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Latest revision as of 18:52, 16 March 2018

Store Days
Date of Scene: 13 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Black Queen

Crusader has posed:
It's a quiet but snowey Tuesday in flatbush. As of late, most people have been comming in for repairs on heaters and or generators. Though folks still bring the occasional T.V or computer. But still, it was for all intents and purposes a quiet day, with snowflakes falling outside.
    With the day how it was, a corgi was sleeping soundly in a nearby bed. The interior of the store was...messy in organization, but clean none the less. A typical place you might find downtown when searching for older stuff. A massive man, who looked out of place due to being dressed in a very formal and dapper suit was busy working on an old school radio. Taking out parts and setting themside, as if studying how the contraption worked.

Black Queen has posed:
The snow, a cold day? Selene should have dressed another way, but the cold doesn't really get to her. In fact, it might be something that makes her stand out as crazy or otherwise something 'else' since she's dressed in not-a-lot-of-clothes. And what snow did fall on her has melted and become small water droplets about her exposed body. That said, she comes inside and is carrying with her a tablet computing device of some kind and she's poking it and prodding it. Her attention is on the stupid little thing, which is probably why she didn't notice the weather with her choice of clothing.

Tossing it onto the counter she claims, in as narcissistic of a tone as one might have ever heard, "It's broken, and doesn't want to work. The stupid thing." She offers it forward, "I want it fixed, and working, whatever the cost. Just... stupid stupid thing."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn turns to Selene. While the man has a reputation for being odd and friendly, he also been known not to take what he percieves as disrespect well. Though he always keeps proffesional "Mam, you may be of vee frustrated, bit do nit come inta Bjorn store with the attitude. A simple hello and calmly tellin Bjorn of vee problem will suffice" he tells her Firmly. He glances down at the tablet and picks it up looking it over "Bjorn be having the permission to closely investigate. Yes?" he requests.

Black Queen has posed:
There's a bit of a roll of her eyes, and Selene takes in a deep breath. She smiles a little, "This thing. Someone told me I should get one. So, I found the most expensive one, bought it, and it does not seem to work." She offers, though the device is past logging in, it is not connected to the internet, has nothing installed, and is otherwise just a blank tablet device. Nothing seems wrong with it, except it isn't properly connected. It has one of those cellular plans linked to it so she could get internet anywhere, but it isn't activated. "You can investigate, yes." She leans against the front counter and rests her chin on her hands, while she waits, "I mean, what good is this glass screen into nothing? The person who sold it to me said it would be life changing, I could access anything I wanted. He was clearly lying, as it has not changed screens at all since I got it, hours ago."

Crusader has posed:
"Better" Bjorn grunts out. He flips over the tabelet a few times "Well, Bjorn like to use them as paper weights. Youngsters are a bit to technology oriented sometimes. And frankly et nit THAT life changing." and this was comming from a cyberpathic techno-organic being. Not that anyone knew that. "Now let see...." he opens up the setting menus and turns on the wifi capabilities and inputs his own infomation "Now, do yer have the cellular plan? If not you will be needing to connect to what is being called the Wifi fer access to the internet" he tells her. Though he is of course making sure the tablet actually connects first and wll even open the app store to ensure the device is working as intended.

Black Queen has posed:
Oh it works, just fine. And Selene squints a few times at you. She really needs to absorb the life force of someone who knows about technology soon. Since most of it is just abstract to her, unless talking about actual physics or the science behind things. "It has a cellular plan. Of some kind. I pay like..." She hand waves a moment, "Something, every month for it. It just... it goes to the same credit card really." It is frustrating, obviously, as in this realm of things she isn't so knowledgeable and that's tough on an eternal many thousands of years old person. "It isn't life changing? The sales person told me that anything I wanted to know about was present there on that thing. I did not believe them, of course. I mean, I mostly talk with people, study antiques, and you have to do a lot of that with your own eyes and hands, else you really can't understand. But he assured me..." Her jaw gets a little tense, "I will have to talk with him again..."

Crusader has posed:
"Life changing is of the expression" he tells Selene "Nit from this country Bjorn takes et? Well vey git much of the idioms. Took me weeks ta figure oot vat rainin Kats und dogz did nit mean vy fall out of sky" he says. Bjorn looks over the setting "Let see than..." he slides the pad towards Selene "Vell jist input yer cellular infomation here" he point to the field and even demonstrates tapping on it to bring up the keyboard "And et should work rioght. As for anything yer wish to know about....well that iz half true. As yer git access to the internet almost anywhere, et means you can be doing the looking up of the infomation. Of course one must always beware their sources. And yer may need ta download some applications as well. Bjorn be knowing some good ones"

Black Queen has posed:
As she looks at the tablet, and she hrms, "My... cellular information?" Selene looks at the tablet like it's mold covered bread, as she hrms, "Let's try this..." And she starts typing in, E V I L B I T C H 2 3, and it fails, then she puts in, I W I L L K I L L Y O U 6 9. That also fails, and she quirks her mouth to the side, before typing in, P U P P Y C O A T S 7 2, and that one works. She smiles, "Ah, I knew it was only one of a few combinations." Her eyes get wide, as she looks at the tablet, interested, "Password now, yes, a challenge." She tries a few before getting in finally and she turns it back in your direction, "Hah, and they said it could not be done. This is easy. What next?"

Crusader has posed:
The man looks amused as he 'senses' the passwords, but make no mention of them. But none the less Bjorn is glad to see things were going along well. "Alrioght, well, most folks download applications - often shorted to jist apps"he explains. "This icon here take sie to the app store" he taps the icon for it and a new screen featureing several apps shows up. Everything from childish games, to books, to organizational calaenders, etc. "Most often use the search feature ta find apps related to their interest. They buy vee app or download a free version to use." he says gestureing for he to give it a try.

Black Queen has posed:
The password ends up being Goddessrulerofall! Something easy to remember, right? And Selene is eyeballing the things you are pointing to, "There is another store, inside of this? Where they give you things for free?" She squints a little dubiously, "Nothing is truly free." She offers as she tries a search, for, 'Ancient Yuan Coins' and it comes up with nothing directly related though there are some click based games and things with coin or ancient in their title. She grumbles, "Anything, you do not even have basic things, idiot machine." Pressing it back in Bjorn's direction, "I think it is broken again."

Crusader has posed:
"Free as in you do not pay money" he tells her. "And its stricktly in regards to applications" he takes the tablet "Bjorn would not call Yuan coins basic. But if yer interested in coins..." he types into 'Ancient Coins' again, but like the first search games and such come up. "Now there is alot out there, so you hafta get specific" he opnes up the 'tags' section seeks specificly infomation based apps. Apps related to ancient chinese, german, egyption, etc, coins pops up. He scrolls the tablet and finds a Geo-Coin map app, where it can show where one can go to find such coins. "Think this might be useful for yer? This app when yer type in the coin name, will tell you the coins history and in what areas of the world it can be found"

Black Queen has posed:
There's an small quirk of her mouth as she says, "You do not pay in money? Then what do you pay in? Meat? Trade in services? Blood?" All common currency these days. And she seems a little confused, but watches as you go about manipulating the search and then she says, "That was what I was going to try next, obviously. Though you got to it sooner." And she takes back the tablet and starts looking over some of the coins and then says, "This is just telling me things I already know. Is there a market in this thing for these coins? Or other antiques as well?" She wonders, handing it back to you, "Here. I want antiques. Museums with rare antiques, and then also actual stores that sell them. But only good places, I do not want a downtown antiquer selling vietnam goods from the 50s. I want actual ancient, true, antiques." She smiles at you, not exactly asking you to do something, but not being as angry or demanding as she clearly could be.

Crusader has posed:
"You do not. If an app is marked free, you do not need to pay to purchase it." he raises an eyebrow. He seen his fair share of oddness...normally from magical folks, or aliens. "Sie are really into history Bjorn sees. " and he could call BS on Selene going to try it, but he was a proffesional. But he none the less answers the question "Yes and yes." he however slides the tablet back, he already not getting payed for this (after all, that would be cheap to expect pay for showing someone basic functionality), but he also wasn't going to do everything "Well, if you wish for mueseums and antique collectos of true renown, sie kin search them up. Bjorn fixes electronics, efter that, et is all up to sie. Give sie a chance to get a good grasp on et." he slides it back to Selene.

Black Queen has posed:
"Oh. Huh." Selene mentions and quirks her mouth, this modern world of giving away things is bizarre. Sure, she's lived in it for decades, but when you compare that to her overall life it's a strange hiccup in eternity thus far. When you slide the device back to her she hesitantly taps something and her nails click against the screen making it a little difficult for her finger to press, but she works at it. Clacking with those manicured nails again and again and regularly pressing probably uncomfortably hard against the screen till her finger actually touches. A few more strokes and she's figured out the technology, "Oh, a capacitive screen. It responds to the conductivity of my finger, and of course, my nail being a resistor it does not work. Interesting." She thinks about this as she plays with the sensitivity some, seeing how much of her finger must touch before it responds, and then she has no further issue but she does only press the minimal, seemingly enjoying the sound of nail on glass clacking like a cat running across a wooden floor. "Museums. I know of most of these, I have seen them." THen she switches to antique collectors and finds an app for buying and selling, and she starts scrolling through with minimal looking at things, "Fake, fake, fake, exaggerated, fake, fake, probably real though hard to tell from this angle. Could be a reproduction... fake. There is a lot of unstrustworthiness on this..."

Crusader has posed:
"There is. Bit wance sie shift through the garbage und find vee good stuff, it opens quite a few options. Bjorn is no antique collector - but he has experince vee same ving venet came to electronic parts! But wance Bjorn find the good wans, was mostly smooth" he tells Selene "As such und expert such as yerself should be able to find trustworthy folks ta do buisness wif" he informs her. "Yer can also search vee internet fer more reasonble trusted names" he says

Black Queen has posed:
"The internet?" Selene questions a little bit, "This connects to that? Oh, I thought only computers did that." She mentions and then looks at the thing and wonders, "How? I spend my time around antiques, not the internet." She comments, and misses a lot of things when she's primarily working the underworld, magic, and otherwise going to parties.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn blinks "....Ummm....mam. A tablet is in essecen a portable computer" he tells her. "And well, you must know other antique collectors? Perhaps some friends might point out the way" he suggests. He moves a finger forward and presses the home button and than the symbol of the internet, connecting to the web. "Most cellphones can also do this"

Black Queen has posed:
"I do not have a phone. I have servants." Selene comments, "They do all of this for me. Plane tickets, cooking, cleaning, massages, finding me people, antique stores, and I know they use the internet for that often. They have all my passwords, usernames, and credit card information so they just make sure everything works and runs smoothly. If they fail to vet properly, well..." Selene shakes her head, "They certainly won't be working for me any longer."

Crusader has posed:
Oh great! She was one of those rich folks that had everything done for them. it might explain the lack of basic skills and knowledge when it came to electronics! "...well than perhaps you kin as your servants to look into some reasonble apps. or perhaps you might cosnider equiping your servants with this technology ta more efficently do their jobs" Bjorn suggests.

Black Queen has posed:
Sighing out, Selene leans more heavily against the counter, and just eyes the device. "Well, I am not sure what they do really. I mean, I understand they buy wine and other such things. Though it is their job to know if they would benefit from one of these, and then let me know." She indicates while tapping on a few things idly, "If they are not efficient on their own, as is, they should be fixing that. Not me. I mean, that isn't really my job." What job does she have then? And she looks to you smiling, "You have been a great help in identifying where my servants are failing me. I would like to buy some of these from you."

Crusader has posed:
"Errrm, well yer seem like a real top of the line lady" Bjorn says "Most everything Bjorn has is second hand, repaired by yours truely" indicating himself. "Though as far as inefficency goes - if there is no complaint, there is no need to change. So...yes, it is your job. If yer been satisfied wit their work, and made no indication they need ta change, than there is no reason for them to do so. Since change comes from feed back" he tells her. "Anyays, if yer interested in buyink, ah kin see how many ah be havin in stock" Bjorn certainly finds the woman odd. But hey, if she buying, he not complaining.

Black Queen has posed:
"Second hand?" Selene seems to say those words in a way that tells you she'd rather vomit in her mouth. And she squints a little bit, "I don't own... used... things. Unless, of course, they are antiques or have some other measure of value. One of a kind things." She shakes her head a little bit and then offers, "If, you would say your good are equal to brand new, or if you somehow could make modifications to make them even better than they are originally. I would take 60 of whatever the best thing you have is. That should work for now, and I might need more later. My servants grow daily after all, always a new thing that needs to get done that isn't."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn snorts "Bjorn is BEST repair man ven et comes to electronics!" he claims "Whit Bjorn fix work as if brand new! Bjorn kin even make bettar!" a point of pride for him it seems "Bit that cost extra for the modifications. Bit for werkin like new, not so much" he rubs hs snow white beard "Hmmm. Bjorn be having 45 in stock only." he rumbles as if calculating "Vat will be costing sie 3,000 dollars" he tells her. Which is far cheaper than buying 45 of those tabelets new that is for sure.

Black Queen has posed:
"Great. 45 times 3000, that's only 135,000 dollars." Selene thinks about that for a moment and then nods, "With the modifications you say? Okay. Fine." And she just reaches into her back denimshorts pocket to pull out an AMEX Black card and she hands it over, "Just charge it on this. How much time for the modifications do you think? If it'll be longer than an hour, I'll just leave my address and you can drop them off." She neither seems to care about the cost nor understand how long electronic modifications might actually take.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn blinks "....No. You misunderstand. 3,000 for all 45 tablets. Not 3,000 per a tablet" he explains "Though ith the modification, it would instead be 4,500" he tells her. "But yes, Bjorn can be done in under an hour" he tells her "Bjorn will just need to fetch them. Bjorn does not do deliveries" he than adds

Black Queen has posed:
Looking at you with a squinting stare, attempting to discern some kind of lie or some manner of you attempting to pull one over on her, and she then waits for a moment. Then she shrugs a little bit, "How do you even stay in business? I have charity dinners where the side salad costs more than that." She shakes her head a little bit at you and then mentions, "Whatever, just charge it, I will wait. If I can give you some business advice, you should charge more for your work. Just, to the next customer. Otherwise you will never make it here."

Crusader has posed:
"By providing good reputable service, fair prices and being retired. Been in buisness quite awhile, and have already made a profit" he tells Selene, no hint of a lie present "Bjorn also has small store, get parts wholesale or from the dump. Bjorn also has no need to pay employees as this is Bjorn own place. There are other factors involve of course, but Bjorn work hard in life earlier, so he may live comfortably. Bjorn is here not because he needs to be, but because Bjorn chooses to be. So have much freedom" He than departs gathering up the various tablets. He has to dig around the messy place, but soon enough, he gathers a group of 45 tabelets and sets them into two boxs. From there...he takes a seat and looks to be meditating "Also....paying more than 10 dollars fer a side salid is in bjorn opinion, idiotic."

Black Queen has posed:
"They do it because they think that the price is going to a 'good cause'." Selene offers, and then adds, "To be honest though, most of them are paying these outrageous prices to earn my good graces. They think I might have something on them, or they think by doing so they can earn my trust and thus work with me on deals. My late husband left me with a lot of money, so I do not even have to worry about such things but still. Once wealthy, it seems to be a cultural constant, money just keeps rolling in your direction. I mean, look at me. Young, beautiful, smart, prime of my life. And I just have luxury time, it is a wonderful life. Made possible, in part, by thousands of dollars paid for salads."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn stays in his meditative stance "Let not forget modest" he murmers. "And this is why Bjorn prefers to do direct services and make sure his money is going to the actual cause. If folks where smarter they would do sie same." he shakes his head at the lunacy of it all. Though he makes no comment about Selene intelligence - after all the woman couldn't even figure out how to work a tablet!

Black Queen has posed:
There's a nod, not one that picks up on any sarcasm, as Selene thinks, "Well, certainly modest. I mean, there's all this clothing I have to cover up with." She shakes her head, "Prudish culture." Because what she's wearing is 'covering up'. And she shakes her head at that, "Certainly they would check. But sometimes it is smarter to not know, but to vaguely know. After all, politicians want plausible deniability, and business men want write-offs for their taxes. If they all actually knew where the money was going, well, they might feel worse about themselves. After all, if someone donates to one of those children-dying-from-cancer things, each dollar they put in they want to feel like that's a dollar directly going to a child in need. Instead of the fifty to seventy five cents per dollar going to administration fees, speaker fees, servants paid to wait on them at the charity dinner. The food itself, you know, they could have walked into a hospital and just written a check for less than one of the meals and made a difference, but that means you have to look at a dying child, right in the face, and care. Which they don't."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grumbles "Idiots. They should face death like real knights" an interesting choice of words perhaps. "Of course the people behind this need to payed and all that. But if folks were less selfish, more organaized and therefore efficent, costs can be significantly cut, but at least 30 percent if not more" clearly the man, despite his age and choosen proffession is not as dumb as his brutish build might suggest. He cracks his neck, the sound of metal snapping ringing through out "ANyways, your Tablets should be done by now." he tells Selene, despite not seeming to have moved muscle except to fetch them.

Black Queen has posed:
"Of course. I mean, what 'evil' has always counted on..." Selene definitely made bunny ears with her fingers around the word evil, "Is just a disorganized mess of people saying one thing and doing another. Most of the 'evil' in the past" She does the bunny ears again, "Have really just been people fed up with the lack of efficiency, lack of honesty and morality that good people are supposed to be showing but don't. It is very difficult to organize people, takes great skill and brilliance really, and then people call you a bitch, or worse. Even though you are actually getting things done exactly as you said you would. I think, most of the time, good people are just defined by those who talk a good story about what should be done, and lack the convinction to do what is necessary to get it done. In their jealousy, they label others, as 'evil'." One more time with the bunny ears for good measure.

She looks at the box, and wonders, "Ah. Done then? I will make sure to pass them out when I return to my mansion. Do a test run there and then maybe come back for some more."

Crusader has posed:
"Their may not be more. As the stuff here are secon hand, there is no garentee when Bjorn get this stuff" he tells her. "And yes....evil is subjective. Fer the most part. Yes there are situation and things Bjorn would consider evil. But otherwise, such label should be left for proper explanation. A criminal for instance is anyone who breaks the law - it does not matter the intent or reasoning. As such criminal is a far more efficent label than evil as it has a direct and unquesntionble correlation - regardless if one can prove the crime or not. For this reason, many heros are technically criminals when one consider that vigilante work is considered a crime in many places. Though from my knowledge those laws have since been rectified or changed" he rings up the card before passing it back. "Anyways, sie hauf the good day"

Black Queen has posed:
It's then someone walks in, without being called or otherwise communicated with unless Bjorn's also Telepathic. He is dressed in an expensive suit and just picks up both boxes before turning around and heading out. "I fully, one hundred percent agree with you. Criminality is not necessarily evil, and many so-called heroes, are just as bad as anyone deemed evil." She nods, and gives a small wave as she heads out.