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Latest revision as of 02:32, 26 February 2018

Beer Pong in the Park.
Date of Scene: 21 February 2018
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: An evening of Beer Pong and Merryment in Central Park between a group of heroes.
Cast of Characters: War Machine, Thor, Iron Man

War Machine has posed:
     It's early evening in the park. The sun shines high overhead in a cloudless sky of blue. Cool winter breezes sweep across the green landscape, carrying fallen leaves and bits of snow about the open hills.

     Parents play with their children running about and enjoying life. Frizbee's are thrown and picnics had, with a general family fun loving atmosphere filling the whole park. It's a quiet day all things considered even with people abound enjoying what the evening has to offer.

     To one corner of the park Rhodey leans his back against a tree, one hand shoved deep in the pocket of his jacket while the other glides across the surface of his Stark-Phone texting the day away in the shadow of an old oak tree. "Maybe this isn't the best idea." He wonders aloud, attention drifting up from the phone and to a small ping-pong table.

     To one side of the table is a stack of red plastic cups, and a small pitcher of amber liquid. This wasn't the best place to play a round of beer pong, but heck it was a nice day, and it wasn't like he had much better to do. "Wonder if he's even going to show." He asks himself looking back to his phone. "Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't."

Thor has posed:
    "Tis a wonderful idea James. I don't know why you think it's a bad idea." Asks Thor, the god wearing what could be called normal clothes, but for a slightly warmer climate. However it's a bit chillier than a pair of blue jeans, brown flat toed boots, and what looks like a thick-ish flannel red and black checkered pattern.

    Thor steps up to the table with a pair of blue eyes looking at the drinks briefly and then a glance back to Rhodes, "What is the purpose of this game again?"

War Machine has posed:
Rhodey pushes himself off the tree with his hands going behind his back to facilitate the maneuver. He walks casually sauntering to the table, a single hand running through his beard. "Well Thor, the point is to have fun with friends." He rolls his shoulders before reaching down and starting to set out the dixie-cups. "The goal is to try and get the pingpong ball" He tucks his stark-phone away into his pocket giving up on any chance of Tony showing up. "That's what this little doodad is called." He picks up the small white sphere speaking a quick aside. "Into your opponents cups, before they can get it into yours."

     Rhodey stacks each of the cups out in a pattern similar to ten pin bowling at the first end of the table. "We take turns trying to bounce the ball off the table and into the cups on the other side of it." He tosses the cup in his hand idly, before begining to pour full each cup with the contents of the pitcher. "If the ball lands in your cup, you drink what's inside and that cup gets removed from the table." A quick chug of the cups contents to show what he means. "Last man with a cup on their side of the table is the winner." He catches the ball in his grasp and offers a friendly smile. "Easiest game on earth."

Thor has posed:
    "Oh, so this beeth a game of drinking and skill at the same time. This could be quite amusing with the later rounds as each of us will be quite innebriated." Thor explains what is already painfully obvious as he nods to himself and reaches out for his ten cups. Once in hand he begins to place them in an order mimicing James' set up.

    Thor reaches out with his thick hand to grab the pitcher by the handle once Rhodey is done and he then fills his drinks, and it's almost written in neon how upset he is that it's not enough to fill each of the drinks, but that's okay. Midgardians are light weights compared to any Asgardian.

    "I will be the kindly god and invite you to go first so I can see how to properly play the game." Thor says.

Iron Man has posed:
Rhodey vs. Thor in beer pong in the park is one of the more unusual messages Stark has fielded lately. Not THE most (because wow, Tony gets some pretty strange messages a lot of the time). Still, at the very least, it deserves a response. "You do know I'm in the middle of saving the internet, right?" Is the first message that Tony sends to Rhodey. But then a little bit later:

"I can probably do this next part from the park."

Clearly Tony takes his rescue measures exceptionally seriously. But that does indicate that there is probably an incoming Tony in a little while.

War Machine has posed:
     Holding out his hand Rhodey allows Thor to take the pitcher for himself. The drinks were strong for a Midgardian, but nothing someone from asguard couldn't handle with ease. "That's the spirit." He pauses with a smile reaching into his back pocket as his phone begins to buzz from the text.

     A quick glance is given down to the screen. His fingers dance across the screen for a moment. "Who needs the internet anyway? See you soon." Before tossing the phone right back into his pocket

     "Looks like Tony might be coming out of his shell to come visit the mortal world." As he flicks the pingpong ball from one finger to the next in his free hand sizing up the shot. Off his fingers the fall bounds once, twice, and on the third it's thrown. At first it looks like the shot's missed bounding over the table after the first pounce before banking off the tree. On the second pass the ball lands right in the front cup, floating in the contents of the cup. "Just try to go easy on me." A light wink from the man.

Thor has posed:
    "Tony I supposed to be in bed getting healed and recouperated. Is he not?" Thor asks idly as he watches the ping pong ball bounce around with what appears to be expert skill. "This is not the first time you have played this game." The god says with an eyebrow lifting up on his forehead as he reaches out to the cup the ball landed in and picks it up and starts to take a drink without removing the ball first.

Iron Man has posed:
Another 'brief' set of texts from Tony comes through. He's a chatterbox, particularly in transit, so this is probably no surprise at all. This may get pesky. But it does ensure Rhodey the he does indeed have Tony's attention.

"By the way, I had major cardiothoracic surgery"

"Almost died"

"WHILE saving the world"

Because the best sorts of serious information are folded up inside playfully arrogant statements that aren't quite bragging.

War Machine has posed:
     "Why don't people tell me these things?" Rhodey asks as he digs out his phone again feeling the buzzing in his back pocket. "Oh no, it's fine I don't need to know my best friends in critical condition or anything." As he starts flicking through the messages. "I'm just fine being out of the loop till the last minute." Eyes narrow slightly onto the phone till he catches Thor out the corner of his eye causing him to stifle a laugh.

     "Could say that," He starts scribbling out something onto the screen typing a quick response. "Had a lot of practice at beer pong during my academy days." Stopping for a moment to think up something clever. "Used to take bets on who'd pass out first."

     "You know Tony, I'd be much more impressed if I wasn't contemplating dragging your ass kicking and screaming back to the medbay." It's a quick response but one with a good bit of thought put into it, as Rhodey puts the phone right back into his pocket where it belongs.

Thor has posed:
    "I did say that." Thor says with a curious confused look on his face while looking at the drink and reaching with his fore finger adn thumb to delicately pluck the ball out of the drink and he bottoms up the solo cup before replacing it back on the table where it was. He doesn't know the rules even a little bit.

    Standing over the table, Thor rolls the tiny ball between his thumb and finger as he aims his shot and tosses it lighty towards the soldier's cups, sending the ball far farther than it should ever go and it sails over Rhodey's head. "My mistake..." He says with a lift of his hand, oh he will have to make an Asgardian verison of this game.

Iron Man has posed:
There isn't a reply for quite a while. Because Tony is doing things like parking. Then, finally: "THAT phase was last week. You're behind the times. I'm done staring at that ceiling. I have other ceilings to enjoy" is Tony's text reply, as he walks across the park. And totally not being the terrible friend that can track Rhodey's phone, and using it to zero in on exactly where he is. Totally not at all.

Tony Stark finally rolls into view. He's semi-casual, which helps with him blending in a /little/ more than if he wore a suit (either of 'Iron' or otherwise): black snug jeans, boots, a graphic Guns and Roses shirt, under a sleek leather jacket, cuffs folded up to mid forearms. Expensive orange-tinted sunglasses, and a distracted look down at his 'phone' in hand that isn't exactly a phone. He has a messenger bag on his shoulder, tech style, some cords loosely hanging out, and finally, a shopping bag that pretty obviously contains more liquor.

A few joggers that run past him orient in surprise to stare at him, and then stop, and whisper at each other, still staring. Tony doesn't 'do' incognito. And he's big news right now, all over the place, in a mix of 'savior of internet <3!!', 'IRON MAN lends aid!' and 'FUCK STARK'.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey watches with great intrest as the asguardian takes his first shot. A light chuckle is given as it goes sailing high over head. He pulls his hands out of his pockets and jogs over to the spot in the grass where it had landed. "I got it." He calls back as he slides to a stop across the still wet grass, "Don't worry about it man, you're still getting the hang of it." scooping the small white ball up in the palm of his hand, and rolling it about.

     Tony snags his attention however, causing him to double check his phone for the message that had been sent his way. "You know Tony, friends don't stalk friends through their cellphones," A quick wave of the device. "Pretty sure it's on the border of creepy stalker territory." Before tossing it back into his pocket. "Might even threaten to cross said border." He reels back his hand like a basket ball player ready to make a three point shot.

     The ball soars high overhead flying through the air before making a hefty bounce off the table, and then a second sending it less high then the first. On the third bounce it lands right in the next cup, before Rhodey comes walking back over his hands in the pockets of his black jacket.

Thor has posed:
    Thor gives a single sharp clap as he's impressed by Rhode's skills and he is reaching out for the cup when he spots Tony. "HOWARDSON! Come, join us. We are partaking in a game of skill and booze!" The god says before he takes the white ball out of his cup and takes a mouthful of the beer without a single problem.

    Thor sets the red solo cup back down on the table and runs through the remaining cups, counting out the eight he has left until he looses. Thor does not like to loose so he holds the ball up and ready to throw as he's even more meticulous about throwing the ball this time, allowing it to bounce off the table once this time and yet it bounces off the sides of the number two cup.

    "By Odin's Eye this game is impossible!"

Iron Man has posed:
"If your directions were more specific, you wouldn't make me take those drastic - and honestly really EASY-measures," Tony replies, nearing enough to observe the shot, and whistle briefly at the beauty of it. "Does this mean you're going to be upset that I also put a pet tracker in you while you were asleep?" Tony asks him in mock concern, nearing for a friendly clap on the shoulder.

"If it isn't my favorite god of hammers. How's the game treating you, Point Break?" Tony asks, approaching the table to get a look, and sets down his bag of additional booze next to it. It may be higher quality, but it's still Midgard liquor.

Buuuut, then, well, Thor makes his comment about impossible. "How long have you been at this?" Tony questions, amused.

"I get better at it the more I drink," Tony comments, bending to pick up the ball Thor just threw. And bounces it from Rhodey's side towards Thor's cups, one-handed. It bounces, hits a lip of another cup, and rolls off. Close, but no.

War Machine has posed:
     "Yes Tony I would be very mad that you put a pet tracker in me, again." Spoken in a deadpan voice as he locks eyes with his best friend. There's a pause given before he looks back over towards Thor. "You're getting there man, just need a bit more practice is all." He offers a reassuring smile. "Half the fun of the game's loosing" A quick tap is given to the tip of his own nose. "Just means you get to drink more of the good stuff."

     "Few rounds." Rhodey Admits as he watches the ball bound off the cups. "I'd cut you in, but I've got a strict policy against aiding and abetting in my friends drinking when they're supposed to be in a hospital bed." He gives a serious look to Tony. "Hell man, couldn't even send one text before now telling me what happened?"

Thor has posed:
    "Tony is an adult man. I refuse to be his wet nurse!" Thor says rather aburptly as he reaches onto the top of the table and grabs the ball once more. With a slow glance as he steps back towards Tony. "This seems like an unfair challenge, but I am certainly going to try to beat you two." The god warns.

    Thor hefts the ball and weakly as he can lobs the ball onto the table watching it bounce off the table before it bounces around the tops of Rhodey's cups one, two, three different cups before it drops into the cup with a bloop. Thor then shouts rather loudly, his voice filling the open space in park with his booming voice. "AH HA! I have claimed victory! My ball hath dropped into your cup!"

Iron Man has posed:
Thor helps! "Thank you, Thor," Tony says, wincing, "Nobody appreciates that comment more than I do." Thor as a wet nurse is a horrifying vision, and Tony squints to try to be rid of it.

Tony then reminds James, "Communications were - are-down. Although I suppose it's not like that stopped me in general, really." Yeah, he just didn't really message.

"I didn't expect to /collapse/, if it makes you feel better." New information: Tony collapsed. He should have expected it, too, he had tons of warnings that he ignored.

"--I'm magical, but messages while unconscious are still outside my talents. So. Now you know," Tony says, evasively, looking for a spare cup, and pouring some of the liquor he brought in it, entirely ignoring Rhodey's comments about him not drinking. He'll cut himself in just fine. He does, however, retreat to a nearby bench, and sit down. Only the hawk-eyed will notice he has a little difficulty with the care of leaning back on the bench, but it's just for a moment before he pulls out his tablet.

"Also, I'm /fine./ I'll supervise; wouldn't want this game to be MORE unfair: play on." Tony has his OWN cup. He's just fine.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey snags the cup from the table and reaches into it with a smile. "Good going Hamerbro." Pulling out the ball from the depths of the cup he kicks back the contents with reckless abandon. "Seriously man, bad mental image." A quick shake of his head is made before he sets it down upside down onto the corner of the pingpong table. "I'm gonna wind up waking in the middle of the night screaming just thinking about it"

     "Hope you realize Tony, only reason I'm not dragging you back there right now is because I promised Thor here I'd help him learn how to play." He reels back his hand before sending it forward bounding the ball right along the surface of the table around the edge of one cup so it looks as if it's about to fall out and onto the table only for it to fall into the cup next door. He sets his hand down onto the table, giving a glance at Tony.

     Rhodey had learned a long time back that you couldn't stop Stark from being Stark. It was one of the immutable truths of the universe. Still his reckless disregard elicits a bit of a chuckle from the bearded man. "And here I thought you'd mastered every piece of technology there was to master."

Thor has posed:
    "James, if we must, we can pause our game, or I will cede the game and carry Howardson back to the mansion. His rest is important." Thor says as he's gathering the latest cup and taking the drink as though it was his job he downs it with a look of true happiness upon his chizzled face as he downs the beer.

    "This isn't poor flavor. You pick your drinks well James the Dark!" Thor says with a potent smile as he aims the ball again and tosses it on top of the table and bounces it once before it sinks into one of the back cups with another ploop sound.

    "I am thinking I'm learning, this is fantastic! I will have to teach the warrior's three how to play this game."

Iron Man has posed:
"I'm resting right here. Observe how restful I am," Tony says, mildly frustrated by being talked ABOUT instead of to, gesturing as if to toast with his cup. And drinks some. "Besides, if Thor beats you, I want to be here," Tony cheerfully says, without looking up from his tablet. He does have some things to take care of on it. Saving the world, one internet at a time?

But also watching the game. "There's always something new to master. Fortunately, the world seems to not want me /bored/." What a scary world that would be; Tony bored in medical, as the Avengers have discovered, makes for a rough week.

War Machine has posed:
     They spent the rest of the evening like that, drinking and playing and chatting away the hours. The cups began to stack up, the pitcher emptied and was refilled several times over. Slowly the sun made its way across the sky and the park began to empty. Each participant grew slowly more, and more intoxicated as they blew through their drinks and conversations shifted seamlessly from one topic to the next.

     It was a very good day, and by the end of it, there was no doubting that they had each enjoyed one hell of a good time. Right until Thor managed to accidentally swallow the ping-pong ball along with his drink, crushing it in the process and bringing a sudden end to their night of merriment. At least until they decided to go bar hopping.