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Latest revision as of 19:55, 25 February 2018

Foes on an Airplane!
Date of Scene: 17 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Magneto

Cyclops has posed:
     Close to sundown in Mutant Town, Cyclops has taken it upon himself to keep patrolling the streets in civilian garb to make sure the area remained safe after the presidential assassination.

  The bespectacled young man had passed his usual check-in spots: not seeing anything unusual other than the odd heated argument. A stop at a hot dog vendor was a small respite from Scott's own self-imposed vigil over Bushwick. "Thanks Al." Scott says, placing his change in the tip jar and indulging in his small meal, leaning against a laundromat wall. m

Magneto has posed:
     Out from the laundry mat steps a familiar figure in a long flowing cape carrying a small basket of laundry. It's none other then magneto, the master of magnetism. He pauses for a moment having stepped out into the open air. His attention falls down onto cyclops eyes locking on that familiar face.

     "Scott?" The man asks taking pause as he turns his whole body, cape flowing in the wind over his shoulder as he takes a step towards the familiar face.

Cyclops has posed:
     Certainly with what had gone on, Scott hadn't expected to see Magneto on the streets, but there he was. After swallowing the bite he just took, Cyclops simply stays calm, not attempting anything just yet. If the Professor has taught him anything, it was to not jump to conclusions. It was of course, against Scott's own reflex.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus stays standing silently on the spot. His cape flutters quietly in the wind as the tension builds between the two mutants. It's an oppressive silence that continues to build between the two men as mutants walk past in the background. Occasionally one of them stops and moves closer for a moment as if to ask a question only to think better of it and move on.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott stands still, looking over Magneto through his glasses. What exactly the Master of Magnetism is up to in Mutant Town is a matter of discussion that anyone would probably want to know.

  Scott stands, giving a stalwart grimace, almost wishing he had the Professor's skill level of conversation.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus sets down his basket of clothing onto the sidewalk, allowing his arms to rest. The entire time he doesn't take his eyes off of Scott. The tension is so thick someone could cut it with a knife as the two men stair each other down in silence. His cape softly flutters behind him as the street slowly clears of people, no one wanting to get involved with the fight that's doubtless to come between the two mutants.

Cyclops has posed:
     Cyclops himself doesn't have his visor on, nor does he have his uniform on either. Of course, the original X-Man dared not incite a fight first. He was a hero after all, and true to his form, he stands prepared to retaliate should actions go awry.

Magneto has posed:
     With a slight turn Magnus opens his mouth ready to speak before simply closing it. This was uncomfortable to say the least. Neither man seemed willing to start a fight, nor were either willing to be the first to strike up a conversation. "So." He speaks breaking the silence, just a single word.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott doesn't move more than his head, with the odd motion of his jacket in the breeze. "Shame about the Pats this year." He offers, being quite the New England fan.

Magneto has posed:
     "A tragedy." Magnus concurs, with a nod of his head. By now the streets have cleared almost completely of people. Doors are slammed shut window shutters covered, children pulled to safety. The entirety of mutant town feels dead silent in anticipation of the coming fight. "How's teaching?"

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gives a nod, agreeing with Magneto concerning the Patriots. "It's Fine. Nothing too exciting... How's ruling a kingdom?" Not knowing what else to have brought up.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus nods his own head from beneath that thick mind protecting helmet. His cool blue eyes stay focused on Cyclops the entire time waiting for him to make the first move. At the mention of his kingdom he perks up a little bit. "Good. Good." He assures. "We broke ground on a new sewage treatment plant yesterday."

Cyclops has posed:
     "Oh, that's good. Sewage treatment is one of the marvels of the modern age." Scott offers, not that he knows much about it. He just likes being clean and not having sewage running through the streets. Everything in its place as it were.

Magneto has posed:
     Another long pause fills the air for what seems like ages. It's almost peaceful out here with all the people missing from the streets. Really gives you time to think. There wasn't always enough of that to be had in this part of town. Finally Magnus once again breaks the silence. "Lovely weather for the time of year." As a cool breeze blows causing his cape to billow wistfully in the wind.

Cyclops has posed:
     For the first time since the two seemingly met, Scott turns his head ever so slightly. This is most definitely good weather. "Indeed it is." He remarks, but followed by more silence for again what seems like an eternity. "I thought the winter was going to be more robust."

Magneto has posed:
     "In like a lamb, out like a lamb." Magnus adds with a bit of a chuckle under his breath. Cool blue eyes lock with the lenses of Scotts glasses for a moment before he's back to looking up towards the sky. Silence encroaches once more from all angles slowing the passage of time. Once more it's broken. "Is it just me, or does everyone tend to." He motions his fingers in a circle around one another before motioning to the world around him. "You know."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott watches the gesture with a careful eye. "No, I agree wholeheartedly." Perhaps it was for another reason, perhaps not, but Scott wasn't really giving much of a reason either way.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus nods his own head slightly letting a sigh pass his lips. "I mean you have no idea how hard it is to make conversation when everyone takes one look at your helmet and starts running in fear or crying." Admitted with a sense of disappointment in his voice. "Though I suppose I can't expect much more from an inferior race, I have such high hopes for mutant kind."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gives a nod back to Magnus. He won't give it another thought for now. "Hopefully we all can get along for once. Eventually of course." Not wanting to incite anything against Magneto. "That's at least what I would like to see happen.

Magneto has posed:
     "We may fight, but at the end of the day we are all mutants." Magnus points out with a warm and friendly smile. "We may disagree but there are some bonds that can't be severed."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gives a gentle nod. "Yes. Anyway, umm, I'll let you get back to your errands." Cyclops offers, tossing his hot dog paper in the bin next to him. "Unless there was something else?"

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus takes a moment to think, a single gloved hand resting on his chin. "No, no nothing I can really think of." He motions his hand with a slight wave causing the basket to lift up a few feet off the ground and float beside him. He takes a step as if to walk away starting to turn as he adds. "Give my best regards to the other teachers, and if you'd be so kind inform Charles we're still on for that chess match Sunday. I've been very much looking forward to it."