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Latest revision as of 18:10, 25 February 2018

A Typical Day at the Titans Gym.
Date of Scene: 27 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Amarok, Raijin

Amarok has posed:
High above the floor, practicly scraping the ceiling, on a narrow beam that twitches, jiggles, and bends with every step, is the Urban Wolf, fully kitted out despite the enviroment save only for his grapple gun. He appears to be shadow boxing, or rather, shadow jeet-kun-do-ing, as he rapidly throws series of kicks, punches, and vaults between beams with the ease of someone standing on perfectly stable ground.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner arrives in the gym with a bag over his shoulder, shorts, and a T-shirt. Though he looks up to see Dan practicing on the ceiling. He admires the way he moves with fluidity as to maintain a perfect balance. "Not bad." he says then pretty casually. "Room for one more up there? that's if you want an actual sparring partner." Because Rayner was skilled in Wing Chun..not so much Jeet Kun Do.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf seems to be ignoring Rayner. Or it's possible he flat out cant hear him from way up their. Either way, he's making no attempt to stop Rayner from joining. Although the total lack of lights on the safety controls may give him pause, if Rayner is the type to care about a near certainly lethal fall.

Raijin has posed:
Sighing softly when it seems Wolvie there doesn't seem to notice him, Rayner drops his bag, then suddenly, he appears in a flash in front of Wolf, a small distance away. "Can ya hear me now?" he says then, though he shows no fear. A fall like that wouldn't even scratch him.

Amarok has posed:
Appearing in front of someone actively assaulting the air in from of them, may not have been a wise move, as the Wolf seems completely undeterred in his movements, which are now aimed for various points of Rayner's anatomy. His strikes are fast, forceful, and varied enough to be called a full blown attack.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner leans out of the way of multiple strikes from Wolf until he enters a stance for Wing Chun, striking -against- Wolf's strikes to offput them, until eventually he makes an open-handed jab aimed right for his temple in a fast motion. A smile crosses Raijin's face...and here he thought today would be boring.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf seems to have been prepared for this, moving almost in a blur as he reaches up, grabbing the striking hand by the wrist, and falling back, perfectly even with the beam, and throwing Rayner over him, his boots against the other man's stomach and chest to help propel him. Despite the suicidal manuevre, he follows it up by sliding sideways off the beam, hooking it with his leg and pulling himself so he's held up solely by his feet, arching his back a few times for momentum, and flipping himself off to another beam, grabbing it with both hands twistingly swinging himself up to perch on it like a gargoyal, as is the tradition of all Gothamites.

Raijin has posed:
While Rayner does in fact go head over heels thrown right over Wolf, with a single hand he grabs onto the beam and quite impressively swings himself back up onto the beam, attempting to, quick as a cat, spin kick Wolf right in the face. He wasn't going to go down that easily!

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf is already gone by the time Rayner's kick swung by, halfway to his lower beam. Once the two settled on their respective perches, a short stalement occurs, broken when the Wolf backflips off his beam onto another behind him, swinging deftly up to stand on it before leaping off, kicking off the holder of the beam he retreated two after throwing Rayner, and landing back onto the original beam, standing a good few feet away from Rayner, simply holding their, watching him with his unblinking LED eyes.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner keeps his eyes on Wolf as complete silence stays between them, looking each other in the eyes before Rayner stands up straight, as if to challenge Wolf with his deadpan expression alone. Challenge delivered, now lets see if Wolf will return it, as Rayner performs a bow like one would before a traditional duel.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf watches, still as a statue as Rayner rises and gives his silent challenge. As he bows, the Wolf does as well, a small, simple bow, but delivered with quiet emphasis before he rights himself, slowly stretching out into a proper fighting stance, seemingly waiting for Rayner to make the first move.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner nods then as he enters a fighting stance, eyes locked onto him as he takes a solid breath...then? he rushes at him with a -fast- flurry of Wing Chun strikes, kicks aimed for his knee, closed-fisted strikes aimed for the juggular, elbows aimed for the ribs...he was moving with the intention of winning.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf remains perfectly still as Rayner moves in, only budging when the strikes start coming in. Each strike is deflected or dodged in turn with an ease bordering on casual. As the flurry winds down, he suddenly sweeps Rayner's legs out from under him, the motion dropping him from the beam. A quick flick and twist and he's flipping back up, knee aimed at Rayner's face at a speed fast enough to whistle through the air.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner moves his legs at the last moment, though it means he's off balance. After he swings up, he finds Dan's knee coming right for him...but Rayner is far faster. he lifts a hand to catch Wolf's knee...then throws him across the beam with a forcefulness. Use the obvious tactics, he always tells himself as he regains his balance on the beam with a crack of his neck.

Amarok has posed:
By the time Rayner's focused again after cracking his neck, The Wolf is already back at his throat, litterally. Without missing a beat, the instant he landed back on the beam, he sprinted across it as though the narrow edge where ten feet wide, and resumed his assult, a blistering series of punches, and kicks, aimed at carefully analyzed weak points in Rayner's form, ever dodge merely opening for a different hit, every block allowing another hit through. Clearly, this was carefully planned out since his return to the beam.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner starts to step back efore he holds his ground, deflecting Wolf's strikes with accurate precision and expert ease...it seems the two are evenly matched, though Rayner hasn't even started to use his true skills and abilities yet....this may be a long confrontation between these two masters. He counter attacks after every slip, only for Wolf to dodge them and strike back...the two meet each other blow for blow...but Rayner hopes to shift the tide with a feigning strike. a knee looking like it's for the gut...only for it to pull back sharply and for his elbow to whack Dan in the head with a loud 'snap'!

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf seems to have seen this coming, as he ducks back just out of the way of the elbow, reaching up and grabbing it as it passes by his face, pressing forward to overbalance Rayner before flipping over him, his grip maintained, and he wraps Rayner in a tight chokehold, using the hyperextended arm to lock the vice in and give him total control over Rayner's movements.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner is not one so easily overbalanced in such a manner. While Wolf can claim his arm and extend it, Rayner stood his ground like a tank, and he will have immense trouble controlling anything in this spot. "Not bad." though not great either. He simply shifts his weight and suddenly they are face to face. "Should I show you what I can do now?" he starts striking then at Wolf...faster and faster, towards almost every part of his body as Rayner starts using his speed...but he hasn't started using his powers effectively yet.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf is taken a back for only a moment before the dodging starts. Where before it was casual, now he seems to actually be trying. A few more seconds of rapid fire dodging, and suddenly he stops cold, catching Rayner's arms and interlocking them with his own, using Rayner's own strength against him, "Not bad. But I read your file." Comes a monotone voice through the Wolf's helmet, the speaker causing a disquieting level of modulation. Without hesitation, he begins delivering a series of headbutts, bolstered by his military grade helmet and aimed right for Rayner's unprotected nose.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner seems to be holding back a bit...he wouldn't want to seriously hurt Dan. Though when he speaks and starts headbutting him, it would feel like he was testing his head's durability against a similar hardness of titanium. it doesn't hurt Rayner at all. "Apparently not well enough." he then uses his strength more, wrenching Dan's arm until he has him in a chokehold, trapping one of his arms in it. "Now then, what other strategies do you have?"

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf grunts out as he's pulled into a chokehold, "Well, there's always the classics." And kick to the nads. Followed by dragging Rayner over into a front flip with him as he throws them off the beam to the floor dozens of feet below.

Raijin has posed:
While his incredible durability resides in his nackers too, it still hurts a little, so he grunts then, though when he is thrown -with- Dan, he keeps him in the hold...actually using his ability to move as fast as lightning (past mach 3 at least) to where they land on the ground safely, before Rayner shoves him off. "Well, not awful at least. Though if you do that in the field against a much stronger opponnt, they won't b as nice."

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter rolls to his feet as he's pushed off, turning back to face Rayner, "When I'm in the field, I dont spare the lash. Stronger opponents dont get the chance to go toe to toe until I'm ready to bring them down on a moment's notice."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner moves over to pick up his bag. "Right...unless they can take you down faster than you can comprehend." Because Rayner could have done that...but the bastard always holds back. With his bag over his shoulder, he turns to face him. "Well, see you around. Got my practice in for today."

Amarok has posed:
A burst of static comes through, most likely a derisive snort, and without another word, he begins climbing back up to resume his workout, apparently unfazed by the drop at bone liquifying velocity.