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Latest revision as of 19:02, 25 February 2018

In the Trenches
Date of Scene: 06 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Ares

Redstar has posed:
Rain and Thunder and mud and blood. The entire day had been spent learning how to fight in horrible weather conditions with a wide array of things sent against her. Now she sat in the mud and rain in a trench off to one side of a bloody and body-strewn battlefield. Another wave of vicious creatures had attacked and she had managed to take them down, but her wing sails were ripped and shredded from where they had leaped on her back. The pain was bad even as her body healed the injury.

For the moment her head was in her hands. It had been some months already, but she was still tired. It had been a long day of slogging through rain, ice, snow, sand, and even water. That one had been painful. Sharks should not be that big! If they were sharks, she didn't get a good look. The slap of boots in the mud made her looks up curiously.

One of many servants to the god of War, wearing the form of a human soldier, was walking towards her purposefully. In one hand a bucket full of water. It had become obvious that her healing came at a cost, one that left her ravenous and thirsty. There was no food this time, but water was welcome. And she took the cup from the soldier with a brief nod of thanks, scooping up water even as rain fell to fill it as well. "Thank you," She said after gulping down the cup, reaching to fill it from the bucket once more.

Ares has posed:
Not even Ares was above giving the young woman respite.

After defeating yet another monster...yet another opponent, he sent one of his servants to fetch the woman water, but not food. she had to learn to survive on minimal supplies. Though he would appear before her after the servant had given her water and drink, and subsequently left.

"You've done well. YOu're skills improve and your ability to survive increases. You should be proud of yourself. Many have died where you have succeeded."

He says approvingly, a smile to her. He noticed her tears though, looking at her and her pain.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky finishes her drink and drops the cup back into the bucket before rubbing her face. The rain mostly was keeping her face clean, but she looked like a soggy mess still. She didn't start when she opened her eyes after blinking to find Ares standing there. Instead she bowed her head respectfully and stood.

"Surviving is part of the point, isn't it? I don't like the idea of dying, that's for sure," Vicky says. The more tired, and hungry, she gets the more lippy. Not to mention she is only 18. The pain has been balled up, compacted, turned into ice, shoved down especially when Ares is around. "Should I be bothered that this all comes naturally to me?" She asks after a quiet pause.

Ares has posed:
Ares nods and makes a gesture that would permit Vicky to rise from her bowed position, then looks her in the eyes as she sass mouths him. He permits it, given all she's been through. "You speak true. Though not many learn as quickly...not many at all." he offers her a small smile though as he gestures that she may sit back down, leaning against the wall of the trench.

"Your training has granted you skills and gave you courage. Though it is not yet complete..." he lifts his head and the loud roar of a monster can be heard. Though Vicky can feel her wounds healing -far- faster, the liquid given to her being a powerful healing agent. "There is still much to come. Though I have a faith that you will endure...you remind me of.." his daughter. Long passed, but still an echo in his heart. He shakes his head. "mmm...someone I used to know. A very long time ago." he smiles to her softly then before he pushes off the wall, looking at her. "Oh, you'll need this." he conjures a sword from out of thin air and hands it to her. "This will prove useful."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky lets herself sink back down at the gesture, looking relieved to do so. Relieved enough she smiles just a bit before the road sounds. The roar mostly banishes and she can't help hide the cringe on her face. She does manage not to groan in dismay. Instead she listens, raising a brow ever so slightly at the mention of her reminding him of someone.

Slowly she rises back to her feet, fanning her wings, and glancing back as the last tatters fuse together. Time to think on that little bit later, after sleep, when she has free time. Whenever that is. For now she has a monster to apparently deal with and a sword from Ares. Her eyes go from the blade to her Master and she takes it with a certain surety. It's amazing what hours upon hours of being forced to learn to use it or get slashed apart, all the while regenerating, will do to a person. She didn't care for the experience, so she learned the blade. This one she took and tested the heft almost instantly. Though she didn't toss it or anything so fancy, she gave test slashes and blocks, cuts and thrusts. "Hopefully I can honor that memory," She says.

She crouches down and then takes a mighty super-strength leap upwards into the skies of Areopagus. As she soars up her wings snap out to help in her ascension till she can circle, and observe her foe from on high. Always play to your advantages when you can. One of the first rules he had taught her. Though not verbally. Having to slog across the Battlefields to get to the Palace had been lesson and some.

Ares has posed:
Ares smiles softly to himself as the gust of wind from Vicky's take off manages to blow many things away -but him-. A small shake of his head then before he simply starts to walk to the battlefield, looking at many of the bodies that Vicky had taken down over the course of the past few months here in the Areopagus. Regardless, he smiles softly. "heh....they grow fast, these days..." and since she was alrady gone, he mutters "You already have." He recalls his child with a fondness....then an overwhelming sorrow. but he has a godlike composure, and his face remains as still as stone.

The creature that Vicky seems to come across in the air seems to be a behemoth. a strange hybrid of a Lizard and a Velociraptor. The monster roars again, but doesn't appear to have noticed Vicky quite yet, it can still hear her wings flapping...

Oh, it can also breathe fire.

Go get 'em!

She does notice however...that this ceature has been here for some time, considering the few weak points and miniscule spots where scales harder than steel used to be...areas of interest!

Redstar has posed:
Vicky circles several times with eyes narrowed and evaluating the excessively large creature. "Things should just not be that big," She comments to herself, shaking her head. Then she comes to hover, always an awkward looking thing, as her eyes search for those weak spots. "Well, try the basics first," She says as two orbs appear over each hand. "Bombs away," She says.

It's kept her sane, the banter, amidst the overwhelming death. And so she idly tosses the globes, silent silvery balls of liquid nitrogen, down onto the behemoth's head. If it doesn't do anything, and she doesn't expect it too, it is enough to distract it to look up. Where she won't be anymore, for she stops flapping and lets herself drop like a stone, turning it into a steep dive.

The sword at her side and ready she arcs in her dive to come around one shoulder. The first, for the moment, doesn't so much worry her. It may wreak havoc on her clothes, but that's why she had switched to leather. Her skirt fluttered around her hips at the passing wind. If anyone was clocking her as she came out of the dive, it would be over 100mph.

Ares has posed:
The massive creature seems to be just annoyed by her nitrogen balls of uber death, and it seems to lift it's head and spew a catacomb of fire at the half-angel, half-demon young woman. Though it clearly missed, Vicky has surefire access o her speed..which is through the roof. It's not bad at all!


Across the field was Ares sitting on a small rock formation as he watched the bout. "Heh...not bad kid." he says as he watches Vicky use that speed he's been waiting for her to master and improve. With wings like those?? you gotta use 'em right." Either way, Ares looks to be in approval.

"What will you do now, I wonder?"

THe monster is having a really hard time keeping track of Vicky.