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Latest revision as of 18:08, 25 February 2018

Black Tags - Confederate Rifle - Tony Russo
Date of Scene: 27 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Queen, Punisher

Black Queen has posed:
One of the Black Tagged items that Frank was able to track down was going to be delivered to a mob boss by the name of Tony Russo. He lives in the suburbs and goes off to a cabin to celebrate sometimes. In this case, the confederate rifle that he had won at auction was going to be delivered out of town to a cabin off the beaten path. It was close to a resevoir, giving him his own personal lake, and not much else. The drive to get there takes almost 3 hours and its deep in the heart of some forest growth.

Frank would easily be able to recognize the family name, though Tony's a little bit of a black duck for the family. Instead of focusing on real estate, or other forms of easily launderable money locations, Tony has a series of used car dealerships that don't do anywhere near the level of business that's necessary to support his obvious lifestyle. He's been fined by the IRS a few times, but has a really good lawyer, and he was even up on murder charges once but then the witness showed up drowned the next day. It was never pinned on Tony, but it was pretty clear who did it. Again, not subtle like the rest of his family, and definitely not into the same kinds of businesses.

Punisher has posed:
    With a thermos of coffee, Frank Castle had left the city and driven north into Upstate New York. He had the files next to him on the passenger seat of the Battle Van. The city had dropped away, passed through the Catskills, and was now moving through the pastoral settings of the state. Numerous farms were spotted here and there, but also enough room for those with money and power to own some stretches of land for their own amusement. Frank was not surprised to find himself in the latter as he tracked down the shipping address for the rifle.

    He pulls up outside the gated home. He climbs in the back of his van and begins to get ready. Knives are strapped to legs and tucked in boots. Hand guns are loaded and set in holsters. Various other tools are clipped to belts or put into pockets. He pulls on the combat vest with the famous Skull spray painted onto it. Finally, he puts an M16 across his back and pulls a long trenchcoat on.

    He gets out of the back of the van and finds a spot to jump the wall. It is close enough to a corner and natural growth that gives him cover from security cameras. He pulls himself up and over and drops into the brush. He begins moving along the side of the compound and towards the back of the house quickly.

Black Queen has posed:
The house, which Tony would call a cabin, is pretty large. 3 stories, from the exterior it looks like it probably has 6 or maybe even 8 bedrooms inside. There are 3 cars parked outside of the actual house and there are security folks. Most of them are sitting, they have shotguns mostly and are swapping stories out in front of the house.

It's probably a given but there are other security likely about but most of them consider this place pretty safe and so they are pretty sloppy. Beer and food is being served to them, and it looks like there's some kind of party going on. There's women in bikinis despite the colder weather, and they are serving food. Probably prostitutes, and money or drugs are often being tucked into those bikinis while the women get groped or fondled openly.

Tony isn't anywhere to be seen from the outside. And this place has a lot of windows, so he might be spotted given enough time watching.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle takes a bit of time to watch the security and see their level of competence. Mobsters always get so lazy when they get out of the city. As if the danger would only stay in the Five Boroughs. He settles under a tree with enough ground bushes around it to give him cover and a good line of sight to the "cabin". He watches the windows, trying to place where Tony is before he makes his way inside. He doesn't like not having enough information. It is a good way to get killed. He knows that one day there is a bullet with his name on it, but not from these yahoos. There. That could be him. It looks like Tony towards the back of the house. Second floor, assuming there isn't some kind of strange archetecture within the home. He moves carefully towards the back where there is a deck and a sliding glass door into the house.

Black Queen has posed:
It's nice that the mobster decided to buy a house with lots of windows. It does kind of look like Tony, but from this angle it might not be. Frank's been doing this a long time so the level of confidence is probably pretty high that Tony right now is on the second floor, there's someone with him, one of the women in bikinis. When he gets to the back of the house, the sliding glass door opens quietly. It's on a smooth, and well taken care of rail, that despite its quadruple paned existence is as smooth as butter. Immediately within the house on the first floor are a few more mobsters, the tv is blaring european football, and there are at least 6 of them, plus 3 of the bikini-clad prostitutes.

Punisher has posed:
    A fire fight with that many mobsters is not his first choice. Thankfully the TV is loud and the door was quiet. He moves in softly, pulling the door closed behind him and keeping crouched down. He looks back and forth and begins to make his way along the outside of the room. The set up doesn't look too outlandish so he should be able to find the stairs up to the second floor with little problem assuming no Wise Guy decides he needs a cannoli or to take a leak. He pulls out his .45 and attachs the silencer on to it, just in case, as he makes his way towards the stairs.

Black Queen has posed:
The path is clear. These guys certainly do not have the wherewithall that the Triads had at the auction house. The stairs are easy to find, and as Frank climbs them he might just be thankful that the rest of the house is equally as well maintained as the sliding glass door. These stairs don't creak despite being made of wood. Getting to the second floor the noise level drops considerably, once out of the stair well. It doesn't really sound like anyone has come up this way, though there is the regularly rocking and thudding sound of two people having sex just a few doors down.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank walks a little faster now along the hallway. He finds the door where the cries are coming out of. He pauses at the door for a moment, listening to make sure this is the only one. Once satisfied, he opens the door slowly and steps inside. He closes it behind him to keep his own noise contained in the room. He makes his way into the dimly lit room finding that just right spot where the small amount of light will fall on the Skull on his chest. "I think you need to finish up and get out of here. Mr. Russon and I have matters to discuss," he says in a deadpan voice but loud enough to be heard over the coupling.

Black Queen has posed:
Sneaking into the room is rather easy. The prostitute is making all sorts of sounds, like she's being filmed in some kind of porno flick. And when the voice speaks up, she is the first one ready to say, "Hold up honey, I'll be with you-" And then her eyes catch a glimpse of the shirt. She's immediately making sounds, pulling back, freaking out. Tony, on the other hand, was confused by why she even moved until he too looks over where she is and he starts scrambling, "Oh, shit!" And he's trying to get at the pistol that he keeps under his pillow.

Punisher has posed:
    There is the whisper and pop of the silenced .45 and the pillow next to Tony explodes. "Please don't." He looks back to the prostitute. "Get dressed. Get whatever he owes you out of his clothes. Leave without saying anything to anyone, I will double it." He is looking towards her, but also watching TOny out of the corner of his eye. After he speaks he is turning fully towards Tony now. "The Confederate Rifle. I know it came here."

Black Queen has posed:
The pillow erupts into feathers and Tony stops scrambling. He holds up his hands and keeps them up. The prostitute is gathering up what little clothing she had and just sort of takes some cash out of Tony's pants pocket and then runs off with it. She's going to be leaving and heading home, probably called a bitch or something worse by other mobsters when she is requesting a ride back to the city. One of them is shouting, "Hold on, hold on. Gotta make sure it's okay with the boss." Standing at the stairwell, "Tony, hey, that dame wants to go home. 'k if I skeedaddle, take her home, my wife's got that thing with the kid. I should be there for that." He doesn't enter, since his boss is probably still naked, and he just wants permission to go. Tony is looking at the Punisher with wide-eyes and isn't quite sure what to say, but he swallows, "Yeah, yeah yeah, that's fine. Get."

Black Queen has posed:
Then he says, "You came all this way to learn about a stinkin' rifle? Yer a crazy fucker."

Punisher has posed:
    "So it has been said." Frank Castle keeps the weapon leveled on Tony with a casual, but deadly air. "Now, I want to know why you bought it. I want to know your plans for it and what it symbolizes. You can be a good boy and tell me, and I'll only hobble you. Get nasty and well..." He trails off shaking his head. "And the girl isn't to be touched again. If I hear you went after her because she just ran out on you just now before you...finished, you won't hear me coming. Capisce?"

Black Queen has posed:
"Look, that's a fair deal. Fair deal. You don't hurt me, I won't hurt the girl." Tony mentions and he chuckles, "See, and I heard you were some sort of non-negotiable kind of prick. And see, we're already being friendly." Tony definitely runs used car dealerships. He mentions, "Look, look, I dunno what ya heard, but I just like a nice rifle. It's old. I think those union pricks deserved everything they got for it. And what's some measely dollars, for that rich piece of history huh? Nada, that's what. Nothin'. So, I buyz me a piece of american history. So what?"

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle holsters the .45 on his hip and reaches across his body to pull out the Ka-bar by his side. He holds the knife firmly as he walks over towards the bed. "Now, I don't believe you." He doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that Tony is still without his close and used condum over his quickly deflating member. The knife tip taps a couple times along the expensive bed sheets, ripping little holes. "And that is unfortunate."

Black Queen has posed:
As the knife is used to start ripping holes into the sheets, Tony is starting to freak out a little more, "Hey hey. Look." He shakes his head. The fear of the Punisher is pretty great in the underworld crime scene. "You don't understand, these guy's kill me. If I talk, I'm a dead man. And you, what? You're dead too, I'm doing you a favor. You don't want to know. I'm tellin' you, okay?" The guy is shaking his head, "I've heard some crazy stories... and you, for real, you don't want to get involved."

Punisher has posed:
    "Tony, I am already a dead man. The bullet just hasn't found me yet. Tell me what I want to know. Let me deal with the rest." Frank stops at the foot of the bed. Tapping at the sheets. Keep moving closer to Tony's foot. "Tell me a crazy story. Those are generally my favorite. I always identify with them." His voice is remaining calm. His actions are slow and delibrate. He isn't sounding threatening at the moment even as he watches the gangster squirm. "Also, I am going to need the rifle. Tell me where that is."

Black Queen has posed:
Tony starts to shake some and he's shaking his head as your knife gets closer to his foot, "Look, it's in the bathroom okay? I put it in a box, I've looked at it a few times. I hate the goddamn confederate army. Okay? They were shit." He states and he shakes his head, "Okay okay. Just don't hurt me, I like my feet, come on, man? So, a guy comes up to me, at a dealership, says he knows who I am. Says, he's got a deal, tells me some story about cars, and how he'd only buy top notch cars, you know, something that fits nice, is great." Tony stutters abit before he adds on, "And then the guy says, in sort of a joking kind of way, too bad women are like that? And, you know, he's right, right? Come on, yer cock ain't dead, You'd agree, I agreed. Shit man, been married 6 times. You know, it'd be nice."

Punisher has posed:
    Frank puts the knife back into its sheath at his waist and heads into the bathroom to collect the box with the rifle. Assuming it is out where he can see it quickly, he will collect the box and bring it back out before looking inside the box. He sets the box on the bed next to Tony's leg and begins to open it. "You know my wife is dead." He doesn't say that as a question. It is a statement that has Frank's eyes move from the box towards Tony. "I would stay off that subject."

Black Queen has posed:
There's a pause in Tony's words as you head toward the bathroom, there's a moment he thinks he could probably get up and run. But what then? Shot in the back at the stairs? He waits, and it only takes a moment to find the box and the rifle, and bring it back inside the bedroom. "Shit, sorry, no, shit, man, I didn't know. You know? I had heard, maybe, but it isn't like that." Taking a few more breaths in deep, "So, this guy says, he's working with the Triads, you know, and they got merchandise. Ready made, kind of thing, russian male order bride type stuff... with none of the fuss. I dunno what they do, or how they get them that way, but just... he swore, they'd do anything I wanted. Couldn't pass it up. Jus', show up, buy something American. Allz he tells me, I swear."

Punisher has posed:
    Frank opens the box and looks at the Confederate Rifle. He hefts it up in one hand, turning it to see the markings. "This isn't American technically," Frank says in a dry tone mostly to see if he can get the man to squirm just a little more. He turns to look towards Tony even as he sets the butt of the rifle on the floor. He holds it steady now. "So what were you supposed to do with this after? What comes next now that the auction is over? And a name, Russo, you have to have a name. I know you are just an overreaching Mafia foot soldier, but even you would have gotten a name."

Black Queen has posed:
Shaking his head as you pull up the rifle and make note of it not being 'American' and he grimaces a bit. Technicalities get people killed and Tony says, "Look, you're right. I know, I know. Right? It's a piece of crap rifle, nice, but hundreds of these things were made. Ain't worth much, take it, burn it, do what you want with it." He offers and then sighs out, "There's some kind of chinese antique shop, in Chinatown. 'Spose to drop this thing off there, and pick up the girl in the back. You know, like an old fashion drug deal. Pull up in the alley, get loaded into your trunk, and drive off. That's all I'm sayin', address is on a slip of paper in the box there. You keep it, you do what you want with it. Okay? Just, we square?" He asks, starting to sit up a bit more upright, still naked, but still holding his hands up to show he's got no weapon. "If you ask me, ain't worth the trouble. I do ya one better, ya ever need a car, I got tons. Trucks, vans, whatever, dealer discount. Yeah?"

Punisher has posed:
    Frank loads the rifle back into the box and seals it up. He tucks it under one arm and looks like he is about to go. He stops when Tony begins to make offers about the cars. "Russo, don't think we are friends." He sets the box down and pulls out the Ka-Bar once again. "You are scum. Should be put down, but I do believe I said I would just hobble you if you cooperated." He reaches out to grab one of Tony's ankles. "And we can't let your kind think that I am going soft or can be bought."

Black Queen has posed:
Tony seems to relax a bit when you tuck the rifle up under your arm, and you say you two aren't friends. "No, I know, we ain't. But, you know, yeah, I am scum. It's understandable, but I helped you, you let me go. It's a mutual..." He stops when you grab his ankle and he starts to squirm, "Nonono, man, I'm gonna scream, you ain't get out alive if I scream. We call it good. You gave my bitch all my cash, that was like 20 times her pay, man, an' I still got an unfinished dick. Come on? Come on, I don't want any trouble. I swear, I didn't see you, you weren't here, nothin'. Bitch lives, I'm the only one who can say that, ya know. Eh, cooooome on... don't be a dick." The guy's voice is trembling as he is shaking his head, "The box, the box, uhhh, I heard somethin' else. You don't hobble me... I tell ya?"

Punisher has posed:
    "Scream. It will just be your crew's funeral. They come pouring up those stairs like the Light Brigade. Then all of you are dead, I still have the rifle, and I have gotten rid of a nest of snakes. I call that a win." Frank brings the knife up against the Achielles tendon of Tony's right foot. There is pressure and perhaps the skin begins to part slightly. He pauses at the mention of the box as if trying to decide. "Thirty seconds. Tell me something or say hello to a cane."

Black Queen has posed:
Breathing really fast, Tony speaks, and quickly, "I did some diggin' when I was going to the auction. Some chink is running the show. Tien, some crazy fucker in the Triads, is a big boss. But he's workin' with some outsiders. Rumor is, some scary bitch and some guy. Both got weird ass names. The guy is named after some god of pestilence, or some shit, like Nergal. And the bitch goes by The Black Queen. Names, right, you want names, I gave ya names." He mentions and is tensing up when his skin is cut, but he's still not past the point of return, "They are into everything, drugs, prostitutes, everything. You name it, fingers are in deep. Even avoided gettin' arrested, big time. Connections. All the way up."

Punisher has posed:
    The knife presses and leaves a gash on the man's ankle, but Frank doesn't cut the tendon. "Those aren't names. Those are personas." Frank whipes the blade against the gangster's sheets. "I am going to leave now, but don't think I can't find you any time I want, Russo. And if you put bigger dogs in front of you, I'll just bring a bigger stick." He sheaths the knife and picks up the box. His insides are telling him to kill Russo, but for the moment, he is going to get as much information from as he can. First though, he is going to get the rifle to the antique store and see if he can find out anything more about the codenames Black Queen and a god of pestilence.

Black Queen has posed:
The gash is deep enough but at least Tony will heal up and be abel to walk. He grits his teeth and then is panting out is gasps. "Yeah, yeah, no man. I know, I know. But, people in the dark, you know, they don't go by real names, they just go by personas. I ain't never seen any of them." He shakes his head and nods his head, switching between the two as you start to head out. He just lays back and hits his bed a few times from the pain in his ankle, but to his credit his isn't screaming or the like.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank slips downstairs and out the sliding door once more as the football game is still going on. He retraces his steps, keeping to the edge of the property until he reaches the crossing point. He is moving up and over the wall once more, keeping an eye out for sentries, as he moves back to his van.

Black Queen has posed:
Again, the mobsters are quite busy and they lose what little discipline they have when they are out here in the middle of no where. It should be clear that a kill-on-sight bounty is probably going to go out for Frank as soon as Tony thinks its safe again. You know, in a week or so. That said, for now, the same tactic the mob uses worked on them. Control people with fear of what is to come. Tony will likely make up some excuse about getting cut in the cabin, and complaining that the cleaning and maintenance staff ain't doing their job. And then next week, he'll be letting his best men know what really went down. Well, an exaggerated version of it where Frank got the drop on him, and he still managed to fight him off. After all, Tony's still alive - and Frank left.