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Revision as of 23:11, 2 April 2018

Don't you know not to interrupt me when I'm doin' my Kung Fu
Date of Scene: 27 March 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Yin, Batman

Yin has posed:
Brooke is drifting silently through town. She isn't prowling, really, but there is not a bit of wasted energy in her steps, and it shows. Her eyes flick back and forth with a trained, appropriate level of caution in this space, maybe a bit heightened, though you wouldn't necessarily know for sure without getting to know her better in person.

She walks with purpose; right now, that purpose takes the form of a mostly empty messenger bag lightly tossed over her shoulder as she follows a map map on a phone GPS. The phone isn't actually in her hand; rather, it is playing directions into an earbud. Just one earbud, the other dangles to keep her other ear free.

She has already visited a couple of other Chinese masters in a similar way in the area, bringing gifts from students and inquiring as to their health and well being. Nothing unusual has happened on those two visits. She doesn't look like she has any expectation that that streak will or will not continue.

She approaches a small, run down martial arts studio and looks around the area. Casing it a bit. Checking for anything amiss. She takes a deep breath and centers herself in a practiced way.

Batman has posed:
    The neighborhood is quiet compared to much of Gotham. It could be the hour, or it could be that China Basin is away from the freeway that circles the city, only two main thoroughfares cut through the territory, or it could be the tall buildings and the narrow streets creating a muffled quiet with the snowfall of only two days ago. Whatever it is, however, the young woman is right to be on edge and cautious. The studios in this part of the world, the martial artists that frequent Gotham... are some of the greatest in the world. And when the 'chi' is out of balance here, it does not go unnoticed.
    But whatever reverie she has as she centers herself, gaining that control, it might be thrown partially into chaos as suddenly there is a loud abrupt crash that comes from above and to the side of that old building that houses that studio. A clatter of cans falling over and the whumpf of a heavy weight thumping to the ground. Then distantly, from above, there is the ring of steel upon steel followed sharply by the sound she has likely heard in the past. The shriek of an artist shouting their kiai as they lash out above.
    From down on the ground it would be hard to gauge clearly the source. Above definitely, but how far off is anyone's guess.

Yin has posed:
Brooke takes a breath and sighs. It's going to be one of THOSE days.

She flicks her eyes over the fallen figure, then takes a couple of quick steps to bounce up over the junk on that side of the building to the attached roof next door, momentarily rolling behind an air conditioner to glance at the scene from behind some concealing cover. Hopefully not noticed. She pauses a moment to slip a yin shaped half mask over half of her face and shrug off the dress, though her costume is very plain. Seems this isn't the first time she has dealt with this kind of silliness. Senses on high alert, and she relaxes even more. Unusually so to a hiughly trained onlooker.

Batman has posed:
    On the rooftop the shadows are long and deep. Were one to merely glance at the play of darkness in the faint illumination they might see nothing untoward at all. But for her, she will see the flicker of movement, will see the faint glimmer of moonlight caught on the edge of a trio of blades that slash through the air in an almost mesmerizing rhythm.
    Three thin silhouettes surrounding a fourth, all brandishing blades. The only hint of flesh to be seen is in the sliver granted by the masks they wear, allowing keen eyes to look upon their mark. They move in slowly, warily...
    But the thing that stands between them is a taller creature, figure tall and strong with a cape that swirls silently around its back and sides. Gauntleted hands are held at the ready, its back towards Brooke for now.
    The three slender figures move in quickly. And there is that sound of metal clashing against metal. The black spines on the tall man's gauntlets catch and deflect the blades, his body twisting to the side cleanly and lashing out to cause one of the attackers to crumple with a side kick crushing into his abdomen, then an elbow smashing him to the ground. A blade smashes against his back and seems to shatter at hitting something only for a backfist to snap into his jaw and cause the unfortunate ninja to stagger back.

Yin has posed:
Yin hmms. Trained.. trained.. trained.. extremely trained. She suspects she knows of the identity of the one person who she guesses seriously outmatches the ninja. She debates whether her sudden arrival would cause a disruption to the battle before her. Then she realizes that her position is only concealed from one direction.. and that the safest place to be is probably right in the thick of things as a result. This is, after all, along an obvious route for reinforcements to arrive.

She hops lightly over the air duct, then takes one quick leap into the path of the staggering ninja, smoothly grabbing at his wrist to put him into a lock. "Oh no, you are staying right here with us." She smoothly shifts to shield herself from immediate possible counterattack by interposing the ninja in front of her. "Apologies for interfering, but I prefer mysterious ninjas to stay in front of me, and I don't know if there are more coming."

Batman has posed:
    That one ninja had been staggering back and then had been reaching for another blade at his waist only for Brooke to step in and grasp his arm then smoothly twist him around and lock it into place, forcing the man up on his tip-toes even as he growls and almost /snaps/ at the woman with what looks like a feral intensity. He tries to round, to twist and get out of the hold as best he can even at the forced sacrifice of his arm should she continue to twist it further.
    But as for the remaining fighter that is left alone to face off against the tall Bat of a man, he looks back and forth at the fallen, the sudden arrival of another combatant... and the likelihood of capture. He grunts and then snaps something softly to himself and holds his blade up straight into the air. There's a faint electrical click...
    And then abruptly all of the ninja start to smoulder... then smoke... and then burst into flame.

Yin has posed:
Yin frowns and lets the ninja snap his wrist, mildly surprised, and shifts into an aikijujutsu throw to sling him face down onto the ground for his trouble. She starts to move to deal with him more, but suddenly he ignites.. She studies them in some confusion, watching their chi flows a bit, then looks back to the Bat. "Were you expecting this?"

She looks around quickly and brings her hands down slowly, frowning. "I am Yin. I know this isn't my neighborhood, but I am here to check on Laoshi Zheng. You are.. the Bat I have heard about, I assume?"

Batman has posed:
    The figure rounds upon her, taller, though in the dark harder to gauge fully. White eyelets meet her gaze and she can read the hint of anger or consternation in the curve of his lip. He starts towards her, sweeping past as he kneels beside the one she disabled... but no, he's already smoking and then bursting into a flicker of blue fire that seems to have only a hint of heat to it for whatever reason.
    If she can sense his chi she can read it as strong, a powerful force of willpower, like a swirl of a dragon lashing around the man's form and gnashing its teeth, held upon an eternal rein. His training might be enough that he is aware on some level of such energy around artists like himself, like her, but he seems to function without a conscious awareness of it.
    "Once it's triggered there's no way to stop it." He scowls then regains his feet. Turning towards her he adds, "At least as far as I know right now." He draws himself to his full height, gauging her and then giving a nod he murmurs, "Laoshi Zheng fled the city, the neighborhood's gotten a bit rough." Perhaps that's true, perhaps not. It's what he imparts to her at the least.

Yin has posed:
Yin nods once, looking back silently. In her mind's eye, she is gauging back. She is darkness, a shadowy lake in the darkness, haunted by ghosts, cold and open. Eyes like dark caves in which to become lost and starve. Less a sword than a trap. Still, she is well aware that she could not hold or withstand his strength and steel.

She licks her lip slightly, trying to remember the chi flows under her fingers before the sword lit, in case there are clues in it.. though as it was unexpected...

"Good then; I hope he is safe. With any luck, he will reappear once he is clear of the troubles." She tilts her head. "I have several more names on my list. What can you tell me about this chaos? I would like to see these masters protected. Unless they are responsible of course..."

Batman has posed:
    On the off chance, Batman moves towards the side of the building and the fallen man who had lost consciousness is now but a fire in the trash, his body already losing form and becoming little more than dust to be listed onto the wind. Shaking his head, the tall man scowls to himself as he turns back towards her. One hand lifts to stay her as he pauses to once again stand before her.
    "A faction is making inroads here, seeking to gain sway." He looks away, gaze drifting perhaps to one or another of the studios that has drawn the attention of the ninja clan. Eyes returning to her he gives a single nod, "Might be best for you to steer clear if you have the option."

Yin has posed:
Yin frowns and nods. "I would like to try to get them to flee before anything happens before I get out of here myself, then. Some of them are less attentive than they could be. Is there anything I should keep an eye out for? Any information you need from me?"

She glances down at the building and frowns a bit, studying it a little. "And.. have you been inside yet?"

Batman has posed:
    A short nod is given to her but he looks up and seems to eye her warily, his gaze narrows a touch but then he gives another nod but this one with a measure of authority. "If you are going to be in the area, you'll see the movements and the pressure from this faction." There's a small 'click' that's heard as one of his hands detaches a small clasp on a belt pouch then he tosses a slender thin burner phone across the way towards her. It's a simple device, but should serve.
    "If you need help and something goes down, hit the red button." That said he starts to move away, walking towards the far side of the building. "I'd stay out of their way if I were you, however." But with that touch of advice he stops there and detaches another device from his belt. There's a short snap/hiss as the grapplegun opens into the ready position, followed by the rush of the hook firing. It snaps taut as it lodges into a part of the far building.

Yin has posed:
Yin nods, accepting the phone, keeping her eyes on you. She stands still as you leave, carried by toys she cannot hope to afford herself. "Understood. I will leave them be." She clasps her hands and nods her head to you, then silently melts into the shadows herself with a practiced ease, putting the phone away.