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Latest revision as of 04:57, 11 March 2018

You're not in Wakanda any more...
Date of Scene: 22 February 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: T'Challa has a new restuarant to try here in New York...
Cast of Characters: Black Panther, Elektra

Black Panther has posed:
It's not often that a plane nicer than yours rolls by, and it's rarely that someone as attractive as you gets off of it, but if there could be a man-Elektra, then it's possible that T'Challa could be it? http://www.samishleather.com/product/black-panther-avenger-infinity-war-tchalla-coat Stepping off the plane, prepared for the northeasternly US weather, he's looking about. Behind him, following closely, is a rather attractive and definitely intimidating shaved-headed woman. A couple of other women and one more man follow suit after, though it is the woman who stays closest, just off of his right side. "Ahh, rain. Perhaps we can find a way to bottle it up and take it back home with us?" He smiles a bit, his pearly whites perfect against his facial tone and he starts to walk towards the private runway's terminal when he sees someone coming out and he moves to open the door, to hold it open for you. Curiously...depending upon how well informed Elektra is...he may be one of the people in contention to be invited to her little tournament, not that she may be planning to talk about that here.

Elektra has posed:
Pre-spring. The time of year when hope springs eternal.. if you pardon the pun. The rains have been coming sporadically for days now. Not that Elektra has truly noticed. She's been a woman with a mission, and the mission these past days, beyond her push-pull relationship with one Matt Murdock, has been the fire in her belly lit over the idea of this little martial arts tournament she's been toying with.

Her talk with Strange had thrown it out on the grid, so to speak, and now that she'd given it voice, the thing was shaping into having a life of its own, including whispers behind her back that such a thing was going to happen.

Which is, of course, how one T'Challa has heard of the matter. ...and also why he's actually somewhat on her radar - and not just because as far as male specimins go he cuts a fine figure.

Her thanks are murmured as the door is held, though she doesn't wander off, pausing once she's stepped through to allow him to join her at a walking pace. If she's got luggage, she's not carrying it. Nor does she have any entourage to speak of. Whoever she has working for her are the souls of discretion. Quite likely because she likes it that way.

"The rains this time of year are depressing. Nothing but greys and puddles of sadness upon the ground. If you truly want to bottle a wonder and send it home, Central Park in April."

Black Panther has posed:
He chuckles a little bit, "That does not do me so much help, as the power over time is not one of the skills that I have been gifted with over my lift. Unless you are suggesting that I stay here until then, in which case I may have to send my country back another ruler and where I am from, getting one's throne back after you have given it away is not an easy thing." You can see the woman to his right scowl, as he even suggests such a thing, her posture tensing and he grins a moment, as he looks behind and notes that no one carries any luggage for you.

His footfalls are even enough, remarkably quiet one may pick up as a person trained in grace and stealth. "I was going to ask you more about this Central Park but you like myself do not sound like this is where you are from. And you either show great courage or a lack of knowledge of current events. It did not concern you to fly so soon after the recent technological...difficulties that confronted the world stage?" His hands clasp behind his back, casually, as he speaks to the woman.

Elektra has posed:
The other woman's response is noted with faint hints of amusement by Elektra. "Power is a dynamic thing. You take it, or it is taken from you. There is no easy about it."

If she was meant to be impressed by mention of a throne, she doesn't show it.

Her pace keeps along easily with his, making it all seem utterly casual and happenstance that the two of them should meet - and perhaps that is so. Perhaps it all is merely circumstance. Or, perhaps it's been carefully orchestrated. At the very least, she seems pleased about something.

"Why should I be concerned?" As though she doesn't know the many and myriad of reasons why one might be concerened about flight so soon after the communications and data network had been ripped apart and has only so recently been reinstated. "I trust my people. If I didn't, I'd have no business hiring them in the first place. And I make it my business to be on top of such matters as the recent goings on. I find being informed is over half the battle."

She looks over, the faintest of smiles upon her lips. "And you? You ask that of me, but what of yourself. No fear flying from what most certainly must be foreign soil to arrive upon ours, as you say, so soon after the recent.. difficulties?" She mimics his intonation and timing nearly perfectly.

Black Panther has posed:
He chuckles, just quietly, not a loud laugh but one as if he were part of a private joke but he nods. "I too trust my people. It seems like we are similarly equipped, then," he says with that warm tone. "I have not been to New York City for quite some time. Do you have any other suggestions? Places I should make sure to eat or things to see that perhaps are not part of the traditional sight seeing tour that one may end up goign through?"

He pauses at the security gate, and you can see the guards wanting to open up a bag at which when it is turned around, the metallic tape seems to shine and catch the light and is clearly labled 'Diplomatic.' Whatever is in that particular bag, it won't be brought to light at the moment.

He waits on the other end of the security checkpoint which in a private airport like this isn't much more than walking through a TSA screening as his entourage, for lack of a better word, finishes getting through. "Would you like a tea or coffee?" He asks his team as well, looking to the others. You see one of the girls go to raise her hand before the woman at his right looks over sharply and the hand goes backdown.

Elektra has posed:
As she's nothing to check but herself, Elektra's time in security is rather quick and perfunctory. Her passport is barely glanced at before it is stamped.

"Where to eat depends upon your attitude, I suppose." She turns to him and looks him over, seemingly assessing him before placinng her next words between them. "If you're willing to join the masses and not rely upon your status, there are any number of holes in the wall that can be enjoyed. Likely with better atmosphere than those your money will buy. The pretentiousness of those has its place, but I wouldn't recommend them if you're looking for the New York experience."

She notes the Diplomatic strip upon his bag and allows something of amusement to flitter over her features. She's not unfamiliar.

"Though if you care to enjoy a meal in somewhat more secluded and particular quarters, I'd suggest a place I know. Only you need a referral, and they're generally booked."

Again, there's that hint of smile.

"However, you do happen to know someone who can bypass all that for you. But first, this coffee. I do believe I'm interested."

Yes, she noticed the hand raised. And how it was forced down. It may or may not have played into her reasons for agreeing to coffee. One never knows.

Black Panther has posed:
He walks over to the booth, the little barista stand. There are many famous barista stands in the world, and hot dog stands, and the like. Though when it comes to private airports, this is one of the best. The family that runs it is from Italy and has been making tea and coffee here for decades. From when it was a little municipal strip to when it became a private field.

He orders himself an herbal tea, and holds out a hand to ask you to order, before also getting some bottles of water and an iced tea. As he orders it you can see the black woman's intense gaze as her brow furrows and he says something in Wakandan. <<Yes I spoil them but they are mine to spoil, are they not?>> He grins, and takes his tea, not adding anything to it.

"I do not mind waiting in line if it is necessary. You meet the most itneresting people that way, learn a lot more about a people or a city that way."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's order is a simple, "Espresso, per favore." Her lips forming a simple insinuation of a smile for the barrista.

His speakign in another tongue does not appear to phase her, though it's likely she doesn't understand his words.

"Pardon?" A brow is lifted delicately. "Oh, you mean the restaurant. No, it's not that kind of place. It's actually something of a secret. You either know it exists, or you don't. There are no lines because they take in one or two sittings an evening, and devote their attention upon their guests. However, I wouldn't be so rude as to assume a seating on such short notice."

She shrugs lightly, and takes her espresso with a nod of thanks. "Graci." Then telling him, "Though if you don't mind waits, or slumming, you should check out a little hole in the wall bar called Josie's. Excellent food, if the service is somewhat lacking considering what your standards must be in comparison. If you can overlook that, of course, they are rather worth it."

Her fondness for the place is allowed to shine through.

Black Panther has posed:
He looks back and the guy in the back, the only other male, already had a device out and appeared to be taking down the name of the restaurant. "If I compared the service of public restaurants to the service I get back home, I am fairly certain that most places would go out of business or be very uncomfortable with how well tended to they were," he says with a merry laugh this time, the sound even echoing slightly off the walls of the airport.

As he starts walking again, taking a sip of his tea he looks out front. You'd think with the five of them there would be at least a couple of cars there but other than, possibly, yours, there to not look to be any cars to pick him up. This draws a smile to his face and he looks to the woman at his right. "Did you want us to walk to the hotel? After the flight I could use the exercise." It's spoken without tone or anger, but you can see the dark skinned woman still flush and taking out a phone of sorts, the style not familiar here in the US, she starts to walk off to the side and while you may not get what she's saying, her tone is not asking someone if they want to come over for dinner.

"What type of food is this Josie's?"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra allows a soft laugh at the rebuke she's just witnessed. Someone clearly had fallen down on the job - whether it be the woman on the phone, or the company that had not sent a driver. Either way, it's clear that she's amused.

"I think your keepers are not happy wwith you. Or me. They'll likely be less so if I convince you to try Josies."

She doesn't seem all that bothered by the prospect.

"Typical bar food," Elektra informs. "Beer. Pizza. Wings. Those really are the highlights. But a person can be whomever they wish to be there. I'd suggest you not be the king of wherever it is you happen to hail from while you're there. It isn't precisely frowned upon, but you might be looked at sideways and considered somewhat daft, or at the very least, slightly off mentally." She clarifies, "It's a place to go and be invisible."

As much as people who carry themselves the way these two do can be invisible.

Black Panther has posed:
"Oh, I am fine. Though I do feel that I am going to have to tip the driver who is apparently late a bit more than I would have normally. My staff is...diligent...in their execution of what it is I ask for. She will not be pleased that he has put a slight on her, even though you and I know that I know it is not her fault. It doesn't mean I won't bring it up every now and then, especially if I think she is far too pleased with herself," and yet the way he talks it is clear that she is not merely a worker. There must be a comeraderie of sorts.

"I am who I am. Even in the shower I think was the joke that was once made I can be no less than what I am. But I would not wish to be. Still...perhaps a smaller group for lunch, then. One not likely to draw as much attention." At a potentially verhement string of words, T'Challa looks over to Okoye. "You do realize what you just suggested that man do is not physically possible..." and by the look given back to him, the King holds up both ahnds and starts to walk towards the double doors. "I thank you for your advice. You have been the most welcoming company on this journey through the airport."

Elektra has posed:
She could choose to follow him, but his words carry a dismissal to them. Another might have taken slight, but Elektra has no need to base her self-worth upon the comings and goings of another. Were that the case, she'd have taken up Matt Murdock's suggestion and made effort to change her ways to please him. And given her feelings for that man, and that she still hadn't made a move to change herself, even knowing the loss of his love was the cost, being dismissed by the ruler of a country whose name she did not know was merely a drop in the bucket of her day. Albeit an intersting drop.

She had no doubt if he cared to find her, that his Okoye would be set to the task. In fact, in some ways, Elektra looked forward to finding out just how good he and his staff were.

"Be well," she murmurs. "And enjoy your stay."