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Latest revision as of 18:47, 25 February 2018

Enough English
Date of Scene: 01 February 2018
Location: Harry's Bar, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: At the end of a school day, Betsy and Peter head to Harry's where they run into Logan.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Psylocke, Spider-Man

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan was in the same haunt as yesterday. His worn leather jacket, cowboy boots, and blue jeans seems to be well worn. His white t-shirt, peeking out from under the jacket, was also old, and showed signs of wear and tear. There was a half empty beer mug in front of him, and at this time, his head was on the bar...and was that the sound of...snoring?

    "Zzzzzzzz..." Logan's head was on his right arm, and the sounds were quite loud. Harry was behind the bar, wiping down a few beer mugs, looking at Logan and shaking his head.

Psylocke has posed:
"I don't understand why I'm teaching English," Betsy is complaining to Peter as she walks in the door, stomping off her boots on the rug just inside and glancing around for an open table. "I mean just because I'm British doesn't mean that I should be teaching that subject. They spell everything wrong over here. Letters backwards or skipped altogether." She shakes her head, violet hair shifting around her shoulders as she spots a familiar figure at the bar. She motions toward Logan and starts walking that direction. "Let's be honest. They speak and write American. Not English."

Arriving at the bar, she raises her brows as she hears the snoring noise, looking to Harry in the hopes he might have an explanation for the bar nap.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter Parker was starving. Somehow, he had got it into his head that Premium Plus crackers were an acceptable substitute for lunch, and so with classes over at the school, he'd popped over to Harry's Hideaway with Betsy. Harry's had a Grilled Cheese sandwich to die for, and it went very well with a side of tomato soup. Okay, so Peter wasn't the most daring of people, but he was an acquired taste. He opened the door, holding it for Betsy, and then another person, and yet another... yeah, that was his lot in life. And when he was finally able to pull himself from being the defacto doorman, "probably because you understand what an Oxford comma is. And that's why they need to learn English from someone who's actually English. And just because something's trendy doesn't make it right." He takes his seat at the bar next to her, and glances over at Logan, "I don't think I've ever seen Logan pass out from alcohol?" And suddenly he wondered just what Harry was putting in the drinks.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan sniffs, starts, snorts, and sits up suddenly, speaking Japanese. Realising where he was, Logan wipes the drool from his chin which seems to create a sheepish expression on his face. Mumbling to himself, Logan gives Harry a dirty look, who shrugs and pours beer for the new arrivals. "Thanks for waking me up, Harry." Logan frowns and grumbles again, wiping the exhaustion from his eyes. "Too man hero teams...not enough sleep...".

    That was when Logan notices Betsy and Parker. Oh great, not his best moment. Sighing, Logan points to his mug, the two of them, and then at himself. Harry gets the point, and pours three mugs of Keith's from the secret stash that was the draft pipes in front of him. Placing the three mugs on the bar, Harry disappears, as he was wont to do, and Logan peers at Betsy with a grin.

    "My favorite Ninja!" Logan says, cheerily. Peering around her at Parker, Logan adds, "And her pet spider. Nice." Logan takes a drink from the fresh beer, sighs, forgoes the burp this time, and wipes his chin with his left hand. "Ah. Good stuff, that Canadian beer."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Konbanwa, Logan-san." Peter said, using up almost all of his Japanese knowledge in that one go. He didn't know what Logan was talking about with the two-man hero team, but he tried not to pry. Peter was pretty sure something strange was going on at Xavier's, but he was just a teaching assistant there, no more, and no less. "Harry, I'll have a four cheese grilled sandwich with a side of tomato soup, and uh, a plate of Nachos for Logan," it'd help with the alcohol, all that grease and fat, plus, Logan didn't exactly have to worry about calories. But then suddenly Peter blinks at being called a pet spider. Did Logan know? How could he? Did Betsy tell him. "I think you have me confused with Dr. McCoy. He teaches biology, I'm teaching chemistry... as a teaching assistant." Not that he was assisting anyone. He was a T.A. with his own class.

Psylocke has posed:
As the beer is placed in front of her, Betsy keeps her gaze on Logan. "Maybe you should slow down a bit. Stop with the extra teams, settle down to just six or seven." She's teasing. And she's not. The man is stretched too thin and obviously isn't getting enough frest to be sleeping with his head on the bar. Anyone could've come up and attacked hm.

Nevermind. Like that would be a problem with him? He'd just get stabbed or shot and be mad about it after the fact. She doesn't address the spider comment as she hasn't revealed his secret. With Logan's sense of smell? She has no doubt he figured things out on his own.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan eyes Peter sideways, through bloodshot eyes, and grunts again. "Nice try kid." The Japanese actually wasn't bad. As the kid orders his lunch, Logan nods, and says, "Thanks Parker. That would hit the spot actually. Goes great with beer."

    Appreciative at the kind gesture, Logan takes another drink as he tries to hide the noise coming from his stomach. "Perfect timing too..." He says, under his breath.
Logan hears the last sentence out of Parker, looks at Psylocke, then back at Parker, and shakes his head. "You both smell like each other...it's like catchin' ya' in tha' act." Logan says at the question in Peter's eyes. "No worries, secret's safe and all that."

    "Yeah. Six or seven would be nice, Bets." Logan grins. He always had a warm place for Betsy. Must be the Ninja thing, not her athletic physique or anything. Nope. Looking away, Logan actually blushes a bit, and adds, "So, how 'bout them Patriots?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter just shook his head, not really having a clue what Logan was talking about, or at least trying to pretend so. He knew there were a lot of mutants at the school, mostly, he learned about the students. The teachers on the other hand, the mutant ones, well, he tried not to pry. But he figured Logan had an enhanced sense of smell, or something like that. "I'm more of a Jets fan actually, though never been too into American Football. I've uh," he looked to Betsy, "been developing an appreciation for Association Football, Go Cosmos!" Referring to the New York Cosmos of the Major League. "Come on Betsy, order something. I know how you work. I order the Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup and you have my cheese, bread, and the soup." He was smiling even as he knew what she was up to, or at least suspected.

Psylocke has posed:
"Patriots?" Betsy asks in a bit of confusion until she hears Peter's answer. "Oh. American football. I couldn't care less. If you want to discuss real football, then we'll be in business. What is the fascination over here with that sport? Tackling one another, no real finesse invilved." She shakes her head and makes a slight tsking noise then glances over at Peter at the suggestion for his sandwich.

"I'm not hungry at the moment. Had a big lunch." She still hasn't touched the beer. When Harry comes in range, she orders a bottle of water though. "I didn't realize you'd been watching Association Football."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods, and says, "Yeah, I'm more a Raiders fan, meeself kid. Not like ah've had much to cheer about the last ten years or so." Logan sighs and takes a drink. "Been a dry spell, but that's okay. We got Gruden coming back! Wish I had his payout...100 mill, ah could buy this bar..." Logan ignores Harry's laugh, and goes back to his beer.

    "Never was a soccer guy myself, Bets." Logan says, continuing her comment. "Not unless there is some contact. Although, there have been some rough games, and riots, so must not be all bad." Logan grins, and watches as the natchos amd Parker's sammich arrives. "Mmmm..." Logan says, as he starts in on the food. "Bets, feel free!" Logan says, nodding towards the natchos.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Raiders, huh? Funny, I never would've pegged you as a Vegas guy." When his food arrives, Peter dutifully separates the grilled cheese sandwich into two, one on his side, and one facing Betsy. He places the bowl of soup, as well as the spoon, nearer to her too. Taking a bite into his sandwich, he makes a loud 'mmm' sound of approval, "amazing as usual, Harry." He loved the food here. The burgers, the grilled cheese, the Nachos, everything was so good. Sometimes a greasy spoon can be the best kind of dining.

Psylocke has posed:
Looking at the nachos then the grilled cheese and soup, Betsy's stomach does a dip to the right then a slow roll to the left. "No, I think I'm good. Thank you both though," she says as she breaks the seal on the water bottle and takes a small sip. Her simply turkey sandwich at lunch was sufficient and it had settled just fine. The level of grease today was just a little beyond her body's ability to cope. Too bad. She normally loved greasy food and cheap beer. Her parents would roll over in their graves if they realized that.

"I was just discussing with Peter as we came in. I am a little tired of teaching English. Do we have any other subjects open at the moment that you know of?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yeah." Logan says something of the four word variety when Vegas was mentioned. Logan watches as Parker eats, enjoys, and thanks Harry. "On me Harry. Put it on my tab, as usual." Harry shakes his head, and says, "You gonna pay up sometime Logan?" LOgan grimaces, grumbles under his breath again with four letter words, and takes out a wad of bills. Tossing it at Harry, Logan says, "Tha should cover the tab, and a few months of beers."

    Shaking his head, Logan turns to Psylocke, and says, "No respect fer their elders." Logan shakes his head. "Suit yerself Bets." As Logan takes a handful of cheese and natchos and salsa, and crams it into his moouth. "S'good em utsa' hot em mmmm." Eating with his mouthful was a, well, mouthful.

    Cheese dripping off his chin, and his eyes deep in thought, Logan replies with a, "You could consider teaching philosophy or sumethin'? Maybe fencing? Mind discipline?" Logan points at his temple with his salsa stained left fingers.

Spider-Man has posed:
Surprised that Betsy turned down the grilled cheese and soup, and the Nachos, Peter wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He dug into his sandwich some more, and had some of the soup, trying to tone his enjoyment down. They really did have such great food here, not the healthiest, but definitely tasty. "I'm still new here, so it's kind of strange to me that people change courses in the middle of a semester, but Xavier's is... a unique school. Really, you should teach whatever you're qualified for, that you enjoy." And did he just get free food? Peter tried to hold his hand up, "no, it's okay, I'll pay," but if Logan insisted, he'd happy take free food. He wasn't exactly wealthy. Most of what he did earn went to help support his Aunt May. "Well, wow, thanks Logan." And suddenly, the food seemed to taste even better. Listening to Logan and Betsy, he wondered just how far they went back. He seemed to know a lot about her. He wasn't jealous, just trying to get the lay of the land.

Psylocke has posed:
"Oh, I won't switch until the semester is over," Betsy reassures Peter. "I wouldn't do that to the students. I'm just getting a little tired of the same thing. You know me. Adrenaline junkie, need to be doing something physical. Maybe I should take over the phys ed class," she muses as she sips her water again before considering the suggestions from Logan.

"I do a little tutoring on the side in the use of telepathy," she says, voice low enough they won't be overheard. Except maybe by Harry but he's heard it all through the years they've been at the school and coming here. "Philosophy sounds like something you should tackle though. You have more experience with various theories and belief systems."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods, and says, "Yeah, Xavier's sure is a unique school. It's lucky to have you as a teacher kid." Logan says to Parker, probably the only positive thing he's ever said to the young man. Logan then eyes Parker, and says, "Ah'm paying. No argument. Alright?" Logan says, with a growl. "You get it next time." Logan leans back, and stifles a burp. That was when he realises his has a cheese hanger off his chin. Wiping it away, Logan smiles.

    "Phys ed? Yeah, good call Bets. I could help you with that." Logan gets a twinkle in his eye, and a voracious grin. "It's be fun torturing...um, I mean, gettin' those kids inta shape." Logan laughs. "Me. Philosophy. Hah. Maybe..." Logan thought it was silly at first, but the more he thought about it, the more...he realised he needed another drink.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Gee, thanks Logan." Peter didn't know too much about the school, didn't even know whether Logan was the man's first or last name, unless he was like Sting or Bono, using just the one name. And the thanks was both to the compliment, and the fact that it was Logan's treat. "Phys Ed, philosophy, English, you can teach anything you set your mind to, I just know it. Like, Logan used to teach history," he knew that much, "and now he's a groundskeeper. Probably very therapeutic, tending to the plants rather than the kids?" Logan seemed happier, when Peter saw him, since the change. Then again, it was more like less grumpy rather than 'happier'. With school over for the day, good food, good drink, and good friends, they'd all end up spending more time at Harry's than they expected. But while Peter and Betsy had to get back into the city, Logan had a place, right here at Harry's, where he could lay his head, and rest a few.