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Latest revision as of 18:47, 10 April 2018

Snakes of Mist, Bile and Flame
Date of Scene: 29 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Lara Croft, Thor, Danger Girl

Doctor Strange has posed:
An obscure cluster of islands south of the Bay of Bengal. The Indian Ocean's very own throwback to a lost era. Doctor Strange has begun an expedition with Lara Croft seeking orbs of the seasons, mysterious artifacts said to be tethered to balance of seasons and climate itself. These relics though have lead the Sorcrerer Supreme and his companion astray, in to a nightmare visited upon the tribesman and tourists of this far away continent.

Currently the sun sits hidden beyond grey clouds full of rain and downpour, the landscape blotted in fog and overcast, its cold, wet and ominous as one can expect a land thats plagued by demonic otherworldly spirits.

A stream hidden under a rocky grotto hosts a campsite set up by Lara and Samantha, their gear positioned around it, a recent set up. No more than a few days old.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara hadn't just invited Samantha along ont his trip via the boat that they'd arrived on across the island, she'd invited her associate in Abbey Chase, another adventurer who was a bit more... Freelance than Lara herself was. Abbey got results through a bit more chaotic stylings than even Lara employed, but Lara respected her colleague in relic acquisition and she knew this was a big deal... with Hydra and Trinity both seeking the Weather Spheres.

Additionally, Thor had been invited. Because? Well, Lara had gone to a Museum Exhibit with him a handful of nights ago and she'd told him about this adventure coming up, and expressed a desire to have his brand of help on it as well, because... more power?

Lara has garnered two of the Spheres thus far, the Summer and the Spring- they were expecting to find the Autumnal Sphere here as each Orb had to be kept in an enviroment that was the opposite of the enviroment that they controlled.

Lara's at the camp that she and Samantha had setup, she'd made a meal for all those who'd come along on this journey while Doctor Strange was spending time figuring out their approach going forward.

"Any ideas, Doctor?" She asks, stepping up beside where Strange is.

Thor has posed:
    The mighty Thor is standing on the edge of the camp, like a statue of flesh and bone. The god is standing watch, over the camp grounds with his axe in hand with the top of the blade stabbed into the ground as though he was some sort of sentinel.

    "I know not that what you seek Lara, but you've assembled a rather bizarre and worrysome cast." The god of thunder reports as he looks over his broad shoulder, his blue eyes lingering on Strange for a brief moment before he looks back to the camp's perimeter.

    Thor is wearing temperature appropriate clothing, not his traditional Asgardian garb as he's been trapped on Midgard for months and has had to adapt and replace his normal armor with Midgardian wearables.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase was more than happy to join the expedition at Lara's invitation. It had been a while since her last bit of field work and the chance to help track down dangerous artifacts was simply too tempting to pass up. The trip was enjoyable enough, the camp site seemed to be more than adequate.

Sitting on a log near the opening to her tent, she set up a portable table and immediately began to clean her pistol. She looks up as Thor is speaking. It was... surreal to see one of Asgard's Own in the flesh, considering all the stories and lore she'd grown up being told were really just myths and legends. Just like Santa and Bigfoot, right?

Doctor Strange has posed:
A flicker-flutter noise like a great many feathers then cloth being moved and the Doctor's cloak peels back, moving with a life of it's own to reveal him. Present for Lara's question, aware of Thor's arrival and that of Abbey Chase's inclusion to their little ensamble.

"To proceed? Yes." He says calmly. "It will take a moment to further include your friend... but not, you." A look over now at Thor, "I imagine you have fortitude enough you can breach this with ease." Breach what exactly? There opposite of their camp seperated by a river is a fogged glass like surface that rises up, a barrier between realms that looks like a soot smoky mirror, they can see a world beyond it, hills, trees, shadowed, hard to pierce with eyes but is there. it also pushes forth a sense of dread, a supernatural feel of unease.
"The Black Curtain." Doctor Strange explains to Abbey and Thor, a conversation already had with Lara. "Beyond there lies... a great many unspeakable and curious things. Also the source of the plight the good people of this island are suffering from. The reason you have likely been summoned here, Thunderer." A crook of his lips appears, Stephen is apparently smiling (sort of). Abbey gets a studying look but nothing is added about her.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara looks back to Thor, also in a wintery coat of her own that has a fuzzy collar blowing gently in the wind around her neck and jawline. She shows him a faint smirk. "I never make sense, when I form a team. At least not outward sense. Inside my own head it all adds up perfectly, I assure you."

Lara had seen the look on Abbey's face when the woman had first seen Thor, and was almost certain she herself had the same look when she saw the Asgardian for the first time in the Triskelion back in Manhattan. "I told you, he's impressive." Lara had whispered to Abbey while they'd setup their camp, cause girl talk is fun like that.

Croft steps up to the edge of the river and then listens to Strange's words before she adds onto them, toward Thor. "Have you seen anything like this before?" She asks the God.

Thor has posed:
    Thor's eyes turn towards Stephen as he speaks and the god lifts his axe up to swing around and rest on top of his shoulder as he turns his whole form to take a couple of heavy steps towards the center of the camp. "I was indeed waiting for a good enough reason for me to be here." Thor chimes before he faces the barrier.

    He drops his axe from his shoulder and smirks before he says the worst word he possibly could.


    Thor then leaps into the air, appearing to fly but the height of his arch is quickly reached and the god of thunder begins to drop down as he nears the barrier with his axe raised above his head and a massive bolt of lightning descends from the sky to meet his enchanted blade as it would strike against the barrier.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase is just a girl. There's not much to say about her. She's a good shot. She's well educated and well degree'd in archaeology. There are, of course. stories and rumors and direct accusations that the blonde is more of a treasure hunter, looter and all around mercenary than an archaeologies. But who believes those stories anyway? ... right?

Abbey nodded to Lara in agreement. "Though I've heard his brother.. is the tall dark and mysterious type. Is that true..?" She muses playfully. Then, looking up as she finishes inspecting the parts of her pistol, she listens to the camp talk and specifically Dr. Strange - all while reassembling her weapon piece by piece without watching what she is doing. Soon it is complete and she inserts the clip with a click and chambers a bullet before holstering the weapon again. Smoothly, the field cleaning station is broken down, packed away into her backpack and the table put into her tent.

Perfect timing too as it seems things are about to begin. Shrugging on her back pack and wriggling it into place, she walks toward the edge of camp near to the river and the barrier beyond.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Doctor Strange politely clears his throat and stands back, opting out of words for now beyond those of an incantation, his fingers rising up in front of him interlocked while Thor, does his soaring leap above.

"By the power of the Vishanti in the name of the All-Seeing One I summon all the forces of good and focus a protective ward upon us three mortals, through the facets of the ring I beseech thee." A finger lifts up, like he just gave the bird to the 'Black Curtain' that Thor is cleaving through yet it's not the middle it is a pinky.

As the curtain is sliced through it splits like a V opening at the mouth to the ground level a door of rainbow aura weaved around the axe itself, cast off ichor in the form of ectoplasmic spray flying up around the Asgardian to dowse Lara, Abbey and Stephen. It is fortunately rendered harmless by his invocation, the ward of it nulling the darker affects that constitute the Black Curtain's atmosphere. A thing Thor will not be hindered by.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara takes a step back as Thor leaps into the air like a madman... she'd seen him do similar things before, but never quite as dashingly heroic (or arguably as foolishly reckless) as this! She then looks over to the Doctor to see him casting one of his enchantment and with a steeling inward breath, Lara's eyes go to Abbey. "Here we go, I guess." Lara tells the woman. "I apologize in advance, if this all goes an unwanted direction." She tells her friend.

Lara's armed as well, she has two handguns on her person, hidden inside her heavy coat, and her black and silver climbing axe rests against her right thigh, but she's reaching for none of them yet.

When the ectoplasm splashes across her, Lara's eyes go shut! Her lips clamp closed! and she recoils a bit while her hands rise up... dripping with goos...

Thor has posed:
    Thor lands on the ground with a thud from his booted feet. The god looks over his shoulder after he pries his axe from the ground with the ectoplasm and the atmosphere spilling out of the crack he just forced.

    "The way is open, follow me." The god requests as he bolts into the crevice and cackles loudly as he jumps into the next dimension and someone feels like they could hear "Leeee Roy!" as he bolts in alone.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase looks at Lara. "Miss Croft? When does it ever /not/ go off the script?" She grins and then follows after the rest. Only to be splattered with goo...

She wipes her eyes and lips off. "Oh this is already going spectacularly..." Her tone dryly amused.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Here we go indeed." Stephen remarks as Thor is now indeed beyond the Black Curtain. Where the axe had peeled back the layers of ward from one realm to the next a shimmering splice of rainbow is evident, like a mirage drapery peeled in both directions.
The ectoplasmic release being dusted off his cloak, "We will require all of our senses and more from here on, this place beyond here is heavily mutated by outside forces. If any of you wish to turn back now is that time but there are people who require our assistance."

Onward it appears they are headed...

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is wiping her face off with a small towel she'd had in her coat pocket, it was meant to be used for cleaning weapons or artifacts... but it'll work on her face just fine too. "Right." She says then toward the others and starts forward at a dedicated pace with her boots thudding on the soft ground as she goes.

"I'm not turning back." She quietly says while pushing on ahead. "I'm the one who got all of us into this to begin with and clearly we've come to the right place." She'd retrieved the first two spheres with very little help from others, Strange had even fought her on it and she wasn't sure he was entirely going to assist her in obtaining ALL of the spheres because of the power he knows they possess when all together.

"We'll... be fine." Lara says, sounding unsure. "I'm, sure of it." She doesn't sound sure at all.

Thor has posed:
    We isn't exactly correct. It's more Lara, Abby and Stephen, with the god of thunder wanting nothing more than to charge into unknown lands and protect the friends he has made and will do what he can to clear the path before them.

    "Hark there foes! Your opponent this night is the mighty Thor. ... And friends!" The man declares and the large man seems to go too far into the realm without everyone else at his back.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"That... " An exhale from Stephen and a turn to look at Lara, "That is not at all how we should be going about this. Do the two of you have a safeword we can use or something in Nordic that resembles 'heel?' I don't speak War God. There was no course for that in Medical School."

Just as quickly though he resigns himself, "Very well. Lets use it to our advantage... "