." In a fashion, at least. Lar will no doubt hear Luthor is cautious about aliens, but he's been nothing but friendly to Mon-El. Maye his reputation is overstated?

"Alright, we're heading back to the tower." Luthor annouces, before he steps inside his limo, Mercy closing the door behind him and Hope, before Mercy goes over to the drivers seat. Team Luthor gets into their vans... and the entire motorcade drives off back to Metropolis.