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Latest revision as of 06:19, 11 March 2018

When You Ride Alone, You Ride With Hitler!
Date of Scene: 09 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Slipstream, Iron Man

Captain America has posed:
    No less than three Avengers advocated to the Star-Spangled Sentinel that he should take a few moments to get to know young Drake Winters considering the attention he's been drawing over the last several months. Each had their opinion and voiced it, and Steve Rogers accepted it with a nod. He formed his own initial impressions after observing some archived footage, but there was no substitute for face to face meeting and greeting.
    But he wouldn't want to spook the kid, or set him on edge. Best to approach it in a laid back way and a subdued atmosphere. So he waited until a day when Drake was coming into the medbay for another check up, just the standard fare that was wanted and needed to gauge his gift and to hopefully find some way to help him with its negative after-effects.
    So it was while into the appointment when the doctor turned to Drake and told him, "Alright, Mr. Winters. I need you to hold this to your forehead and let me know when it begins to heat up, alright?" Dr. Greene handed the small sliver of an electronic device to the youth and then twisted his wrist around so he can observe the clockface there. Eyes lowered he says, "Alright, and begin..."
    Immediately the strip of metal, if it's held to his brow, begins to warm up a touch. Nothing near painful or the like, but definitely slowly rising in temperature.
    Of course it's when the device begins to rise higher that the door opens after a knock on the door and in peeks Steve Rogers, "Hey Doc, got a sec? Think I pulled a tricep." He walks in and makes a slightly pained face as he rubs at the back of his arm. Then he flashes that all-home-town smile at Drake. "Hey there, Steve Rogers." He extends a hand in greeting.

Slipstream has posed:
He has been quite an active fledging superhero as of late. He interrupted Foot Soldiers at Star Labs (and got kicked in the nuts), and has been roof jumping about Mutant Town with Dazzler as he experiments on the limits of his leaps and bounds. "No problem." Drake says to the doctor as he reaches out to retrieve the device and hold it up against his head. Today he is dressed in a pair of black cargo pants and a solid green shirt with the Overwatch symbol upon it. His team jacket of the New York Static is on the back of a chair nearby. The moment he feels the heat, he says, "Got it. Felt the heat." He says, as if it was a competition and he was looking to beat his fastest time and complete a new record. "Do I keep holding it here?" He asks as his eyes trail over towards the door that opens. At the sight of Steve Rogers, his jaw unhinges and his eyes widen. When his hand is extended, he just continues to stare at him, making a light squeaking noise in his throat, followed by a, "Ow! Holy shit that's hot!" He says as he tugs the device from his head, then blinks a few times. ".. Oh my God, I just cussed in front of Captain America. Sir, I'm /so/ sorry. You are like ... oh wow... /wow/........ *wow*.... " There is a bit of a nervous laugh from him, his cheeks flushing. "... You're Captain America...." He looks at the hand again, then quickly thrusts his forward to begin shaking it. "You are Captain Freaking America!"

Captain America has posed:
    "Please hold it there until it starts to become uncomfortable, don't worry it can't get too warm." Dr. Greene has nigh unto inexhaustible patience as he has to deal with the Avengers day to day and is on call to them permanently, but he's also a doctor of some repute and at times the Avengers can test even his stony manner. But he continues to consider the watch, then looks up and cocks an eyebrow at the door as Steve, in the doctor's opinion, rudely saunters in.
    "You can wait your turn, Captain Rogers." The doc gestures for the man to move towards one of the seats near the wall and the bank of computer monitors there.
    Steve, to his credit, looks sheepish. "Of course, doc." But he doesn't withdraw until he smiles back at Drake then blinks a bit at the language and the device.
    "That's not supposed to happen." Dr. Greene frowns and takes it from Drake quickly, then shakes his hand as it burns his fingertips too slightly. "Incredible. This will take a bit of study. One moment, please."
    The doctor starts to head towards the door, and then looks between the two of them. "I'll be just a moment."
    But even as the doc is stepping out, Drake and Steve are shaking hands. Cap's handshake is firm, not aggressive and just three short pumps as he smiles a bit while stepping back. "So I'm told. And you're Drake Winters?" He cocks an eyebrow as he takes up a seat as those monitors wink with their steady data feeds, displaying information about the young empowered individual. "I spoke to a few people about you just the other day."

Slipstream has posed:
"No, I'm Captain Amer---I mean .. yes... I am Drake Winters... um... " Drake stutters out with a laugh as he practically clings to the shaking hand for a moment before Steve finally sneaks away from him. He continues to stare at him with his wide eyes and surprised expression. "... I think I need to change my pants ... " He lets out past his lips before he blinks. "That was supposed to be my inner voice. Shi-- err... Shoot.. Dude, you are such a big deal. I can't believe I'm in the same room as you. You are like .. more popular than Obama. You punched the Red Skull in the face! Dude... Sir.." He hiccups out a laugh, completely star struck. "You talked about me with other people? ... Oh my God... It is an /honor/ to meet you. It's a super honor. The honorest of honors to ... can I get your autograph?" He blurts out. ".. can I call my best friend Zapp and Facetime him so he can meet you? He'll scream like a girl. I swear to God he will. He will lose his damn mind. He's not as cool as I am around superheroes." OmegaLUL in the chat.

Captain America has posed:
    Steve lowers his eyes and looks down, that slight half-smile on his features doing its best to hide the slight discomfort at the accolades given. He cocks an eyebrow and looks back up at the young man across the small distance of the medbay and he says, "Hey, I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like anyone else." He offers and then he adds, "And sure. Remind me on the way out. I imagine the Doc'll have a pen on him. But what's Facetime?"
    But after he says that he furrows his brow, a slightly more serious tone entering his tone of voice. "Actually, Drake, this is fortuitous. I was wanting to talk to you. But I wanted to get your perspective on things. Tell me about yourself."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, but you put your pants on, and then you punch the Red Skull in the face. That guy's a real dick." Drake says as he finally blinks, followed by another chuckle. "Oh. Facetime is like .. um... live camera on my phone. He'd be able to see us and wave and freak out." He finally breathes. "You wanted to talk to me? Okay. Sure. Um.. tell me about yourself.. I mean ... tell you about myself... I'm Drake Winters. Born and raised in San Francisco, California. My dad beat the shit out of my mom until she left us, then he beat the shit out of me until I ran away from home and lived on the streets and a few garages until I got noticed online for my high level gameplay of Overwatch. I got picked up by a pro team after my video stream went viral and now I'm the top rated hitscan player in North America, number four in the world and that's because Koreans are machines. I now live here in Manhatten with my Overwatch team and we travel to Los Angeles a few times a year to do tournaments. I represented the US in the World Cup Tournament. I guess you can say I was the team captain. I guess you can say I was Captain America for a few days. Get it? Because... nevermind. Um..."

He pauses for a moment. "I then met up with Mon-El who is a Daxamite. He saved my life from a bunch of guys who tried to beat me up. We became best friends. I ended up hanging out with his taem.... The Legion of Superheroes. I also get to hang out with Supergirl. She says I'm her Jimmy Olsen. That's like a big deal to her. Anyways, um... I got my powers after I was kidnapped by Glorith, a evil villain from the thirty-first century who is obsessed with wanting to marry Mon-El. She created a prison of time and trapped me in it to try and get to Lar. That's Mon-El by the way. He goes by Lar. So, the Legion saved me, but to do it they had to shatter the prison I was trapped in. It's like a crystal cocoon or something. Also, in that prison it implanted ten years worth of fake memories into my head of a life that I was supposed to live in which I was married with children to the superhero known as Andromeda who is Lar's cousin. Also a Daxamite."

There's another pause, then he continues. "So, I got out of the prison and immediately my body started to tear itself apart because now my body is laced with chronal something something particles and it's trying to tug me back to the other time I guess. From there, I started blinking around, screaming in pain. They put me in a coma, contacted Star Labs and created this super bracelet that keeps me grounded in time. I can still blink about, but if I do it too much I get a lot of pain, then my nose bleeds and then I black out." He stops here, giving an awkward grin. "... now I call myself Slipstream."

Captain America has posed:
    When Captain America listens to someone he gives the impression that they're the most important person in the world in those few moments. He follows along with Drake's words, his brow furrowing at first and lips pursing but he holds his silence. Then he nods at the discussion of his efforts in the electronic arenas and he smiles a little though there's still a faint flicker of concern in his eyes.
    The attention holds through the tale of the young man's meeting with Mon-El and the travails he faced. And when it comes back around to the difficulties he's facing now Cap's expression is more furrowed brow with intent concern. A breath is taken as he absorbs the young man's words and he says quietly. "That's quite a story, Drake. You've lived a lot in these last few years. When I was your age I was just struggling to make ends meet."
    He pushes himself up from his seat and rubs absently at the injured tricep, his blue eyes holding Drake's gaze. "I know things can seem tough when you have all these questions surrounding you and not that many answers. But right now you've got some of the smartest men in the world wanting to help you. And what they'll learn from all of this... hopefully, might very well help all of mankind."
    He reaches out and rests a hand on Drake's shoulder, "I'm proud of how you've been able to keep yourself together, Drake. It's impressive."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. I mean .. it's no problem ... I don't know ... I guess it's pretty neat. If it wasn't for the bracelet I'd be dead by now. I just went back to my normal life. But I did knock out two ninjas when they were robbing Star Labs. They got away with some type of device but I was told that 'they were on it', so I guess it's not an issue now... " Drake says with a wry grin. "Oh, and I was at Mutant Town when that crazy war went down there and I got to yank out a bunch of families and keep them safe. I just want to be helpful. I figure I got these cool powers and I'm not an asshole so I may as well do the superhero story line. Also less chance of getting punched in the face by you. I mean, to be punched in the face by the same fist that punched the Red Skull in the face would be an honor, but I think it'd /really/ hurt. So, I'd rather .. you know.. dream about being punched in the face instead... that sounded so weird. I'm sorry if I'm rambling. Captain America just told me that he's proud of me and I'm trying not to cry." He hiccups again, then wipes at the corner of his eye. He really is about to start crying. He gives a shake of his free hand as if to ward off any numbness. "But, yeah... I know a lot of your friends have been trying to help me and I feel like it's surreal. If you guys can cure me, even if I lose my powers I'd be fine with it. But if you can find a way to help other people too that'd be even better. Whatever you have to do. You know? I'm not gonna trip." He says with a sniff.

Iron Man has posed:
Some of those smartest men in the world are also the smartest men in the building. Or even the room. Well, not before Tony arrives, at any rate. So, it will take a few more seconds. THEN it's true. Wait for iiit....

Tony Stark makes an appearance, in his usual relaxed saunter, as if he owns the place. (Technically, he does.) Hes dressed way down: a long sleeve t-shirt, gray, under a black ACDC tee, jeans. It is all very relaxed and normal in theory, except that Tony behaves like a rock star, and can fill a room with his ambiance just by being himself.

But Tony enters a room to see Steve, and Drake /crying/. Both brows shoot up, and he extracts the candy sucker he'd had in his mouth to stare at them a little. "Huh," Tony remarks of the whole... 'thing.' Feelings. Urgh.

Tony then, man on a mission, walks directly on through medical towards one of the back sections, pulling aside the curtain with a loud SHWECK of sound, and loudly pulls out one of the terminals away from the wall. The bed in the back he is next to is the big, high tech one that looks much like a very futuristic iron lung setup, with an array of panels around and over it. It is, in case it is relevant, Tony's most recent 'prison of healing' he was trapped in, though only Steve may be aware of that fact.

Two little robot drones zoom their way in belatedly, though neither is Snowball. They are similar, but more squatty, with gunmetal and teal panels on them. They pause as they go by, and chirp polite greetings.

Captain America has posed:
    To Drake, Cap smiles and then steps back towards his seat near the console in the medbay, easing back into it as he meets Drake's eyes. "We'll do our best to do right by you, and from what I've heard if you're able to keep the powers and your health then there are likely to be opportunities in your future. Beyond the face-punching." His lip twists slightly as he then looks to the door at the sound of it opening.
    "Tony," He says in way of greeting, not getting up from his seat there. He shoots a glance towards Drake then back towards the the billionaire. "I was just getting to know, Drake." He gestures a little to the side, "Do you have a pen?" He then asks, as if the thought just occurred to him.

Slipstream has posed:
At the sight of Tony, Drake quickly wipes at his eyes, then straightens up. See. He ain't no bitch. He's not crying in front of the country's greatest freedom fighter of all damn time. No way. Not this guy. "Hey, Tony!" He calls over with a grin, lifting a hand to wave. The sight of the robots catches his attention, but they aren't his favorite one and he lets out a soft 'aw' under his breath. "Yeah, I just gave him my backstory and now we're just .. uh ... kicking it. Oh. I stopped a mugging the other day in Harlem. It was pretty cool. Found out that if I go super sonic with my speed and then hit someone, it's kinda like being hit by a truck. I think I sent the guy ten feet and nearly broke my wrist doing it. I probably shouldn't try that again but I figured with the the rate of velocity I'm traveling coupled with the pound per square inch of air that surrounds me when I do it, that I can utilize it to sorta bunch it up all at once when I come /out/ of the leap and then let it all go. But, yeah, I sent him to the hosptial and felt like shit about it, but you know .. he was beating on an old lady so I didn't feel /too/ bad.. just a little bit bad. ... Just not all the way bad."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony sort of waves on his way through when greeted by both of them. "Sure thing, Capiscle," Tony answers around the candy sucker in his teeth, and flips a pen out of a pocket and expectantly extends it back behind him without looking. Both drones respond, though only one actually wins the race to get the pen, the other hovers with a negative 'bbzzzt' sound. One of the drones grasped it in a little metallic clawhand, and carries it very elatedly over to Steve, bestowing it upon him as if it was an Olympic torch.

"Great stuff," Tony observes of Drake's explanation of his heroism, while climbing under the console. See, he's listening and everything. He beckons at the second robot, who flies down. Tony flips it's head open and fishes around in it for a tool, and proceeds to make some noises under the console. "We're all glad you haven't imploded," Tony adds. "How's the wrist now? Maybe we can just armor that arm - or maybe force shield." See, listening. But mostly out of direct sight. Distractedly troubleshooting with part of his attention.

Captain America has posed:
    Steve sits up a little, drawing his sneaker up to rest on the edge of the seat he's occupying and the top of his thigh against his chest. He's just wearing the grey sweats he often wears when exercising and doing calisthenics, definitely not dressed enough to make a decent impression... unlike Tony who always has that little bit of style going for him.
    Towards Drake, Steve says firmly, "It's good to stand up for people who can't help themselves. But you need to be careful, Drake. You need to learn about and control your powers. You don't want to hurt someone too badly when you just mean to get them to stop."
    A nod is given at that, but then his eyes shift back towards Tony, one eyebrow raising at the bobbing and moving drones as it flits across the distance and offers him the pen, which he accepts. "Thank you." He says, at first sort of at Tony but at the end of it also including the drone. He holds up the pen towards Drake as if signalling some kind of victory, 'see, I got it.' But then he asks, "How are things coming with countering the negative effects of his abilities, Tony? I haven't had a chance to talk to Dr. Banner or Dr. Greene."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. I get it. Totally. I don't want to really hurt someone. Unless it's the Red Skull. I really want to punch him in the face. You know, so I can say I punched the face that Captain America punched. Man, that'd be so cool. I bet it feels good to punch him in the face, huh? Tony, have you punched him in the face before? Not Cap, but the Skull?" Drake calls over curiously as he raises his brows upwards with a grin, then leans over to snag his bag off the ground and takes out his 'celebrity book'. He opens it up to his Avenger's section which has so far Bruce and Tony in it. After offering it to Steve, he says, "I was thinking of hard light semi auto pistols with regenerating ammo? I could shoot beams of hard light, sorta like what Dazzler can do, and use it rapidly to 'sting' the bad guys and create a distraction. I know you guys don't have a speedster on your team really, so I could be the Avenger's flanker. Zip about, lay down some shots to force the bad guys to turn around, I blink away, then Cap comes in and BAM. RIGHT IN THE FACE. Get wrecked Red Skull! And then we sorta win the day. But, armored arm gauntlets may be cool too."

Iron Man has posed:
"We have some good theories. Banner wants to /test/ a bit more, but I like the chances. Still, probably a good idea to be safe," Tony comments, his voice echoing a little from under the console as he squats, finishing the candy he was working on, and hands it to the robot that just returned pen-less. The robot treats carrying the trash to the waste bin with the same elation as delivery of the pen: even with a florish of robo-arms as it drops the little stick into the trash.

Tony returns to view as he powers the console back on. "Well, 'both' is still in the air, armored guantlets aren't exclusive to shooting. Nobody shoots ANY pistols with broken hands, is all. At least not /usually/." Tony could work around that, is the point.

The console lights up with holograms, and Tony fiddles through some various menus, clips a lead around his left wrist, nonchalant, and does his own diagnostics. Doctor?, naaaah, he'll do it himself. While talking. "Skull? I'm not sure if it was in the /face/, and I'm less on punching, for the most part," Tony answers. "Pretty sure I've actually punched /Cap/ in the face, though, at SOME point, how that you mention it," Tony playfully queries of Steve, turning to smile at him vaguely.

Captain America has posed:
    A small chuckle slips from Steve's lips as he looks down at the ground, hand lifting to rub at the back of his neck at shared or perhaps sympathetic embarrassment. He looks up towards Tony and cocks an eyebrow curiously for a moment, but then his attention is drawn back towards Drake. "It'll probably take some time, Drake. Training. But that would probably be helpful. We just need to make sure that having you help us isn't injuring you too much or shortening your life." He says this last with a small stern tone, as if it's already been decided. Which, perhaps in his mind, it is.
    Towards Tony he cocks an eyebrow, as if seeking some sort of agreement from the man to present solidarity to the youth. But it's just in time to catch the comment about punching him in the face. He smirks back across the distance, "Well, things were pretty tense there for a time." He says this, then turns back to Drake and offers, "But they're better now." A glance back at Tony as he smiles and then adds, "A bit." His nose crinkles a bit, clearly making a small small joke.
    Of course that's the moment that Dr. Greene returns, and he blinks absently at the sudden appearance of Tony Stark, "Oh, Mr. Stark. Good to see you." He turns back towards Drake and says, "Sorry about that, I'll get the rest of these tests done and then get you on your way."
    He steps back towards the table and the readouts there for Drake, but he glances over at Cap. "And you, Captain Rogers?"
    To which Steve responds, "I'll be alright, Dr. Greene. Please, do what you need to help Drake."

Slipstream has posed:
"I would love to train with you guys." Drake says with enthusiasm leaping into his voice, his eyes widening. "Man, that would be awesome. I wouldn't let either of you guys down and I'd work my ass into the ground. Seriously. I already put in fourteen hour days of practice for Overwatch. I'm that dedicated. If I had the chance to help you guys in any way, I'd jump on it. Especially after all you've done for me. I see it as an investment, right? You guys are saving my life and trying to steer me on a path of good by being awesome role models." At least Cap is. Everyone knows Tony is a differnt kind of role model. "And in return, I'd do what is best and not use my powers for bad. That's such a cool back story. Zapp is gonna lose it."

Iron Man has posed:
"Was that a jab at my expense? A slight /little/ burn? I'm so proud," Tony says, flipping the tools in his hand into the little robot's head, ripping off the lead from his forearm, and crossing the room to clasp one hand down on Steve's shoulder. No punching right now or recently. Probably.

"Hi Kenneth," Tony greets Dr. Greene, adding with a snap of fingers and brief point vaguely in the direction of the console he'd been at, "I've silenced the pesky test requests being sent to me; just going to come in every few days instead," Tony reports to his employee, which will no doubt get him a dismayed scowl. Tony ignores it or isn't aware of it.

The reach out for solidarity from Steve does get it from Tony. "What he said. If you're fine with that, you can borrow Snowball again to run training routines with you to get you up to speed with us," Tony suggests idly as if it wasn't a big thing, clearly unaware of how much Snowball matters to Drake.

Tony checks the time. "But /I/... need to go. I want to get some time in on my projects before Pepper realizes I have a big gap, and fills it with meetings."

Captain America has posed:
    Cap's smile broadens as he shakes his head slightly even as he gains his feet. He stretches out his arm and reaches across his chest, scrunching up one eye. "I'm going to head out, Doc. My arm's feeling a bit better." He looks between Tony and Drake, however, and gives them both a nod. "Sounds like a decent plan, Drake. We'll see what they come up with and run with it."
    But then Tony offers his rejoinder and Cap grins back at the other Avenger even as the man seems so touched at the efforts Captain America makes to find that common ground with the brilliant inventor. He smirks a little but the two men can probably see that Steve is actually pleased when Tony backs him up about the best course of action for Drake. "Never hurts to practice and put in the hours, that's a good work ethic, Drake."
    That said he steps to follow after Tony, "Actually, we should talk about the duty rotation, Tony. I'll bend your ear while we walk." But then Cap snaps his fingers, "Almost forgot."
    He takes the moment needed to step towards Drake and then nods towards the book he had produced, "May I?" And unless Drake stops him he'll find a suitable place to sign.

'To Drake, keep up the good work, soldier. -Steve Rogers.'

    He hands the pen and the book back to the youth and then lifts a hand towards Dr. Greene, "Take care of yourself, Doctor Greene."
    "Always do, Captain Rogers. Mr. Stark." The doctor smiles to the two of them then turns back towards Drake, "Alright, son. Let's get back to work."

Slipstream has posed:
As he is signing his book, Drake snaps a quick selfie with him for his collection. His Avenger's photo gallery is shaping up nicely. At the offer of borrowing Snowball again, his face lights up and he gives a fist pump. "Awesome! Slipstream and Snowball are teaming up again to put bad guys on ice!" Holy shit that is cheesy. "Thank you guys so much, for everything, and I can't wait to hang out with you guys again." He is practically bristling with energy now as he zips back and forth a few times with his powers, blinking in and out of existance with his speed. "Okay, Doc. I'm ready for more needles and shock therapy this time."