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Latest revision as of 14:58, 18 March 2018

Love Stinks
Date of Scene: 16 March 2018
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: A chance encounter on a metropolis rooftop between a dog, an alien, and an agent of love becomes a discussion on that emotion. Power Boy and Star Sapphire have a curiously poignant moment as an alien comes to accept 'the new normal'.
Cast of Characters: Power Boy, Star Sapphire

Power Boy has posed:
Power Boy, idol to dozens, well maybe a dozen, is out tonight. He stopped a minor altercation earlier with a cat in a tree. The kid kicked him. It's been one of those nights. When he got home, Kirby was out of dog food. Super Intelligence, indeed.

    Whoosh, zoom! To the store! Whoosh, zoom! Towards back home, but on the flight home, Kirby needed to make a deposit. So, Power Boy alights on the nearest high roof top, and lets the dog out. While Kirby makes a deposit for 'daddy', Power Boy might as well feed the dog. Then, as the dog walks over to eat some well deserved dinner, Power Boy leans over to pick up Kirby's prize from the roof, which is how she will find him, wearing a little plastic baggie, picking up pug poop.

    His life is so glamorous.

Star Sapphire has posed:
So THERE she was, minding her own business. On a rooftop, because someone said that's where all the cool superheroes hang out. Also the uncool ones. No sooner than Star Sapphire took her place, than Whoosh, zoom! And poop. Star inclines her head, watching the newcomer for a few moments, then almost laughs when he goes to pick up the deposit.

"Well, I can't say this was EXACTLY what I had in mind for this evening," Star quips from her corner of the roof. "But it's good to see that even superfolk take good care of their companions."

Power Boy has posed:
    "Well. I am not at all super." Power Boy answers. He leans over to scratch the pug's ears gently. It is a very tender, careful motion. He then begins to carefully secure the little baggie. The gestures are discrete, but it goes in the same bag he carried the dog in, though the kibble is left aside for now. "I know this is gross, but I would be upset if people let their animals indiscriminately mess on my property. I understand that they have to go, but I can be a responsible person and clean the mess."

    He tilts his head to the side and regards her. There is a faint, vaguely ominous glow from his bag. "Oh." He says, quietly. "Star Sapphire. I thought you were all of one race from a planet other than here. I am impressed. Terrans continue to provide more and more evidence of how special they are. I am impressed, miss." He gives a little nod of his head. "I am Power Boy." He adds. He doesn't offer his hand. Given the baggie? Maybe it is a good plan.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star blushes slightly, as she often does when recognized, which is surprisingly not all that often. "Thank you, but no I'm definitely an Earth girl. It's a pleasure to meet you, Power Boy." He seems to be of a genuine heart, and it softens Star's expression. "You seem like a good kid. All too often, the younger generations these days don't take responsibility for -anything- these days. But then...you're clearly not native to Earth, yourself..."

Power Boy has posed:
    "No. I am not. But I am most certainly not one of the Supers." Power Boy answers with a small smile. His pose shifts, and he seems to mirror her softening. "Hence 'Power' in 'Power Boy'." His smile is small, fleeting, and vaguely sad. "Regardless. Congratulations. Love is complex, complicated, and really craptacular emotion. For you to understand it enough to be able to wield its powers in the emotional spectrum is really an accomplishment." He gives a little nod of his head. He runs a hand over his little backpack-sized dog's trim form with a tenderness that belies his obvious strength.

    "Kirby here? He knows nothing but love. Maybe that is why you are able to do what you do. Humans made dogs, after all." He seems to honestly believe that, as he gives a small nod of affirmation. "He loves without jealousy, anger, fear, or hesitation. Once his heart is given, it is given forever and freely. Humans, and most aliens? They are incapable of them. Myself most especially. Dogs though? It is what you made them for."

    "That it took you thousands of years to breed the dog, yet you did it? Basically everything I like about your species is expressed in the form of this yappy, gassy, snoring little beast." Again he flashes a small smile. It is equal parts sadness and wistfulness.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star listens to Power Boy's lamentations and furrows her brow at his assumption that humans made dogs. He's...not completely wrong. And to correct him might cause some level of disillusionment. She decides instead on another tactic.

"You understand love more than you admit, or possibly believe. Dogs were once wolves, ferals...predatory things. They understood survival and protection. They were bred to create what we now know as dogs, but you know...If one were to grow up not knowing love from another, they would still become the same predatory being from which they descended. Kirby here knows how to love you, because you let him. And because you loved him, too. It's the same in the world of man, and alien, and all other beings. We grow into love. It cannot be created from nothing. Not even I can create love in the heart of one who hasn't the ability to love on his own."

Power Boy has posed:
Love is patient, love is kind
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    The alien recites Corinthians 13 in a practiced cadence. It is something he has recited before, or he is a fast study. His head gives a little shake at that. "You philosophers and prophets spoke of love thousands of years ago. Nothing loved me, until that dog." Power Boy's voice carries an undercurrent of rage; the anger of an unloved child and a nameless slave. "I fail at love. So did someone else, I can think of. But I fail at it. I... get jealous."

    Power Boy regards her for a long moment. "I'm an empathy. I can see emotions. Seeing someone care for me? It was a powerful feeling. It made me feel special. It made me feel worthy. It made me feel... worthy." His lips quirk gently, into a self-mocking smile. "When someone else kissed her, I wanted to kill him. I still do. She can't handle that. She shouldn't have to." He pets the dog and shrugs.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods slowly as Power Boy speaks. She longs to take away his pain, but instead she steps toward him and places a hand on his shoulder. "You're still learning. We're all still learning. But it will get better," she says encouragingly. She imparts a level of peace to him with her touch, with no intention of swaying his emotions. Merely offering him a modicum of peace within his mind as her heart reaches out to his. "I'm glad you have Kirby. And I'm most certainly glad that Kirby has you."

Power Boy has posed:
No kidding. This kid is one errant truck running over his dog from going on a rampage of utter and complete devastation. He smiles at the woman. "You are kind. But, I must get a certain little dog home, and I need to do my homework." He starts to gather his things. "Thank you for understanding about the dog on your rooftop, miss." He pauses. "Also, thank you for listening. She took most of my heart with her when she left. My, uhhh, upbringing wasn't very good on dealing with emotions in a constructive manner."

    He actually puts the dog in his bag, like it is a purse dog. Kirby acts like this is normal. "Thanks again." He start to lift off, floating without effort or exertion into the air and giving a little wave.