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Latest revision as of 02:48, 26 February 2018

Building Dreams
Date of Scene: 22 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Charles Xavier explains a vision he has for a tower built in harmony.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Professor X

Iron Man has posed:
It is just past dinner that Tony is due to arrive. It ends up being later than that by about half an hour, before the sleek black Bugatti pulls in the gates. It rolls up into the main front driveway, to park. There's no hesitation there at all or searching for a good 'spot'; Tony just parks front and center, and climbs out, snaring his jacket out of the passenger seat and turning to look up and around at the school.

Stark's dressed casually, sunglasses perched in his hair due to it being night, but he automatically smoothes over his jacket as he pulls it on, moving around the front of his now parked car, taking in the building and layout with mild curiosity. He yawns a little, shifting his shoulders in some lingering physical discomfort and pain, and pulls his phone to check on the reason for some buzzing. 'Phone' is generous: it's a high tech, holographic object more than a phone, with some prompts he skims through quickly, the light from it illuminating his face and hands with a softened orange.

Professor X has posed:
Sitting in a chair that seems to hover just above the ground sits an older man in what looks to be a general Professor looking garb. Sweater, slacks, no tie or any buisness looking atire just more relaxed as his job was not one that buisness suits were always neccesary. Behind him was a student, not one that Tony would of seen before, but as he pulls in the student behind him simply nods to the Professor walking back inside without a word. Charles smiles, and waits patiently at the door for him to find a good spot.

The professor doesn't rush out to meet the man instead waits at his pearch by the door to let him take in what he needs before approaching him. The professor was a very patient man, and he could wait for Tony, but douted it would be long. He had always taken him as one who acts, sometimes rashly in his oppion, but makes the decision and goes with it. He knew given enough time he would as they say 'get down to buisness' at least from the stories e had heard from him.

So the professor sits, with a warm smile on his face like he is just used to doing this, the poker face of paitence, and tolarance to his guest plastered on his face hiding any internal feelings towards Stark. Of course that is if he had them beyond the basic first impressions. At the very least it did not look like Tony showing up late, or delays from his looks at the school had any negative effect on his oppion of Tony.. More just an acceptance, and a bit of warmness as one would have just by being a kind person.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony realizes he's late. Well. Not much he can do about it now, beyond to wince a little at his phone and look around. He isn't actually sure where to go, but, as predicted easily by Charles, Tony doesn't hedge. He picks a good building and jogs up the stairs. Well, he starts to jog, but then thinks better of it. It would be very easy, even without being psychic, for someone like Charles to pick up that Tony is masking a physical ailment, and isn't at all used to having to do so. He takes the stairs more deliberately, ignoring the wheelchair ramp of course, and discovers Charles there.

Immediately Tony's previous expression, a relaxed amiable one, turns into a quick and easy smile. Tony isn't particularly 'warm', and certainly doesn't give off a 'kindness' as Charles does. Tony's more of a flash and firework of charisma.

"Ah! Professor Charles Xavier. Is it Professor, or Charles, or?" Tony asks, approaching with a smooth handshake offer extended. His tone is easy, flippant, but not disrespectful.

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles as he see's him wonder for just a bit, but pick the right route almost immeditly only leaving him to worry about him wondering off in the wrong direction for just a moment. Though as he approaches Charles nods at him reconizing the follow charismatic greeting as one he would give though a bit more direct Charles does enjoy dealing with someone like Tony much more then someone like Erik who is all flash and no firewok of charsma. He offers a hand to the man as he appraches with hand extended. "My students call me Professor, though I think you are a bit too old for that." and gives a smile with a bit of a chuckle to lighten the situation a bit. "Please Charles or Chuck if you will, it is good to meet you face to face, is it Tony, or do you go just go by Iron Man anymore?"

He turns as the door opens behind him, a couple of students who opened it wave to the professor, and move further into the school. "Please follow me.. It is good to meet in person I have heard a great number of things about you recently. Part of which is why I wanted to talk to you today." he already is starting to head into the school on his chair. Though he does stop right fter he enters.. "We can go to my office if you prefer to sit."

He turns and looks at Tony, "I can see the pain in your movements, I do not wish to inflict pain on a guest even second hand so if you are not up for walking about the schol I do understand." he gives the smile of paitence, and understanding giving the person a chance to decide what comes next from his physical condition. He pauses for just a moment then continues, "It is not weakness to accept this offer, but wisdom to know your limits. Please do not push yourself on my accord."

Iron Man has posed:
"Well, 'Iron Man' is pretty awkward without the armor; I'll answer to it in a pinch, though. 'Tony,' please," Tony chuckles, openly, casual. Tony's handshake is not overly aggressive, but efficient. There and done, a quick measure of the rich and powerful elite that Tony has always been a part of. Tony's gaze is sharp and weighing, but doesn't linger or judge in particular. Tony will come along as invited to the office, keeping easy stride with the professor's chair, hands slid easily into his own pants pockets. Tony tends to have a gait of owning wherever he is, even if it's just his (somewhat large than life) personal bubble. He raises only a bit of an eyebrow as he watches the students move off.

"I'm pretty sure everything you've heard is true. I am the true savior of the internet," Tony jokes with a soft laugh and roll of eyes. However, Charles brings up the health issue verbally. Tony only adjusts just slightly, but not too much. He tends to act the same regardless, a great deal of the time. "I don't really want to try out your olympic pool tonight - I mean, I didn't bring my suit - but I'll be all right. By the way, I appreciate getting Dr. McCoy on loaner; hope you weren't in trouble without him while he mucked around with me. He's a lifesaver." Kind of a literal comment.

Professor X has posed:
Charles does giv Tony a small smile as he listens to what he has to say slowly moving through the school. There are not many out and about, and the ones that are seem to be older then the rest. "Your arival was actually quite fortuitous. The students are mostly in their rooms studying or getting ready for sleep at this time so we should be able to speak openly as we transit. Though details of what I wanted to talk to you about are in my office so we will stop there first."

The school is large, though not as large as Tony's tower still for a school it is quite big. The students seem happy, but they do tend to stay away even if some do reconize Tony when they seem him walking with the Professor they only wave and move along their way. They knew better then to interput the headmaster, as he was kind, though with his students he reconized that spoiling them without punishment for wrong actions would be bad for them as well. Charles looks back at him, "I have heard about the internet, though I am not big on this new E-mail thing.. I have other ways to comunication that have been around since you were a boy that do well even in times of trouble like you took care of before. Though I must say my students do appreciate your efforts as they were going into.." he pauses, and thinks about it saying the next words with a curious amazment.. "Cat video withdraw?" and gives a small smile.

Continuing ahead he shrugs, "But what I am about to ask, the reason why I had to talk to you.. Keep in mind you owe us nothing because of Hank, or well Dr. Mcoy, he was just doing what was right so I do not want you to feel any obligation over his actions. It would not be right for us to jump on his good judgement for Bias." finally he stops by a door at the end of a hallway that branched off to several different rooms some for leisure like tv rooms, some for what look like class-rooms, even some small offices. Though the door at the end said 'Charles Xavier' on the open door.

Charles waves a hand for Tony to enter, and take a seat.. The room wasn't that big, but there was a desk with a pair of chairs on one side where people sat who visited, and just an open room behind it where Charles usually was at. The room was small, but packed with books, most on ethical beliefs from as far back as Egyption times, there is a globe sitting there that looks to be carved from wood looking old, and very expensive. Also on his desk are a few rolled up papers on the middle, and a out-bin that looks a bit overpacked with papers which is not hard to guess is for the buisness dealings of the school. "Please... sit.. I will explain buisness first, and if you wish I can show you more afterwards. If you do not mind."

Iron Man has posed:
"Let's just pretend it's only cat videos," Tony agrees, with a wry whistle and brief grin at some of the students. He can imagine quite accurately what other things students might be using the internet for. But that's just a distraction. Tony is looking around, though much as if he was being taken through a museum he was just moderately interested in. Tony's a tech guy, so the tone of the mansion is lost a little bit on his preferences. He's not impolite, though.

When the office is reached and Tony is invited to sit, he does exactly that, he moves to the chair and reclines into it, neatly crossing one heel atop his other knee. Some of the position opens up his chest a little, which is more comfortable for him currently. Still healing, but entirely functional.

"Sure, dive right in, let's get that taken care of," Tony agrees, with an open gesture of hand: bring it on. "Don't let me leave without bringing up this kid, though, that I've met. You may be better equipped to sort him out than I am, if it ends up being as biological as I think it is. But, yeah, focus. Business." Tony is acting a bit like a producer that gets scripts shoved under his nose every ten minutes, but he isn't behaving with annoyance about it: Charles gets a lot of leeway, as Tony's well aware this could be quite lucrative for him to hear out. The script, as it were, could be great.

Professor X has posed:
Charles floats behind the desk, and slowly rolls open one of the papers infront of Tony. On it is a very rough draft of a building, one that looks like a more futuristic Tower, or well twin tower. The amount of people one of these towers can hold must be huge!


The tower has lots of floors that seem to buble out with a clear metallic like substance, and has many things on it, shops, parks, actual trees that grow in open air, as well as a peak that raises into the sky. He gives Tony a moment to look at it, as he knows more about stuff like this then he does, "Mutant town has gone as a wild west area for too long. While it should be a place for humans to see mutants can integrate it has turned into a place as punishment for those who are put inside." he glances at the building as he talks. "I have made a peace deal with Erik, as you know him as Magneto to help, as well as the X-men to put our efforts into converting part of that town into a haven." he smiles a bit pausing before he continues

"For mutants, and for humans.. I want to show everyone that we can live, and work together but for this to work we need a community. This would house, and even employ a large community in the town so that we can start the path to acceptance... Aaaand it would not hurt to show that even in a town full of mutants there is money to be made." he adds with a bit of a grin.

He points to the building, "I have estimated this will cost about four billion dollars, but the value of having such a thing in such an area would be priceless. I can handle the mutant population, as in secruity, people to do jobs, things on those lines. But when it comes to the normal human populatoin I thought maybe Stark Industries would like to take part in that as I am sure you could find even more profit for yourself in this then I could." he lets that sink in for just a moment before he continues, "I desperatly want to help the mutants in this area, and the people around it.. I hear their crys, and I can no-longer ignore them after the last incident." he shakes his head in frustration at that memory.. "I am offering Three billion in funds towards this.. But I need a partner in this, and they need to be totally human as I want to build the trust that we are not doing this for mutant kind, but for human kind."

Iron Man has posed:
"I'm not so sure about putting all of a target group in one place in such a concentrated way. I should give you some demographics about how many threats and problems that Stark Tower gets," Tony laughs, but it isn't all that funny. His expression turns more serious. "And that's just on me alone. Although, I grant you, I'm a big deal." Tony leaned forward to accept the picture and papers, but isn't entirely against it, by expression. He does think over things.

"I'd just be more concerned about it being a big symbol for 'hey! hate mutants? hit us here' that might end up happening. Also, I can't have a tower looking better than mine," Tony says, ending with a mild tease. Tony likes to just chatter, while he thinks something over.

"I'm willing to roll this through my business departments and get a handle on what it might require, and a good scope of the benefits of the project, though," Tony says, tapping a few fingers along the edge of the papers. "Buildings isn't really my big focus right now. I'm putting a lot of resources into helicarriers and repulsion for travel safety right now," Tony admits. "I won't be hurt if you want to try LexCorp or Stark Global Solutions -- that's my brother, Gregory. I think Gregory donated here before, he mentioned. Millions. I gotta ask -- did he say no? I would've figured you'd ask him first."

A pause. "Well, no. Most people forget Gregory and ask me. So that's pretty normal," Tony admits.

Professor X has posed:
Charles steeps his fingers as he leans back into his chair, "About the concetrated way, and threat.. I will ask you is it better to know where they will attack, or leave it to the attackers to decide in a wide area?" he stops and smiles a bit, "I want them to target this building, it will be guarded by some of the best, and brightest mutants I have ever had the company of keeping, as well as the ones under Magneto's keep. It is what some may consider as a honeypot, or bait, as because it is such a tempting target we can narrow down their actions against us." he pauses a bit and takes on a serious look at Tony, "Also.. If we have mutants, and humans... When they do attack it isn't just mutants that we can show these people are striking out against. When they move against other normal people they tip over the line of right, and wrong even to people who think of people like us as a threat."

"Believe me I have considered it, but the hit us here as you put it goes both ways, and as for a symbol.. It is also a symbol for hope one that if we are able to hold can move us into the future." he thinks about the next part carefully, "I am not asking for you to build it, I would of been happy if you had offered, but I want your help mainly to get normal people into it, and maybe some help on the tech to get it up and running as you are one of the smartest people despite how you may try to hide it." and gives him a slight smile at that.

With a wave of a hand he notes. "And Gregory Stark is indesposed right now, I can not follow up with him however I try, and Lex.. Well I prefer to keep LexCorp out of this there is something about him I do not trust. You have an honesty about you.. Your thoughts mimic your words.. in most cases, but Lex is more of a schemer.. I am not saying he is up to no-good, I would have to pry to find that out, but it worries me." he gives a shrug, he had looked into Lex before this and found nothing though he did not enter his mind of course.

Finally he looks at the paper, "Mr. Stark.. Tony, I know you can't promise anything without looking into it further, and I am not asking you to. But this building is going to happen, it has to happen because if we do not step up for the good of others, then someone else who does not care about them will step up in its place. We can not afford to let that happen we must act first." he sighs, and nods to himself. "If you heard what I did you would understand better on how bad it truely is in there.. I wish I could show you, but I would not do so without permission, and even with it I would not want to put another person through such a thing." he gives a weak smile.. "Believe me.. this is for the best, and I hope you can see that given time. Just don't wait too long because others will act as I said.. I do not want some goverment, or evil group moving in while we delay."

Iron Man has posed:
"/Oh/. We're talking security, and tech within the building. Oh, /sure/, then," Tony says, immediately switching gears. Tony's upbeat now, and the skeptical look of the 'business opportunity' fades out. Tony enjoys troubleshooting problems and creating new things, though buildings? He inherits those, mostly. The appropriate spin to this building is more than half of what was necessary to get Tony thinking about it in a way that is, obviously, far more useful to what Charles is doing.

Tony makes a small frown when Gregory is spoken of as indisposed: Tony knew about it, it shows, and there's some concern there, a flicker, for Gregory's health. But he doesn't linger there at all: no purpose in bogging down on that at this moment.

"Absolutely, then. I'll want full building schemeatics to pick apart, if you want my consultation on security. I am also sure I can easily get some hype and residents for it, when it's closer to needing those things. I do /great/ charity drive and parties," Tony has entirely moved to being very cheerful about the whole process, possibly because it just became more interesting. Tony likes projects, but within certain zones of his own expertise.

"I actually am thinking that the repulsor project would work really well as a deterrant on potential attack, for the upper floors," Tony says, revving up some. Tony pulls out his device from pocket and starts to work on something at high speed, little holographic images fluttering about at his direction.

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods, and listens, "I will take what I can get from your side. If you wish to only work on secruity, and tech for the building I am not against you fufilling that role. If you wish to throw in for some buisness later after you talk to you people I am not against that as well though I get that will take time to consider fully." he smiles, and waves his hands infront of the drawing. "I mearly brought it up as I thought you would want to get into something like this at the ground floor so to speak. It is what you do after all.." and he gives a small chuckle.

He then rolls the paper up, "It is too bad you do not see what an opritunity this is for the bigger picture, though I understand sometimes things like this are difficult. I do not mean that as an insult, so please don't take it that way, mearly I thought it would be more obvious then it apperently is so it is my fault that part has not been translated for you." and nods to Tony taking blame as he believes it is his fault for not explaining it properly. He does continue though, "I too miss your brother as I believe he would be a great help in this endever, but we will fine a different way for now. I have heard great things about a Wayne industries in Gothem for example."

He doesn't seem to understand the repulor project, or how it would help but he pays attention to the suggestion. "To be honest Hank is the best to talk to about those things, I understand people more then I do technology these days. But I also understand my weakness so try to surround myself with people who can fill those weakpoints on projects like these." he wheels from behind the desk, "So.. Talk to your people... Figure out what you can do, and I will look for builders, and more investors. I believe with the old fashion, and the new we can make one heck of a building for human kind to show those outside of mutant town a shining example of how when we work together as one miracles can happen."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony isn't even remotely offended. It takes a lot to actually get through Tony's layers of confidence. So when it is that Charles takes the 'blame' onto himself for not explaining it properly, Tony is actually right along for the ride here. "The more you do the speeches, the better you get at selling them, even to the eccentric guys that only want to focus on the physical, and sometimes forget the broader dream," Tony says, helpfully, in a way that's possibly also obnoxious, but maybe only mildly intentionally so. He's playfully calling himself eccentric.

"That's what I keep Captain America around for. That guy has some crazy dreams." A pause. "That we all wish we had."

Tony is distracted, fiddling with his own thoughts that have gone off down into a rabbit hole of ideas and invention, still on his device. He looks up though, with several blinks, and refocuses. Not good to go off into his own mental land while still in this meeting. He's back.

"Bruce Wayne... a bit flighty, can be hard to pin down," Tony attests. "But angle for philanthropy, and he's great," Tony recommends. "And also does a lot of building projects, I think. Fixing up neighborhoods. I'll see him tomorrow, I can mention your project if you like. No promises on presenting it perfectly, though. It would get my spin." A brief grin.

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles, and starts to hover towards the door. "Some of us focus on problems at hand, and are really good at it.. Some of us look at problems way in the future that there are no real answers for only moves to put us into a better position. The two hardly ever mix for obvious reasons." and he gives a bit of a chuckle to that. "I think given time you can see it too, but for now it is too vague of an issue compaired to the ones you have now, and doesn't have a clear do this fix that to translate into so you would better understand. To be honest, I can only hope that when you bring this issue back to your people their greed for money will help them move the right way despite not actually knowing they are helping in the meantime."

If there was one thing that the Professor knew it was how to manipulate others to fit his ideals, and while he was not trying to manipulate Tony at all, his buisness associates might not be so lucky, though it was just trying to come up with a way to convince them to do good.

He stops at the door and turns to Tony, "You can bring it up to Mr. Wayne if you wish, but I should talk to him soon about it. I might actually have to use my powers to contact him from the way it sounds." he smiles, "It has been such a long time since I actually flexed my mental muscle it might be nice to actually reach out for once. Though I am sure it might panic him a little, it will be interesting to see how he reacts to see if he is worth while to work with in this endever."

A student appears at the door, "For now Tony I do apologize, but I am going to need to put a delay to your tour of the school. It seems some other things have come up which I wish to address. If there are any papers that you need for your conversation with Mr. Wayne please take them with you. If you wish to leave it to me instead that is fine as well I will just update you when the time comes." he turns to go then stops.. "Do not underestimate Mr. Wayne, he might be flighty, but his mind... I would say is more organized then even my own. I don't know what that means, he isn't like I am that much is clear, but I bet if he wishes he can be quite a cunning buisness man. Perhaps this flighty nature is to lead others to not believe that, and take bad deals." he shrugs turning to leave again. "Good Day Mr. Stark, and thank you for your time."

Iron Man has posed:
"It isn't that I don't see where you're going here or hope to reach," Tony reminds, tapping a few fingers on his 'phone,' though he did switch it off. "I didn't get where I am with blindly charging after ideals. Only /semi/ blindly. Have to ask those questions. At least, to know which safeties you're turning off, when you end up deciding to go ahead and risk it," Tony grins. He'll get to his feet, easily sensing the drawing of the close to the meeting, and appreciating it, actually. Tony has more than a few things left to do, and isn't at the peak of health at the moment to end up staying up all night to deal with all of them.

"I have a feeling you're going to have better luck presenting your own idea. I'll mention it in brief, though, and give him your contact information, if you like," Tony offers.

"Mind if I explore a little bit before I go?" Tony asks, gesturing around in kind of a vague manner. "I promise I won't steal any secrets that don't walk up and introduce themselves," Tony winks. He'll wave, though, with either way, and let himself on out.