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Latest revision as of 05:37, 11 March 2018

Comin' round, on the mountain
Date of Scene: 27 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Tony talks Hulk down, and Thor arrives with good ideas.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Hulk, Thor

Iron Man has posed:
This is not a recipe for disaster. Really.

Hungover, jetlagged, hungry? Check. Tony's got a quality set of problems brewing between his eyes, a sweaty plane-ride sensation. And a really big green problem out in the mountains. Priority, as it turns out.

Tony passes low over a compse of trees, and slows, referring to instruments and information. It's nice of the green quarry to tear up huge swatches of the ground and surroundings, makes tracking even more doable, when signals get blocked behind rocky outcroppings. Even so, this is really unsafe; Tony doesn't need to suddenly be pounced out of nowhere. High stress? Maybe. But Tony's relatively chilled out. He can only hope the Hulk will be that way, too. Tony has a duffel bag with him, which slows his flight some: no sense losing it. He makes a loop and a turn, with another calibration. He's close, he's pretty sure.

"Ooookay, please be small and pink... Vegas gods, let my lucky streak actually matter..." Tony says aloud to himself as he searches, scanning.

Hulk has posed:
It's around this time that Tony can hear the stomping. That isn't SMASH! Stomping, but when the Hulk has been in a prolonged fight, Big Green grows in height... and it sounds like he's a few feet larger than he normally is.

Heading in that direction, The Hulk is seen strolling through the forest, casually. He's basically smashing trees down out of his way like dominoes as he goes... but he's actually /walking/ along, and not trying to pummel anyone or anything. Behind him is the remains of what looks like a gigantic hole Hulk pounded into the Mountain. Something pissed him off again recently, it looks like.

When Tony gets within range, Hulk looks his way, and stops. There's a low growl, muscles flexing as he tenses slightly, "Tony want fight Hulk, too?" At least Hulk isn't leaping at Tony immediately.

Iron Man has posed:
While the suit CAN handle things so that Tony doesn't need to use a restroom, it thankfully isn't necessary to do right now. Despite the sudden scare. AGH! Just because the Hulk doesn't suddenly jump doesn't mean Tony doesn't expect it. The flood of relief when Hulk doesn't suddenly make super close friends is a potent one.

"Naaah, just here to check on ya, shoot the breeze," Tony says quickly, in his rapid way. He hovers a bit more, then lands nearby, and removes the helmet mask. So much easier to talk someone down when they can see your face.

Oops, it's damn bright out here, though, and the hangover stabs Tony in the eyes. He winces. And focuses. Right. Hulk. Immediate Danger.

"Unless this is your log," Tony asks, plopping to sit down on it, loosely letting the bag drop from shoulder to the shrub near his foot.

Hulk has posed:
"Hulk only wanted to get puny humans who stole, but then they all got in Hulks way." Hulk replies, turning to regard Tony. "Puny Banner can't even smash thief." Hulk sideway hits a tree next to him, sending the log flying into the mountainside about a hundred feet and splintering all over.

Then, he's walking over to Tony. Seems like Hulk trusts Tony enough to be near him without smashing. Yep... he's several feet higher then normal. The landscaping job he and the others did northeast /really/ pissed him off, badly. He's been like this for hours, now. Now, fourteen feet of Hulk hovers over Tony. "Can't find thief again, can't go back." Hulk gives in a sad tone.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yeah, you know I know it, big guy," Tony says, talking rapidly. When in doubt, Tony barrels on quickly with various things to say. But so far, Tony hasn't been directly in the smash-zone. His log isn't marked as such. Maybe it will be fine.

"These hacker folks tried to get in and steal from me lately. I mean, obviously they failed," Tony chatterboxes. "We're still slowly working on catching them. A little bit of smashing did happen, but more in a quiet, inside the computers way. Nothing like your show of smashing, really, which is... commendable and extreme," Tony compliments. "Look at your accomplishments. I mean, opened up a whole new view from down the mountain."

Hulk has posed:
There's a moment as Hulk looks in the direction he came from, then grunts. "Something attacked Hulk, Hulk smashed." There's no blood back there... but then, with that gigantic hole, overkill is a phrase that comes to mind.

He's down to thirteen feet, now, and the sweat and steam is pouring off of him. Looks like the chat is helping. He looks back to Tony, then. "Hulk smash something else for Avengers?" He sounds hopeful, at that.

Iron Man has posed:
"That's why I'm here," Tony adapts quickly, snapping fingers. Well, trying to: Iron man suit is not made for things like finger snaps. But the gesture reamins. "We're investigating things. Worse than thieves. Hoping you're on board to do smashing when we need it," Tony says, continuing, as he appears to be on a reasonable roll with this.

"It isn't right now though. Sadly. So for now, we can hang out, though," Tony assures. "What do you feel like doing?" Please not smashing Tonys.

Thor has posed:
    Over head a Quinjet zooms over before it hovers roughly over the two Avengers and the back bay door opens though maybe everyone can't see due to the angles and height, but suddenly there's a blonde white man with a flapping red cape flapping in the wake wildly as the figure plumets towards the ground.

    Thor suddenly smashes into the ground, his two feet and a fist used to hinder his fall and disperse his energy a little bit, but he does have to pull his Midgardian boots out of the ground and he then closes the distance between himself and Tony and Hulk. "I feel like we all need to grab some food stuffs."

Hulk has posed:
Then, someone new arrives, and Hulk tenses once again.

When Thor drops down, there's another low growl, "Hulk not smashing anything right now." The steam is still coming off of him, and he's down to twelve feet, now. "Thor come to fight Hulk?" It becomes obvious this is an enraged Hulk, not one with Banner in the back seat. "Everyone gets in Hulks way, today, except Avengers." Hulk breathes, before he smashes yet another tree into the mountainside with an angry grunt. More splinters across the ground. Ten feet.

Iron Man has posed:
Loud noises. Hangover. Ouch. Tony winces back from the onslaught of discomfort, and keeps a wary eye sideways on Hulk. And the tree that gets thrown. That's clearly fine. Tony remains 'relaxed' on the log he's seated on, as if everything were fine. He even waves to Thor. Not smashed yet! But maybe things are reasonably contained now. "Thor probably wants hugs, not smashing," Tony confides in Hulk quietly.

And then: "Yeah, great, let's have a party. I could eat. Did you bring enough for the entire class? I'm skeptical about ordering pizza out here," Tony calls hopefully to Thor.

Thor has posed:
    "Thor not come to fight Hulk, but if Hulk wants to fight, I will certainly fight if that's what you what big guy." Thor says with a grin while looking up to the rage monster with his arms crossing and then he turns his attention back towards Tony, "Of course I didn't bring food. Stark, I am not a caterrer. I am only here to collect you two."

Hulk has posed:
It's during the time Thor is talking that a puddle forms around the Hulk, and he starts to stumble as he shrinks heavily. There's a slight groan as green skin gives way to pink, and Bruce stumbles against yet another tree, before sliding down it to the ground. Bruce Banner is back. In all his glory.

His mostly naked glory.

"Wha..." Bruce slurs, before he takes a look around, "A forest? I was in the city in front of some punks. How far did I go?" Then, Tony and Thor are noticed, and Bruce blinks slightly, "I came back to the states for that consultation, and ended up with an incident in the city. I'm sorry." Bruce offers as he sits against the tree, looking exhausted.

Iron Man has posed:
Time for the duffel bag that Tony was carrying around! He walks forward, unzipping it cleanly and offers it. Inside is a pre-prepared Banner Nudity kit! It contains:
    - A Tony Stark Fan Club t-shirt, red and gold.
    - White sneakers
    - Some (probably tight) slacks
    - Two pairs of warm socks, a pair of sunglasses, gloves, a watch, a burner phone, some 'petty cash'.
    - A bright red windbreaker
    - A towel (never forget your towel)
    - A packet of gummy fruit snacks

    "We took a walk, and we're headed in to get something to eat. You were just saying 'yes'," Tony says helpfully.

Thor has posed:
    Thor looks down to Bruce and shrugs his shoulders. "Green guy was pissed about something." Thor says with a glance towards Tony and a smirk crosses his stoic face before he uncrosses his arms and starts to walk away. "Come with us or not Bruce, but I am leaving to stuff my face on free pancake day." Thor says, half expecting Tony to copy his motions, but if not, he's still going for his pancakes.

Hulk has posed:
"Yeah... yeah. That sounds good." Bruce helpfully replies as he begins to get on the 'kit'. "Thanks. I'd much prefer not to have to hike down an entire mountain." Bruce continues as he slips on the shirt, "Why does it have to be mountains, anyway. It can't be some nice plains?" He sighs resignedly, before he stands, hands in his pants, hunched over slightly, "I think I'd prefer some company right now, anyway. I'm sure the Hulk did some damage on the way out." Bruce notes as he looks up to the Quinjet, "Weren't you all in Vegas?"

Iron Man has posed:
"That was yesterday," Tony says flippantly, turning towards the Quinjet. He will come, absolutely, but he's here to be sure that Banner does successfully make it there, and doesn't suddenly decide to throw more trees or twist them into toothpicks. He avoids explaining the damage. Not helpful right now.

"And I am not at all hungover," Tony adds, clearly lying. "You should have come with us." A pause. "Except for the brawl. Maybe less for that part. Rhodey's fine, though."

Thor has posed:
    "Vegas is a facade and could stand to use a bit of Hulk's redecorating." Thor admits, seems he had a rather disappointing trip to the other side of the united states. "If what you say is the truth, I would have much rather to have been here than there." The god admits before his blue eyes turn to Tony.

    "I missed a fight in Vegas too?!" Thor says with his hands casting up to the sky and he shakes both fists in a might fury of jealous. "By Odin's beard must I be cursed to miss the best brawls."

Hulk has posed:
"Well, at least he has one fan." Bruce quips as he steps into the Quinjet as it lands, "Who does free pancake day, anyway?" Bruce moves to sit down with a plop into a passenger seat, "Vegas is also too exciting for me. I almost never stop by there, unless it's the outskirts." Bruce supplies as he straps in.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yes, Rhodey got flung across a room and nearly into Skye. Chaos. You would have liked it," Tony agrees with Thor.

A pause.

"At least, I think so. I'd had a good night. Logan can back me up, though," Tony clarifies, in a pleased, reflective way, of his time spent drunk. Which was most of the weekend. Tony climbs aboard, still in full armor. He takes a moment or two to give some quiet instructions to the crews he had standing by. After all, Hulk could have been less approachable.

Thor has posed:
    Good thing Thor showed up, the one Avenger never hinting at the fear of being in a fight with Hulk. In fact, he relishes the chance to ever do it again and will not step down in case that situation shows up.

    "Why must you not let me know about these happenings Howardson? You know how I savor a good fight." Odinson says as he steps into the Quinjet and uses only his hand to brace himself against the bulkhead, opting to avoid a seat with a harness. He's not some punk.

Hulk has posed:
"A good fight for you is a massacre for most." Bruce replies as he sits back against the seating, "Have you talked to that Superman person from the League about sparring? I have no idea how that lot handles those sort of things." Bruce admits as he starts to pop those gummies into his mouth.

Not eating for a whole day tends to make one /really/ hungry.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony sits down, and puts his feet up on the chair in front of him, after swivelling it around to face him. He watches Bruce with the gummies, and leans over, indicating for Bruce to share one over.

"I have talked to them-- well, not on sparring. We worked with them on the satellites. If you want to, I can set it up," Tony offers, offhand.

"I'm already wading in there over some medical info," Tony remarks, glossing over details.

Thor has posed:
    "That is not something I've considered Bruce, but that's an idea I should follow up on." Thor says with a chuckle as the jet starts to lift off the ground and based on the directions given to the pilot, the private air-craft is sent screaming towards the nearest IHop.