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Latest revision as of 19:28, 25 February 2018

Echoes of Victory
Date of Scene: 12 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Ares has another challenge for Vicky and an offer. A flicker of truth is felt.
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Ares

Redstar has posed:
Vicky has placed a last, passionate, kiss on Shadowlite's lips as the 24 hour mark ticked closer. He had things to attend to anyway and disappeared through a portal. Left alone in the Gotham apartment she sat perched on the back of the couch. In her hand was a book of Greek legends she had picked up some time ago in her hands. Currently she's reading the story of Hermes tattling to Haphaestus and the Maker God forging the fine net to trap a certain adulterous couple. She turns a page and raises a brow before snorting at something in surprise.

Ares has posed:
In the Areopagus, Ares sat on his throne and appeared to rest...though he noticed his disciple was reading on the many legends that he and his kin had created and the humans had utterly worshipped.

With the snap of his fingers, her 24 hours were up and she would find herself back in the realm of the God of War. "I trust your time was useful?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky stumbles slightly as her seating and indeed the entire area of her awareness shifted. But she had been expecting it more than before and the recovery was easy. The book was shut and slid into the fanny pack on her hip quickly. "Good Morning, Master," She says with a boy. "It was informative, if frustrating." A hint of annoyance flutters at the root of her thoughts. A slight frown puckered her brow as she seemed to consider her words.

Slowly she stood at his gesture and her eyes went to his. The spell still held and there was no sign of weakening or wear. If anything it looked like it had gripped her stronger, starting to almost become part of her. So it is no surprise she so unfearingly met his eyes. "People thing you are a bad person and will turn me into a monster," Why beat about the bush?

Ares has posed:
Ares rested his head on his fist, watching Vicky as she stumbles to put a book away. Either way, he seems rather intrigued that she seems frustrated. "Hm. I can feel the conflict in your heart." He states then. After gesturing for her to rise, she asks her bold question....and Ares only looks amused.

he noticed that his spell had gripped her even still. He should likely perform it more often. Either way, he descends those steps as his eyes locked onto hers. "Hmm...do they now? I care not of the opinions of mortals or even other Gods. But allow me to give you advice. Good and Evil, right and wrong, are brands. Brands that sway easily and vary from place to place. All of that falls on personal beliefs and conviction, something so fragile that it may as well not even be bothered with." He states then, a possible bitterness in his voice. Regardless, he looks to Vicky.

"and what do you think?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky smirks a little and bobs her head slightly, "I agree with you," She says without any hesitation. Perhaps that is surprising, but likely not given everything that has happened. "I kept trying to explain that, and kept getting the fact that I slaughtered an entire regiment thrown in my face..." She pauses and sighs. "I find myself struggling to defend you and that frustrates me."

Slowly she licks her lips and one hand absently rests on the pack. "So I've been reading. And reading. And hoping that by studying I can actually get the point across. But I dare say a lot of the reading is not flattering either..."

Ares has posed:
Ares nods softly as he sees the devotion that Vicky has for her god. Either way, he hears that she defends him, and a soft smile is given for her. "Your loyalty will be rewarded." He says softly as he looks out into the battlegrounds.

"sometimes...your friends and your enemies are one and the same. You need only decide how you will act." He turns to face her. "My history reflects that of the other Gods of Olympus. We were cruel and unjust as our power corrupted us beyond reason. I regret nothing, though many things could have been avoided." A shake of his head then.

Redstar has posed:
"And your dad was a right royal dick," Vicky adds with an incredulous shake of her head," Vicky says before she really has time to think about whether that is a good idea. It makes her pause and blush a little bit, looking uncertainly at the God of War. If anything she has come to understand there is deep, abiding, hatred there. "Sorry, that was rude of me," Her voice is quiet and she bites her lower lip.

Ares has posed:
Her words actually gains a laugh from Ares. "Right you are. I hate that man, the Father of the Gods, with a great deal of my being." Clearly he was still hurt...a son who only wished to be loved by his father and mother, but treated only as a dog. Shaking his head softly.

A small silence passed before he spoke again. "It is of no consequence. Why should I punish truth?" A crack of his neck then "my sister would likely reprimand you for such. But I?m me."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky looks vaguely relieved and her shoulders relax slightly, a slight smile returning to her lips. "Your sister?" He had more than one after all. Then she took a guess, "Athena?" It was worth a shot from the mythos she had buried her head in. She was supposed to be the more 'sensible' according to her reading. "Well...I want to prove to them they are wrong about you. I've spent time with you and..." She shakes her head and smiles, trailing off. But the unsaid lingered, o O (I can see past the blood and anger. The Romans understood better.)

Ares has posed:
Ares nodded "Yes...my sister, Athens. The only one of true merit and the only one who really cared...far as I know." He sighs a moment then, though her words soften the heart of the war God. "You have my thanks."

She was right. The Romans saw him for what he is, not what he could become. He was a guardian, inspiration, a war god all the same, but he was possibly the most revered god they had. He defended the Greeks on more than one occasion and even saved the lives of the Olympians more than once. A shake of his head then. "Hm....you make me think of the past." He turns then to sit on a nearby rock.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky pauses and watches the God of War thoughtfully. Then she approaches him and kneels on the ground next to him. "I'm sorry. I just want to understand. The past hurts," And hers didn't stretch the eons either. It only was 17 years, almost 18 now, but it had mostly been betrayal by family.

Perhaps that was why there was some connection between a half-demon and god of Olympus. Certainly it was something for two such unusual creatures to be drawn into such a compact. The glimmer deep in Victoria's voice seemed to almost sing out for a moment, so familiar and yet not to Ares, then it was gone like it had never been.

The girl finds herself looking vaguely puzzled herself. Inside Starr stirs her darkness, uncomfortable, but not knowing why. "Did you hear something?"

Ares has posed:
Ares watches as she kneels before him, a small contemplative breath from the God of War. Alas, he nods softly. "What reason is there to apologize? It's of no consequence." Then he hears the darkness inside of Vicky...apparently coming from Starr.

"I did...seems your other half may have something to say."

Redstar has posed:
~That...was not me of God of War...I know not where that came from, but it was...in the depths.~ Starr sounds distinctly uncomfortable and is quiet as she addresses Ares. Vicky's eyes are slightly concerned as she lets out a breath. Whatever it was is gone now, leaving one singing note hanging in Vicky's soul. It seems to hum with that innate purity, the thing which seems to keep having a demon bound to her from completely devouring her.

Starr recoils from the sound and deeper into the recess of the mind. ~Ah. That.~ Is all Starr says, growing quiet again. The look of annoyance on Vicky's face is probably enough to amuse Ares. Just one of those, '-Really-? You just gonna drop that and walk?- Face of incredulity.

Ares has posed:
A small hum of his voice then as Ares gives Vicky a once over....only to smirk softly. "Very interesting.....so that's what it is. I often wondered." He says as he appears amused at both Vicky and Vicky's reaction to Starr secluding deep into the mental realm.

"curious." Is all he says then...normally, a human can only survive for so long if a demon is a part of them...the darkness would eventually devour the spiritual body and leave nothing of the human remaining. However...if there was a force keeping everything balanced...

Redstar has posed:
Vicky raises a brow as Ares stares not at her, but at her soul. It isn't a comfortable feeling at all for anyone, more so for someone who can sort of feel it. She mostly manages not to squirm. Though she does wind up nibbling her lower lip.

"What?" She asks finally, shifting finally to sit on the ground, crossing her legs and resting her hands in her lap. Those large wings drape behind her on the ground. More than ever she looks very young and innocent, staring up at him with pale blue eyes.

Ares has posed:
Ares looks right at Vicky as per her question. She did look extremely innocent, something that only provided a minor respect from the God. Either way, at her question, he hummed.

"I know now what it is...but it is up to you to discover it. It is a part of you, and likely the reason you are able to survive your connection to the demon."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky ignores her annoyance at the vague answer, though she lets out a short sigh, and nods her head. "I...all right," Vicky reaches up and scratches at the side of her head. She is quiet as she thinks, looking inward herself, but the hum has since faded away. Slowly she shakes her head and looks back to meet Ares' gaze. "I can't hear it anymore. But...I," Then she pauses and begins to think back. Had she heard it before?

Brief memories of surges of strength, fiery conviction, moments of feeling so sure and confident. "Does it have something with the weird flashback I had? A memory that...well...it wasn't mine. It certainly wasn't one of Starr's because it was earth. Older earth..." She pauses and the imagery comes unbidden and easily. Soft around the edges as all memories are. Looking down, a camp or prison. Children in striped pajamas being forced into a building. A moment later an explosion to the side, and then nothing.

Ares has posed:
Ares can sense her weakness in this matter that is evident in her annoyance. Regardless, her memories and the images flood out easily for the war god to sense, a small look on his features. "Hmm..." he responds simply.

A moment of thought. "I won't answer..but the key lies within you, it is something that Starr is unable to influence." He voices the demon's name for the first time. Alas, he reclines a little bit. "Do I need to apply the spell again? I would hate for these new feelings to overwhelm you."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky blushes and smiles a little awkwardly at the offer to reapply the spell. "Does it need to be?" She asks uncertainly. The idea makes her heart beat fast in her chest. The demon stirs at her name and regards the god thoughtfully. Did he mean to call her attention? Today she seems lazy, one might say slothful, like a snake coiled there.

Yet even Ares can see the only real reason to apply the spell again would be to kiss her. It shows no sign of fading anytime soon. Like a burr stuck good and deep in a thick undercoat. But then, the Greek goes do have a reputation for kissing whoever they want, spell or not.

Ares has posed:
Ares was interested in kissing her again, but only if the spell seemed waning. Alas, Vicky may yet be spared from embarrassment and pleasure. "Hm...no, but the offer stands." A teasing and flirty smile that was meant to mess with her, but he wouldn't refuse her if she's feeling dirty today.

and Greek Gods really just do whatever they want.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky slowly stood giving an almost apologetic smile to Ares. There was no doubting the god was handsome, charismatic, and even just the suggestion made her want to nod eagerly. She almost did nod even. But the spell -was- working well. And it let her stand and walk a few feet away.

"What would you like me to learn today, Master?" Vicky asked, turning the attention away from the secrets of her soul. Let the attention lie on conquering her other weaknesses.

Ares has posed:
Ares noticed her inner conflict about the 'spell'. Alas, Ares nods softly as she took a step back, causing him to stand up at her question. "Hmm...as it stands, let?s see what you know about tactics." With a gesture, two armies are on the field. One is smaller than the other. "You are to take command of the smaller force and achieve victory by any means."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky blows out a breath and her eyes go wide as she looks between the two armies. "All right," She says and glances at Ares, "I get a half hour to assess my forces I hope?" It's not like she has much experience with tactics. She's watched Apocalypse Now and played Risk, does that count?

Yet Ares will find her tactical mind is more keen than she thought. She starts off by finding out her numbers, type of soldiers, and discovering her officers. The spell keeps her from really worry about whether she is doing things right. Instinct guides her as she sends shieldman before archers. Infantry is set to move forward when the enemy gets too close for arrows.

But her ultimate plan? The entire army is slowly crawling backwards, drawing the enemy into it's mass. As the larger force comes in, after their archers do what they can, the smaller force seems to rout...but it's a total feint to draw the majority of the opposing force into its center. Much like a white blood cell attacking a virus.

Ares has posed:
Ares nods a few times to her. "Of course. Perform admirably and you may choose a reward." He adds encouragement, though as she heads out, Ares watches very closely as to her actions. Regardless, he seems initially impressed as it seems that she has a steady knowledge of combat and war.

The army falls for her ride and starts pushing deeper into her armies lines....now what will she do? It appears that they are performing quite the flank, Vicky is.

Not bad.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky uses herself as the draw towards the center. Letting the wings act as a sort of banner. And then the majority of the other army has been drawn into the center. And the cavalry from the edges move out face. Curling around to close off the circle while archers move out to the rim with a single row of shieldman and infantry to take out the remnants not caught in the center.

As the other army is consumed by the smaller, looking about to burst, Vicky brings in the cold. Launching into the air and letting herself be a target to enemy archers, she hits the dead center of the enemy. Circling outwards from center, bobbing and weaving, the cold following her and gripping. As she moves away the cold will slowly start to slip. But back and forth she weaves, redistributing the cold and keeping the army in arctic conditions. Something they were NOT dressed for.

Ares has posed:
Ares smiles softly as he stroked his chin. "Not bad." Is his judgement, though with the way she performs, the enemy army is quickly routed, the cold having either frozen them or simply flash froze them to death. Appearing a small ways behind Vicky was Ares clapping his hands together.

"Well done, well done. Seems you already have a mind for tactics, weak as it may be, it's won you a battle and now I know where you Stand. Excellent performance..now then, how shall I reward you?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky flies in lazy circles over her own arm as the other one is routed. Though she is breathing hard she looks pleased. As Ares appears she drops from the sky to land in front of him. "Thank you. It...just seemed the best way. Make them think you are fleeing so they will give chase. Funnel them carefully...it worked. I didn't know if it would," She shrugs a shoulder.

~You still do not know how to take a compliment. I doubt that will ever be trainable.~ Starr remarks, Vicky' humility one of the girls hallmarks for sure. Vicky simply smirks. She feels there is absolutely nothing wrong with humility.

Ares has posed:
Ares can't help but chuckle. "So it seems." He agrees with Starr. "You've passed this test. I will reward you with something you choose. However, if you find you can't decide, I'll ask your demon friend." A small smile, but he awaits to reward his good and faithful servant.

She was quite the humble woman, that much was certain.

Redstar has posed:
Oh that was mean! Vicky is obviously shocked at offering her offer to Starr. The demoness only grins and give a throaty chuckle. ~Oh, please, let me choose.~ She purrs with dark delight. That along gets Vicky's mind ticking.

"Give me a moment to think, then?" The girl asks as she recovers, rocking back on her heels slightly. "I..." A pause as something comes to her sudden and hot. A vague anger, hurt, betrayal all swirl suddenly through her.

~I would have words with them too...~ The darkness of Starr has never been so apparent as she agrees with whatever Vicky has thought. An anger of her own, deeper and seething, flows from the demoness. Wrath beginning to boil quietly.

"I want to confront my parents for what they did to me."

Ares has posed:
A small smile at Vicky's initial shock over the dual offers. Alas, when she finally comes to such a decision, he can feel the intensity in her voice. "Oh? Rather curious one. But not something that can't be done." He agrees as he sits down on a rock.

"tomorrow on the morn, you will see them again."