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Latest revision as of 19:18, 16 March 2018

Wheeling and Dealing
Date of Scene: 19 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Polaris, Lex Luthor

Magneto has posed:
     It's a beautiful sunny day on the island of Genosha. Mutants walk the street and fly through the skies moving about their daily routine of trying to rebuild the city the best they can. Many metal buildings litter the island between the rubble still left behind and people happy faces are abound despite the rough living conditions island life brings.

     Even from deep within the metal palace the light still shines brightly through the windows reminding all of what a wonderful day it is to be free. The throne room is an enormous extravagant affair, made entirely from floor to ceiling out of metal, with a pair of massive looming metal doors at the far end of the room standing sentinel over the chamber. The walls are covered in exquisite works of mutant made art, mostly from metal, but a fair few outliers have found their place hung atop the walls.

     At the far back of the chamber rests a massive throne, which at first appears to be made from wood until one gets a closer to look to find what appears to be oak is actually solid steel molded into shape.

     Atop his throne sets a man of many names, the most common here Magnus. His flowing cape rests behind him and his arm is held up to one side floating a pair of metal globes with his powers, causing them to rapidly spin in place. Even here in his fortress Magnus still keeps his helmet firmly in place atop his head, facial features cloaked in the shadows of the metal headpiece.

     It was the first time in many moons he'd actually sat atop his throne, with so much having came and went during that time it was a wonder he still felt so at ease there, looking over a holographic display of the island while the globes spin. The people had welcomed him home with open arms, and only just allowed him his leave to return to the throne room for this all important meeting. There was much to discuss.

Polaris has posed:
Entering the hall with some time to spare, Lorna has been finalizing the return of authority to her father with the many mentors and advisors she relied on ruling in his absence. Sweeping in, she gestures to one side of the throne and draws up a seat for herself, molding the metal to her desire. The green haired mutant sinks into the seat with a nod to Magneto. She's still in her clothes from earlier in the day-a dove grey tunic blouse and soft, full lavender pants.
    "Father." She greets. "Everything appears in order, I still need to contact the school to inform them and my team I'll be available to resume my responsibilities." She says simply and pauses. "I'll still be coming home on weekends to be with my family." She murmurs, handing personal affairs before they have visitors.

Lex Luthor has posed:
If there is one thing the Man of Tomorrow is well known for, it's business.

Well, that, and having a general mistrust of Superman (whether or not you agree with him). But today, he has been called upon as CEO of LexCorp.

When the Lexwing arrived at the airport, so did a cargo plane. That cargo plane holding samples of the products he's offering in this deal... and a full on armored motorcade, with a Limo.

No ceramics or non-metallic alloys or polymers present in this group of vehicles. This is plain old composite armor, the kind with metal in them.

A sign of trust from Lex Luthor?

Going through the streets, Lex is already categorizing things. Memorizing details. Filing away potential problems and places LexCorp can improve the lives of people, here. It might have a long way to go... but Lex Luthor is a strategist. He plays the long game.

A short time later, and Lex Luthor steps out of his Limo, with Mercy and Hope behind him to each side. The two Amazonians wear no visible weapons, and are in bodyguard attire, complete with the latest in LexCorp personal protection. Lex himself wears an impeccable business suit as he steps inside the throne room, his hands behind his back in that formal posture he's known for.

Then, he walks up to the Throne, and gives a diplomatic bow. "Magnus. Or would you prefer Magneto?" Lex stands up, and gives a bow to Polaris, "I apologize for how long it's taken to get this meeting setup, but the breakdown of the modern communications backbone had my attention on logistics for a while."

Lex gives Erik a warm smile, "Do you prefer to negotiate here?" Lex asks, his hands kept behind his back, even as Mercy and Hope remain at the bottom of the stairs, keeping a watchful eye.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus leans back on the throne allowing his hand to fall down and the spheres to continue spinning midair. "Lorna" He starts looking at her from his raised platform. "I will look forward to every weekend with baited breath." As his gloved hands steeple before him a smile crosses his face.

     There was security to be had here, Magneto's elite guard was on full alert for the evenings discussion. However it was little more then a look and a quick check on some data pads before Lex was allowed to pass right on through with his bodyguards.

     And then Lex comes into the room, the doors sliding open on their own the rest of the way making for an impressive display in the overtly ornate throne room. Magnus opens his arms wide as if welcoming an old friend into his home, his body language is inviting even if the helmet still makes him look a fair bit intimidating.

     "Mr.Luthor, it is such a welcome pleasure to see you've shown." A smile wide across his face as he sets with near perfect posture now on his throne, allowing the floating spheres to slowly float down onto a pillow beside the throne.

     "Magneto is what the papers call me." He explains as he comes to a stand from his overly comfortable metal throne. "Magnus will work just fine, as will the throne room." His hands lift up and from high in the ceiling metal chairs begin to descend along with a large table dancing in the air before they settle neatly into place. "I'm always prepared for guests."

     He slowly begins to walk down the large metal steps to meet face to face with Luthor. Once he reaches the bottom he holds out a gloved hand extended in greeting a warmth about him as he introduces the woman beside the throne. "Mr.Luthor, meet my daughter Lorna."

Polaris has posed:
Inclining her head, Lorna follows her father down to the table and chairs easily. She studies Lex curiously. "Mr. Luthor, my father's spoken of you. Welcome to Genosha. I hope you found the trip here smooth?" She asks and offers him a polite smile before looking to an attendant and nodding to have refreshment brought for the meeting. She stands behind a chair, looking to her father and waiting for him before she takes her chair.

Lex Luthor has posed:
A bald, but fairly attractive, man, Lex Luthor is the story of a self-made man come into reality. He /is/ the American dream.

At least, if they're willing to sieze it.

"Thank you, Magnus it is." Then, Lorna gets that smile, "With the foundational backbone done, I was able to navigate here without much problem. Magnus and I were in discussion about this before the backbone went down, so it'll be nice to continue this. Either way, it's lovely to meet you both in person, instead of over video calls."

Once the table is down, Lex gives an appreciative nod, "I like it. I should look into getting one for my office." Lex quips, "I imagine the magnetic display will be an interesting challenge, with the holographic system in place." Lex continues as he moves to a seat, giving Lorna a glance, "You've done wonderful work with Genosha, from what I've seen coming in. Not many people could handle this sort of leadership work without a serious supply line."

Magneto has posed:
     Taking his seat first at the head of the table Magnus motions for his daughter to take her seat. The chairs themselves are incredibly comfortable, built by hand, or rather built by Magnus. Most everything here is, actually.

     "I find a videocall rarely does a person half the justice of a true personal meeting." He concurs as drinks begin being brought out from the other room. Trays are sat down onto the table. "You know I'd loan you mine if I wasn't using it." He jests with a lighthearted smile.

     Pulling his chair in with his mind rather then scooting in he steeples his gloved hands before him pressing his chin against the side of them. "I'll admit it's been a team effort." Nodding his head towards his daughter.

Polaris has posed:
"It takes everyone on this island to make it prosper Mr. Luthor. Every talent that can be used to build, farm, power the island is. It's rather fascinating work." Lorna confesses and sits near Magnus before looking between the two men. "I'm happy my father will be back to bolster things. I'm still young by our measure, and my power still growing. Better in these trying times to lean on my father, who is a master of our craft." She smiles at him and looks back to their guest.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"That may be so, but teamwork and coordination are what brings it together, and you do the job splendidly." Luthor gives a nod to Lorna in acknowledgment, before he sits down, and takes up position. "Which brings me to business." Lex gives a nod to Mercy, who takes out a tablet and hands it over to Magnus, "Coming in, just from a brief survey on my route, LexCorp is capable of bringing the materials and the infrastructure to do the work to bring this place back into the modern age within two months, assuming my scheduling is accurate. I can also offer basic supplies at a discounted rate during that time to help bring the people of Genosha prosperity. In exchange for this time, as per prior agreement, I'm certain that bringing that much infrastructure will boost your economy enough that you can become self-sufficient within half a year, even without the abilities shown on this island. I'm sure you can cut that down with them."

Then, Lex nods to Lorna, "The economic benefits of this deal are obvious... but the PR side of it for yourselves is also fairly evident. Trading exclusively with LexCorp will ensure that the only person that you need to deal with from a corporate perspective will be myself. I will, of course, need to discuss potential issues for politics and the UN, but I would be the interface there, and I have been talking to some officials over this there." Lex loses his smile, "There are a lot of uncertain people in the business world around this endeavor... but I'm hoping to bring some stability with this deal, as well."

"I, in fact, brought along a few samples of what I can offer your people immediately, assuming this contract is signed. That right there will see improvement just within the week. They're in my cargo aircraft." Lex continues.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus remains silent as he looks over the pad, scanning through the contents with a rapid speed. His cool blue eyes dart from one side of the screen to the next as he takes in as much data as he can, before setting it down onto the table. His drink on the table slowly begins to float over towards him, finding itself shortly inside of his grasp so that he can take a few sips of the contents.

     "I'm liking what I'm hearing Mr.Luthor." Magnus states firmly as he lets go of his cup allowing it to float back down onto the table and rest on its custom built coaster. "I have a feeling your assistance will be exactly the catalyst we need to go from survival to thriving on a global scale."

     He steeples his gloved hands again. "And I'm sure the UN will prove no trouble at all for a man of your stature."

Polaris has posed:
"That fast, you're investing no small amount." Lorna notes and sits back. She crosses her arms, cupping her chin in her hand. "I imagine the UN would be watching such a deal pretty closely, it could either ruin you or prove lucrative on your part as well." She nods a bit. Thoughtful as she looks to her father as he speaks. She resettles in her seat and glances at Lex. "Are you expecting any sort of collateral to get this deal moving? It is after all a costly investment."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I'm the Man of Tomorrow, Lorna. I'm always looking for ways to improve the condition of humans, metahumans, and mutants on this planet for a better tomorrow." Lex smiles to Polaris, "There are certainly people with hangups, but this is a private corporate investment, not government aide. They don't get a say in the matter without an active embargo." Lex points out, "And contrary to what a lot of the world thinks, I've never seen mutants as a threat, but as people like any other. There are some good, and some bad. The trick in business is to make doing the bad extremely costly to the other person."

Lex looks to Magneto, then. "One of the stipulations of this deal is that all trade goods coming /out/ of Genosha once production can shift to exports, I'm the first company that gets a chance at it... and that there are incentives for coming to LexCorp as employees for those with the education to work for LexCorp."

He looks back to Lorna, then. "Magnus will also be helping with some other endeavors on a global scale over time, and this gets him the time he'll need to handle matters, in top of the economics of it. As for ruining.... this is a major investment... but if necessary, I can absorb it. This deal is meant to build a foundation for that thriving economy. From there, it'll be all about creating jobs for your people. We all win in that scenario." Lex points out. Then, he nods to Mercy, who pulls out an actual paper contract, "That'd be the legal contract to sign. Take as much time as you need to read."

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus taps his fingers together as Lex speaks. His eyes narrow slightly as the man before him speaks. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and he knew that going in. Still something Luthor says manages to illicit a chuckle from the man. His hands split from each-other and rest on the table.

     There's a dead silence from him as Magneto grabs the contract beginning to flip through it. He gives a silent reading eyes darting across the lines, before he sets the contract to one side. "I've no doubt we'll be able to come to an agreement, once I've let my legal advisors have a look over this contract." He admits, before taking a drink from his glass. This was a somewhat delicate matter, but one that was well within control.

Polaris has posed:
Letting Magnus take the contract, Lorna settles her hands in her lap to hide how they fidget. He is in command again. Polaris rises instead while the documents are read to pour juice once it's brought into three cups. She looks between the men wordlessly for a moment. She worked so hard for the island, it's clear she's invested in it's future, but she's trusting, avoiding nitpicking for the moment. "Will Lexcorp be expanding offices here to the island for those who don't want to leave the safety of a mutant centric island? Being so close to Madripor and Asian markets must have it's appeal."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I'll be having a regional headquarters built. Location is negotiable, but I'd prefer it to be in your main harbor area so it can have a private dock for handling shipment traffic over sea." Lex gives in reply to Lorna, "The contract is a rough draft, as I'm sure Magnus will be interested in amendments. We can add that in on the next draft."

Then, as the juice is brought in, Lex gives a smell, before he chuckles, "It's actually been a while since I've had just plain juice. This is a treat." He takes a sip, then looks back to Magnus, "I'll be here for a few days to inspect the island, with your permission. Once I have a solid set of figures and a schedule worked out, we can add that to the draft."

Magneto has posed:
     "Of course" Magnus states rather plainly as he switches over to the juice. "The fruits for the juice are actually grown here on the island with the help of a few of our more talented residents." He points out as he takes a sip. "Once you've enjoyed it I doubt you'll be able to look at other juices quite the same way." He lets out a low chuckle still reading his way through the contract to make mental notes of what's going to need massive overhaul and what works as written.

     "I'll have no problem with you staying, why I insist you stay here at the palace in one of our guest suites." He pauses. "I trust you'll find the commendations comfortable for even a man of your status." His attention falling on the roof for a moment as he shifts his hand idly to one side allowing for more sunlight to bathe the table. "and I can already say that so long as you treat our people with respect during your stay you'll find we're a very hospitable bunch."

Polaris has posed:
"That is true enough. It's been no small feat to avoid a more isolated people. Many fled here to escape persecution in their home countries. They could easily have turned their back on the world. And yet, on their own terms-for the most part, our people seem happy to be a part of a global community. I think it bodes well for this endeavor between you and my father, Mr. Luthor." Lorna offers brightly and reclaims her seat, sipping on the juice as Magnus opens a sun roof into the space. "I would hope Genosha is chosen to host such a business, it would look good for us-it's beautiful here, which is a plus for those of your employees who would oversee such a sight."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Good. Then unless you both have any other questions or concerns, I believe this part of the process is concluded?" Lex Luthor inquires.