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Latest revision as of 19:13, 25 February 2018

Operational Net
Date of Scene: 08 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Gregory Stark

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
A tall redhead is currently standing behind a large tap screen interface computer, talking with two of her store helpers and boards about the internet and the pain that is being caused by the whole internet lockdown and whatnot... "This is getting bloody inconvenient, it's difficult to get customers outside the magic community." One of the girls with Kae comments and Kae shrugs "Yaaah, I've enough put back that we shouldn't have much to worry about..."

Gregory Stark has posed:
     Outside the sky has grown dark from clouds, gathered overhead to dispense small flakes of white snow onto the world from on high. The snow quickly mixes with the light dusting on the streets and sidewalks only serving to add to the reminder that it's still a long way from the end of winter.

     Out front a stretch limousine pulls up, pure white from stem to stern with mirrored windows on every window save for the drivers and the windshield. There's no easy way to tell who might be inside the vintage Rolls Royce, but there are only so many people in the city who could afford one.

     Coming to a stop the front passenger door opens up, a woman in an all white uniform jumping out from within to run to the back door. Under her arm she holds what looks to be a sample of carpeting, or perhaps a door mat. Once she reaches the door she sets the mat onto the ground, before promptly opening the door to reveal the all white leather interior of the extraordinary vehicle.

     It takes but a moment for a man clad in an all white suit, tie, and trench-coat to climb out from the back of the vehicle followed by an identical woman holding a briefcase. (Identical to the one who'd jumped fourth from the passenger door.) His eyes are covered by mirrored shades, white as the freshly fallen so much like the rest of him.

     He makes his way to the front door briefcase carrying woman in toe, as her identical twin shuts the door, and collects the mat, before running back to the front of the limousine. It's only a moment before she closes the door behind herself and the Rolls Royce speeds off to its next destination.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and taps an icon on a screen.... She sighs and mutters "Internet's boring now a days..." She says, and Wendy replies "Duuuh, got a crazy organization interrupting all communications world wide...." Kae nods slowly and smirks "Well most.." She then looks up and notices the limmo outside and the people in white heading toward the door... "Get a look at that..." She mutters, and Tanya points out to Kae "Least it's not the kind with the box truck and white suits looking to put a jacket on you..."

Kae peers at the girl and shrugs "Last time that happened they didn't like the result..." She says and the girl giggles... "Folks don't like being barnyard animals Boss..." Kae smirks "Oh I know.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     Gregory makes his way to the front door before pausing to be overtaken by the woman who'd been following behind him. Everything about her is strangely generic, the kind of face that's hard to really remember save for the face it's so plain Jane. She's asian, with black hair and brown eyes, but everything about her is muted, and there's a glassy nature to her eyes as she reaches out to grab the door.

     Her white gloved hands grasp the handle and open the door, before she steps to one side. Her head goes down slightly as she allows Gregory to walk into the building. Just a few steps later she follows him into the building closing the door behind herself gently.

     Gregory looks about the shop his own gloved hands going deep down inside the pockets of his white trench coat. He takes in the sights looking and moving around from one object of interest to the next. Nothing seems to hold his attention for long as he makes his twisting turning path to the front counter.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae watches the new fellow curiously, eyes looking over the top of the computer screen she is at behind the checkout terminal. Her eyes then shift to the terminal and her tongue sticks out of the corner of her mouth, before she litterally reaches into the screen, as if she'd reach into a shelf, and pulls out a soda pop of all things... She then hands that to Tina who was walking up with an empty can...

Tina smiles happily "Thanks boss!" Before Kae nods and goes back to tapping on the screen again as if nothing had happened. She then glances back up at Greg curiously and watches the man now, before finally asking "Anything I can do to help?"

Gregory Stark has posed:
     Gregory takes his time responding. His focus is on other things, so he almost doens't notice the woman reaching through her monitor. There's a slight pause in his motions as he narrows eyes on the screen, watching as a can is pulled from it. Magic. What were you going to do about it. Monetize it was the obvious answer but that would take time.

     "Lovely shop you have here." He finally says not really answering the question as his assistant silently and emotionlessly manipulates a book in her hands. Her eyes look intently into the surface as Gregory turns on the balls of his heels to face the desk. "How long you been open?" He adds.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles slightly and shrugs "A few years here..." she says and shrugs "Few more years gathering up some ofthe stuff... Still gathering stuff..." she adds. The woman glances to her three helpers, one of which, dressed much like a classical witch, makes her way over and deposits a drink at Kae's desk, waving to her before going back behind the coffee counter... Kae glances at it picks it up and takes a sip. "So what brings you here?"

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "Nice place," Gregory starts, grabbing a nicknack of his own off the shelf. "Thought I'd stop by and see how business was fairing, offer to buy you out." Spoken in a calm and nonchalaunt manner that almost lets the last bit slide past completely unnoticed while he sets back down the tchotchke. "You know how it goes, head out on the town, eat dinner, buy out a shop or two along the way if they catch your fancy."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smirks and nods... "Don't think you've got the right capital to buy me out here... Not even with Stark or Wayne type money." She comments and shrugs... She then grins "Lots more to this place than just money..." She adds... Yup she's one of those! Kae adds "Lots more to this place than you might think.. More than just bricks, mortar, money, stock... That and my clientel might get a little crank with you, I don't think you'd want to make too many of them upset..."

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "I get twenty five percent of sales, you get five hundred thousand dollars capital to spend any way you please." Gregory offers, without even looking at the woman. "That's cash, by the way." Spoken as if he'd not even heard a single word from the woman behind the counter. "In return you get the full marketing might of Stark Global solutions behind your business, as well as the opportunity to expand into a franchise." He pauses looking back to the computer monitor for a long moment. "Unless you'd like to make a counter offer."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers at Gregory "Ummmm... No thanks.... I like my little secluded by way place. I'm happy with my current sales and all.. " She says and smiles cheerfully... "As I said, I sell to the public yes, but most of y business comes from a rather exclusive list of clientel. Not something you advertise on tv or the internet or the like. You know? Now if you need rare books found, and odd reagents and materials. We're the business for that... Also, we don't allways deal in money here... Trade and barter is quite often used..."

Gregory Stark has posed:
     There's a light tilt of the head from Gregory as he hears the words, before he simply shrugs his shoulders. He's still not doing a good job of looking Kae in the eyes, simply taken in by the sights of interest around every corner. "Can't blame a billionaire for trying" He pauses. "Well you could, but it wouldn't be very fair." He picks up a well worn leather-bound book with a face on the front of it, and fiddles around with the lock on the side of it. "Gregory Stark, by the way, pleasure meeting you."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nodds and smiles "Ya look lots like yer brother." She says with a sight smile... "So what brings you out here? Looking for stores to buy into? That all?" She asks curiously, resting her elbows on the counter top and resting hre chin in hands as she watches the billionair.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "With the public internet down there's not much else to do" As he lightly attempts to open the book without breaking it to no avail, before just examining the spine. "Rising Tide made sure of that." He pauses. "Though I suppose if I wanted I could spend my time surfing through the lan network back at the compound." He turns his head. "Not nearly as much fun as buying up stores that seem interesting and causing them to turn a profit."

     He offers a bit of a friendly smile, before tossing the book right back where he'd gotten it from with care. His assistant still just glaring at the book in her hands. "It's honestly more fun then people give it credit for, turning a failing business, or even just a surviving business with a narrow outlook into a real enterprise for change."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles slightly and nods... "This isn't a failing business.. Small yes, but not failing... Not many out there that do what I do. As such, I get quite a bit of business from all over." she says as she motions around the place. "I have plenty of stock, some of which I make my self, all procurred by me, curios and odds and ends, books from all over including dating back to late renaissance era.. I have reagents for potions, and enchanting the likes of which many havn't seen outside my own little community and whatnot..." she says and shrugs slowly."Very special place this is..."

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "It's certainly interesting, I'll give you that." Gregory concurs before moving over to the other side of the shop still looking with vague interest at what happens to be for sale. "Not often I find something I haven't seen before." That was a bold faced lie of course, but it was said with such an earnest sense of honesty it may so well have been a fact. "Yet it seems everywhere I look there's something new."

     It's at this point he notices his Assistant and the book. "Put that down, I'm not going to buy it for you" Said in a somewhat stern voice as he looks over his sunglasses at her. It's only a moment before the woman sets the book back down.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
The tall readhead smirks and nods slowly. She then grins knowingly "Trust me I imagine there's plenty here you havn't seen... "She says.. At this point a small dragon, comes fluttering into the place. It looks real enough, moves like a living creature even, save its eyes appear to besmoot internally faceted amethyst.. The scales are a deep aged bronze in color, almost black, there's also fine runes going down his spine on either side of the tiny center ridge....

The creature lights lightly on Kae's shoulder and rests it's little forepaws on the side of her head... "Gee Fan, you choose the best times to show up huh?" She says and shrugs before reaching into her pocket and puling out a small cheese cracker for the critter.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     Gregory pauses placing a hand inside either pocket of his white coat. He nods his head before walking over towards his assistant, and tapping her on the forehead. She stops mid motion and stands perfectly still, inhumanly so. He taps out a short sequence on her head and the woman's entire spiderwebs open into an array of mechanical pieces each holding a section of face no larger then a centimeter. The pieces slide out to either side revealing the inner-workings of the robot, and a small SD card slot.

     Reaching into her face he plucks out the gold card with his gloved hand, and replaces it with a red card from his pocket. A quick tap on the side of her head closes up the woman's face once more and for a long moment she looks zoned out, like someone high on some form of narcotic. Then she simply shakes her head before falling into a stance more becoming of a bodyguard.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers and stares atthe woman while still feeding the little dragon. Nope no sd cards or any such, it's just crackers, cheezits to be precise... "So what do you make of this whole internet thing? Bout how long till our intelligence communities do something about it?"

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "At the moment, it's the best thing to happen to my company in years." Gregory comments while loading the gold sd card into a small plastic case, before tucking it back into his pocket. "We've been raking in contracts for our LAN systems more so then at any other point in the last 10 years." He pauses to place his hands in his pockets again and look towards the pet, sizing it up as it noms a cracker. "If this keeps up we'll be in a prime position for expansion." Pause for a beat. "I'd say it won't take long before everything goes back to normal, a week or two tops, but I'd certainly say we'll have a fair share of bankruptcies before then."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods slowly and grins "My book sales havn't ever bee higher I can say that... Lots more people looking for entertainment coming in and buying a good book..." She adds .. "Not that I make a ton on normal fiction sales, but quadrupling fiction sales in the last few days has been quite nice." She then nods "So a few days huh? Too bad about all the business posibly going bankrupt...

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "If they can't handle a simple global internet shutdown, they weren't very sustainable to begin with." Gregory states rather coldly once the creature has finished eating its cracker. He's rather nonchalant about the whole thing. "Companies rise and fall on their ability to adapt to an ever changing environment, any that can't don't deserve their position in the first place."

     He pauses looking back towards the book from earlier. After a moment he picks it up and brings it to the register. "In business it pays to detach yourself from the emotional side of things and focus on the factors you can mitigate." A quick moment to snap his fingers for the briefcase to be brought over to him by his assistant, his other hand now holding the book up. "How much?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae giggles "Necronomicon replica? The're 35 dollars." She says and shrugs "Just be careful, when active they can bite at times..." She says as she points at the little tag hanging out of it. "It's a gag book. Lotsa good reading yes, but it can get cranky at times and nip, won't do damage but be inconvenient oh and it will throw out insults at you in Ash's voice..." She says and giggles "One of my more fun and playful enchantments

Gregory Stark has posed:
     Gregory's assistant flips open the combination lock on the briefcase, while the man himself presses his thumb onto the handle in order for the print recognition to work its wonders. The case is flipped open to reveal row after row of hundred dollar bills in neat little paper clips to keep them organized.

     Reaching into the case Gregory pulls out a hundred dollar bill, and sets it down onto the counter. "Keep the change" He offers with a smile as he sets it down onto the counter, the case left open for anyone who wants to, to see. "I'm going to have fun with this at the company party."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks at the cnote.. She's not going to argue but she blinks at it... She then grins a bit... "Here.." She says and hands over a roll of parchment... "Make cards out of this, don't print anything on it, like business cards... Hand it out, and whenever someone tries to read it it will randomly insult them..." She says and smiles slightly. "Out loud I might add..." she offers... Yah that could probably be fun too...

When Tanya hears that Kae's handing that stuff out, she guffahs.. "Yah it's great at parties!" The young auburn-headed girl calls out.. "We also sometimes hand that stuff out at school, or do our homework on it... If you put print on it it will show the print and then switch to the insult afterward, whenever someone tries to read it..."

Gregory Stark has posed:
     There's a smile across Gregory's face, as he motions for his assistant to flip shut the briefcase. "That'll be interesting, should do wonders for moral." He grabs hold of the paper with care allowing it to rest on his gloved hand. "You wouldn't believe how long those parties can drag on without something interesting to liven them up a bit."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Oooh I'v seen my fair share." She responds with a big smile. "You'd be amazed at the kinds of boredom that filters into meetings and get togethers for those in my line of work..." She says and takes a pull on her drink happily... "Want a coffee?"

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "Never turn down a good cup of coffee." Gregory lies through his teeth yet again, before leaning down onto the counter. His attention falls on the small stack of products he's procured this evening, a good haul to be sure, but still not what he'd intended. He needs to find a good store or product to invest in to make this night truly worth while.

     In the background his assistant remains vigilant over the store, no longer fiddling with trinkets instead merely watching the passing faces that move by the shop, her hands folded in front of herself.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins abit, actually the coffee is exceptionally good... not just good, it's probably one of the tops in the whole area.. Kae smiles a bit and waits for Gregory to drink while she looks around curiously, watching some kid try to pilfer an item, and as they leave that item simply appearing back on the shelf... The kid can be seen checking his pockets for his pilfered wares, all of which having gone back to wherever it was he got em from whether it be from this shop or not... Kae smirks a bit, watching the guy curse from outside... As he storms off, Kae glances back to Gregory curiously.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     Gregory takes a long sip from the cup of coffee, taking in the moment. It was honestly a nice bit of peace in a week that had been filled with the hectic hustle and bustle of life on the move. "Nice coffee." He comments following a sip, before adding. "I'd ask for the recipe, but something tells me the words 'a wizard did it' would be the only reply." His cup of coffee is sat down onto the counter. "Tends to be about the only answer you get from magic types."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks... "Meh, it's just a high end arabica roast... We do the roasting our self here, and our equipment lets us get like the perfect roast on it every time." She says and beams cheerfully... "Anyhow feel free to look around, I gotta go check on something in the back..."