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Latest revision as of 14:55, 25 February 2018

Storefront Magical shenannigans!
Date of Scene: 18 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Doctor Strange, Traci 13

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Late night, and one of the stores in this area's open, but rumour has it, this store really doesn't ever close! IN the front, behind the counter is a tall, redhead reading from a large book as she sits there, not really doing much else..

Nearby is a small dragon, on close inspection it appears to be a construct, but well it's alive.... A living construct dragon about the size of a small cat... This little creature is currently nibbling on a bit of summer sausage, it's tail wagging slowly back and forth as it makes happy warbling noises...

There's an auburn headed woman now behind the coffee counter, she's cleaning glasses...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stepping from the backroom, is a tall man with silver patches of hair below his temples. The man, Doctor Strange, wears a black gi with a deep red belt holding his clothes closed and he steps into the shop from the back way with an air of arrogance around him. Something the man can't seem to control.

    He steps deeper into the shop and starts to peruse the shelves with his hands behind his back as he looks from jar to jar to jar. Looking for the one thing to peak his interest.

Traci 13 has posed:
Miles away in Central City...

"Damn kids messing with things they don't have a clue about!" A dark haired girl is running through the street trying to keep up with some very dark creature. ~Leroy! Cut her off I'm coming up behind her. I'm going to try a bind spell on her.~ She speaks to a currently massive lizard which happens to be racing to cut off the strange creature. She reaches out toward the feminine creature as it slides to a stop. A ball of magic forms and suddenly mystical chains wrap around the creature. Moments pass as the young woman catches up to the bound demonic creature. Up with her is a now much smaller lizard. The lizard climbs up on her shoulder. "Okay things needed to send her back." She begins rattling off a list of items. "Wait. I don't have Devil's bane. How can I be out of that. Ugh!" The creature laughs at her. "Oh shut up! Lets go!" She begins focusing and all three teleport.

A quick flash of violet leaves Traci 13, Leroy, and the bound demon in the magic shop. "Hello I need some Devil's bane where do you keep that?" She asks with a smile. She hasn't noticed that Doctor Strange was in the shop.

"This foolish little mage thought she was so good to capture me but lacks even the basic materials to send me back! hahaha!" The demoness cackles like she is in a place where she can get away.

Traci rolls her eyes, whips a finger toward the demoness and speaks, "Silence!" The creature is immediately silenced and unable to speak. "Much better. THis thing is just too loud."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks as she watches a person come in from the back. It's not common but not entirely uncommon either.. She recognizes the person, meanwhile the girl behind the counter gets basically starry eyes and looks about to either mob and ask the new fellow for a autograph, or feint there on the spot...

The tall redhead on the other hand stares at Tanya and sighs "Tanya take a deep breath.. YOu -can- have a conversation with him, he's nice..." she says to the girl..

Then in appears Tracy 13, Leroy and a demon... Kae stares at them... While probably not the craziest thing out there.... "Ummmm yaaah, soo gotta redo my wards..." she mutters quietly then glances to the Demon and back to Tracy then the demon, then Kae smiles cheerfully "While she may not have everything needed, I certainly do... Also..." She looks to Tracy and tilts her head "No need to keep on holding her, the wards on the store will not let the demon use their abilities or move... She's outside the transcribed areas..." Kae says as she stands and casually picks up a large bit of chalk... She walks over to the demon and begins writing a circle of runes around the creature, doing so quite quickly... "This'll make sure she can't go anywhere." She says as she finishes her circle, then puts a runed triangle around the circle and draws the circle out into an eye...

For those looking down, might recognize it as an Eye of Horus retaining circle... Kae then grins to Traci "There relaxe, the Demon won't go anywhere, and you can go get your bane... It's in the back.. Go down stares, there's a large shelf on the north wall. It's the first item second shelf down from the top on the left..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange looks up and over his shoulder as the three newest people suddenly appear into the shop and he has to roll his eyes at the sheer noviceness of the situation. Though when a girl approaches with the star struck eyes, Stephen decidedly moves towards the new commers as Kaelyn too appraches the witch, demon and lizard.

    "Ah, good, you are setting up further wards, because as you say, if they're able to jump into your shop with such ease, mayhaps you need to redouble your mystical efforts and learning." Strange says with a cocky smile before he looks at the demon a bit closer and then to Traci with a curious eye, though no words escape his lips just yet, he's still only looking.

Traci 13 has posed:
Traci 13 smiles, "Thank you for the offer but I think I will keep a hold on her. Also..." She quickly pays the person in advance. "Not a fan of keeping Demons on chains ya know?" She turns and sees who they were talking to. "Oh. Hello Doctor. Sorry for the intrusion Will be with you in a few minutes." She heads off to go get the devil's bane. Once done, she teleports outside and sends the demon back to hell. Once done, she walks into the store. The Demoness is gone. Right now its just her and the lizard on her shoulder.

The girl lets out a soft sigh as she catches her breath. She burned through a lot of magic. Sunnydale isn't exactly a very urban area which means her trying to do so much magically isn't as easy for her. "Sorry about the uninvited guest. I didn't wanna leave her to roam. I thought I had everything I needed to send them back to hell but I guess I went through it all last week. Damn kids keep dabbling into the arcane and leaving these things to roam."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head curiously... "Well everyone wants to summon creatures of the underworld and demon realms and stuff, nobody wants to do the little stuff or deal with nature spirits it seems..." Kae says matter off factly, and she looks to Dr Strange... "May not be sorcerer supreme grade wards and all, but I've got quite a few up here to protect both my self my wards, and the outside world and such... As well as us from things outside too... However I may have to look and see if I left any loopholes and whatnot." she adds and grins a bit...

She then bows to the two. "I'm Kaelyn, I'm the artificer who owns this place..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen is taken aback by the drastically quick work from Traci 13 and so he crosses his arms below his chest and watches with a stoic look covering his face slowly before he turns his grey eyes onto Kaelyn with a twitch of his lips in her direction. "First thing you should do is add some redundancy to your warding. It's always a drain on your magical reserves, but if it's done right, nothing can get in where you don't want them." Stephen says softly.

    "Now, what are you doing bringing demons into a shop like this? Do you realize how incredibly dangerous that is?" Stephen asks directing his attention to Traci with this last question. Meant to intimidate and shock her into being a bit smarter about her actions in the future.

Traci 13 has posed:
"I thought it could be a designer piece for the shop. A couple sigils, A few wards, a Demoness with a bad attitude." She rubs her head. "I brought her along because I didn't want to risk her getting away again. I just spent a few days trying to get a bead on the thing. If I'd have let her go, there is no telling what else she would have done. She couldn't do anything, I had a solid bind on her. It was a last resort. Not something I make it a habit of doing, Doctor."

She turns to Kaelyn, "You have a very lovely place and I'm sorry about the uninvited guest."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and she gives a slow shrug... "It's allright I guess, no harm no fowl... And to be honest, this would be a better place to bring a demon than say the bronze..." she points out, motioning to the store across the square... Kae then glances to Stephen "That's it, there is multiple redundancy and all... It's linked into artifice... I'm thinking either something got messed up with one of the runes, or I'm going to have to recharge the keystones again, and yah that's extremely tiring." she says and grins just a bit... "Not the first time It's been done..."

At this point a blond girl, dressed up as a witch walks up to Kae and whispers "Yah I was meaning to tell you, 2 of the stones are low on power...." Kae blinks and stares at the girl "Oookay, well guess better late than never eh Wendy?" she says and sighs... "Yup, power stones are running dry...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "That sounds like something you should take care of post haste." Stephen says with a soft smile to his lips before turning back to Traci and shruging his shoulders. "Just be careful with those demons. I know exorcising and expelling aren't the easiest things to do, so make sure to do it right when you do. It could kill them, or yourself if done wrong." Stephen remarks before he pauses mid conversation and bends over to look at something on the bottom shelf. A large shank of Atlantean lizard hide with a few blinks Stephen quickly snaps both hands out towards the jar and looks to Kaelyn. "Put these all on my tab." The wizard says before he starts to walk towards the back door that he came out of earlier.

Traci 13 has posed:
Traci 13 smiles to Doctor Strange, "I have every intention to keep from killing people and things. That is not the way to do things. I'd much rather get people and things away safely. The spell I used got the demon into hell without hurting anyone thankfully. Even if I did bring it to the shop. That I'm hoping doesn't happen again." She smiles and begins shopping around. "Oooo! Mermaid's scale. you know how difficult it is to find this stuff." She begins looking around and finds another thing. "Nice. Phoenix feather. You wanted to learn to fly right Leroy?" she asks the lizard. The lizard rolls its eyes and snaps up a fly.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Honestly, this isn't the first time Strange has been in her store... Kae nods, and moves to fetch a rather fancy book out from under her counter and after leafing through a few pages picks up a quill and begins writing in it... She peers at Tracy 13 and laughs "Yes, I know very much so how hard it is to procure items.. As I said, I'm an artificer, it's kind of what I need to do. Add to it, I provide supplies to other mages and the like." she adds and grins "I also have many substitutes for more traditional reagents, as some of them require killing of sentients or a sentient to die... "She then motions to a jar next to the one with the phoenix feathers... "That right there will do the same thing, also those scales I got from a willing mermaid, had to execute a trade but I go tit..." She adds and grins a bit...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    With a flick of his wrist, Stephen pushes the jar up into the air, causing it to disappear into a personal pocket dimension, or to his fridge in the Sanctum Sanctorum, but he'll never tell. With a simple wave of his wrist as a wave, Stephen walks away towards the broom closet and steps back with with a hint of a flash from beneath the door. And just like that, the Sorcerer Supreme is gone.

Traci 13 has posed:
Traci 13 smiles and quickly pays the woman. "There you are. I think I should get back to central city. Being here makes me draw on my own magic as opposed to the magic I usually draw on. This town is just small. urban settings are my thing." She smiles. "Thank you though! Again I am so sorry bout the demon."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods to Traci "Some back any time, If you need provisions for your magic we have what you need. If not we can get it or make it." Kae suggests and grins cheerfully.. She then motions to the counter "Take a coffee or tea with you on your way, you might enjoy it... On the house?"

Traci 13 has posed:
Traci 13 smiles, "Thank you Kaelyn. I am very thankful. Tea is a wonderful thing." She does help herself to some tea. Its very much helpful. Happily she takes a sip of the tea and smiles, "Mmmm This is delicious. I will come back soon. Thank you Kae. Catch you later." With a flash of violet she vanishes with Leroy, her things and the tea of course.