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Latest revision as of 06:15, 11 March 2018

Were Your Ears Burning
Date of Scene: 08 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Loki, Rogue, War Machine

Thor has posed:
    he night has been clear and Thor has been invited on top of a skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan and he has tried to invite a few friends to enjoy the free time on one of New Yorks most prestigious golfing vistas. There's lush green grass and turf on the roof top with what looks like a target sitting out on the bay that's lighting up and flashing various colors.

    "So put the ball here." The host says holding up a yellow golf ball before Thor and then sets it down on the tee. "Just hit this into that hole out there on the water." It's a HUGE funnel and game, but still some skill is required to hit the ball that far that accurately.

    Thor stands before the tee and holds the golf club in his hand and is just standing there all wrong, completely unsure how to play the game, but he's about to try.

Loki has posed:
    Out in the bay the waters are calm, the Winter is still barely there in that there's a chill in the air, but the river isn't as choppy as it tends to be this time of year. The waves just continue to lap up and down against the docks and the cement barriers, and around that illuminated goal that beckons so tantalizingly bright as the goal for such festivities. Even as Thor gathers himself for that swat at the ball the lights around the target flicker and flare, seeming like a frozen mass of fireworks exploding in place.
    But then there's that /CRACK/ and a whoosh of the golf club. The ball flies up and in a smooth arc through the air, barely seen against the evening sky. And as fate would have it, the Son of Odin is indeed a gifted athlete. For the golf ball flies true, clean in its arc if a touch wobbly at a point in its curve through the air. Then it falls... falls down towards that target almost perfectly aimed on point.
    Yet as the ball falls... a fish leaps up out of the river, its tail snapping up and its mouth opening as it almost impudently gulps down the golf ball just before it hits. When it hits the river again there's a faint splash of water, and then it disappears from view.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is on the roof with Thor and whomever else he invited up here. She's got her black leather jacket on with the collar up and a scarf wrapped around her neck because to her, its still way to cold to be up this high. Sunglasses on over her green eyes she's just looking around and listening, being just 19 this isn't exactly her 'thing' but its pretty cool all the same, better than sitting at home and staring at a damn computer screen, thats for sure!

Rogue watches Thor hit the ball and she gently shakes her head side to side. "There's no way in Midgardian Hell that you're gonna land that ball in the hole out there." She taunts the big bold blonde beefcake, showing a sly little grin after saying it.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey is dressed for the occasion as he leans firmly on his Stark-Fujikawa True-Put (TM) Automatically adjusting club. He looks out over the rolling green towards the far away sky, with a far look in his eyes. A deep breath of air is taken into his lungs as he waits for his turn up to put. "Gotta say Thor, picked a place with one hell of a view."

Thor has posed:
    Thor smiles over towards Rogue and then cocks his golf club in the most awkward position ever and is just able to push the ball with some decent accuracy due to his sheer strength. The ball arcs and falls into the fish's mouth at the very last moment and the god is left standing here with a look of disappointment and some anger. "I will be removing that creature's spine." Thor says, as he starts to march towards the edge of the building.

    The host looks over to Rhodey and smirks. "Thank you, it's always nice to have any avenger up here in our special areas, but, I'm not familiar with you or the girl. Who are you two?"

Loki has posed:
    Even as introductions are in the offing, another one is destined to be made for another arrival is seen just moments after Thor speaks. Emerging from a wall in the clubhouse penthouse just close enough to be out the corner of the eye, a tall man with reddish hair and an olive green great coat appears. His hands deep in his pockets and a faint smile is upon his lips. The host of the to-do assuredly doesn't know him. The others, however, might know him. Thor definitely would.
    The God of Mischief smiles his greeting and adds a few words as he casually flicks the golf ball in Thor's direction, "You seemed to have misplaced this, brother. Amongst other things of late."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Rhodey when he shows up... she'd seen him before, around the place here and there, but she had not ever spoken to him. A smile was shown to him and then she put her eyes back onto Thor when he said he didn't know them.

"Uh... forgot Vegas entirely, and everything before it, huh?" She asks the God of Thunder. "I knew you'd drank a lot, but I hadn't known you'd drank THAT much, Sugah Cakes." Rogue says back to the Asgard.

But then, LOKI. And she looks right at him, lowering her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose when she hears him call Thor 'Brother'? "Another sibling? Oh god, please don't tell me you're gonna try'n seduce me too." The teen says, showing a grin then at herself.

War Machine has posed:
     "Come on man, me and Thor play Beer pong on the weekends, you gotta have heard of me." Rhodey comments shaking his head as he looks down his golf club. He presses in a small joypad on the top of the putter, and the head of the club splinters outward in every direction for a moment before reforming back into place now a 9 iron instead of a putter. He cycles through several golf club heads before finding the right one, having an entire golf bags worth of clubs in his single expensive looking red and orange club. "You know, Tony Stark's best friend?" He swings back "I'm in the papers, usually in the background of photos with my head cropped out, but I'm there." and then swings forward sending the ball flying and soaring far overhead only to miss the target completely, causing Rhodey's expression to drop somewhat as he lets out a sigh. "Must not be my night."

Thor has posed:
    Thor stops just as he was about to step up to the lip of the roof and plumet off the side of the building to go gut a fish when Loki appears and has a certain yellow ball in his hand.

    "Loki!" The god says with a smile towards his brother that slowly fades into something more serious as he lowers his brow line to obscure his vision and to telepath his anger at his brother's words. "What doest thou speaketh of Loki?"

Heorry Rhodey and Rogue, sibling's might have to have words about sore personal subjects.

Loki has posed:
    With hands returned to the depths of his pockets, Loki tilts his head sidelong towards Rogue and his expression shifts to mildly curious if a touch edged as he murmurs. "Why?" He eyes her up and down rather pointedly and tilts his head the other way affecting a tone that borders on innocence that might offend his brother, "Did you want me to?"
    But then he shifts his attention back to the other Asgardian as he offers his reply. "Do you trust these or shall we conduct our counsel in a locale more private?" He gestures with a nod towards the gathering of mortals, almost dismissively as he awaits the answer from his brother though he adds a few more words, "I bear word about your first love and figured you would hear of its fate."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches Rhodey's swing and sees it miss the mark, which gets a "Weeeh weeeh..." from the teenager's mouth at the man's inability to land it in the hole. "Maybe next time, hot stuff." She says to the older man with a grin before she adjusts her eyes and stares through her shades toward the Asgardians.

A simple grin is shown to Loki's words, but she doesn't reply to them up until the last bit and thats when she leans forward... back straight, she puts her hands together between her jeans-covered knees. "Oooo, his first love? What was his name?" She asks, a wicked grin on her lips then.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey does the hand eye point thing in rogue's direction several times as she knows what she did. He's got a serious expression on his face as he does it to boot. Then he turns his attention to the two brothers and leans on his club to watch the proceedings. "Wonder why this thing doesn't come with popcorn." He says to himself looking over with a bit of interest to see what'll happen only to crack up a bit at Rogues comment.

Thor has posed:
    Thor knows Loki's short hand, and they both know it's not his first love. It's not even his first weapon. But it's certainly his prized procession. The hammer.

    Thor's fury flairs deep within his eyes and the sky gets a little cloudier, and there's a distant rumbling in the air.

    Thor snaps forwards, his hands grabbing onto his brother's lapells and lifting him from the ground by them. "Tell me where it is!" The god is beyond able to hear or pay any attention to his invited guests. Sorry Rhodey and Rogue.

Loki has posed:
    Though his attention is mostly on Thor, and even though he continues to address him , he does hold up one gloved hand open palm towards Rogue while he tells his brother, "Best we not offer its name to be heard, for the one who claims to have it assuredly might well be scrying for such. She undoubtedly expects me to tell you, most likely it's a trap." He looks up towards the gathering storm clouds, eyes narrowing as he looks back to his brother. "In fact, almost assuredly it's a trap."
    He lowers his hand back into his pocket whether he's left hanging or not, but he tilts his head. "If I tell you this, however, you need to promise me you won't rush off like a fool until we can prepare." He quirks an eyebrow, "For the recovery will be no small matter, and if she moves quickly enough she may well find another wielder. How many others know you who can lift the damnable thing?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't really have any idea who Loki is, but who can deny a good crisp High Five when its offered for one's sick burn? Few! Thats who... And as such, the Southern Belle lifts her own (gloved) right hand up and slaps it against Loki's... he might even notice the inherent level of absurd strength behind the girl's high-five, even if she was trying to tone it down!

When the stormclouds show up though, Rogue's hand comes back to pull her sunglasses off of her face... a few weeks ago and she had the powr to manipulate weather herself, but it'd faded from her 'power banks' and she'd thankfully been happy it had.

"Alright, ya'll... Lets not get all Maurey Povich family troubles up here..."

Thor has posed:
    "We art already beyond Mavin Pollock levels of trouble." Thor says, still holding Loki in the air and yet he does slowly lower the adopted brother with a glance towards the southerner.

    Taking a breath, Thor's eyes show a hint of his electrical control, he is the god of thunder after all, "Why wont you speak the witch's name who possesseth my weapon, Loki? Can you not cease your trickery and politics for once in your life brother?!"

Loki has posed:
    Grumbling and adjusting the hang of his coat with the sweep of one hand, Loki does look a touch put out by the man-handling, his expression shifting to an ire-filled twist of those feature. His nose crinkles slightly, "You know what, you deserve what you get if this goes ill." He steps back and eyes Rogue sidelong, perhaps a modicum of concern might be imagined at sweeping up this mortal into their web of treachery and deific madness. Or perhaps just disliking having witnesses.
    Back to Thor he replies, "My counterpart amongst the Greeks, she lays claim to it. Seeking a wielder and to make use. She also seeks to enlist my efforts in her ensuing campaign." He cocks his head to the side, "And I was a mite touch tempted, I should tell you. But, to be fair, she likely has already planned for me telling you this."
    A small shrug is given, "I doubt it matters to you, however. So I feel I am absolved of any guilt."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to stand up from her seat now that she sees things are get all awkward up in here. "Alright, He-Men." Rogue says to the both of them. "This is getting a little too serious, and I think we should just back it down. I was told t'come up here for fun, not to watch two guys with amazing hair fight it out to the death." She eyes the both of them closely.

After a second of looking at their clothing she has to add though. "Or wait a second for me t'go downstairs and get that cloak that Baldur gave me, ya know... your other brother... then I'll come back up here and we'll all look like an angry Game of Thrones Convention party t'gether."

The southern girl is mostly just joking around, because hell... a minute or so ago and Thor said he didn't even recognize her! Which is downright rude!

War Machine has posed:
     "Don't think I can pull off the game of thrones look personally." Rhodey says having remained silent for a good deal of this conversation merely keeping watch over the proceedings. He kneels down beside his club, setting down a fresh golf ball, as he squats in place. "You know," He sets it right square on the T, making sure to give it a light poke. "Bet I could lift it with enough exercise." A slight shift of his arm to show it flexing before he comes to a stand.

     "I mean, you know" He pauses before swinging the club back and readying to slam it back forward as far off on the horizon a bolt of lightning strikes and a building near the horizon explodes in a ball of flame. The shock of the moment causes him to strike far more firmly then he intended sending the ball again careening off the side of the building. "Oh come on!" He states running a hand through his short black hair.

Thor has posed:
    Thor's about to give a not so snappy reply to Rogue's comment when the orange plume off on the horizon catches his attention. "That one was not mine!" Thor reports with a frown, giving Loki a sidelong glance after he steps up to the lip of the building's edge.

    "We will discuss matters further, brother, but I think now we could use your help at least getting over there." Thor says, with a finger pointed towards the building that's hard to miss.

Loki has posed:
    "Hold your concern, mortal girl." Loki says sidelong towards her, "I have said my piece, conveyed my message. If my brother seeks my aid he assuredly can find me." He eyes Thor back sidelong, but then goes on. "Unless he plans to rush off now and ascend Olympus at this very moment, then I intend to be as far away from here as possible so I do not have to explain to our dear father how his favorite son was killed."
    But, to Loki's credit, he does turn back towards his brother and scowls a little. "Bide your time for the nonce, Thor. Gather your allies, seek counsel with others who might aid you for whatever foolish reason. Then take action and..."
    He stops in mid-offering of advice and frowns to himself, "What?" His eyes flick to the source of the fireballs off in the distance, then back towards Thor. "Let the Department of Fire handle this matter, it's no concern mine." But then his features sour with annoyance and he heaves a small sigh.
    "Fine, but you will owe me." A not so light statement, though his brother assuredly will shrug it off. He kneels down and pushes his hand into the cultivated greenery and ground, getting dirt and blades of grass upon his fingertips. He gains his feet slowly and begins to murmur a few low words with sharp consonants.
    Somewhere in the distance other mystic beings might well sense the subtle gathering of power, particularly some jumped up surgeon with claims beyond his station. But as Loki speaks the 'ground' that would be there if this was actually a place upon the earth gives way to a hole that should not be there. A hole that flickers faintly and fades into darkness far below...
    Even as across the way a hazy portal seems to appear so far towards where the building burns. "Jump in." Loki says, "I'll go no further."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over to Rhodey and gives him a sly grin and a little shake of her head. "I think you could pull it off. You could wear a House Stark outfit just fine, if ya ask me." She has to tease the man just a little, because its just too damn easy, plus he seems 'fun' which just helps!

At the destruction in the distance, Rogue sighs softly and sets her sunglasses down on the chair and then zips her jacket up to the top, her scarf comes off and is tied around the arm of her chair then she's about to take to the sky when Loki preps a portal?

The young 'mortal girl' does a double take from the portal to the distant trouble, then shoots off in the sky... electing to use her own powr of flight to get her there! Portals can't be trusted! She learned that from training with Doctor Strange when he tried to isolate her ontop of a freezing mountain to try to make her forced to learn magic... She'd ended up flying away from that mountain at the fastest speed she'd ever flown before just to get to more mild temperatures (Strange had forgotten about that part of her pwoerset in that moment!).

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey takes pause for a long moment, he looks towards Thor, then to the portal, then to rogue, then back to the portal, then to Loki, then back to that damn portal, then to the host, then back to that portal again. He does this a few times before Rogue manages to fly off on her own. "Oh sure, don't offer me a ride, I'll be just fine jumping through the hell portal." Before he starts to walk towards it golfclub in hand. "Thor, if your brother's portal kills me, I'm going to haunt your ass all the way to Ragnarok." He does the eye pointy thing in Thor's direction, before taking in a deep breath, grabbing hold of his nose and jumping in, shouting "Geronimo!"

Thor has posed:
    Thor steps into the portal after watching Rogue go off on her own way and Rhodey steps in before him. "I have much to mull over." Thor says to Loki, but also to himself before he too steps into the gateway created by Loki. Thor then copies Rhodey's hand motion and points at his eyes and then back at Loki.