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Latest revision as of 18:43, 25 February 2018

Gadgets and Pizza
Date of Scene: 31 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Donatello

April O'Neil has posed:
April had gotten the texts from MIkey and Donny about having an emergency craving. So on her way home from work she stopped off at Angelo's Pizzara and picked up a stack of pies, the 'April usual' as they called it there. "Hey, my D&D Parties are like few others." She'd tell the employees who teased her for being a 'nerd'. She didn't care about any of that though.

Her bike was chained up in the alleyway to a steam pipe and she descended into the sewer system with the pizzas in that tricky way that she figured out with a dog leash and her backpack... and now she was on her way to their secret home.

Once at the front door, she'd do her secret knock too! "Come on, open up. These things are hot and they're burning my hands and leaving grease marks in my backpack." She grumbled... muttering. "Now I need to buy a new backpack... again."

Donatello has posed:
"RAPH? I'm kinda...awww man," April can hear the *bbzzzzt* *bzzt* from Donatello's workroom. "Where did those guys go?" The sound of a stool being moved and then a second later the door opens. "APRIL! PIZZA!" He holds out his hand to take them from her. "Oooo, very hot," He says as he waves her inside.

It is relatively quiet at the moment. Splinter is probably resting and the others are probably trying out the new skateboards Donnie had made last week. This time they wouldn't spill Leo onto his shell...probably. The rocket boosters needed tweaking.

"So, how was work?" He always was the more thoughtful of the four. He realized being a reporter was a tough job. Everybody complaining all the time it seemed. "Anything interesting going on topside?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April smiled big and happily at Donny when he answered the door (he was her secret favorite afterall, but don't tell anyone!) "Hey, you." She says to him and handed the food over then moved on inside the sewer lair that she'd come to be all too familiar with in the past year+change.

The reproter's backpack is dropped down ont the arm of a chair and she walks toward the kitchen area. "Oh, you know... same ol' same ol'." She replies to him while reaching into their fridge to get one of her sweet vitamin waters (nobody drinks her drinks, so she leaves some here cause they're extremely safe!).

After cracking it open and taking a sip she grins at him. "I did go to a party hosted by Bruce Wayne, and I think Tony Stark flirted with me while I was there..." April knew that Tony was one of Donny's idols, so that would probably be big news for him, right?

Donatello has posed:
Donatello hums as he gets an actual plate and grabs a napkin, tucking it into the neck of his shell as he sits down. "Oh! Drink, right!" And he bounds up to pull out a two liter of mountain dew from the fridge. "How can you drink those?" He asks, eyeing the Vitamin Water with suspicion. "You know they don't really have enough vitamins to make it worth it compared to the sugar, right?" Same old argument, and in the usual cheerful tone.

Then..."What?! You got to talk to Tony Stark?!" Donnatello is distracted from his first bite of pizza, brown eyes wide. "What did he say? What did YOU say! Is he as tall as he looks?" The questions spill out. Eventually the pizza's call wins, though, and he takes a bite. It gives April time to answer anyway.

April O'Neil has posed:
April perches herself onto the stool that she liked... it made her sit up high off the ground so she wasn't short and 'dumpy looking' compared to all of them when they were in here running around her. She liked to be up tall like they were.

As per usual, she just grinned at his words about the water. "I know, I know. They're full of 'cancer' too like everyone on my podcast tells me. 'All food in the grocery stores are laced with cancer creating medication, in order to turn humans into money making schemes for the medical companies!'." She wrinkled her nose at those words and just sipped her water anyway.

"He almost bumped into me and then seemed, I don't know, friendly? Maybe I'm way off base." She held her plastic bottle of water between her knees and shook her head back and forth. "He's a bit shorter than I expected, but still a nice height. And honestly? He seemed... a little under the weather, like he'd just gotten over a sickness... But, I don't know. Maybe he was out drinking all night."

Donatello has posed:
Not exactly the most glamorous light for his idol to shine in, but he nodded eagerly anyway. Where did that first pizza slice go?? Well, he is pulling another slice out, "Extra cheesy! Oh yeah!" He says with a smile for April. Cheesy, that Donnie for you.

"I would love to be able to sit down and pick his brain. Like, how did he configure the mechanism on the suit to, well, suit him up!" Donatello says between bites. "Mmm! That reminds me," He wanders back into his work room off the main layer, pizza still in hand. "Where did I put those..." He pokes and prods before, "AHA!" He pulls open an old battered filing cabinet. What he pulls out is a small, and stained but clean, hello kitty drawstring pouch. Shell-shoving the drawer closed he brings it back over and presents it to her.

"I figured you could use something just for you, in case trouble found you before we did!" He says proudly, taking another big bite of super cheesy pizza. Inside is what looks to be an old news microphone. Only they don't usually have to metal prods sticking out one end. There is a button with a lightning bolt on it. Taser? Taser.

April O'Neil has posed:
April would follow him when he wandered back into his workroom and she sipped her water and grinned. "Hey, stick with me and maybe I'll be able to shmooze him enough someday to get you a chance to meet him!" She wasn't sure she'd ever have that kind of clout, but one can home, right?

At the sight of the microphone, April's eyes went wider for a second. "Woah, hey. That looks pretty wicked." She reached out for it with her free hand and accepted the offered gift. "Thanks, Donny!" She says to him with a big grin. "How many volts does it do? Will I be like... Jurassic Parking-people with this thing?" She turned it over in her hand to try to figure it out visually. She spots the button and can't help but give it a testing press!

Donatello has posed:
There goes that second slice while she is looking the taser over. "It has a dial on the bottom, cause there are some crazy strong people out there. It goes up to 30,000 but you only need about 1500. There's a selector under that slidey bit on the bottom," He says, pointing. It looks like a battery case, but has a little lcd with up and down areas, battery readout, and current voltage. "And it charges on micro-usb! Aaaaahhhh!" And he mimics a crowd cheering, waving his hands above his head.

That silliness down he sits back and folds his arms over his chest. He'll leave the others -some- pizza after all. One more piece. Then he leans forward and takes one more before reclining back. "Now the fair reporter will be able to protect herself fairly!" He so clever.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes scanned over the parts of the microphone that he was indicating to her and she was making little noises of being 'impressed' by it all. 'Ooooo' and 'Wooow' soft and subtle sounds.

When he spoke of its charging ability she opened her eyes wider again. "Really? Holy crap." She said to him then. "This is amazing. I'll keep it on me all the time! Boy." She laughed then and turned it around a few times. "If only I'd had this a few times this past summer... Its going to be hard not to dial it up to thirty thousand on all the scum bags that come up and try to push me around." She flashes him a grin then.

"Thank you, Donny, its wonderful." She gives the Techy Turtle a big warm smile. "Now I definitely have to get you an internship at Stark's crystaline tower in midtown, huh?"

Donatello has posed:
Turtles can blush, Donnie's a pro at it. "Awww, it was nothing. I just remember you talking about the creeps and figured you should have something else, besides Leo pushing to give you lessons," He seemed suddenly bashful at the praise. It was okay when he did it, but April! Oh boy.

"Just try and get the fleshy bits. It doesn't work as well through fabric," He says after swallowing his last bite of pizza. He likes his fingers, then wipes them on the napkin. Then he wipes his non-existant lips, "So how did the rest of the party go? Meet anyone else interesting?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April held the microphone in her one hand and the bottle of vitamin water in the other and she just grinned at him and his reaction to the compliment. "So right in their fleshy necks is what you're telling me, right?" She asked, laughing a little. "I'll be sure to get them good, don't worry." It was only inevitable afterall... before April got herself into trouble again. She had people trying to find out where she lived just because she was a tv/internet personality, let alone all the cases of criminal activity around town that she was always trying to uncover and poke her nose into.

April tucked the microphone into her jacket pocket's interior pocket on the right side and she patted it softly a couple of times. "Safe and sound, now I feel like a super spy." Another little grin was given then toward him.

"The party went well though." She said while sitting down on the back of their sofa. "A loooot of guys coming up to talk to me, so many that I barely even remember any of their names. But yeah, thats pretty standard at things like that. Especially once all the rich folks start passing the drinks around. I had a great interview with Bruce Wayne though, so that was invigorating."

Donatello has posed:
"Well, you kind of are a spy. Just not a super -secret- spy," Donnie says, waving his napkin as he plucks it free. "April, she'll find you out! She's super spy," He snaps and points at her before stretching.

What does Gotham's millionest-millionaire have to say these days?" He asks, getting up to follow her, flopping into one of the frumpy recliners. "Seems to me like all he does it throw money around and have a new blond with him every week." Bruce isn't one of his idols, however.

April O'Neil has posed:
April turned around on the sofa and put her legs over it to rest her feet on the cushions (she walks on all the dry 'cleanest' stretches of concrete in the sewers on her way here!). "As many times as I've tripped and fallen while sneaking around, I think its safe to say that I'm far from super at spying. More like... Mediocre Not Very Secret Spy." And she grinned at him after that bit of self depricating humor.

She took another sip of her water and shook her head gently once, her right hand ran through some of the dark red strands of hair on the right side of her face. "He was being pretty... politiciany? Is the best way to describe it. You know, very smiley and happy and hoping everyone just enjoyed a slightly different take on the usual rich person party. It was outdoors in a fancy tent. The food was fantastic too!"

Donatello has posed:
"Huh...he never seemed interested in politics to me. Orphans, yes, but not politics," Donatello opened his dew and took a good long glug from it. "Was there pizza?" Because it really isn't a party without one. Everyone who is anyone knows this!

Something dings in the workroom. Like a toaster oven or twist timer. "Oh!" He hops up and goes into the room. Carefully, with tongs, he pulls some pieces of metal that just finished acid etching from their 'bath'. He stares at it thoughtfully, washing it off in another basin of water. "Hmmmm...' He seems disappointed and so sets it on a shelf before slumping onto his stool with a sigh.

"Do you ever get the feeling like your missing something in life?" He asks, tilting his head to the side in thought. Trust Donnie to go philosophical after food. "Do you think Bruce Wayne does? I wonder these things when I watch the news sometimes. Like...what is he missing that makes him so mad? Or sad? Or what do they have that makes them so happy? That one isn't as common though..." So rare to get alone time to -talk- with April. She appreciates his intellect after all!