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Latest revision as of 19:59, 13 March 2018

Roaming the Rubble
Date of Scene: 13 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Iron Man and Iron Fist discuss Captain America's legs over a biohazard-lit lunch.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Iron Fist

Iron Man has posed:
The mall will be closing soon. Not that half of it is even open right now. There is so much police tape up in the mall, it is a cat's cradle of areas that are out of bounds. The north end is covered in translucent tarps, due to there being a 'bio contaminant' all over the floor and walls that is slowly being cleaned up. Biohazard signs dot the big sheets of plastic, though they are somewhat loose in arrangement. The south end of the mall is open, but due to strange damage all over the place (the department store had a table flung through a wall, for example, in housewares), it has dots of areas that aren't accessible. The food court and a handful of businesses throughout the mall are the same: blocked off.

All of that has made the number of shoppers significantly less than normal, even for a weekday. Probably 90% of the shoppers are located all in one big clump near the biohazard sheeting, because there is something really interesting to look at, right now. It isn't every day at all that normal folks get to see Iron Man up close and in PERSON, and he is just mere yards away from the crowd. Many of them have their signed objects: he'd just finished chatting them up.

Iron Fist has posed:
    With all the bio hazard signs, Danny was slightly nervous about investigating the area. He knew that he could channel his chi into creating something of a bubble around himself, but there was still a part of him that saw that iconic symbol, and was a scared child again. He came in through the roof, and was using the support network, which could be used to hang banners, flags, balloons, and whatever else the mall might need throughout the year, as a pathway. Catching sight of the small mass of people, he made his way closer to get a better look. When he recognised that it was the Iron Man, Danny began to head back towards the cordoned off areas, hoping to get a sense of what was going on here. Of course, as quiet as he way, he still had a heat signature.

Iron Man has posed:
While he's within easy view of the crowd, Tony plays to the people to some extent. He can't really resist. So there's some unnecessary extra flying involved, because he could really just have gotten the sample he wanted off the floor or wall, but no, he'll get them from the ceiling. Otherwise, he is doing some relatively boring scans, as he hovers down through the destroyed area. And spots one of the mauled security cameras. "There you are, you scamp. Making me come all the way down here, you and your sisters are in bad shape, huh?" he sighs at the camera.

There isn't much else to do while he's just getting some scans of the patterns on the walls, and the weird lumpy shapes on the floor where people were clearly blocking the spray patterns with their bodies. All very disgusting, actually, and it doesn't take all of his attention. Which means he picks up suddenly on the new arrival. He doesn't do anything about it at first, really, though, just keeps tabs on that. For the moment.

Iron Fist has posed:
    Wow, the Iron Man spent a lot of fuel, whatever it was that powered the suit, creating the flames from his boots, wrists, but at least it was theatrical. The children, and even the adults on the ground, seemed to enjoy the show. In fact, one of the children enjoyed it so much that it looked about, spotting Danny in his green, well, it looked more or less like a tracksuit, and she asked, "daddy, why's that man up there?"

    The father explained, assuming she meant the Iron Man, "he's showing off the finest equipment that money can buy, and you know what's best about it, it's designed and built in America." The girl looked up at her father, and just shook her head. Looking back to Danny, she was him give a little wave, not that he could have heard any of that... right?

Iron Man has posed:
Yeah, fuel. Or something else. Tony Stark spares no expense.

    In any case, Tony would be on the girl's father's side about the situation: he's showing off the finest equipment, entirely so. Designed and built not only in America, but in New York!

Tony got a little bit close to one of the low zones with a boot, and checks to be sure he didn't step in any. Nope, clean. Yuck; it's too much like vomit. He's glad he can't smell it. But then he spots something more interesting, and his attention is pulled to look at it. It's also out of the immediate view of the crowd, so Tony gets more down to actual efficient business. The spot where all the weird stuff started. It's just next to an out of business tailoring shop.

Iron Fist has posed:
    Danny, seeing Tony stop somewhere behind the warded off area, moved closer, curiosity getting the better of him. While Iron Man has a lot of good press behind him, Iron Fist is more of a vigilante. He means well, but he doesn't have the reputation like the Golden Avenger. Plus, he wears mostly dark colours, his forest green jumpsuit being highlighted in yellow accents, and he wore a mask, but not a helmet like the Iron Man, his had a sinister, almost serpentine appearance.

    Once he was out of sight of the crowd, he leapt down, but it was such a quiet landing that most people wouldn't have noticed. But then again, most people didn't have sophisticated audio sensors. Walking up towards the Iron Man's back, Iron Fist's lips curled into a smile as he offered, "you should think about getting shoulder pads, maybe take it in at the waist. Have you been upping your cardio?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Hardly. My leg days lately involve watching Captain America run laps until I get bored," Tony answers in amusement without turning at first, then turns his head to look over his shoulder at the new arrival. While not in full scanning mode he might have missed it, but not during. Still, he's pretty unconcerned over the whole thing. He lands near the weird splattered spot.

There's actually very little splatter here, it fans out and gets very severe about ten paces away. He turns more fully. "Since you're here offering opinions -- Does it smell as bad in here as it looks like it should?" Tony questions idly, looking at the electronic security on the door to the shop. A quick little adjustment gets THAT right open.

Iron Fist has posed:
    "Captain America works hard to get the legs you appreciate so much. But do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace. If you want to be happy, just be happy." But as much as he enjoyed discussing Tony's fitness routine and the affection he holds for Captain America's legs, the conversation soon switched to a more serious matter. "Honestly, I've been trying to avoid it." He didn't want to smell it, he didn't want to breath in this air. He was using his chi to cleanse all that which was entering his body. But, since Tony asked, he lowered his guard somewhat, and closed his mouth, swallowing hard, before shaking his head from side to side. He looked like he was going to hurl. And then he focused his chi again, and was relaxed once more. "It smells like the sweat from the Rhino's butt."

Iron Man has posed:
"Did someone suggest to you I'm not happy? I go out of my way to show off how happy I am," Tony chuckles a little, distracted by his readouts and JARVIS talking in his ear. But he orients to shake his head regarding the scent.

"I'd rather you don't tell me how you know that comparison," Tony smirks. There is no smirk visible in the helmet, but it's so easy to hear in his tone, it may as well be part of the suit. "It might interest you to know that it's inert now and won't kill you. It's done doing that. I'd still wash my hands before I /ate/ anything, though," Tony adds. "Possibly even light that tracksuit on fire. For ...entirely scent-related reasons." A quick look into the shop suggests it is a dead end. He does some scans anyway, lingering.

"Were you here for the attacks, or did you miss the autograph session before?" Tony asks, amiable. But entirely reasonable, really: if this is a witness, well. He wants to chat.

Iron Fist has posed:
    "You did," Danny replied calmly and immediately. Sometimes he had a big mouth. Even without body language or visual cues, much was evident in one's voice, the tone, the word choice, the speed, it was all there, waiting to be heard. As Master Feng once said, the quieter you become, the more you can hear. But at least Danny spared Tony that particular anecdote.

    "That's good, because I'd rather not explain it." He answered back about the Rhino's sweaty backside. He was happy that he wasn't going to die, but he was happy to begin with, so it was hard to see a difference at the reassurance. "Sound advice. As Master Pic once said, your body is a temple. Keep it pure and clean for your soul to reside." So, he did force that one on Tony.

    This kid was somehow both a Buddhist, and a bit of a snarker. It was a strange dichotomy. "Oh, this," he gently tugged on the tracksuit like garment, "it's self cleaning. The colours clash until the dirt has retreated. But unfortunately, I do not have the answers we seek."

Iron Man has posed:
"Did I? That doesn't sound like me," Tony chuckles. There's some amusement to a degree: he is happier than he HAS been in a long time. But, well. It is a very strange combination to encounter, for sure, this odd young man. But Tony has plenty of those among the Avengers. Being lectured on ANY topic is not Tony's favorite, though; makes him prickly.

"A temple... yep. I'll be drinking at the Stark altar later," Tony comments offhandedly, distracted. He finishes his scans, and turns away from the site, clearly finished. "I'll just have to hit up the source itself." And by that he means he'll get other Avengers to interrogate the person responsible. "Might want to check out the other side, mystery town over there. That's where the ghosts were, and THAT guy's still at large," Tony advises the green tracksuited fellow, and then does a flippant half-wave, before making an attractive and obvious exit back out through the mall with a flare of repulsors.