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Latest revision as of 13:48, 25 March 2018

Conspiracy: Just a Few Questions
Date of Scene: 18 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: War Machine, Iron Man, Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

War Machine has posed:
     It's early evening, the halls are quiet on the security level. Rottweiler had been intercepted on his way to the NYPD station and redirected here shortly after the incident in New Lots. There'd been a bit of pushing and shoving and shouting for a lawyer since then, but all that had quieted down once he'd been given some time to stew in the interrogation chamber.

     The room itself was devided in two, one room for the interrogation itself and one on the other side of a one way mirror to watch the proceedings as they unfolded. A few agents set at the control panels of the observation room monitoring the recording in progress and his vitals from the rooms built in scanners. The interrogation rooms were some of the most high tech rooms on the carrier, built to detect subtle changes in body temperature and the like to make sure he didn't try popping a cyanide capsule or anything of the like.

     Then again the complete cavity search the moment SHIELD had gotten their hands on Rottweiler made that a very distant possibility. He'd been stripped clean of everything, and placed in a very simple jumpsuit marking him as a prisoner of SHIELD.

     The strange thing with Rottweiler was just the simple detail of how little they actually knew about him. His finger prints had been burned off, severe dental work done to his teeth to sharpen them in some places and dull them in others many of his teeth outright replaced. Even his eyes had been modified from those of his birth just enough to trip up the sensors. Someone really went the extra mile in hiding his identity.

     Setting behind the desk his hair is a short pitch black shaved down to the scalp. His gang tattoo's have been burned off of his body leaving behind visible scars where they once were, at least the ones that would have easily identified which gang or group he might have come from. He's not particularly well built but he's in decent shape little bit of a pot belly mixed in with his abs as he kicks back looking at the ceiling and counting the minutes.

Iron Man has posed:
Iron Man (armor, but not masked) was with Rhodey after the events, and came in with the group. He was in the hospital area for quite a while, actually, which gave SHIELD plenty of time to process the prisoner. The group involved four people that came in with Rhodey: Tony, Rhodey, a young child, and Jeanette( the child's mother), who has since passed en route. Tony stuck with the child at first, then primarily was overlooking Rhodey's emergency surgery, and now?

Iron Man wants to get into interrogation, but is upset and angry, and is being blocked, at the moment by several agents at the entry. Which, considering that he's in Iron Man armor, is taking some high confidence at the door: but anyone can see Tony's not in any shape to interview anybody, unless they might want them beaten up. He has streaks of blood on the armor, and a raised voice.

"Not a /chance./ I'm following this through."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint gets all the weirdest assignments. Naturally, he's happy to share the joy so he drags Skye along as part of her training. Having had a look over the guys details or lack thereof, Clint lets out a low whistle. "Someone really didn't want us to know who this guy is," he says showing Skye the details before he hears the commotion outside.

"What in the heck?" he goes to the door, opens it and takes a look. Seeing Tony, he steps through quickly, holding up a hand to the guys trying to stop him.

"Whoa guys, whoa," he says. "Tony, what's going on, were you there?" he asks.

He hadn't even gotten he AAR from the incident yet, this interrogation had been dumped on him cold.

Quake has posed:
Skye, of course, gives Clint a nose crinkle and a mild scowl as she's being dragged along. Mostly for principle. "Are you sure Fury okayed this? You dragging me about and handling my field training? Does he know you're sleeping with me?"

As if he didn't. *snerk* He'd known long before anyone else had. But Skye, being Skye, had to throw the joke in there. Though it was a measure of the regard for the pair and their abilities that Clint had been allowed to have a part in Skye's current training. The situation was.. unorthodox to day the least. Then again, so was Skye.

The details of the matter had her furrowing her brow, deep in thought. "More of those dog things, huh? That's.. smacks of Russian mafia gone rabid." Or, you know, crossed with someone who thought Hydra had the right thoughts on it all.

The commotion she stands back from. This one isn't her baby to worry about. Though she's mentally preparing next steps and guaging thoughts on just how bad she expects this might get before things calm down. Security were pretty good at their job - she should know, she still had bad dreams about being shut up here, along with all the attendant treatment (sans a few that Fury had somehow managed to avoid putting her through without raising red flags) - but it was Tony. Tony was his own kind of special.

War Machine has posed:
     "We can't let you violate protocol like this Stark" The guard says calmly still holding his hands up as if that'll somehow stop a repulser beam from sending him careening off down the hall. "You need to leave this to the agents, they'll handle the processing." He's trying to keep a friendly voice but it's clear he's more then a bit nervous at the armored avenger being about ready to smash the door down. "Way you're acting you'd think he shot your dog."

     Inside Rottweiler listens at the door, he can't hear much for the soundproofing only the tiniest tinges of a hint that something is going down outside the safety and security of his little room. Something about the infighting brings a bit of a smile across his face.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony can be his own force of nature. Particularly when he's getting geared up to actually throw his weight behind something. In this case, getting what he wants. He was clearly about to really rip into the security, and Clint has great timing. Tony wings his attention in a flash sideways to Clint.

There is a hard efficiency here, the relaxed joking thing that Skye normally sees is missing. This is something more... honest?

"Yes. I was there," Tony answers, hard and clipped in tone, to Clint. "A whole eyeful of Rhodey nearly disemboweled, Jeanette murdered, and a child flung out a window," Tony explains, gesturing with a hand back towards the security room that is his goal. And giving that guard who made the comment about 'dog' just a hard look of disapproval. Nearly as good as one of Captain America's, but not quite: not enough sadness in it, more anger. But Tony reins back in a little bit, straightens up, withdrawing some of that steam. He's upset over Rhodey, or the frustration of it, or both.

"We need to know what these guys wanted with drawing him out there with his sister as bait. And I want the guy that /did/ this, his buddy, who escaped."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Well, we could let May handle this, I mean you have better odds of getting a home cooked meal when you're done," Clint counters with a grin. "And I am sure Fury knows all about this," he nods up at the cameras in the room.

"Could be," Clint says of the guy and his origins, before the noise hits and he goes to investigate. "Don't suppose you can find anything about this guy's codename?" he says miming compute keys.

Clint give a hard look at the security guys, "Level 7 guys, if you have an issue, talk to Fury," he tells them, before nodding for Tony to join Skye and him in the prep room. Once they're inside, he turns to Tony, "Shit Tony, this guy disembowelled, Rhodey?" he asks, he could see why they didn't tell him much going in. "And threw some kid out the window?" he asks, his face turning dark, "So, start from the top, what happened?"

As for Rottweiler, he can just sit and smile alone for the moment.

Quake has posed:
"I know Fury knows," Skye retorts, rolling her eyes at Clint. "God. Nobody teach you about rhetorical? And your cooking isn't all that bad. Your stare of death isn't May quality, though."

When asked to dig about on the guy, Skye shrugs. "Could always try." Even without the tats and such, she had indicators. There were biometrics of his face. Those things didn't change. Take that and the placement of those scars where tats once were - that was already going to narrow the field down. Not to mention things like the teeth filing were pretty specific acts. You didn't get those just anywhere.

In short, girl had a lot of paramenters to go on already.

She's trying very hard not to wince at or be distracted by the other information, though the bit about the kid did drag her memory back to Red Robin's tale of one of the victims of her own mission. It had been one of the reasons for the depth of that self-medicating binge.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony doesn't actually care about the security, and doesn't smirk at them or even seem aware that they are there, once they don't matter anymore. It's one of those obnoxious billionaire things that comes up from time to time. Little people get ignored when there's something 'bigger' going on.

The prep room grants a lot. Because Tony, in his Iron man suit, comandeers one of the screens and has visuals. He lays it all out, quickly. Rhodey's sister was trying to contact Rhodey. Something was wrong with the calls. Tony was brought in, to sort that out, and discovered the signal was being tampered with. They went out to investigate it. Rhodey walked into a trap while Tony was outside scouting a bit.

This is where the visuals start: there's full footage of the windows being blown out and a six year old girl rushing into camera directly at Iron Man, who caught her and shielded her. Inside the apartment, guns flare and there is a clear shot of the mother of the girl getting hit in the back spine. Rhodey on the floor, dragging himself towards his ICER.

Next are some mixed shots of Rogue arriving, and brawling with two guys, in their dog-themed armor: one of them is clearly the guy they caught. And there's another guy, as well, as yet unidentified.

"Rogue was about to rip him a new one, but he teleported out. Still looking into that, but it's a random push signature."

Around this time, though, Tony suddenly reorients, with a touch of hand to his ear. Some relief passes into his focused brown eyes. "Rhodey's asked for me. I'll be back." And off he goes.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Rhetori-what?" Clint asks with a grin, before giving her a mock death-glare, just for fun. It's well short of May-grade though. He heads to the door, leaving Skye to do her computer-fu.

Clint flinches when he sees the girl blown out of the window, then crosses his arms, scowling. The scowl only grows deeper, when he sees the armour. "Jesus, these assholes again," he says. "They hit a SHIELD convoy the other day, almost got us when we came to rescue them." He fills in for Tony.

He moves to a console slips a flashdrive in and transfers a file. "The report on that attack, might give you guys a lead on where to find the one who got away," Clint says hand over the drive to Tony.

He glances to Skye then, looking for her take on what they've just seen.

As for Tony leaving, he gives him a nod, "Tell him get better and let him know SHIELD's go his back."

Quake has posed:
Skye just makes a disgusted noise at Clint, and flaps the fingers of one hand at him. "Yeah, yeah."

She's otherwise busy, though, and while she could get involved in their conversation, she's hot on an idea of how to track their guest down. It involves writing a little subroutine...

But even before that, she's got some information to impart. "Hey, so. Looks like our friend is part of this group called the War Dogs. Don't ask. I'd have to kill you both." She doesn't bat a lash or even look up as she throws that one out there. She has to be kidding, right? Right? ... then again, she's already shot two agents. Clint being one of them.

"They have this thing where they erase your former identity. Make you one of the pack. Really weird shit. Like no going back from it kind of shit. So, yeah. We're not only looking at batshit crazy, but fanatical as well. I'd guess Hydra level fanatical with a side order of cosplay."

Iron Man has posed:
"War Dogs. Figures. The one we met covered us in Pulp Fiction quotes. Crazy. And that's with Deadpool present, so I had a high bar for carzy," Tony comments dryly.

And then to Clint: "If he doesn't, he has to answer to me," Tony says with a quick smirked smile to Clint, snaring the files and leaving. He severs his connection with the monitors when he goes, dropping them back into their usual sequence for the prep room.

And then Tony is gone.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint frowns, "War Dogs? Never heard of them," he remarks, but he suspected he was going to learn a heck of a lot about them in the coming days. Though the fanatical part was bad news. "Grrreat," he says.

He lets that process while he puts away the flashdrive and nods to Tony. "That'll scare him," he says with a tight grin. "Catch you later, T," he says as the billionaire takes his leave of them.

Then to Skye he says, "Anything else in there that might help us?"

War Machine has posed:
     Inside the room Rottweiler taps his fingers out on the table playing a little drum ditty. It's simple enough to follow along decent harmony for a guy who spends most his time hunting other people down for cash. Actually it's really good rhythm even if the beat is simple. "Hello me, meet the real me" He mutters to himself bobbing his head slightly as he keeps himself entertained with a bit of light music. "In my twisted way of life."

     The agents at the controls are a bit nonplussed, but there's not much that they can do since the lead agent on this op happens to have given him basically free rein for the time being. They just set back and let Stark do his thing returning to their observation once he's shown what he needs to.

Quake has posed:
Skye is bent over her work.

"You never hear about these groups unless you're being groomed for them. At least not until they have something to say that they want you to hear and associate with them." She knows of what she speaks there.

"But I think I may have a way to figure out who he is. They left scars where the tats are. Odds are he's got a criminal record. So they're on record." It's a known fact that tatoos, piercings, scars, and other visual markers of criminals are photographed and put into a worldwide database for easy identification. "What I'm doing is essentially creating a reverse lookup. They left scars on his body. Where the tats would be. I just need an approximation. So going to make a program that takes the scars, makes them digital info, and then looks for photos in the tattoo database that fit that digital makeup. So. You know, like my tat. Might be a 6.52.9 in digital space as I render it in parameters - not looking at what the picture of it is. So, now I want to write a program that takes the tattoo database and looks for any photo that has something in the 6.52.9 space. It should narrow our search down, and if we're really lucky, it might make a total hit."

She shrugs.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods, "Yeah, I know a few groups like that from my ill spent youth," he says of how the War Dogs operate.

The computer stuff? Yeah, he's suitable impressed and makes his way over to stand behind Skye's chair. "You can do that?" he asks, stupidly. "Nevermind, of course you can, if we can get a match, that might help us rattle him, right now he's got to b smug behind his anonymity if we can burst that bubble we might be able to get something from him."

Quake has posed:
"A few?" Skye smirks, totally poking fun at Clint.

"I could do worse, Hotshot, but we don't have that much time right now. As it is, it might take longer than we want it to. After I write the bit of code, it has to run. Nothing I can do to make that faster than what it is." She peers at what she's tapped out on the screen. "I think I've done all I can with the routine part. Now it's just hit the databases and wait for results."

And with that, she sets it all to run, and sits back, watching the whole thing execute.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint snorts. "Yeah, just a few,' he says. "Wasn't really a joiner."

"Okay then, so how long are we talking here? Minutes, hours, days?" he asks. He knew there was something of a timeline on this interrogation, what with people missing and so on. "If it's the one of those last two, we're going to have to go at him with next to nothing."

"Oh, by the way, did May teach you anything about interrogation yet?"

War Machine has posed:
     It takes a long time for the search to come back with any results. Minutes pass by one after another crawling past on the schedule as Rottweiler entertains himself the best that he can given the rather empty room. For a while he starts pacing about just trying to give himself something to do without his legs falling asleep. Time slowly moves along until finally late into the evening a match arrives: Former lead drummer for the Screaming Meanies Tex Tyler.

     The man's got a rap sheet a mile long, starting with a dishonorable service discharge from the marines, and only getting worse from there. He was constantly in and out of prison till his death 6 years ago in a horrific fire that left the body all but unrecognizable, and from the looks he's setting right in the next room over.

Quake has posed:
The clock ticks on. Five minutes. Ten. Fifteen. It's a boring time for Clint, likely. Not so boring for Skye. She's not just monitoring the program, she's adding tweaks, as well as continuing her searched about the War Dogs. They might be secretive and all, but that's that the Darknet was founded on, spilling secrets. And recruiting..

Somewhere around the 25 minute mark, though, she hits paydirt on their target, and it wasn't just a partial match - it was a perfect hit.

"Got him," she exclaims softly. "And hoo boy, was he naughty."

The data she retrieves is all shunted off into backup, and Skye opens full sized windows for Clint to peruse the information she's got on their prisoner: on Tex Tyler, former lead drummer for the Screaming Meanies.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint loses count on how many times he's spun his chair around sometime about the thousandth rotation. Fortunately, when he starts the second round he's just hit one-hundred when the program gets a hit.

Clint stops the chair with his foot, then pushes off, rolling over to look at the monitor. "Woo, you weren't kidding," he says. "And a fiery death to boot. Nice. This guy's got some serious super villain cred."

Then he sees the name. "Tex Tyler?" he snickers. "And the Screaming Meanies? Wow. And people say I make bad life decisions," there's a proverbial lightbulb over his head though a moment later. "Hey,can you look up any of their stuff on Youtube? I think Rex and the Meanies should play us in."

Quake has posed:
The words are barely out of Clint's mouth when there's an evil glint in Skye's eyes and she's doing exactly that: hhunting up and creating a playlist for their meeting with Tyler.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"See, this is why I love you," Clint says to Skye when he sees they're on the same wavelength. He gets out of his chair. "So once you've got that ready, we'll go in, we're not going to come at him as hard as they show on TV, that never works, but, we'll basically be doing good cop bad cop. I'll be leaning on him, we've got you, you're going down for a long time, you be the understanding one, ask him, try to give him a sympathetic narrative to latch on to and want to talk about what he did," he says. "It helps to dig into your own experience, he got booted out of marines and ended up in a cult, I am going to guess belonging, is going to be a thing for him. Pitch it like helping us get what we need, is a way to help the rest of his team, because if we have to come at them the hard way, it's not going to be pretty."