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Conspiracy: Party Patrol! Or: It's Better than a Cactus
Date of Scene: 22 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Skye and Darcy throw an impromptu party in Rhodes room, only to have it turn, later, from a betting pool and planning fiasco for a wedding that isn't going to happen, but a rundown on the War Dogs and the truth about Rhodes' niece - and why Triage is going to die.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Darcy Lewis, War Machine, Hawkeye (Barton), Melinda May, Iron Man

Quake has posed:
The trick, Skye found, was to come when shift change increased the odds that nobody would be at the desk outside in medbay. Though she was still surprised that nobody could smell her and Darcy coming. Two extra large pizzas? One with double-cheese and pepperoni, the other she had no clue what it was Darcy ordered on it, but it had made Gino laugh and declare he liked the woman, so it couldn't be all that bad, could it? Oh, and two six-packs of the frou-frou beer Skye and Clint drank. It was a long standing joke that had a life of its own now.

Skye knocked on the doorframe of Rhodes room, peeking in. "Hey, they ever going to let you out? And I brought you real food." Okay, they'd brought him real food, but Skye figured Darcy had a big enough mouth she'd correct the woman on her own. "And beer."

The beer was important.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
And what would Darcy order that had Gino loving her? All the meats, because veggies are for pussies. Especially the battery powered kind.


Where Skye had the frou frou beer, Darcy had ACTUAL beer. A six pack of Shiner Bock and Budweiser, each. Fuck you all. These are goddamn staples.

"Correction. -I- brought beer. Skye brought sissy wanna be beer that's too high and mighty to actually BE beer," Darcy says. Becasue damn straight she's going to fucking correct Skye!

"But at least Shitcode got the food part right. Pizza is the meal of the gods."

War Machine has posed:
The room is empty, all the little monitoring devices have instead been hooked up to a little box sat on the bed simulating everything as normal. There's no sign of Rhodes at all, it looks like he's completely gone from the Medbay.

     That is until he comes walking through the hall in his usual getup with his usual getup on. In his hands there's the medical gown he was supposed to be wearing his hand still has the IV in it that was supposed to be keeping him hydrated. He stops clean on the balls of his heels as he comes up to the group who'd come to visit. "I can explain." Is all he has to say.

Quake has posed:
Skye snerks. "Yeah, right. You can explain. I'm not your mother. But if you start bleeding or collapse on us, I am never going to let you live it down." She pats the hospital bed. "Here. Now. Don't make me sic Darcy on you. You thought my manners were bad."

And it's not like he's expected to lie down in the bed, what with the pizza boxes there now. Beer. Skye. Possibly even Darcy. In fact, Rhodes may be lucky to claim a corner, poor guy.

"And don't diss the beer. It's what brought Clint and I together." She laughs, though, because she knows the stuff is vile. She just can't help but drink it (and secretly like it a little now). The pizza, though, is good. Gino's is a little known joint, but they're damned authentic. Well worth going out of your way for.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I am Skye's bitch. Don't make her let me off her leash," Darcy tells Rhodes, whom she's never met, in a tone that sounds as matter of fact as if the Agent were giving a report on some SHIELD thig or other. and then, Darcy yips, like a Shitzu yip.

Becasue bitch is a female dog... get it? Ugh, Darcy-player, thta was lame.

Moving on.

"I am damn well going to fucking diss the beer. It's worst than swill. And of course it's what brought you and Arrowbutt together. Neither of you have any sense," Darcy retorts to Skye as she lays claim to a bit of bed-real estate and sets her beer down for good measure. Her green eyes behind her fat framed glasses look back at Rhodes.

"Well? You going to make me drink Shitcode under this bed all by myself?"

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes bobs his head a little in acknoledgement before making his way over to the bed and hooking himself back up. He does it quick enough there's not enough time for the computers to register it as anything other then a quick blip, before he pockets the small cube that'd been feeding it his biosignature for however long he was gone.

     There's a quick and fluid motion used to toss on and tie off the gown behind himself, another quick motion to remove the excess clothing while surprisingly not showing much off. He'd been practicing for some time in order to get it just right. The shoes go off to one side and he stacks up the small pile of clothing for the next time he needs to head out for a bit of investigation, just out of view from a potential nurse.

     "Hey you drink enough of the good shit first?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Can't even notice how bad the bad stuff gets." Looking back over towards the pizza with a good deal of interest, having not bothered to eat all day for some reason.

Quake has posed:
Skye grins. "Nice move, Butch. Been practicing that, I see."

She shakes her head. "And people say I'm bad."

He gets a mock-scowl over the beer comment, as does Darcy. "Hey! Hotshot was adorable bringing it to my door. I horrified him with my ramen eating ways and he took me out for perogies. If it weren't for that horrible beer we would never have gone to be--" Skye stops herself. "Uh, let's just pretend I didn't say that last part."

Instead she flips open the pizza boxes and cracks herself open a cold one.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy watches Rhodes quick-change with skill. Her red lips are set into an impressed smirk, and when he turns around she's offering him a freshly opened Bud and turning the box of all the meats pizza toward him.

"Don't be jelly, Smuckers," Darcy tells Skye, moving to open a Shiner for herself when her hands are free again.

"I am pretending you didn't say that last part while simultaneously memorizing it to use in my speech at your wedding."

Darcy is ready to measure how far Skye spits her beer.

War Machine has posed:
     "When's the wedding?" Rhodey asks as he stretches right over and grabs himself a fresh piping hot slice of pizza. He dives right in showing down on slice after slice like he hadn't eaten all day. "Snuck out for a bit of investigation on my own." Rhodes comments with a light stretch trying not to tear his stitches. "Found out there's been a lot of chatter about a group called the War Dogs round that part of town, been getting real active in their recruiting, and causing a lot of problems round there."

Quake has posed:
Skye's nose crinkles and she chokes on a mouthful of beer. "What wedding? Nobody asked anybody to marry anyone!" Quickly latching onto Rhodes talk of the War Dogs. "Yeah, I've been trying to find more chatter about them on the darknet. Bigger picture stuff."

Darcy just gets another look. "Wedding. As if."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Pool's got it at just under a year," Darcy replies to Rhodes, giving only a cheshire cat grin to Skye. A slice of her own taken, Darcy eats with a little less ravenousness than does the Colonel.

"Oh. Whichs reminds, think I could sweet talk you into dancing at the Bachelorette party? I'm not sure I'll eve be allowed in a room alone with Cap to ask him. Did you know that he did soem USO tours once upon a time? I bet he's still got some bitchin' moves."

Darcy Lewis, aiming for ridiculously blushing Skye!

War Machine has posed:
     "I'll put 250 on 8 months." Rhodey comments deadpan towards Darcy with a nod of his head. He leans back slightly with a slice of pizza in one hand. "Cap's not the only one who did some legwork for the USO." He offers with a smile making it hard to tell if he's serious or not a quick wink thrown in. "Tell you what I'm in, but I get to pick the routine, not dancing unless I get to plan it out." He makes a cutting motion through the air.

Quake has posed:
"What wedding!" Skye's complaint is just shy of a groaned whine. "There is no wedding. Nobody asked anybody to marry them. Oh god, Clint is going to think I said - you guys have to stop this." Her cheeks really do take on a crimson hue, and girl isn't prone to blushing. "Ohmygod, please."

Though she's stopped dead in her tracks with curiousity, "Really? Cap did USO tours? I mean, I just can't picture him loosening the hips up to do anything that doesn't require a shield in one hand and a salute with the other."

When Rhodes starts putting bets down, the woman is mortified. "You did not just say that." Though her protests are significantly weakened when she mutters, "Is it bad form to bet against that? Insider knowledge and all?" After all, the one and only time the topic of marriage had come up the conversation hadn't gone well between the two of them. Most of it revolving around the fact that his marriages had gone BAD in the past, and she really didn't think it was her style.. and then a whole bunch of senseless over why was she so upset when he agreed with her about it not being them that had boiled down to she didn't want to marry him, she just didn't want to have him take it off the table so agreeably.

They'd figured it out, but it had nearly been one of 'those' arguments.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Skye's complaints are ignored. Darcy has to wipe her hands so she can note Rhodes' entrance into the Barton-Johnson Marriage Pool that she just made up right now, but that OF COURSE will now be spoken to with ALL of Clint's closest friends.

Of course, then Skye mentions how well Cap can handle his shield, and Darcy grins wickedly.

"Oh.. I'm sure Cap knows EXACTLY how to Handle his Shield," she says with a waggle of her brows. She turns back to Rhodes.

"Fuck yes you can chirograph your own shit. That's half the fun."

Quake has posed:
*BZZZZT* So much for Darcy's GOOD beer. Because that buzz is real. And a look at the cellphone at her hip will tell her that there's an emergency in Admin. At least there better be if they're paging her at this hour!

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Motherfuckers!" Darcy chugs her beer and slips away, cussing Floyd's fucking incompetent asshattery; she is going to stick him in a broomcloset to help her Zombie Jesus.

War Machine has posed:
     "Good because that was a demand, not a request." Rhodey speaks through his beer bottle calmly sipping away at the stuff in spite of doctors orders. Eh what do doctors know anyway. Probably a lot actually considering all the schooling they have to go through. He looks away from the bottle to check his phone for a moment, and then Darcy storms off to deal with her business through the beer bottle before he takes another sip he just calls after her. "Language." In a mock offended tone. Truth be told he didn't care what kind of language people used, unless it was in front of children. "So, what you're saying is that you'll be getting married within eight months and I'll be firmly collecting on that pool?"

Quake has posed:
Skye snorts, feeling slightly safer now that Darcy was leaving. She loved Darcy dearly, but the other woman almost always got Skye in trouble. And yet? Skye still willingly hung out with her. Sometimes on purpose even. "There isn't going to be a wedding, Butch. We're not that kind of couple."

Skye snags a piece of pizza. "And if you want me to keep looking up those Dogs of yours you'll make it 500."

That comes with a wink. "Totally going to lose your money, though."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
There's a knock on Rhodey's door. "Hospital security," comes an overly gruff voice from the otherside. "We've had reports of contraband in this room." Clint grins from the other side of the door as he tries the knob and if it opens he steps right in, still grinning, "Hey, private party or can anyone join?"

Melinda May has posed:
Standing behind Clint in the hallway, May an only roll her eyes at his antics when he knocks. Why? She's got her hands full -- one holding a thermos that Skye would likely recognize as the one she typically uses to transport hot tea and the other expertly balancing a tray while a canvas shopping bag hangs from the crook of her elbow.

"Just open the door already, Barton."

War Machine has posed:
     "Come on in, door doesn't lock anyway." Rhodey admits as he sets down the empty beer bottle along with the others grabbing another slice of pizza. "If it did I might get some privacy around here." He adds with a bit of a joking vibe as he leans forward chowing down hard on that slice of delicious delicious pizza. "Tell you what I'll make it a thousand if you wear a pink dress at the wedding."

Quake has posed:
Skye starts guiltily when Clint's voice is heard through the door, though by the time he's peeked in she's grinning at him. "Totally a private party. Why do you think I texted you. C'mon. Darce had to flee. Some cockup in Admin. She was already describing the ways she was going to torture her lackeys when she got there, but she left behind her beer. We got pizza - our regular and some meat thing that made Gino very happy."

She shuffles over on the bed to make room. The bed that totally is being used as a table and party surface for everyone and everything. Choking on a mouthful of beer when Rhodes makes his comment about the dress. "Ixnay on the eddingway, Utchbay."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles, "Going, going," he says as he opens the door and heads inside. "Hey Rhodes," he greets, "Sorry to take so long to come by, man," he says. Then he's moving to Skye's side to kiss her cheek. "Hey, smartass," he teases her, before he raises a brow at the pig latin.

Pretending confusion he looks over to May. "You're the language expert right? What was she saying in that unbreakable code?"

Melinda May has posed:
Following Clint into the room, she uses one foot to close the door behind herself. "No idea. I specialize in Asian languages." And yes, that was complete and utter sarcasm on her part. Call her on it, go ahead.

She opts to use the room's windowsill to hold the items she brought along except for the tray, that she carries over to s... well, hell. There's no room on Rhodes' bed for anything else. Guess that means she'll keep this large tray of COOKIES all to herself.

Quake has posed:
Skye take her kiss on the cheek like it's her due, and when May wanders in with cookies (!) she clears off the bedside traytable with a tada! The funny looking water container that looks like a urine collecter is shoved underneath the bed. They have beer. Rhodes won't be needing it for awhile.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint turns and for a moment it looks like he's going to call May on the sarcasm, he even raises a finger to point, but then he thinks better of it and lowers his hand. "Nevermind," he says.

"So, what wedding and what pink dress?" he asks before he's all ooh cookies and reaching for one.

Melinda May has posed:
May totally lets the younger people at the cookies -- she might claim one. Maybe. -- and reveals the contents of the canvas sack. Because people don't recognize BEER and cookies instantly, do they? Not to mention, she can actually maybe add a little milk to her tea for a chance of pace.

"If you're actually considering wearing a pink dress for any reason, I say you go all-out 80s and make it fluorescent pink metallic."

"With poufy sleeves." It's almost like she remembers seeing something like herself firsthand.

Quake has posed:
That does it. Crimson cheeks. Skye blushes furiously. "Nobody is wearing a pink dress anywhere. Ohmygod you people. Stop it."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint can't let a blush like that go to waste, and cookie in hand he nods, "Yeah, I think pink could work well with your skin tone," he continues before taking a bite of his cookie and adding. "Though I am just parroting things I've heard people say, but I am sure if need further convincing May can glare."

Melinda May has posed:
May doesn't actually glare. Instead she leaves off pouring her tea to reach over and thump Clint on the top of one of his ears, safely away from any hearing devices that might not take kindly to getting knocked about.

"If you're wanting actual, real dress advice, talk to Natasha. I honestly believe the Red Room trained their people to be fashion geniuses on top of everything else."

Quake has posed:
Skye throws up her hands. "Oh. My. God. We are not buying me a dress. Got it? There is no wedding. I am not getting married. I hate the colour pink. And there is no wedding. Got it? Oh my god, there is not enough beer in this room for this discussion."

Speaking of, she grabs a fresh frou-frou can and opens in.

Iron Man has posed:
Easily pressing the door open quickly, and with flare in the doorway, Tony is never subtle. He's not about to start being subtle now. Although he did bring drinks as well, it appears, and caught just the end of the conversation.

"There isn't? But I have the bachelor party all planned," Tony says, smoothly, with a dismayed look flashed over to Clint. Tony's dressed simply in a suit jacket, relaxed clothing otherwise, but appropriate for a SHIELD visit, really, that includes business. And also a few hickeys on his neck.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes gives a slight Wave to Tony, and a smile. "Hey Tony, we were just talking about the big wedding, and how Skye was going to wear a bright metallic pink dress." He snags a cookie and starts chomping down on it. "The theme is: 80's, and we're going to have it on a giant blimp over New York." Just laying it on thick. He holds his arms out wide in a sweeping motion. "I say we distribute pamphlets all across the city from the helicarrier, make it a real big public affair."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint sticks his cookie in his mouth to hold up his hands, but then realizes that doesn't let him talk, so he grabs it quickly and wolfs it down. "No worries, no dresses," he says after he's swallowed it and Skye is saved by the sudden arrival of Tony.

Or is she?

Clint just lifts his hand to wave to Tony, eyes falling on those hickies before Rhodes says something.

"Wait? What? Who's wedding are we talking about it?"

Quake has posed:
Now Tony is in on it. Skye can see it coming. The dresses sent to their house for her to try on. Some great gala planned that they'll be invited to with everyone jumping out yelling 'surprise' and a veyr confused Skye and Clint standing there wondering what the fuck just happened.

Only Clint hasn't clued into half of the conversation and when he asks whose wedding, she just groans and buries her head in the palm of her non-beer holding hand. "Just shoot me now."

Melinda May has posed:
May looks over when Tony saunters on into the room, but that doesn't stop her from taking a sip of her tea. Yes, froufrou beer everywhere, and she's drinking tea. Go ahead, taste the beer and you'll understand why.

And then Clint finally starts to get a clue. She can only shake her head slowly. Poor man just isn't up to speed today. She's of course heard about this betting pool, and she is VERY amused. Not that you can tell by looking at her. Not unless you know her, anyway.

Iron Man has posed:
"Metallic Pink?" Tony repeats thoughtfully. "That's quite a flashy theme, even by my standards," Tony comments, crossing towards Rhodey. "Although /no/ dress, Clint? ... Hmmm. I do think a naked bride would turn some heads, though."

Tony looks over the current drinks available, and then reaches across to help himself to a cookie. "Mmm."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint blinks when the clue is finally caught. "Wait, what? No, no, no, no, hold up!" he says arms spread wide like an umpire declaring a runner safe, palms out. "I can tell you for certain that Skye and I are /not/ planning a wedding. Maybe you guys are, but you're going to have to find another bride and groom," he says and throws a look Skye's way. "Right?"

War Machine has posed:
     "Took you long enough." Rhodey says with a bright beaming smile. A quick gulp of beer is taken, followed by a bite of cookie and a bite of pizza. It's a strange complementing of flavors but one that works surprisingly well after you've been unable to eat solid foods for a few days thanks to intensive surgery. "So, everyone just decide they need to play pester the cripple or we got a big reason for the meetup?" He finally asks feeling a lot more relaxed then he had been.

Melinda May has posed:
"This is more interesting than another puddlejump to DC and back." Yup, May's in full snark form today. She does eye Clint for a moment and half-mutters something in Cantonese as if commenting on his rather demonstrative protest regarding the wedding. She then reaches over to snag a cookie before they're all gone.

Quake has posed:
Skye's head snaps up, "Oh my god. You did not just say that." Clint is given an exasperated look. "I am done with this conversation. You all are going to have to party without me."

The remainder of her beer is downed in several gulps, and she gets up off the bed. "No bachelor party. No pink dress. No wedding. And if you dare send me any of those stupid bride magazines, Tony, I swear to any god I can find I will burn them on your front lawn and then I am going to have a long talk with Pepper."

Clint she holds a hand up to. "And no. We are not having a discussion. I need air. Oh my god. All of you."

And a very disgruntled (and still blushing) Skye, makes to leave.

Iron Man has posed:
"They won't be addressed to /you/," Tony answers Skye helpfully, and then angles a dark look at Clint. However, Rhodey poses a good question.

"Well, I didn't find a good giant teddy bear for you in the gift shop, so I thought I may as well go ahead and make some headway on the case itself," Tony says coolly to Rhodey, walking around past where Clint is sitting and looking at the little cactus, briefly distracted. "I'll ransom it for what you found out," Tony adds.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Everyone in this room except Skye, so not Clint's favourite people right now. He digs into his pocket and tosses a flash drive to Tony, (is it still being handed if it's airborne?) "Bonus info, the guy we had in interrogation cracked," he says. He breathes a sigh and moves to head off Skye reaching for her shoulder, "Skye," he says in a near whisper. "C'mon, I hate everyone too right now, but, let's at least give them the info we got."

War Machine has posed:
     "Na shi shenme?" Rhodey rattles off rather suddenly with perfect elocution of a native speaker, as if he'd been speaking it most his life "Ni bixu shuo chulai." He commands with a friendly smile, before adding rather suscintly: "Wo bu hui shuo guangdong hua." Just smiling in her direction with a light tap to the side of his head.

     After a long moments silence and a brief wink he lays back on the bed and kicks back his next cold one with a happy expression before he gets down to brass tacks. A low sigh escapes his lips. "Well I managed to find out the War Dogs have been making a lot of plays on that part of town." He places his arms behind his head after setting down his beer bottle. "There was no sign of them at all up until right before that gas leak on the other side of town, ever since they've been cropping up all over to cause trouble." He takes in a low breath looking up at the lightbulb of the room. "From the word on the street sounds they're working way outside their usual MO, more like a street gang trying to take over new territory then a band of mercs." His eyes lock firmly on that stick as it's passed hoping beyond hope it's got a better lead then he found.

Quake has posed:
Skye looks very unhappy when Clint pulls the mission card. Eyes narrowing down on him. "Dirty Pool, Hotshot."

Fingers signing a flurry that mostly translate to how little she wants to be here right now,a nd he's really not going to make her stay, is he? Even if she knows May is going to say it's rude, and Rhodes likely can understand it all. It's better than saying it out loud.

Though Tony wins a gold star for getting her to choke on an angry little laugh. "I'm not sure sending them to Clint is better."

Iron Man has posed:
It does count, Clint. Tony stares at Clint with a look of chilly death, letting the flash drive actually bounce off of his upper chest onto the bed. And THEN Tony picks it up from the bed in a slow manner. Point probably made.

"What's the Cliffs notes version of the crack, so that he doesn't leap off the bed at me?" Tony asks Clint with a slight jar of head towards Rhodey, while removing a device from his suit coat pocket and plugging the drive he was given into it.

Little holograms leap into existance in a soft little array, while Tony skims through. A newer toy, the response is very fast, at the play of the inventor's fingertips over it. "/I/ am the owner of a new extremely dangerous teleportation device that I highly suspect would give you cancer if you used it. Roxxon Energy Corp's tech. So, after tracking down what our missing puppy wore, I acquired one. The story from Roxxon is that two belts were stolen. Once I've had a bit more time with the thing I'll have more on tracking the things."

Because Tony does tech miracles. Like saving the Internet! (Did you hear?).

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The quickly flashed signs are met with a frown and a nod, "It's okay, you can go, I've got this," he says before turning back and facing Tony's glare.

"Sorry," he says, before he stands there, hands in pockets listening to Tony's mini-briefing. "So, safe to say "stolen" came with some heavy air quotes around it," Clint says, leaning against the wall.

"What's on the drive, is what we got from Rottweiler, or, rather Tex Tyler, yeah, I know, right? Anyhow, the short version, a guy named Triage, that's the guy who got away Tony, hired the War Dogs to settle a score with Rhodes. Looks like his dad had a fatal encounter with you Rhodes, on some op and he's sore about it," he pauses, pulling his hands from his pockets and crossing his arms over his chest.

"This Triage guy has his own gang the 66 Bridges, and a mysterious backer, which, given we now know where he got the teleporters from, I'd say fair chance it is Roxxon."

He gives things a moment of thought. "And yeah, that's what I've got," he reaches out to snag a cookie.

Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't even make it to the door before she's sucked back in. If only because, well, Tony isn't the only person who can pull tech miracles out his butt, and she'll be damned if she's not let in on that.

"Someone crack me open a cold one. And I look stunning in red. Got it? We do this, we do it right."

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey looks over at Tony gears spinning in his head for a long moment. Of course he's right about the man almost leaping out off the bed to try and get his hands on some scrap of new info, and then it all comes pouring out like a fountain. It's a magical experience that leaves him locked in silence and thought for a long moment till everyone has said their piece.

     His hand lifts up to his face moving out from behind his head to rest on his chin just barely covering his mouth with a small gap between the fingers. "So what you're saying is our boy Triage has it out for me because his SHIELD wanted his pops dead, and now he's cancer from using a bit of Roxxon tech he snagged?" He pauses a long moment. "Trust me if I had to kill his pops? Man was a terrorist. Plain and simple." He crosses a hand in front of himself. "I mean hell unless it was back in my time with the core I haven't even killed that many people working here." He pauses. "With a few exceptions." Another longer pause. "Man you guys work so fast it makes me look like I never even left this hospital bed."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony listens through Clint's briefing, nodding a little bit. He's setting up an AI to scrub over the rest of what he was given. Do it himself? He doesn't have that kind of time! "They were nice to me, but it wasn't the USUAL nice." Tony doesn't really elaborate too much. Possibly they didn't bend over backwards like he's used to, to roll out the red carpet.

"You left the hospital bed, huh?" Tony asks Rhodey with bemusement, as if not even a little surprised. "Shame on you. SHAME." A glance at Clint, and May. Tony would never do such a thing. Only... constantly, after his own surgery. Amusement showing. But it dries up. "We do work fast. I'm not done, either." Tony clears his throat and adjusts his weight a hair, signals to those that know him that he's about to say something he doesn't much like needing to, and is delaying.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint gets Skye the asked for beer and one for himself, the beer is lobbed to Skye with hopefully better results than the drive was thrown to Tony. He takes up his place by the wall, "Sure," Clint says about killing Tirage's father. His worldview was a little less cut and dry, but then, that's why he put on a purple suit and tried to save the world, so for now he shuts the hell up.

"You left your bed?" Clint says badly faking surprise. "None of us would ever do that Rhodes, bad Rhodes, bad!" he says, grinning to Tony, May and Skye. Skye hadn't had her chance to defy doctor's orders like that yet, but he had faith she had it in her.

When Tony makes that pronouncement, or rather pre-pronouncement, Clint grows suddenly serious, "Oh boy," he says into a sip from his beer.

Quake has posed:
"We? We do fast work. Try I. I'm the one who got our boy's name and who he worked for." Skye rolls her eyes as she catches the tossed beer and returns to her perch on Rhodes bed. "So dude steals tech and it gives him cancer and it's your fault. Nice. Roxxon is a shit corp by the way. Oh, we're having a house warming on the weekend. You're all invited."

War Machine has posed:
     "Not a word Tony" Spoken from Rhodey as he makes the eye pointing motion with his hands. He looks somewhat serious but the over dramatic nature of the hand motions says he's mostly joking. "Not a word." A light pause as he looks to Clint. "From EITHER of you." He shrugs his shoulders at Skye "You?" He says to her. "You I expect this from at least."

     Rhodey leans forward as the comment comes through his mind registering the serious tone and the little tells of how he says it. "Tony, why is there a feeling in the pit of my stomach I'm not gonna to like what you're about to say?"

Iron Man has posed:
"You didn't even /visit/ me," Tony reminds Rhodey, "To witness how good I was about staying bedridden." Yeah, right. But that's just to delay a bit more.

Tony closes his device, the screens going away, and flips the drive back to Clint. Tony rubs the edge of his thumb against an eyebrow. And gets to it. "Let's just tear the band-aid off, then. I also have something on 'Triage' --but you're not going to like it much, Rhodey," Tony says. "There were some blood samples on the site that didn't match any of the others exactly. Not exactly, that is, but there was a family match. To Lila." The child.

"A second test proved that yep, he's her father. Great guy, throwing his daughter out a window." A flash in Tony's dark eyes. Tony's angry in a subdued way, less showy than when he was trying to interview Rottweiler, but similar. "So, we have that in addition to that he has cancer. Whether or not he knows it, I couldn't say. But using those belts sure won't be /helping/ him any."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Nah, Rhodes, kills his dad, then the guy steals the tech that gives him cancer, because you know, I am sure his Dad wanted him to throw his life away on a revenge plot," Clint says, says in part to correct Skye's chain of events and also, to just shake his head at the stupid of this Triage guy.

And it just gets stupider. "What? The kid from the video was Triage's kid? And /he/ threw her out the window?" Clint runs a hand over his face. "Okay this guy is all sorts of messed up, who the hell does that? And I mean this is coming from a guy whose Dad beat the shit out of him on the regular. Jesus, so yeah, when we find this guy, count me in to be on that op," Clint says his knuckles white on his beer can.

Quake has posed:
"Maybe he didn't know he was the kid's father," Skye supplies helpfully. But she looks a tiny bit horrified by thoughts of the whole scenario. And given her past, that's understandable. "Still, who the fuck does that to a kid. Kinda glad he's got cell rot."

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey goes silent, his expression deadpan. What's going on with him is mostly internal at the moment a silent buildup. He looks at his own hands with the realization hitting him hard, these little revelations building one on top of another in a rapid fire pace a bit too fast for him to really cope with. Instead he just looks at his hands and thinks. The silence from him builds as he sets up on his bed throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He starts to stand up, and move over to his pile of clothes. "A dead man." Is the only answer he has to the comments from Skye and Clint. "A dead man is who does that." He pauses. "Or at least he'll soon wish he was."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony intervenes. "/Nope/," Tony says firmly to his friend, getting in the way of the clothes. "...Not that he isn't a dead man. He is. I'll get out of your way if you have a plan; hell, I'd help you," Tony says, challengingly. "But meanwhile, Lila needs you to do better. What are you doing? Focus on your niece." Direct, harsh. Because Tony has a pretty strong feeling Rhodey needs to hear it.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint hadn't made all the connections and when he does, he's speachless, at least, for a bit, then puts his hand on Rhode's shoulder. "Tony's right, be there for your neice, that's the best way, we've got you on the rest." He says glancing to the others.

Quake has posed:
Skye, on the other hand.. has made all the connections. All of them. And blanches. It doesn't bear reasoning. "I say go ahead and kill him. I'll help you, even."

Normally not so brutal, but apparently there are some things she's willing to make an exception for.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey is already starting to get his shoes on when people start saying the last thing he wanted to hear. "My plan is to throw on one of your suits, and load it up with as many guns as I can possibly fit on it. Then I go round down picking up 66 bridges members and drop em off buildings till one of them points me to this Triage bastard. Then once I find that fuck, I'm going to pump him so full of high explosive rounds he won't be nothing but a red mist." He looks Tony dead in the eyes with that look of a killer that he usually did a good job of hiding behind the laughs, and the straight man act. It's a look that he probably hasn't seen in a long, long time. Maybe even a few days, considering the week he's had so far. "How's //that//" He throws his arm down to one side, putting a good deal of emphasis on the word. "for a plan Tony?".

"This bastard murders my sister, throws his own kid, my niece out a window, almost kills me, and you expect me to set around here thumb up my ass till you all go out and save the day again." He's beyond pissed and it's showing even though his voice is calm and collected it's in the eyes it's in the bodylanguage. "Every damn time I set back and watch you save the day, watch you play hero, hell you even realize how much I spent looking for you when those terrorists captured you back in Afghanistan?" Bringing up something he probably shouldn't all things considered something he'd kept to himself. "I'm //STILLL// half a million in debt from everything I spent looking for you only for you to rescue yourself." He pauses.

"But that's how it goes every single time, I try my best to help you, because you're my best friend, and the closest damn thing I've ever had to a brother, and it's never good enough." His hand falls to the side. "I fall flat on my face and you save the day like you always do, well maybe I'm tired of feeling like I'm dead weight." He points to his own heart. "Maybe I want to actually be able to help for once." Another pause in his passionate heartfelt speech. "And maybe I don't know the first damn thing about raising a ch-" He cuts himself off as he notices the blood dripping from his midsection. "Chi-" It's not the warmth on his stomach, it's the subtle quiet dripping. "Child." And he falls over on the ground.