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Latest revision as of 19:46, 25 February 2018

I'll Figure It Out In A Minute
Date of Scene: 15 February 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Spider-Man, Richard Dragon and Lady Shiva. 'nuff said.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Dragon, Lady Shiva

Spider-Man has posed:
New Jersey, there was nothing quite like being a New Yorker in the so-called Garden State. Peter Parker had been to Gotham Gardens, there was some charity gala being held there between the big wigs, and J. Jonah Jameson had decided to send his freelance photographer there to cover the event for the Bugle's online edition. He wasn't even going to get into the print version, not that it mattered much these days, but Jameson paid more for what appeared in print. A part of the old guard, he thought that online was just a fad. Either that, or he was using that excuse to further gouge his employees, correct that, freelance agents.

Having gotten enough photos for the paper, Parker had moved to a cafe, where he could pull out his laptop and upload the photos, while having a very poor cup of coffee. The place wasn't exactly the nicest part of Jersey, or even Gotham. He was keeping his belongings pretty close to him, just in case. And when he heard some strange thumps, he closed the lid of his laptop and immediately began putting it into his backpack. He had sent enough photos, so the hasty end was all right, and with the noises coming from down the street, something might have been up. Ah Gotham, danger in every alley. Why am I in Jersey again, he wondered to himself?

Dragon has posed:
    Walking down the streets of New Jersey was known other than Richard DRagon. He was wearing a worn, threadbare hoody, navy blue in colour, and his normal clothes. Dragon's hands were in his front pouch of the hoody, and his eyes were downcast, as though deep in thought. His red hair was spilling out of the hood that was covering most of his head. His movements were steady, rhythmic, in time, and perfectly in unison with the rest of his body.

    Sounds, the sounds, of the coty, were always so...loud and ...difficult to process. In this case though, it was something he wasn't going to be involved in. Moving forward, his eyes peak up, and into the gloom. Better to be careful, than to be caught unawares. After all, he didn't have any "Spider Senses".

Lady Shiva has posed:
    A body comes flying out of an alleyway not far down. Then a second one. Both are Asian males wearing the colors of one of the local gangs. A moment later, a figure familiar to Richard Dragon will step out o the alleyway. Shiva was dressed in black slacks, a red Asian style top and black slippers. A lightweight black leather trenchcoat was worn over the outfit, flaring slightly behind her as she moved.
    "Perhaps in the future you should be more careful. I chose to let you leave without the help of an ambulance," she says calmly, that strange zen aura that she always exudes around her.
    The two boys scramble to their feet and square off a moment, eyes darting to one another as they opt if it is wiser to run or try again. It was probably just a lucky throw on her part, right? Now they were ready.
    "Do not make me break your legs in multiple places so that you never walk again but are in constant pain for every waking moment. It is a simple thing to do."

Spider-Man has posed:
By that point, Parker had gotten to a different alleyway, one in an opposite direction, where nothing triggered his spider-sense. The sense was far from perfect, but it usually alerted him when he was being monitored by video, audio, or witnesses. It was so handy for keeping a secret identity. Scurrying up the wall, he found a nice place to hide his clothes and backpack, and once changed, he'd make his way back to the site of the disturbance.

Just in time to see a couple of bodies fly. He dangles from overhead, and upside down, with his feet together, his hands between his legs, in that strange pose he finds so comfortable. "Woah, I've heard it raining cats and dogs, but... actually, I have heard of it raining men. I guess this is where the song comes from. Hi, I'm Spider-Man, I don't usually get out this way, but can you direct me to the Ninja shop? I heard I can get a genuine Japanese katana out this way."

Dragon has posed:
    Remaining in the background, Richard Dragon notes that Shiva was facing off against two that had no idea what they were in for. Smiling slightly, and shaking his head, DRagon takes two steps forward, and with a calm voice, says, "If I were you, I would consider your actions, and who you are facing. Her wisdom is trying to prevent you from being...hurt. Badly." Dragon sighs, and then leans against the nearest wall.

    As Spider-Man arrives, Dragon blinks, and nods towards the man.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    When Spider-Man shows up, that makes the two men hesitate. They glance at Dragon when he speaks but then their eyes go right back to Spider-Man. "Don't hurt us, man! We're goin'!" With that, they are running down the street as though there was demon nipping at their heels.
    Shiva frowns and turns around to look at the dangling figure in the garish costume. "I throw them out of an alleyway with no effort yet your mere presence frightens them. I fear for our youth."
    She glances over to Richard and gives a short incline of her chin in his direction to acknowledge one she considers her equal. Never her better though he is a better instructor in her mind.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man frowns through his mask at the reaction, "is it the suit? Is red and blue too intimidating? I thought about going for red and yellow, but Daredevil already tried that one out, and it really, really didn't work. Maybe a nice cape might work. Though, it'd probably be tough to keep it out of my face. An upside down cape, maybe, but that'd be kind of NFL-ish, you know, the way they wear those towels around their waists. And look who I'm asking for fashion sense from. You two look even more bad guy like than I do. You're not bad guys, or gals, are you? And, they're not so bad, just a little misguided, they could use a strong role model. You ever thought about joining Big Sisters," inclining his head towards Dragon, "or Big Brothers?"

Dragon has posed:
    Dragon nods respectfully at Shiva, and smiles. He knows what she is thinking and he doesn't share those thoughts. He treats everyone equally. Right before he shows them defeat.

    Looking over at the fleeing men, and the newly arrived "super hero" next, Dragon says, "Good timing."

    "I am Richard Dragon. I am not a "bag guy or gal" as you say." Dragon smiles. "It appears we have you to thank for the timing. Otherwise, Shiva would have had to take them down. And that wouldn't have ended well."

    Wtih a slight pause, and a nod of his head, "And I must be off. It is always a pleasure to see you Lady Shiva." A slight bow. Then a nod towards Spider-Man. "ANd you as well." ANother bow. "Perhaps we will meet again soon."

    With that, Dragon heads down the street, not looking back.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    At the words from Spidey, Shiva arches a brow and looks at Dragon. No, he isn't laughing. So this isn't a joke. The superhero is serious?
    She focuses on the important part and simply dismisses the rest. "I am neither. I simply am. I exist as what I am and the path I have chosen in life. I am no hero, though I have done heroic things in the past. I am no villain, though I have done villainous things. Perhaps in your world, I would be a villain but I do not believe myself as such. Richard is correct that you saved them from much pain so I will say thank you for your intervention."