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Latest revision as of 06:14, 11 March 2018

Drink Your Ovaltine
Date of Scene: 07 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Cap meets with Tony and Banner to catch up.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk

Captain America has posed:
    For some people the workout's highlights come from the intense moments, those times when a person is hitting their peak of effort, pushing the runner's high, trying to reach the point of exhaustion that will insure a good night's sleep. For boxers it's hitting a rhythm, getting the speed bag to bounce steadily where it's almost effortless. Or to get the heavy bag jangling on the end of its chain and tilting one way and then the other just from shifting stance at the right times.
    But for Steve Rogers, it's afterwards. It's that time when he's settled on the edge of a bench, a sheen of perspiration causing his features to glisten, and him taking the time to rather laboriously begin the act of undoing the tape from his fists. It's a slow process that serves as the perfect cool down, and it's in that time that the man's thoughts wander.
    The last several months had taken him across Eastern Europe, chasing after the ghost of a man that had tormented his thoughts in the past. Natasha would have said he was letting his imagination work overtime, but in a world like the one they lived one couldn't really just trust that the dead would stay dead. So he had followed up on those suspicions. And they had come up empty. Mostly.
    But as he sits there on the bench in the gym, eyes distant as he goes through the motions of tearing that tape free, his eyes are distanced in thought. Reflection perhaps. Or introspection.

Iron Man has posed:
"Between you and Banner finding the way back in here suddenly, I feel like some catastrophe is looming on the horizon -- and me, just having duct taped it back together," Tony's voice floats into the gym, with his amused tone lifting it. So much for introspection and reflection. But then, Tony doesn't do subtle.

Tony is not dressed to be in the gym at all; he's in one of his sleek suits, and actually does have an expensive buttonup and tie on under it. The tie is loosened, but otherwise, it is a crisp, clean-cut Tony that makes his way across the gym, slipping a device away into one of his suit coat pockets as he does so. His look is only a small bit judging, but more curious.

"You missed suffering at my bedside. There were tears shed. Pretty heartbreaking stuff," Tony comments as he gets closer. And slips his hands to rest them in his pockets. A pause. Perhaps an unsaid appreciation to get Steve back. Or maybe that's just reading too much into it.

Captain America has posed:
    "You sure you're in good enough shape to pick up a roll of duct tape?" Steve looks askance towards Tony as the other Avenger enters. A faint wry half-smile settles on the blonde man's features as he turns slightly to look more directly at Stark's approach. He then adds lightly, "Maybe build a forklift extension to the suit?"
    But as he offers that faint jab Tony can see the fog of concern settle over his features as he looks at the man, and the topic of his recent bout with poor health is covered so succinctly by the technologist billionaire. "Are you alright Tony?" He gets to his feet and turns to face him fully, stepping forwards to offer a handshake in greeting. His grip is always careful, controlled when he shakes hands, mindful of his strength.
    "I should have made myself more reachable. You took a lot of weight on your shoulders while I was gone." That's the thing about Cap, even as his eyes meet Tony's, he can see the sincerity there and the concern. The guy does wear his heart on his sleeve.

Iron Man has posed:
    "I'm always in good enough shape to pick things, /and/ various people, up," Tony replies smoothly with an easy motion of shoulder and wrist, not even bothering to draw his hand out of his pocket at first. At least, not until he's actually approached, and draws his hand out to accept the handshake.

But is he alright? Tony chuckles and smirks a bit, rolling his eyes: his typical return dodge of genuine feelings from Captain Sincerity. But it still does pull real information from Tony, even if he sidesteps. "Always. Did Natasha tell you that she /stabbed/ me with a sedative, though?" Tony asks in return. "You weren't here to remind her how indestructible I am. That's what I'm dealing with," Tony points out.
    "And yet still saved the Internet." Yep. Just leaving that there. It won't be the first time it'll be brought up, either. And will mean Tony will meet Steve's eyes again. Because it's fine for Steve to read all of the pride there.

Captain America has posed:
    "If she only stabbed you once then you're lucky." But as Steve says that he's still got that slight furrowed brow as he looks over the man before him while shaking his hand and then takes the required step back to continue the discussion. His eyes look Tony over up and down and he chews the inside of his cheek for a moment, but then gives a short nod as he perhaps accepts the man's declaration of health for now.
    "I heard something about that." Cap says, that smile there and easily given. "I couldn't check that email thing you set up for me, figured my phone was acting up. Did something happen?" He asks with that slightly too too innocent tone of his, playing at the role that he's ascribed at times. But Tony knows that Steve's at least a smidge more aware of that whole email/internet thing.
    He does, however, turn away then at that last mention and starts to walk away even as he tears at some of the wrap still on his hand, using his teeth to break a snarl in the tape.

Iron Man has posed:
"Can't tell you if I felt lucky at the time; I was unconscious," Tony reports. The look over him gives a few things: Tony is very good at faking being at top health being the main one, as the medical information available would say he's still on the mend. That he's not in the combat roster still suggests that also, although that could also be forgetfulness: since it didn't matter in the FIRST place, Tony shows up if he wants to, roster or no.
    Tony opens his mouth, and laughs, folding his arms abruptly, well aware he just got rather set up about the Internet. It was a close thing, he nearly fell into that trap of being just appalled. "That was undeserved. Do I downplay your achievements?" Tony asks, hurt. And immediately adapts. "Yes, I do. Possibly constantly. Fair." Tony snaps his fingers, rotating slowly as Steve moves around to continue to face him. Tony has no need to /chase/, he can project from where he is just fine, though eventually he will pace Steve to continue to conversation in a natural distance.

"The worst of that was the rioting, and the lack of ambulence and police communication. Pointless, /pointless/ deaths. We weren't fast enough."

Captain America has posed:
    Steve smiles back gently and turns to face Tony again, resting a hand on the man's shoulder. "It really was great work, Tony." He says with that solemnity and that steady gaze. He gives a firm nod and frowns marginally as he looks away and to the side, thoughts turning to what passed with the events, the rioting, the lives taken and damaged. "I know that you feel you could have been faster, done more. But I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to be in charge of handling it, or spear-heading the investigation into the aftermath."
    He folds his arms over his broad chest, looking levelly at Tony as he murmurs, "I was going to try and find you and get your thoughts about how it went down. What we can do in the future to avoid such a thing." He pulls the last strip of tape from the back of his hand and crumples it with the rest. "If you need my help, I'd like to."
    "Now that you've done all the heavy lifting." He offers that last there, perhaps to head off what he can imagine of what might be Tony's train of thought.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yeah. I know," Tony greets the compliments of his good work, with his usual ego. But he hears it. "Yeah. I could have been faster. Next time I'll be faster." There's a weird slip there, which is this focus on himself. The improvement and importance of Stark. And having all the responsibility made that more prominant. "This enemy made it personal real early. They came after the Tower," Tony snorts, rolling his eyes. "Worst mistake." Self-satisfied expression follows. Tony does believe that. "It was nice of them to give my new AI some test runs. Turns out she was a bit more vicious than expected. Worked out in the end." Tangent, though.

Tony considers the next statement. "The biggest gap right now, that I don't have time for, is organizing the Avengers themselves and our recruits. Their training. Who on earth is even /here/," Tony shakes his head. "Pretty sure I've checked in with everybody, nobody is sleeping on the game room couch, at least."

Captain America has posed:
    Resting his hands on his hips, Steve seems to shift gears pretty easily into a focus on the work of the Avengers, even though he's still in those grey sweats he tends to choose for the gym. A nod is given, "When I came back S.H.I.E.L.D. gave me a series of reports and I've only made my way through some of them." His features shift into a moderate frown, but then he shakes his head. "I was wanting to get your read on them, and hear in your own words what's happened."
    He uncurls a hand towards Stark, "Nat's been busy. Thor is stomping around. What about the others?" He asks even as he reaches down to the gym bag that had been set down next to the long bench beside the track. The zipper gives a faint metallic whir as he undoes it and removes a bottle of water from within. Twisting off the cap he offers it silently to Tony first, the question asked with just the quirk of an eyebrow. If he accepts, then Steve will toss it over to him, if not then he'll just take a drink.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony declines the water with a motion of hand, and then rubs his eyes and face with his palm. "The others. Ohhhhhkay. Where to even start."

Tony moves to sit on the bench, stretching his legs out, and slowly begins to fully unfold and remove his tie. "Logan's around, unsure where he stands. He's like that, though. Came to Vegas with me at any rate. Clint and Nat are same as always, sometimes just ghosts. Rogue is new. She's a recruit by... Barton. There's a report on her you can read. She has a history with Carol -- who is also still here -- some ability to suck powers out by touch. Seems like somebody who'd look up to you." Tony arches a brow but continues. "Simon was here for a bit, tried to pull him in since we didn't have any heavy hitters with Banner missing. But he's off again, for now. Dane and Wanda are both with us, though Wanda's distracted with her father supposedly murdering the president. Unsure entirely what is going on there, I was distracted with not dying during that."

"More recently, Janet is with us again, and Banner has shown up to help out with a new kid, Drake. Drake's a good kid, could use our help. Maybe not hero material, but we'll see. I don't want him in danger until he's ready, though... and that'll be a while, I think."

Iron Man has posed:
"Thor is in and out. With his hammer missing, that's been a problem. I'm not really up on THAT situation, but I will be." Should be. Will be? When there's any bandwidth.

Captain America has posed:
    "Rogue..." Steve's brow furrows as he tilts his head to the side, and seems like he's about to press further but instead lets the information continue on. Blue eyes follow Tony's as the man relates the state of things to him. He listens, occasionally giving a single nod at needed points, then at the last about Wanda he frowns and lifts a rough hand to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully.
    "We need stability, Tony. We need to present a strong unified front and to give an impression of having a constant hand on the rudder." He takes a deep breath then looks back towards the Man of Iron, "I'm sorry that my absence didn't help with that at all." He lifts a hand, gesturing with it towards Stark as he asks, "If you had to gauge which of them would be the most important to speak with first, I'd like to know. Get a chance to speak with them, get a feeling for where they're at. Then we'll call a group meeting."
    He picks up the gym bag with one hand as he depresses the nub of the bottle and slides it back inside. That done he slings the bag over his shoulder, "There are three situations that S.H.I.E.L.D. could use our attention. Apokolips weapons, and a gun running cadre that's been somehow able to avoid operatives. Something out there might help to bring people together."

Iron Man has posed:
"I'm refitting the SHIELD Helicarriers. /By/ the way," Tony clarifies, smoothly. "--Through Fury," he clarifies. "And whoever is sent to walk around and pretend to know what I'm doing to keep an eye on me," Tony jokes. The situation is funny to him, but he enjoys personal escorts usually.

"Stability," Tony replies, and sets his palms against his knees at his lap, and watches Steve with a sly smile. "That's why I went to Vegas." He lets that simmer for a moment, but clarifies, with a shrug, "Well, part of it. It was a great time. But also, that nothing gets to me. Not the Internet, not my heart-- nothing," Tony winks a little. Tony's stability is unorthodox but it is what it is.

"Obviously I'm /most/ important, but you knew that. So. I'd probably say you'd want to talk to Vision next. Vision is in and out, but will no doubt give you FAR more great advice than I have any patience to soak in from him," Tony smiles briefly. "Then I'd circle the core founders still here. Thor. Banner. Janet. I think the rest would work well in a group meeting." Tony yawns a little bit and glances at the time. "Are you starving? I'm starving."

Captain America has posed:
    The way Steve listens to Tony, there's that clarity of intent and steady intensity that comes from him that at times might make another feel like they're the most important person in the world at the moment and that Captain America is going to make sure that he takes care of what they're speaking about. But then again that might just be the natural state in which Tony perceives himself and how he's taken.
    A few more nods come from him and he lets the report flow on by, then he only speaks at the end as he agrees. "I could eat." The last word lilting up a bit as if he surprised himself.
    With that said he adjusts the hang of the gym bag on his shoulder and starts to walk towards the door, and if he gets there first he'll hold it open for Stark as he says. "All good advice, I'll start getting things set. We need to do what we can if we're going to make this whole shindig a success, Tony." As if he had to tell Stark that.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's perception of himself is, indeed, very ironclad, and of course everyone listens to him. Whether he takes in any of it is up in the air just over how much Tony pays attention to, or actually takes in, himself. That can be mercurial!

"Yes. Apply fire under asses. I hand off -- no, more like /share/, that torch," Tony jokes, at ease, as he follows out to the door. He isn't stepping out of things or stepping back, that statement reads. He's in too deeply. Tony was only a hair slow to stand, but not too oddly so. The only area where he's really unaware that his health not being perfect actually shows. And it's just a small window, compared to the severity of what it was, it may as well be nothing, now. He doesn't hurry to the door, despite the comments on starving.

"I have it, anyway. Even if you have some SHIELD emergency. Just, you know. With duct tape."

Hulk has posed:
When the two arrive, it becomes obvious there's already someone there; one Doctor Bruce Banner.

Ever since his 'episode' in New York, he's been mostly at the Mansion when he's not following up on handling the Drake case; he came back to the US /for/ Drake, after all. Sitting at the main table, Bruce is eating some steak with mashed potatoes and corn... with some left over at the stove itself. He's obviously made enough for multiple people, this being a communal mansion.

While he eats, he's got a laptop next to him, along with a stack of paper documents.

Captain America has posed:
    Emerging into the kitchen, Steve Rogers once again steps forwards to hold the door open for Tony as the pair emerge from the depths of the mansion. Having picked up a towel on the way up, it's casually thrown over his shoulder as he walks though he does take a moment to dab at his brow. "What are your thoughts about establishing a presence in D.C. or..."
    The words trail off as he is aware that it's not just the two of them. At first there's a look of puzzlement as Steve's eyebrows furrow, but then they rise as his smile comes to the fore. "Dr. Banner."
    A few steps carry him across the way towards the other man, his hand extending to him to offer a shake as his voice lifts slightly. "It's good to see you again, it's been entirely too long." A glance is given to the spread before the scientist and he adds, "We were just coming up to grab a quick bite, are we intruding?"

Iron Man has posed:
"I don't want to split us up right now, if that's what you mean," Tony says, per way of his thoughts about the DC question. "Not for a while. We're sort of a mush of stray parts right now, jury rigged together. Now granted, I did it, so it'll hold, but...." Tony laughs with a shake of his head and smirk. He spots Banner right away but doesn't adjust what he was saying or tone at all. He does wave to Bruce with a few fingers, inviting himself right on over to visually inspect what is on the counter and stove. And inserts a finger into some of the gravy along the edge of a pot to taste it.

"I will happily intrude--- all over this spread," Tony supplies, cheerfully interested in... the food.

Hulk has posed:
"Oh. Uh. Hello Cap. I wasn't expecting anyone tonight, but I made enough for four just in case." Bruce replies as Steve comes over, and he shakes the mans hand easily. "I went over to Africa for a while myself, with Doctors without Borders. Found a nice country that actually needed the humanitarian aid without any of the usual warzones involved." Bruce smiles, "Other then my incident in the state, I've been pretty good."

When Tony goes for the food though, Bruce gives a small gesture with his other hand over to it, "Not at all, help yourself. I was just going over some notes for Drake. Ruling out possibilities. I've never heard of a case like his before, it's intriguing." Bruce offers warmly.

Captain America has posed:
    For now, Steve lets Tony avail himself of the comestibles prepared by the good doctor. His attention remains on Banner as he listens to the thoughts offered about Drake. A nod is given as he lifts a hand slightly, "I had been meaning to get your read on him, when you get a chance." He pulls out a chair and twists it around to straddle as he looks intently at the other man of science. "Not on his abilities yet, I'll peruse the file. I'd like to get your thoughts on him as an individual."
    He takes a moment to look across the way towards Tony, perhaps expecting some comment from the man about the current topic of discussion, but then he looks back towards Bruce. "He seems a touch young. Perhaps he needs more time to mature and get a handle on things before we put any pressure on him. Or see if he even wants to pursue a life like this."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony is first to the food, and upon the additional welcome to go ahead with it, pulls a plate from the cabinet and loads up. He returns to the table Bruce is occupying, setting down his full plate on a spot directly across from where Bruce is seated, but then heads to the liquor cabinet.

"Step one has always been making sure the poor guy doesn't implode and pull himself into streamers across various realities," Tony offers. Still hungry? Yep. He pulls a few various bottles out, looking at them, deciding what he has the materials to make. "Drinks, guys?" Tony asks, before continuing. "I have a drone with Drake. He nicknamed her Snowball. Keeping an eye out on his health and monitoring his power use. He likes her, asked for her to stay with him, so." Tony shrugs with his as-yet empty glass.

Hulk has posed:
"Oh, Drake isn't in any way ready for considering joining a team like this. He's a hyper kid who just happened to become unstable on a fundamental level by technology I have yet to look into. He'd like to do some good, from what I got from him... but he's way over his head about his time displacement." Bruce gives without hesitation. Then, he types up something and clicks the mouse on his laptop, before he gives his full attention to Steve.

"I'm pretty sure that if you /asked/ him he'd feel honored, but it'll be that awe stuck sort of honored." Chomp, he takes a break from his steak, swallows, and gives a nod to Tony, "All indicators suggest something outside is interacting with him to cause his displacement, which fits with Black Knights suggested treatment. It's really odd, because I haven't seen any explanations why it's persisting with him."

Captain America has posed:
    A small shake of his head is given to Tony while Steve looks back towards Bruce. Sure he said he was hungry, but perhaps that can wait for now as he considers what Dr. Banner has to say. His blue eyes follow the man, unwavering as he speaks and then he frowns and lifts a hand up to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully.
    "He's ok with you keeping him under surveillance?" Steve asks of Stark, perhaps a touch incredulous but then again the youth of today does in some ways slip his understanding. But then it's back to Bruce as he listens to his view on Drake.
    At the last he gives a single firm nod, "Alright, I'll talk to him. But we'll aim to helping him as best as we can. I'll run interference with S.H.I.E.L.D. if they push for him to take a more active role." He pauses for a moment, eyes sliding to the side as a thought occurs to him, but he shakes his head at it without voicing it. He looks back towards the two other men.
    "Will you be staying with us for a while, Doctor? I have a lot of paperwork to get through but after glancing at it there are a few things I think Tony and myself would like for you to have a gander at."

Iron Man has posed:
"He /asked/ if he could have her. So. I'd say more than a little okay. He's nervous with us for sure. Mentioned how nice I smell," Tony asides into Bruce's description. He doesn't get drink orders from the others, so he mixes his own selection just for himself, before coming back and digging in. It is those times when Tony is the most quiet. ...When hungry.

"Which, of course, made it necessary to direct more Avengers to him. Like throwing someone afraid of water into a lake." So much for quiet.

Hulk has posed:
"The young adults these days are all used to stuff like facebook and twitter and the like. Someone on a pro-streamer team like him tends to be one hundred percent ok with the lack of general privacy. E-sports is a big thing in the US and Korea, Cap." Bruce points out, as if this is all obvious.

"But yes, I've got no doubt that the kid will eventually be targetted for his situation; whether to use his powers or to understand them. He's almost like that Flash fellow with how his power works... only in a limited manner." Bruce notes, before he takes a bit of potatoes. "SHIELD could probably help him, technology wise... but that's an if. I'll keep working on it as is."

Captain America has posed:
    Steve shakes his head slightly, yet another thing he doesn't entirely grasp from 'kids these days.' But the shake turns into a nod at the last of the words offered by the jade giant's alter ego. "I'll try and talk to him soon then, thanks for doing what you can for him, Dr. Banner." He looks down at the steak, corn, potatoes and smiles a bit. But he shakes his head. "I think I'm going to actually go for a run. Maybe stop by the Moroccan place."
    Cap moves towards the door and pushes it open with one hand. "Tony, Bruce. Talk to you soon." He walks backwards as he steps through, holding his gymbag by the stap. "Be good, Tony." He says perhaps pointedly, but then he turns and with that he's off on his way towards the side exit.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey. Technology wise--." Tony squints. "I mean, I'm sitting right here," Tony reminds, poking his fork in the air and doing a little spiral in the air with the fork tongs. And chuckling. He's more than caught up to where Bruce is in eating, Tony's being efficient, around the edges of talking.

"So, help me with where you are, and I'll bring in the tech up in the rear here," Tony suggests to Bruce, with interest. For now, at least while he's eating. He'll hang out and work on the problem though, comfortable easing into a project with his fellow Avenger.

"Always!" Tony calls to Steve.