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Latest revision as of 20:00, 25 February 2018

Log 3905
Date of Scene: 18 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Magneto

Polaris has posed:
It's another day in paradise. Another day the small and steadily thriving young country continues to avoid war. It's Sunday, the one day of the week Polaris doesn't handle the paperwork of running the country. Instead, Magneto's heir walks about the Plaza, meeting with vendors, talking with people, being seen and hearing concerns brought to her. The green haired mutant is a little more vigilant, having brushed shoulders recently here with Sabertooth. Content the assassin isn't here to cause her more trouble this week she pays for some fresh squeezed juice and takes in the growing city.

Magneto has posed:
     And a beutiful day it is, with the sun shining brightly overhead and the people moving about through the street. It's a wonderful warm day for the season, and the birds chirping in the trees makes it all the more lovely. A voice calls out over the crowd, familiar to Lorna as that of her father.

     "On three." The voice shouts. "One. Two. Three." And soon after a massive metal spire begins to twist and form starting to take shape over the other nearby structures. The metal moves like liquid shifting and warping into the shape of a buildings frame rapidly being erected into place through the efforts of several very strong mutants capable of magnetic control.

     It's far from a normal sight but here on the island it was far more common then one would think, with powerful mutants working together to mold, and shape metal into a beautifully ornate building all its own.

Polaris has posed:
The voice catches her attention and Polaris feels out. Sensing his own strong pull on the electro magnetic field, she smiles and turns her path that way, downing her juice quickly. Bright green eyes take in the scene of he and the others working together. She observes for a few moments before studying the structure. "Looks like you could use an extra pair of hands." She offers by way of greeting.

Magneto has posed:
     12 mutants stand in a line formation arms outstretched motioning before them as they expend large amounts of energy crafting the building before them out of raw metal. While it's clear Magneto would be ABLE to do it on his own the optics provided for the citizens watching this incredible feat are much more positive for moral then if he'd just up and done it alone.

     "Ah, Lorna." Magnus calls as he forces the flooring of the building into place the structure twisting and morphing against itself already taking shape as what will eventually become a new housing complex. "Your assistance is always more then welcome." Assured as he slides his hands stabilizing the metal right where it floats.

Polaris has posed:
Polaris joins the line. Her eyes look over the structure as they shape and form it. She extends her senses, feeling the building. Extending her arms, she smiles a bit. "Solid foundations." She admires and energy gathers about her arms and fingers as the green glow that marks her power extends to the building. "Let's add some style." The metal warping to add balconies with artfully shaped railings and beautiful pierced shutters that can be closed on tropical storms.

Magneto has posed:
     With the thirteen of them working in tandem the structure comes together in no time at all the basic framework of the building and even some rather impressive decorative touches. Magnus even for his part makes a few lines of metal flowers along the gutters to look as if they'd grown right out of the metal itself.

     "It's always incredible what we can accomplish when we work as a team." Magnus calls out with a smile beneath his helmet, as the last little details begin to fall into place. "As soon as we're done here the electricians can begin wiring the building, and the plumbers can connect it to the water lines, before you know it we'll have fresh housing."

Polaris has posed:
"Of course. And housing that will hold up to the weather." Lorna smiles at her father and then looks to the others. "Thank you for allowing me to pitch in. You've done such a wonderful job with it." She tells them and comes to stand by Magneto, looking the building over. "Flowers...that's so delicate, it's a nice touch." She admires and looks at him sidelong.

Magneto has posed:
     "I find it's often the littlest of details that set a project apart in the minds of the people." Magnus assures as he adjusts the cuffs of his outfit pulling them back down into place as his eyes refocus on the first stages of the building before them. Already men and women begin heading into the structure, the electricians and plumbers ready to knuckle down and get to work before the insulation is added to the building along with the HVAC systems.

     Magnus turns towards his daughter. "Lorna, was there something you needed?" He asks turning his back on the others as they all move to their places for the rest of the evenings work, a few of the magnetic mutants taking their time to rest having exerted a great deal of effort in the creation of said high-rise. "I had figured you'd be spending your free time enjoying yourself, not helping your father with his little projects." A slight smirk cropping up on his face.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna props her hands on her hips and shakes her head. "Sunday is be visible about town and take a break from all the paperwork day. It's not so much free time as being a princess of the people." She tells Magneto dryly. "Us working together to improve the island looks good, from a PR perspective." She notes and looks to the other mutants idly before glancing back. "Are you home long this time? Or is this a brief visit?"

Magneto has posed:
     "That all depends on a large list of factors." Added with a bit of an understanding tone as he takes a step closer, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I want you to know that you're doing an excellent job." A light patting of his gloved hand onto her shoulder before he carries on. "I've every intention of staying here for a good while to improve public relations, and" He pauses for a long moment. "Catch up on current events."

Polaris has posed:
"I didn't think I'd be practicing these skills quite so soon, but it was needed. It's not so different from herding mutant children at the school, a larger scale sure, but I'm used to long hours." Lorna assures her father and looks about. "As to current events, you may know more than we do here. Seems we're cut off, hardly any wireless communication gets through."

Magneto has posed:
     "And that's one reason I've been absent." Magneto admits taking his hand off of her shoulder before starting to walk down the street still talking to her and expecting her to follow without being asked to. "I've been in intense negotiations with Lex Luthor, and come to an agreement." He pauses for a moment picking a flower off a near by bush and holding it in his hand to bring up to his nose for a quick sniff. "In exchange for exclusive shipping rights, he's going to provide us with exactly what we need to bring this whole island up to modern standards."

Polaris has posed:
"Oh? That will certainly be a boon to the island." Lorna nods. "After the United States scandal, the other countries have made shipping tariffs higher and higher. We had been getting around that by utilizing digital markets, but with this satellite issue...we're certainly at a disadvantage." She acknowledges and looks over the activity around them.

Magneto has posed:
     With a slight of hand Magnus rests the beautiful flower right into Lorna's hair still walking with determination through the streets. Occasionally he pauses to offer a smiling wave to one of the islands many hard working citizens. "Of course working alongside Luthor will provide us access to his internet servers, and with his help the tariffs on exports and imports will no longer be a factor."

     He looks up towards the bright blue skies overhead without a cloud in site, the only clutter the occasional resident of the island flying overhead on their way to work or school. "Slowly but surely we're truly going to gain out independence from the world, and gain a truly free Genosha." He pauses. "And once this whole assassination business is behind us I'll gladly take back my rightful place, and allow you to return to your friends at the mansion."

Polaris has posed:
"I'll keep our people safe until that day." Lorna offers quietly. She smiles a little crookedly at the flower settled in her hair. "We live long lives. As much as I love our people, my friends are not so fortunate, I do enjoy the time I have with them while I have it....and I'd like to track down my husband, for whatever reason, he refuses to come to Genosha."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto takes pause at that, a single eyebrow raising beneath that helmet of his. "Is that so?" Spoken slowly and deliberately drawn out, "Do I need to have a few words with him on the responsibilities a husband has to his wife?" Asked half jokingly as he runs his hands through the low hanging leaves of a tall oak tree. "And you should cherish the time you have with them, for it shall only come around once."

Polaris has posed:
"I don't imagine he would thank you for it." Lorna murmurs and shakes her head. "We both put our parents first. He in looking for Mystique, and myself in coming here and securing all you've worked for." She tucks her hands into her pockets and walks casually. "Havok has flown out to visit and catch me up on how people are faring at the school, but I won't deny in a small way I'm homesick for the house Charles keeps."

Magneto has posed:
     "I see..." Magnus trails off as he walks under the shadow of a collapsed building still not yet on the agenda to be put back together, his eyes scan over what's left of the badly damaged structure. "Still you two should be together every moment you can." His eyes locking on an abandoned teddy-bear left in the wreckage for a long moment before he carries back on along his path. "I think it's time I cast aside the accusations and take back my rightful place as ruler." He states firmly. "I think it's time I stop letting the worries of ants upset the rightful law of the land."

Polaris has posed:
"He will not yield on it, and I've been devoted to our country as any good heir would be." Lorna answers honestly. She can't help but breathe a small sigh of relief at Magneto considering returning. "It would be a boon to our people to have you once again at the helm."

Magneto has posed:
     "I've spent far too much of my time wasted in the shadows while threats of the American Government loom over my head." Magnus declares as he closes his eyes in thought. "With the help of Luthor we need no longer fear the retaliation the world of man would provide by my returning to my rightful place." He folds his arms one over the other. "The fruits of my labors are already coming together once more, and soon there will be no stopping what is to come." It becomes clear where they're heading. The center of authority for the whole island.

     "Lorna your actions have proven your dedication, and I could not ask for more." He turns fully to face her, his cape caught up in the wind by the motion. "You deserve to be with your friends, with your husband." His stance is one of confidence and determination. "I have made up my mind." He pauses. "I am going to be stepping back into control of Genosha the opinions of the world of man be damned" He throws his arm out to one side to emphasize the word damned with all the vitriol that can be associated with it.

     "Our people need a true leader, as much as you have provided in my stay towards that goal, you alone can not truly satisfy that need." He looks up to the sky as he floats slightly above the ground. "We are going to go into overtime to rebuild, better, stronger, more powerful then before, to put the fear of god into humanity once more."

Polaris has posed:
Looking at Magneto, Lorna takes in what he says. "I have used my reputation as an X-Man to keep our home safe, but as you say, I'm still young, it won't hold much longer. I welcome you home father, and yield the island to your care." She offers formally. "I will return to the school and continue studying leadership with the X-Men and learn what I can at Charles' side." She smiles faintly now.

Magneto has posed:
     "Perhaps some day you will be ready to inherit proper this domain." Magnus muses for a moment lifting himself higher into the air his arms held out to either side. "Your actions have already proven you're well on the right path." He pauses looking at her a light smile comes across his face. "I wish you all the best Lorna, but now we've completed the easy part, it's time for the hard." Pointed out as he looks towards the seat of power. "Bringing Genosha to its true glory come hellfire or high water."

Polaris has posed:
"I wish you luck Father. I will come when you need me. Next time you desire a vacation, give me some warning." She teases quietly. She takes a last look at him as he rises higher into the air, getting to his business and sets off for their home to pack her bag and make sure his attendants are all informed he's back and command is returned to him.