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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/03/14 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=973, 24, 1220 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:973|Damian Wayne (...")
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Latest revision as of 19:10, 16 March 2018

Time to Train
Date of Scene: 14 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Starfire, Stardust

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Since the event a couple days ago, Damian has stayed clear of Titans Tower. For the moment though, Damian had needed a place to be away from the Batcave. Saying that he had monitor duty was enough of an excuse that no one would ask him too many questions.

  Robin had made sure not to draw too much attention to himself as he made his way to the Danger room. Asking the computer for lax safety guidelines, it took some goading, but was able to at least make things a little more interesting.

  Inside, Damian had been working scenarios he had hoped would never come to fruition. Inside were multiple models of League of Assasins men, all trying to fight Robin at the same time. Around the group, Damian had made his way, slicing with his katana, using his gadgets to his advantage. One assassin was caught with the batclaw, and used to fulcrum himself around the others, kicking two in the solarplexus. There was music going on, Chopin's Nocturne #2 in b flat minor. It's an eerie sound with all the feign violence around them.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r heard the Danger Room active and runs in, to see what's going on. Oh. Damian playing stabbity death. Interesting. She considers what to do - the best thing that comes to mind is 'popcorn!' So she zips to the kitchen, grabs a bag of popcorn, holds it between glowing hands to make it pop quickly (probably not safe for human consumption - might be radioactive), and heads back to watch.

Stardust has posed:
Someone else has heard the noises of assassin battles in the Danger Room, but apparently Colette is not hungry as she doesn't take the very sensible approach of Kori to head to the kitchen. Alas this probably means that all the popcorn will be mustard flavored. Instead she makes a more direct approach.

As Robin battles Assassins, the flow of battle is interrupted by the flight of a simulated assassin, crashing to the ground behind one of those Robin is engaging, to fade away in a flash of hologrammatic light. The hurled assassin is momentarily followed by a second, which in turn is followed up by Colette's voice. "Oops. Sorry Robin, I seem to have stepped into the detection zone, I only meant to watch. " She steps back to lean against the wall of the chamber, where the computers won't treat her as a participant and rez assassins to attack her.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The additions to the training exercise don't quite phase Robin much as he continues, using his own surroundings to attack here there and everywhere. There's a decent amount of virtual blood on the ground as well. But judging from Damian's face, he's received some hits too, part of his cheek is inflammed from stray punches, and his tunic is damaged in places even.

  A smoke pellet is thrown from his utility belt, enveloping most of the assailants, except for one, which after a short while is pulled back into the smoke, and from the sound of it, is a kick right to the jaw.

  "Pause simulation." He commands the computer, after a moment the real smoke dissapates and as Robin walks away from a frozen assassin with a katana to the gut, he stretches his head. "Stardust, Starfire." He says, acknowledging the other two.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles as she was just munching on popcorn (which might be glowing faintly in the dim condition). "I just enjoy watching you perform your martial arts," she states softly as she munches. It smells like normal popcorn at least. "I did not wish to interfere."

Stardust has posed:
"He's kind of... well. *Very* good, isn't he Kori?" As the simulation pauses, Colette bumps herself away from the wall and steps forwards into the paused combat area, peering curiously at the frozen figures suspended mid-attack as she wanders around.

"X - face, or whatever he's called," Colette says suddenly. "You remember. The guy that sent that video. Do you think he's an assassin, Robin?" she blinks and turns to Kori. "Did we ever tell you about that guy, Kori? Did Robin show you the footage? There keep being distractions, but we should probably check that out sometime."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinks. "I didn't see the video. An assassin? Well, I should be shown about this..." She ponders. "I didn't join because it wouldnt' be fair - I fight on a different level than some - it's not to say I am the better, just... my skills are different." She ponders. "Oh - the popcorn might be slightly radioactive... but it probably own't make your hari fall out." She offers the bag.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "It is fine. I needed to take a break." Robin offers, a nearby stand holds a water bottle, of which Damian starts to drink from. "Red X. I haven't heard anyhting specific, but he's not been out of my thoughts. If he was from the League, that means that Ra's is adamant on taking me back, and he will go through anyone associated with me to get his heir." Sounds a bit dire. "And that only complicates things further...my mother isn't as dead as we once thought."

Stardust has posed:
"Isn't /as/ dead?" Colette asks. "As in 'actually alive'?" She frowns thoughtfully. "Well. Um. I'm glad you got your mom back Robin, but the timing is kind of... interesting." As she speaks she raises a finger to poke at one of the frozen assassins before going over to Kori and the popcorn.

"Radioactive, you say?" Colette's hand hovers over the bag. "That doesn't sound like a very good idea. Why is the popcorn radioactive?" Despite her comments, she grabs herself a handful, grins at the Tamaranean, and steps back with a "Thanks, Kori. Yeah, we should show you that film, then. Some guy threatening us, some blah about how we're not worthy and need to be challenged to prove ourselves. Something about him reminded me of Dan. Not... how he looked. Something to do with how he held himself. That plus what he said to Robin made me think he might be an assassin."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Becuase I was in a hurry and used starbolt heat to pop the popcorn. She smiles faintly. "So - can we pull it up here? We should make plans... I mean... if these assassins are what I heard - they might be prepared with ways to take us all out - even me as unlikely as that sounds..."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Making the most of his break, Robin finishes his water. "He could very well be. The assassins are elite, and are not humble about it." Himself included.

  "We should be on guard, train up, and be ready for something to happen. For the moment X is only a lone operator." Robin seems to think that it isn't a concerted effort with the League of Assassins themselves.

Stardust has posed:
"Interesting point, Kori." Colette frowns a little, then shakes her head. "I mean if it comes to League versus Titans -- what do they actually do? Sure, they're an army of martial arts olympians, but how does being elite actually help against Kori's zappy bolts? And I've fought ninjas before. They refuse to stand still which makes them annoyingly hard to punch, but uh... not exactly a threat. I can pretty much just let them break their weapons on me and punch them when they're tired. Rae can vodoo them to dimension X. Kori can blast them from range. Rainman can lightening punch them. And so on. They've got to know that. So if we are facing them, it's a fair bet they're planning on doing something apart from just ninja-ing about. And if X-face is a lone wolf rogue Assassin, um. Isn't he basically screwed?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinks. "Yeah... I mean... we aren't minor-league anymore." She ponders. "We're almost on par with the Justice League. Hell, I might stand a bit of a chance against Superman though I wouldn't want to really try it." She isn't talking about what she means. "What can one person do against us?" She hmmms, offering some faintly-glowing popcorn to Damian. "I don't have a weakness like the Superman does..." Though some might remember that chromium does tend to make her sneeze.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin clicks his tongue. "Keep in mind just who is saying this. But that kind of mentality only sets one up to fail. You don't need powers to be powerful." He learned that one from his father.

  "For now, we keep on low alert for Red X. I would reccommend brushing up on combat. Don't assume this asshole is some wannabe."

Stardust has posed:
Colette holds her hands out. "Hey... don't take it like that, Robin. You're proof enough that you don't have to have powers to be powerful. " She folds her hands, frowning a little. "We were just saying before... but we need to know what we're up against. That's the thing. I know how to fight ninjas. Don't need to brush up on that. But assuming he's taking some account of our powers, what should we be looking out for? What kind of answer *can* they have? You're the expert, so, any ideas?"

  Colette steps back, standing next to Kori. Somehow that has the effect of putting Robin out there on his own in front of them. She may be expecting - or encouraging him - to lecture. She's just not the type to shut up in lectures though, and tilts her head to whisper to Kori. "Nah, if we fight the Justice League, we all need to gang up on Superman first or we got no chance."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r glances at Colette. Then back to Damian. "True. Batman is considered one of the most respected of the superheroes - and is not super..." She ponders. "And you of course, Damian." She smiles. "I respect your leadership as always. We need more intelligence on this potential foe." She ponders. "But we are not facing the Justice League so no need to concern ourselves with that." She ponders. "It's laso very possible that this Red X is meant as a training exercise."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "If we go up against Superman, I have my own plan for that." He quips suddenly. "If he has no powers, be on the lookout for your own weaknesses. I'm not taliing about kryptonite. I'm talking about movements, spoken words." Damian can only guess so far as to what Red X had planned. "Until he makes the first move, we can't be for sure what his MO is, so we just need to tighen up ourselves.

Stardust has posed:
"You have a plan in case we go up against Superman." Colette raises an eyebrow slowly at Robin. "You know... no. Actually, why am I pretending to be surprised by that? I'm not surprised by that. Of course you have a plan. That's probably on page one of the Robin manual. 'Rule 3: Have a plan in case you ever have to go up against Superman'. " Her voice drops into an exaggerated, if inevitably a bit too high-pitched, growling imitation of Batman's. "

  Colette glances sideways at Kori. "Thing is Robin, I'm not really sure what our weaknesses actually are. Or at least in this context. I mean I wouldn't be feeling too confident about having to fight a nuclear missile, but I'm kind of assuming that isn't on the cards. You've got a plan on how to take down Superman. Cool. Do you have one on how to take down Kori? Or me? Isn't that more what we should be thinking about rather than just honing our fighting skills?

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just ponders. "First - we must know our enemy - who is this person, and why is he targeting us?" She thinks. "Second - we must know ourselves. How can we stand together against a foe great or small?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian lowers his hood, almost immediately after Colette's question, his left eyebrow raised. "Do you truly want the answer to that?" In terms of does he have a plan to take down Kori, or even herself. His tone is dead serious, moreso than usual. He isn't ignoring Kori here, he's taking in Colette's reaction.

Stardust has posed:
Colette tilts her head slightly, as if listening to something in the background. Or possibly something in Robin's voice. She stares into his face, seeking his eyes under his hood. "I'd be disappointed in you if you hadn't at least considered it, Robin. " Despite the subject matter, there's no more hint of seriousness in her voice than usual. "But I have no idea what those plans might be". She looks away, and gives a slight shrug of her shoulders. "You're trained by the league. Assuming he is too, he might have similar ideas. Anyway, lemme go dig up that footage to show Kori." She turns away, stepping over to the computer console to dig out the record.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r takes the thumb drive, nodding, as she departs the Danger Room, to watch the video in the privacy of her room. She wonders what her little bumgorf is up to in her absence.