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Latest revision as of 06:18, 11 March 2018

The Alley Cat Strut
Date of Scene: 09 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Thor

Black Cat has posed:
It's just before sunrise on a Friday morning. Weekend started early, Cat decided, and what better way to kick it off than to go on a crawl through a wholly unabandoned abandoned warehouse in Hell's Kitchen? But nothing. Not a HINT of what she'd hoped to find, and so the Black Cat decides with daylight coming on, it's time to count this one a loss, and she makes her way up a wall to one of the busted windows whose only purpose is to let in light high enough to light up the place in daytime. Claws are enough to climb the blown insulation on the wall, but when she gets there, her best option is to fire a grapple hook to wrap around a catwalk adjoining the building to another far above her head, and lower herself to the ground.

When she touches terra firma, she releases the hook, takes a look around, and adjusts her suit to make sure everything's in the right place, and rakes her fingers through long platinum hair to get out any of the schmutz that she got in it during her escape. "Well, one down and three to go." Crouch in shadows to avoid detection? What kinda rookie movie is THAT?

Thor has posed:
    There's a rustling from beneath a pile of garbage that has gathered from the winds rustling the papers and loose articles. The pile shifts and then a hand bursts out of it followed by a chissled jaw and a man with long blonde hair. Despite the fact the man is climbing out of garbage, he's a strong and stoic looking figure with broad shoulders and a wide chest. The man is quickly noticeable as Thor. The god of thunder. "What a night." The man says to no one before he reaches back down into the trash and rummages his hand around until he finds what he's searching for.

    With a great heave, Thor pulls out a large bladed axe and slings it over his shoulder into it's sheath housed on his back. "T'was a fantastic night!" He exclaims to no one in particular, having not seen Felicia yet.

Black Cat has posed:
Startled by the unexpected movement and voice from behind her, the Black Cat turns, sinking into a crouch as she watches this god emerge from the garbage. "Yeah...it LOOKS like it was a fantastic night. I'll bet you smell like it was fantastic, too, now." She doesn't rise. Doubtful he knows who on Earth she is, but better safe than sorry. "I know who you are. What are YOU doing sleeping in a refuse pile like a bum in Hell's Kitchen?"

Thor has posed:
    "I was involved in a great battle and rescue last night. It was glorious!" Thor reports, his voice booming and likely stirring anyone's interests for a long ways off at the great shaking baritone. "Where I sleep is of little consequence, but the sleep is what is important silver haired mistress." Thor says with a grinning smile as he starts to walk away from the thief, seemingly unconcerned by her or her appearance.

Black Cat has posed:
The Cat can't help giving into her curiosity. She rises slowly, and follows as the blonde god walks away. Catching up to him, she affords him a sidelong glance. "A rescue? A battle? Here? What happened?"

Thor has posed:
    "It wasn't here. It was... um... else where." Thor responds and gives the woman a cursory glance with one of his blonde eyebrows lifting towards the curious thief. "There was fire, and a crumbling building. Me and two others saved many lives and I ended up lost and wound up sleeping against this building. How I got here, I know not the full story. I likely never will." Thor says with a shrug and yet continues his march away from his impromptu bed.

Black Cat has posed:
"Doesn't that bother you? Wouldn't you worry that someone did something to you, or put you there? I mean, I know if I can't remember the night before and I wake up sleeping in a strange place, it bothers -me-..." Probably not the same thing.

Cat looks over his ginormous axe and breathes the words, "That thing's nearly as big as me..."

Thor has posed:
    Thor shurgs his mighty shoulders. "Aye, after hundreds and thousands of years of nights like that, I tend to not worry about it so much. Plus my clothes are on and my axe is near by, so I am certain no harm befowled me in the night." Thor explains with a smile towards Felicia.

    Then he glances over his shoulder towards the long handle of his axe and he smirks. "Aye, it is a large weapon, I will not argue with thee silved haired woman. You art correct."

Black Cat has posed:
The Black Cat Huffs. "Must be nice...But I guess the clothes ARE a good indication..." She matches his stride, unwilling to let her curiosity go.

"So if you weren't here, where were you? Where was all this action last night? I haven't heard of anything." Of course, she was prowling in a warehouse all night, so she probably wouldn't have heard anyway. "Tell me about your adventure?" she cooes to the golden god.

Thor has posed:
    "As I said before, I know not where it was." Thor isn't the best with directions, especially when he wakes up in a place he's never been before, in a realm he isn't entirely used to yet.

    "The adventure was grand as me and a trio of friends were interrupted by my bother with ill news and then a building exploded across the bay, we had to act with haste to rescue all the perilled Midgardians." Thor explians and then with a hand lifted and randomly guessed, "In that direciton. I believe." He's wrong, but he's trying.

Black Cat has posed:
"In that direction, you believe," Cat repeats, nodding in the direction he randomly indicated. Wholly unconvinced, she nods. "So where do you go now, in some place you don't know, waking up here? You seem to kind of have some idea..." His strides are wide, and even her long legs have to hurry to keep up. If not for her curiosity, she would have just let him walk away from her, as he was clearly wont to do.

Thor has posed:
    "I aim to return to the avengers mansion to freshen up, sharpen and clean my axe, then I shall see where the day will leadeth me." Thor says with a smirk, "Tell me woman, wearing dark colors of a sneak, what is it you are doing up at dawn asking the god of thunder such questions? Are you the papparazzi Tony continues to complain about?" Thor asks, stopping mid stride to turn himself to face Felicia and his arms cross before his chest, pulling his top tight and strained.

Black Cat has posed:
"God, the papparazzi," Cat says with a huff. "No, but they're the WORST."

She shakes her head before continuing. "I was helping the poor, last night, and preparing to go home." Yeah, the poor guy who's gonna lose his head if she doesn't find that lost shipment of guns, and the poor public who'll have to face the danger if she doesn't keep them off the streets. "In a manner of speaking," she adds.

Thor has posed:
    "You're manners seem polite enough to me." Thor says afirming, confusingly, that she is a polite woman. His hand lifts to pat her shoulder and bicep and seemingly half her right arm with a single pat before he turns again. "I wish you luck in your efforts and I will gladly help the poor and down trodden Midgardians in any way that I can." The god says with a nod before he turns to start walking once more in the wrong direction to the Avenger's mansion.

Black Cat has posed:
"If you'd like me to save you a few years of walking," Cat calls after Thor, "I could point you in the right direction. I mean, you -can- technically get there by going THAT direction, but only by way of Europe and Asia." Cat smirks with half a smile, crossing her arms and watching Thor as he strides confidently, at least in his own mind.

Thor has posed:
    Thor stops and turns his attention to the thief once more. "I am going the wrong way again..." Thor says defeatedly and stepping up to Felicia and giving her a slight bow with his neck moving forward more than anything else. "I would appreciate any assistance you are willing to offer white haired woman."

Black Cat has posed:
"You can call me Cat, if you like." Blue eyes sparkle with a faint green hue from behind her delicate domino mask. "The tower is this way...I could help you find the way, if you'd like. I'm not going anywhere. In fact, I can have a car waiting for us two blocks further on, and we could get there much faster."

Thor has posed:
    Thor cants his head and then nods. "Likely for the best. I did sleep in refuse." The god admits and smirks with a frown before looking to Felicia with a thankful smirk. "Lead on then Cat." The god requests with his booming voice.

Black Cat has posed:
Cat lifts the inside of her wrist to her lips. "The appointed place," she says firmly. Then, lowering her hand to take him by the arm, she smiles. "Come on. What could possibly happen? I'll get you where you want to go." She winks and leads him off in the direction of a long stretch limo that is pulling up alongside the curb, two blocks away.