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Latest revision as of 19:06, 16 March 2018

The Meeting With Shadowlite
Date of Scene: 15 March 2018
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Shadowlite

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury is currently in his office at the Triskelion going over the latest status reports. That was when he received word that there was a situation that he had to take care of. Knowing what it was, Fury nods, and returns the message to security with a "on my way - I'll take it in the ready room". Sighing, Fury stands, adjusts his clothes to look presentable, and exits the room with a swoosh of his long coat.

    Arriving into the ready room, Fury heads towards the controls to bring up the conference call with his contacts...well, his contacts in the situation he was going to deal with. Looking for the remote, Fury curses, realising he can never find it, and the last person to use this room had been...himself.

    Spotting the remote, Fury nods, and goes to grab it. He was about to turn the system on, when something sent his instincts crazy.

Shadowlite has posed:
Black arcs of lightning start to appear in one corner of the room as a tear in reality is opened, and a black swirling portal pops into existence. Out of that portal comes a man dressed in his own black longcoat, and a black full body suit of some kind. Nick would probably immediately recognize the signature outfit style of Shadowlite as the portal collapses when the mutant steps out.

"Oh. Sorry, I thought this room wasn't occupied." Shadowlite quips, the voice mask in full operation as he gives a look around the room, "Roomier then I thought it'd be."

He's wearing a tactical vest with some gear on it under the longcoat... but he isn't making overt moves at least. Then, he looks to Fury himself, giving him an obvious once over, even with those goggles, "Oh, and I even got Longcoat. You're the director of this fine club of flying limos, then?" Irreverent. It's written all over his voice. His hands keep to his sides, not going for pockets or otherwise.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury turns at the sounds and the visuals he was getting from the corner of the room. Diving behind a table, Fury draws his firearm, points it at the rift, and taps his earpiece, ready to sound the alarm. As the man steps out of the portal, Fury does, indeed recognize the outfit, and with a loud sigh, holsters his firearm, but leaves his comms up. Just in case.

    Crossing his arms across his chest, Fury responds to Shadowlite with a grumpy voice. "You must be Shadowlite. I have heard all about you." Fury grunts, shakes his head, and says, with irritation in his voice. "Do you realise you have broken 17 international laws with this little stunt, one or two of which means I can use lethal force to put you down?" It was obvious that Fury did not intend to do that, or he would have fired his weapon.

    "What do you want?" Blunt, to the point. Fury ignored the barbs, and the fact that the man got him dead on - the Director he was.

Shadowlite has posed:
"People don't hire me to pay attention to laws, Longcoat." Shadowlite notes seriously, for the first time. "They hire me to handle their messes, or their agendas. Your Index writeup made it clear you've been tracking me enough to care what I do... and that your people are interested in my services, possibly." Shadowlite then moves to sit down in a ready room chair, crossing his arms and legs as he relaxes. Seems like the man isn't all that concerned either way, "I'm here to do you the favor of chatting with me outside of the public -of the rest of SHIELDs- eyes. You wanted to recruit me?" Shadowlite shrugs, "Here I am for the pitch, outside of anyone elses eyes for plausible deniability."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Ah. I see." Fury regards the man with both "eyes"...one electronic, and one human. His eyepatch was recording this for later review. "I see you have good instincts. So, you knew we were tracking you. Watching you. That is pretty standard protocol for SHIELD." Fury doesn't move, simply watching and listening.

    "As for your services...possibly. A man like you has a unique set of skills, something we would like to have on our side,versus the other way around." Fury nods. "I am always a little...uneasy hiring anyone with...abilities. What makes you so special that I could "trust" you to work for us, and do the job required?"

Shadowlite has posed:
"I can provide a set of references for my previous work. I can do covert, or overt. I'm better at overt with backup, and as long as I'm not screwed over or up against the Kryptonian or his gang, I can typically handle whatever comes my way." Shadowlite replies

Then he lifts an arm, and black smoke 'emits' from his hand as another portal opens right back where he was. Then, he puts it back into the cross... and the portal stays, "Those go clear across cities one way, and I can hold it open for any number of people, as long as neither side has anti-dimensional tear stuff working against it. It goes through the Darkforce dimension, and only allows those I /want/ to go, through. This means if you jump in and I don't like you? Say goodbye to reality, you're going to be floating until someone else who cares comes by and grabs you." Then, the portal winks out of existence again, "I can go anywhere in the world within an hour, jumping through those one at a time. My latest time was about a day to get across the planet."

Shadowlite chuckles, "As for how you can trust /me/... well, that's really up to you, isn't it? Toss me some field work and see how I do. I'll even allow you to tag me with a satellite tracker for it to see where I go during operations. My only condition is no bio tests, and no identity. You know as well as I do that you'd be able to screw me with that sort of information."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury remains standing, with his hands across his chest. Fury listens carefully to every word the man says, and waits before saying, "Fair enough. No Kryptonians. I can dig it." Fury's frown grows deeper, and he says, "Thanks for an update on your abilities. It helps."

    Fury nods, and adds, "I'll bring you on as a consultant for now. Work with the team. See how they operate. We can use you here and there for Ops. Understand one thing...you will be under the command of the Agent-in-Charge on scene for now. After you show us what you can do, and we can trust you, we'll see about expanding your...authority. Can you live with that?"

Shadowlite has posed:
"Sounds perfectly fine to me, Longcoat. I assume this means I'm not a covert asset, then?" Shadowlite asks, "I consider this a trial run, myself. It isn't often that government agencies aren't trying to arrest me for warrants, so 'recruit' was a big surprise to me." Shadowlite grunts, before he stands, and starts to walk over to Nick. "Well, I'll see you when I see you then I suppose."

Shadowlite pulls a card out of a pocket, and offers it to the man, "one of my voice mail boxes. These are third party on fake IDs with fake pictures, so you can trace them all you like, but you'll only get dead ends."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury takes the card, and nods. "Understood. First thing. I am not Longcoat. I am General, Director, or sir. Other than that, I am sure we'll get along famously." Fury takes the card, and stashes it away. "If you have any questions or need to see me...make an appointment. I wouldn't recommend just "showing up" like you did. Might get you shot." Fury smiles.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Sure thing General Director Sir." There's a mild mocking there; this is a man used to flaunting authority, Fury can tell easily. "We should make an appointment sometime so I can show you what I can do off the field. Let me know when and I'll be there." Shadowlite gives a two finger 'salute'... and holds it as that black smoke emits again, and Nick can hear that portal open behind him, "It'll be /fun/." There's genuine amusement in his voice as he steps inside... and disappears.