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Latest revision as of 19:09, 16 March 2018

NY U thief!
Date of Scene: 15 March 2018
Location: New York University, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue

Gambit has posed:
The 'heist' a success Remy and Rogue find themselves at pagoda on school property, the canopy above them as he shuffles through paperwork, a thumbdrive dangling off a keychain held as well, "Hrm, there nothing here I was after, not that I can see. Just a lot of talk about animals and their parts. Fun being a scientist... " He remarks, the cajun then flips that drive around, letting it twirl on his finger, "Maybe I am just not seeing it."

It is dark now, well past midnight and they've been roaming halls, rummaging through labs and doing their best topush it all back in place but someone eventually is going to cry 'thief' its a word he likes anyways, theres some pleasure to be had being not far off when you hear that shouted through the dark. Always brings a smile to his handsome face, though more stubble-laden than usual at the moment. His red-black eyes aglow in the dim to almost no light presented out here,
"That fun for you I hope, lil break from being a good college girl."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had had a class in this current teacher's course this past semester so she'd been IN this office before. She was pretty sure he'd come on to her too, but she'd played it off and gotten a free drink from him out of his personal fridge behind his desk. So while Remy is rummaging about and doing his thing, she's going back to that fridge and opening it up to find a six pack of wine coolers with only one missing. She pulls two of them out of the cardboard box and then turns to face him.

"I'm not -that- good." She says back at the man she's been helping ransack this whole school with for the past 5 or so hours! Rogue offers him one of the bottles and then pops the top on her own.

She perches herself on the corner of the desk, left buttcheek down on the desk's edge and she stares at the stuff he's pushing around. "Science teachers are the weirdest, I just heard about this one in Idaho that fed a puppy to a god damn snappin' turtle. In front of students after school. Can you even imagine?"

The southern girl just shakes her head then sips from her wine cooler. "If I ever caught a teacher doin' that, I'd snap his fingers on both his hands, then make him snap his own toes."

Gambit has posed:
"Good doesn't mean /good/" Remy corrects, turning to put his back against the wall, that harddrive palmed and disappearing, the papers he forgets all about. Pretty useless anyways.
The bottle is taken though, eagerly and drank at, wiping his jaw with his fist.

"They are, lookit guys like Hank or Miss Moira. Though, she got some legs on her. I rather like skirt days."

"Sounds like we need to go to Idaho and feed a nerd to a gator, no?"

"Maybe take a round trip, this here thing... its takin' me places. None fun kinds where everybody all stuffy an' real boring. Got to go to a science expo' next and rob another fella. Maybe you help me, huh?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is drinking from her bottle when she hears him talk about going to Idaho to feed a teacher to a gator and it makes her lower the bottle and flash him a big grin in the dimly lit office. "Oh sure, thats gonna go over well with the media... I mean, unless we make it look like an accident. But I'm not sure how you make a gator attack look like an accident... in Idaho." More grinning is shown then before she looks down at herself.

She'd taken that Avengers ID badge of hers and was wearing it on a string around her neck just in case someone got the jump on them, she'd have it out and all official looking... even if she was dressed more like a, 19 year old college student than any form of official security. She takes a second to flip the badge around again with her left gloved hand so its lay against her chest aimed the right direction.

"You want me to do more criminal stuff with ya?" She asks him then, looking up and him and shaking her head with a smile. "This must be a serious situation, if you're willin' t'break inta all these... educational places."

Gambit has posed:
"Oh there are ways. But nah, he won't stay in Idaho. Maybe you put much more thought in to this than I am, ma belle."

Adjusting his gaze from the distracting and near mesmerizing flip-flap of her badge the Cajun shrugs his shoulders, "It serious because it people's lives being destroyed, it an X-Men kinda ting to do. I am starting to think folks forget what that mean doin these days. Not all of us can run off an' go to college while playing Avenger an still have a clear conscience." Remy's lips quirk a little, a cigarette lifts out of nowhere then pauses only to disappear and a toothpick instead rams between his teeth, clenched there.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continues to just perch there half on and half off of that desk with her eyes on him while he speaks and she softly nods her head at what he's saying about her, a little smile quietly tugging at the corner of her pale red hued lips. "I kinda had t'get away for a little while, ya know... Clear my head'a some stuff. Besides... I was only at Xavier's for nine whole months, its not like I was a 'fixture' of the place like Jean or Scott, or even Ororo..."

Rogue hears someone out in the hallway but it sounds like its just one of the cleaning people and the footsteps are just passing by somewhere out there.

"Sides." She looks back at him. "I've learned a lot since I left, I've grown. I'm stronger and more self reliant. And I can do this...."

Rogue's free hand comes up and she's got her gloved hand in a ball, slowly she releases the balled-up-fingers and a brilliant blue glowing lightsphere is resting in the palm of her hand.

She holds it out to Gambit and then drops it onto the desk where it bounces without making any noise, like a silent bouncey ball.

Gambit has posed:
"A fixture, fair enough. You goin' an making them all sound like furniture." A hand extends out to snap up the ball or at least try to, he expects it to be a bouncy ball but maybe up for a surprise.
"What dis?" A look off towards the passing sounds, a door separating them his voice has lowered at some point.

"You doin' better for yourself then. Maybe X-Men just be holding some of us back." There is a far away look in his eyes, she knows him, she knows when hes in thought and doing his whole introspective digging. He does it a lot more than he pretends or likes to let on.

"So, we got what we up an' come here for. Time to make out."
"Eh, make our ways out." Remy corrects. The door tested, hallway peered out in to and he starts to strut off, making way for the stairwel and outwards.
"Keep up, chere."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had her leather jacket back off of her shoulders and bunched up around her elbows, which leave her shoulders bare because she's wearing a green tanktop beneath her jacket, it was fairly warm outside today but the building's furnaces were still running so it was kinda warm inside the office here. She slowly nods her head at his words and looks away. "I believe in the X-Men's mission, and I wanna help'em out. I just wouldn't know what t'do there if I were still there. I hear they got college courses now, but." She exhales and shakes her head. "I think I'm just scared t'go back there, full time."

And then he's talking about making out, er, making their way out and she clears her throat and nods her head... chugs the rest of her wine cooler and then puts the empty in her jacket pocket as she stands up.

When he chides her to keep up she spins around and lumbers after him... leather boots flopping on the floor as she wasn't being overly sneaky at the moment. "I'm right here, don't lose your cool... where would ya be without it after all?" She teased him back as she came up behind him and peers around his right elbow.

Gambit has posed:
"I be Ragin', that where." Remy answers here easily, hopping a stair well to the landing below with barely a sound.
"Why you scared?"
A casual question now just walking from the stairs towards the exit, the lack of sneaky quiet from her gets a big grin from him, a look at her past a few strands of hair, "Even loud as a the day rise an birds wanna sing, you pretty as the sun that up 'n coming." He teases at her, glancing over his shoulder where elbow inches back to nudge her in the belly, "We probably just walk on up now an go outside, you know, since I began this I been solo, made me wonder what you been up to. Also you like that? Lil line there, better than Star Wars pick up, yeah?"
Prattling on he doesn't notice the janitor at the end of the hall looking at them curiously.

"I JUST mopped through here, dont you shits be making a mess!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is closely following behind him, when he hops the railing of the stairwell she's floating over it and down it much more gracefully with the use of her ability to manipulate her body in the gravitational field around them... She just comes right back down beside him and looks over at him, smirking. "Mmm?" She says about why she's scared. "Oh! Uh... I don't know. Just feels like I don't have a place there, since graduatin' and everything. Its probably all just inside'a my own head. Afraid'a callin' any place 'home' maybe. I'm fucked up like that." She shows a faint grin before she's about to speak further...

Her eyes go over to look at the Janitor and when he shouts at them she just raises up her right gloved hand and kisses the tips of her own fingers then dips them backward and blows the kiss toward the hard working man. flirtatiously admiring him in a bid to win maybe a little charm out of him.

Rogue looks back to Remy then and just shows a little grin. "Yeah, you're a real nerf herder... And did you just ask me if I'm single?"

Gambit has posed:
"I feel you." Remy says, "About the place not being there. I'm doing this solo because I feel that same way, you know, when you left and things they're confusing you know? We got up to this weird place--- "
The sound of the Janitor's voice has Remy looking up, grinning at the man, "Oh sorry, we make sure not to step on it. Just looking for a place." A loop of the thief's arm around Rogue's waist and he fake stumbles against her shoulder, then gives a nudge jerk off towards the sidehallway and the exit that way.

"Yeah yeah, no no sexy times here. You kids get out, go find a dorm room or a bathroom in another wing, not mine. Cleaned up enough damn mystery stains today to last me a life time. Get! Get out!" He is actually shakig his mop at them like its a spear! Though the kiss has it lowered and his Mario mustache doesn't hide the blush at Rogue. "Lucky little funny talkin sunofabitch."

"I didn't ask that, did I? Shit no." Remy lies and hurries towards that exit. "You sure you not having a hearing problem?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue still has her dark hair tied back into a ponytail while her white bangs are left loose and allowed to move about the sides of her face as her body and motion dictates and when he puts an arm around her and pulls her after him she's laughing softly at the Janitor's antics. "He seems nice, I like him. Personality. Its the people who stare at me 'nd don't say anything... those are the weird ones!"

"I was gonna invite ya t'watch!" She shouts back at the man, just to give him a little more feathers ruffled, then she's grinning back over and up to Gambit. "Yeah yeah... sure ya didn't ask, my ears are just hearin' things... imagine that." She puts her eyes forward and walks along with him now, her hands going inside her pockets, she pulls out that empty bottle and drops it into a waste basket. "And the answer is 'yes, I'm single'!" She says it with a little bitterness.

"Guys don't wanna be with a girl that they can't get all handsy on, you know that better'n most. I turn heads in the bar, and then they bounce off'a me like that glowball spell back there in the office." Which fades away after an hour or so!

Gambit has posed:
"He just a man tryin' to get by in his lil part of the world." Remy agrees, the 'invite to watch' gets a loud noise from the man, did he just say something in Spanish to Jesus, Saints and Mary? He did.

"Behave yourself, girl. We still got to get out of here in one piece. That man got a mean lookin' mop an who knows whats in that bucket." The thief's voice a playful rasp as the door opens for them to the outside air. His brisk pace picks up, his own hands finding placement in his trenchcoat while he hunts down a cigarette.

"Sure they do, always be ways. You jus' up an' gotta be creative. Where theres a will, right?"

"So you up an' doing magic, going to college, being an Avenger... got it made." He teases. "Now you galavanting aroun' with a known t'ief, harassing the workin' class and stealing from pervy professors. All while you indulge me in a lizard people hunt."

Rogue has posed:
And when they're back outside, Rogue breaks away from him and leaps up onto the silver metal hand railing that goes down the middle of the staircase down to the sidewalk. She unceremoniously just hops right up onto it and slides down it like an expert skateboarder might... arms out on either sides of her and a gleeful "Woooooo!" escaping out from between her lips until she drops off the end of it with a thud of leather boots on concrete, then she hops around and faces him, her arms swinging at her sides, a big dumb grin on her lips.

A second later and she's altering her body language and walking a couple steps toward, a sway in her step and her physical mannerisms adjusted to one hundred percent flirtatious seductress. "Well... when ya list it all out like that, ya make it sound stupid..." She says back at him in that sultry tone of hers. Once back up beside him she turns to walk beside him again. "And thats the only magic spell I managed t'learn before I parted ways with the magician himself. Though... he gave me a bracelet that shoots fire... I tried t'sell it, but nobody wants it. They think its stolen." And then she sighs at that.

Gambit has posed:
@emit "Real magic, huh? Not just... a card trick or three?" As if on cue a flood of cards flow out of his jackett sleeve only to shuffle in to his opposing hand where they vanish, disappearing to replace with a matchstick, striking it and lighting up. Nothing shy about him watching the way her hips move as she steps around him, an appreciative sound there as smoke fires up around his lips and that cigarette before the match is gone and his head flips up, hair out of his features and the smoke release.

"I can sell it for you, know a real good fence that likes new and different, magical fireball thing fetch you a good penny. I got a commission in there for settin' that up though."

"You still skateboarding too?" An offering of the crook of his arm, he intends to lead her off on a merry walk while they catch up a bit. At least until he figues out his next plan of action in regards to tracking these 'lizard people' down.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes are on his fancy card trick... he was the best at that she'd ever seen, easily... not even close. The closest she'd seen was a street performer outside a candy shop in Los Angeles, but he wasn't anything like what Remy could do with those. "You're like the Yoda, a'card tricks." She says softly at him grinning again too. "And yeah, real magic. But I was awful at it and I think it frustrated him until he needed t'find a different place for me, one that suited my skills more. Ya know, punchin' things."

The young mutant woman still has her backpack on, so her right hand lifts up to tuck a thumb beneath the shoulder strap while they walk, she eyes his cigarette and wants one, but also doesn't want one and that is probably kind of clear on her face as she lingers a stare on it. BUT, she tears it away.

"Yeah, my ALF board is back at the Avengers place... ya know, the one ya broke inta on the night'a my birthday?" She smiles faintly at him then. "God, that was an awful day... You made it, better, though. So thanks for that."

Gambit has posed:
"You up an' learned real magic though, that pretty neat. Unless you faking me out an that was just a fancy glowing bouncy ball." Remy taps his forehead and manifests a large sly grin the cigarette ascending with it before plucked from his mouth and held idly in one hand.

"Don't remember that one bit." Remy admits, he could be fucking with her but then, he may not.
"Today I made better or your birthday? Enlighten me like I wasn't there."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is already reacting to him doubting her magical ability to create light balls. Both of her hands are going out in front of her into fists and it takes a second of concentration (a second longer than usual since they're walking) but after a moment she's opening her hands to showcase two brightly glowing light sphere, like the ends popped off a flashlight. She holds them up and at him, likely hurting his eyes a bit, then she draws them down and places her hands over her own boobs hidden beneath her tanktop. "Do these look fake to you?!" She asks him, releasing a mocking gasping sound and an offended expression of pure tease.

With a little grin she steps in front of him and she slaps them against the side of the building, one, then the other and when her hands come back the light sources are stuck there like they'd been there all along.

"Thats my favorite part... I can leave'em wherever I want. They burn out after like fourty five minutes, t'maybe an hour. At best."

She grins at him then, this time a big one. "Sure, it wasn't you who left that card on my bed while I was sleepin' naked ontop'a my sheets. Guess I better review the security tapes..."

Gambit has posed:
Remy takes another drag and watches, a bemused expression worn, "Well you put it like that, I can't much say anything there is fake." Smoke curls up around his features and he lets out a quiet laugh, "So you uh, you make glowballs now. You uh, maybe consider them not being balls like... just nothing I can say about this that not gonna make you do your glare'n my way."

Remy matcches her own grin, "Oh wait, dis was you?" A phone appears, his thumb opens up and he shows a few images, sliding through them.
"I was sure hoping so. Looked awful familiar." Still a scoundrel. Always.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is loitering by the wall while making more lightballs with her gloved hands, quietly speaking the spell it takes to create them. She's listening to him talk while she's pushing mor eof them against the stone wall... slapping them against it is more accurate. When she's finished there's a Smiley Face of glowballs left there on the side of the teacher's office building...

And then her eyes are drawn back over to him when he indicates he has. "Pictures!" She says loudly, and if there are any other people out and about at this hour they're probably looking over at her as she tries to snag the phone from him with a lunging, lumbering attempt that he can likely easily avoid!

"You sneaky little swamp rat, I did -not- authorize any pics!" She's laughing though, so it doesn't sound like she's too upset, besides, she knows she looks good.

Gambit has posed:
The smiley face matches that on Remy's own. The sudden lunge from her has him spinning, agility shown off as he ducks turns and holds it against his chest, "Hey now, calm your glowy tits, this here X-Men encrypted, not easy to get done an you break it, you gonna replace it. That include everyting in it."

"An you pretend you not know who I am here, when did ole Remy LeBeau ever need to be authorized?" A brow lifts up, his phone disappears somewhere on his person. Good luck finding it! Then he straightens up, a foot lashing out to kick her on the shapely backside doing a quick-hop-skip back.

"You want to go get a shake?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is dodged quite easily by the much more nimble motions of the thief, and though she could just pick him up and shake him until it all falls out... she just relents with a grin. "Fine." She says to him then, her hands pushing her jacket sleeves up so they're bunched up at her elbows again like she likes them. "Consider it a birthday gift, from me, to you, on MY birthday." And with a shake of her head she starts walking on ahead of him.

"There's an all night ice cream place up here, they just re-opened cause'a spring. And if ya walk me all the way home, I'll get ya that bracelet so you can peddle it to whomever it is you do that stuff with, so long as I get my fair share!"

She walks backwards now, grinning at him with her thumbs hooked beneath either straps of her backpack, up against the fronts of her shoulders. "Don't you swindle me, Remy Etienne LeBeau." And his name is spoken in her perfect French accent, just for the fun of it.

Gambit has posed:
"Never a better gift." Remy says, "Well... maybe." He adds, "Don't you go using my middle name like that Anna-Marie." Chasing after her in a walk. They have a night at least, one where they're normal with one another again...