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Latest revision as of 04:49, 18 March 2018

The trouble with homeworks
Date of Scene: 17 March 2018
Location: Titans Tower, Living Area
Synopsis: Just a random conversation about the day's worries.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Starfire

Breath has posed:
Breath sits on a couch, poring through a textbook, in costume with her wings leaning up against the wall.

She taps her lip idly with a pen and hrms, cratching her head a bit, then looks up as a door opens. "Hey, so like.. Is anything going on right this moment? Like right right this moment? Because I wasn't totally sure on that."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r hums happily as she comes from the kitchen... which is also emitting the most GHASTLY stench of burnt sauerkraut. She is snacking on something... that's probably best left undescribed, the Silkie being carried in one arm. "Hello, Breath!" she chirps, tending to use super aliases when her friends are in costume and real names when not. "What are you reading?"

Breath has posed:
Breath hmmms. "Calculus. I'm supposed to be going to college as part of my job, and the biology I have down but the math... is a little bit slower to get. I'll get it figured out, I just need to let it simmer a little, I think? What've you been up to?"

She bookmqrks the page and streetches a bit, on a path that will eventually lead to rising. But that moment has not yet arrived. "Sorry if I haven't really been paying attention to much."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles faintly. "Not much. I just finished talking to K'tten, the engineer on my starship... they have to be out of contact for a while - they might've been detected..." She smiles faintly. "Shame - I was hoping for another batch of zorkaberries..." She then peeks. "Calculus? That is the higher mathematics?" She peeks over the shoulder. "Ah - never learned 2D calculus... did some 3d stuff when I was a kid before my life went to the crap."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. "Well, it's middle level math anyway. There's a whole bunch of higher level math after that, but calculus is what gets you through the basic stuff really. It's higher than most people need, but like.. there's some biochemistry stuff I need it to learn." She sighs. "So wait, you were just talking to them.. after they had to be quiet? Or before? I'm confused now."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinks. "They sent me a final transmission before they had to go hide. It's a low-frequency subspace that isn't detectable... I just won't hear from them for a while." She is munching on something that kinda looks like a candybar, but slightly burnt and looking like it's made of... something. "If you need some help, I can try. Or - maybe you need to leave the book for a bit and try something else."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "That was the plan, yeah."

She slips off the couch and rises, stretching. "I talked to my dad.. It kind of sucked. He's all supportive and proud of me for being in school and stuff, but he still deadnames me and calls me his son. I met one of my old teammates for lunch though, and he actually hit on me. So that was a plus. Midterms are over, so things should be slowing down a bit. I should be able to spare a little time for things. If, you know, there are things I can help.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinks as she gazes at you, tilitng her head. "That does sound like an awkward conversation... one's parents should be supportive..." She sighs softly. "I wish mine were still around." She smiles faintly. "So - maybe we can do something fun? I'm still learning what teenage females on this world do for fun... the mall of shopping maybe?"

Breath has posed:
Breath gives two thumbs up. "Sounds like a plan! I don't know if many people do malls anymore though. So there's got to be SOMEthing. What kind of stuff do YOU like doing? I mean, we don't have to do just whatever some teenage movie says."

She thinks a bit. "I mean, I like weird stuff sometimes. How is everybody else around here? What ELSE have you been doing? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Personfriend? None of the above?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Nothing yet... I am afraid to start a relationship. I mean, I'm sure that many would want to. But... if Kom discovers me, I'll have to flee. And I would not want the broken heart." She ponders. "Want a nibble?" she asks, offeirng her... treat... to Breath. It looks, and smells, like burnt sauerkraut. "I probably should clean up in the kitchen... the Warlord of OKarra did not teach me how to cook."

Breath has posed:
Breath ohs, and attempts a bite. She's eaten a few odd things, so she can deal with some weird or burned stuff. "Yeah, I don't really, you know. Notice people that way usually. But everybody else does, and they like talking about it. So it's like, totally expected, right? I mean, I can talk about guys I am supposedly interested that I'm not really interested in, that's totally a typical teenage girl thing, but like, I pass, thanks. I already had to do enough of that before so my dad wouldn't be even more weirded at me."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "It is not my intent to make you uncomfortable..." The bar would taste exactly as it looks, like slightly-burnt sauerkraut that was somehow congealed together into the semblance of a cnadybar. "What do you like to do when you are looking for rest and relaxation?" she asks, curiously. She then blinks, as she feels something on her foot - the Silkie was curled against it, drooling.

Breath has posed:
Breath looks down at the Silkie, not quite sure what to make of that. "Well, I was working out some, but like.. I already did some of that. And.. um... Yeah, I dunno really. I'm still working that part out. I end up keeping super busy."

She thinks some, handing the bar back after eating that one bite. "Anyway, just because you aren't getting in a relationship doesn't seem like it stops people from talking about the people they wish they had one with, y'know? Anyway so like, you have people chasing you? Are they extra close right now or anything? Should I be on the lookout?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "I do think that Nightwing is very attractive for a human, but I believe he is in a relationship so..." She shrugs. "I never thought too much about it. My teenage years were... unspeakable." She doesn't talk much about it at all. "Well..." She wiggles her toes against the Silkie which just makes it gurgle a bit. "It's past sunset so I can't go sunbathe... I tend to do that a lot."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. "Yeah, you totally have a right to not feel like dealing with crazy triggers. Mine were pretty awful, but I don't think they were *unspeakable*. Just kind of suck. Until I got on the team anyway. I mean, I wasn't expecting the jocks to be super supportive."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods as the smoke alarm starts biarng from the kitchen. "Oops - might've forgot to turn the stove off." She hoists the Silkie up which makes an annoyed gurgle and she zips along to the kitchen to try to repair some of her damage.

Breath has posed:
Breath yeeps. "Okay! Good night!" She looks a bit alarmed at the fire alarm, then decides she would just be in the way.