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Latest revision as of 19:10, 15 April 2018

Old Beasts, New Haunts.
Date of Scene: 06 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Feral

Crusader has posed:
When was said and done, months after an invasion, continueing even after the more recent threats from the Friend of Humanity...and despite damage to various 'non essential' places. Underground fighting rings, both for humans, mutants/metas and a mix could still be found. One of the most known in this world was the one beneath Mutant Town.
    The old train station turned bar/ring was still in disrepair. But various mutants, and skilled laborer combined their skills to least make sure the place stayed standing. And so fighting life went on as normal. There was even talk of some Championship that was going to happen and many were excited for that.
    But as for the Real Steel Orc? Well, he wouldn't be joining in with that championship. It would have been serverly unfair to the other possible contestents. But for now - he sat at a table made from one of those giant wire barrels. Instead of his usual simple clothing, the orcish indiviual today was a Brute in a Suit. Jacket, tie, dress gloves, the whole nine yards. A rather unsual look to the well known underground brawler.

Feral has posed:
    A flash of red crosses the orc's vision carrying a beer. Some things change, but the feral Russian who made a name for herself in the warehouse and waterfront districts remains the same. Still standing tall with head erect and the posture of her thickly muscled frame flooding her surroundings with the wordless warning of a predator at ease, at most her hair seems to have grown a little longer. Judging by the cuts and tears in her well-beaten tanktop, the brawler might be in the same clothes as last time too.

Crusader has posed:
    Vorn lhardly looks up. The ony good thing about 360 vision - you tend to see everything around you. Could be quite confusing in all honesty, but he grown used to it. But still - last time he saw Vanya...he had crushed her pretty good. He stands up and walks over to her grunting out "Heh, nice tatoo. Glad ta see yer not still crushed"

Feral has posed:
    Vanya stops and looks up, way up, as she smirks to see Vorn's familiar face, her nostrils flaring briefly. "Long time not seen, big guy. It came from an admirer," she greets cheerfully before thumping the side of her ribs with a fist. "And I heal a little better than that."
    "Why the dress?" she balks with a snicker of amusement as she sweeps the formal orc's attire up and down with her gaze.

Crusader has posed:
    Vorn chuckles "Figured you would make your way here eventually." he muses. He crosses his arms over his broad chest. "Figured mioght as well try somethin different" he answers back. A pause is given "Actually, its a glitch" he says which seemed like the more honest, if not odder, answer. He pulls at his tie a bit as if uncomfortable before grumbling something under his breath about 'getting it fixed'

Feral has posed:
    "A 'glitch'?" Vanya echoes, quirking a brow before letting the matter drop and taking a drink from her beer. "How long has this been here?" she asks curiously, hiking a thumb backwards to the ring. "I was on a little vacation recently."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "Glitch" he knocks on his skull "Brain kinda like a computer." he says. He swipes a pint of beer off a table - not really careing who it from and downs it "....more or less forever" he tells Vanya "Was here even before them apocolyptic aliens showed up" he smirks "Und we wiped the floor with them. Makes me wunder what an intergalatic fightin rink would be like"

Feral has posed:
    The brawling werewoman smiles toothily at the thought as her eyes drift off somewhere across the room. "Full of big, fun beasts, I bet it is..."

Crusader has posed:
WIth a laugh "Oh, it is" he says with a laugh. Speaking as if he has first hand experince. But than he says "Perhaps someday, we find out eh?" he rubs his head and gives it a small shake looking mildly annoyed.

Feral has posed:
    "Maybe... maybe after I finish my collection," Vanya chuckles, licking her lips in thought before silencing herself with more beer.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn raises an eyebrow seeming curiouse. He rubs one of his tusks with his gloved hand a moment before asking "What collection are you talking about?" in wonder. After all he never really known about any collection. The patron who he snatched the beer from noticed whot ook it and looked rather peeved about it as he strutted over

Feral has posed:
    Vanya's golden eyes gleam with wolfish delight as she drains her drink down to the last drop before lowering it. "Predators." A glance is passed to the approaching patron as the werewoman's hands move to her hips and she chuckles softly. "You made a friend."

Crusader has posed:
    "Predators? WHat do you mean? Come now, don't be shy" he says. The orc obviously curious to what exactly she means. After all...Vayna doesn't exactly scream 'I collect things' when Vorn looks at her.
    The patron appraching goes to shove Vorn saying "What the bi...." and the sentence stops short when he couldn't budge Vorn an inch. Vorn slowly turns his head towards the patron and just stares him down....the patron suddenly finds something much more interesting to take up his time.

Feral has posed:
    The brawling Russian beside him laughs heartily at the exchange and dismisses the man with a wave of her hand. "Get back on your farm, coward!"
    "Useless weakling humans," she mutters with a mirthful shake of her head before looking back up at Vorn and smiles in a way that shows off her unnaturally long canines. "I mean predators, real dangers. Tigers, bears, sharks, crocodiles... you fancy metal men are good in a fight," she admits, reaching over to knock on Vorn's chest, "But I'm the one at the top of the food chain."

Crusader has posed:
A large smile spreads on Vorn face, showing off a secondary smaller set of 'tusks' hidde in his maul. "You WERE at the top of the food chain." the gleam in his eyes said it all - far as he was concerned, he was at the top of the chain. "Sides...those predators are so...mundane" he muses. "Yer could always try und go for more interesting things" the grin never fades.

Feral has posed:
    "You think I haven't tested myself against more than just the common animals on this planet?" Vanya asks as her own smile grows to match the steel orc's and her features shift subtly, the brawler's golden eyes darkening with an unnatural reddish tint as the hair of her brow thickens. "That's half of the reason I come to places like this; that and food money."

Crusader has posed:
    "Oh, didnea say that. Just saying, your collection seems mundane." he says with a rolling laugh "Sure, predators are a good fight fer someone with your skills and abilities" he looks around "ANd mutants and stuff definintly good. But there always more out there" he apauses once again. "Than again...know almost nothing bout yea. Tell, what is best earth animal you have faught? Mutant and such aside"

Feral has posed:
    "Hehehehehehe..." Vanya trails off in a heady laugh as the orc brings up fond memories. "Buy me another drink, then we can talk about that," she goads, narrowing her eyes up at the orc.

Crusader has posed:
With a grunt Vorn says "Fine. But only cause yer likeable, fer an -almost- apex predator" that right, he said almost apex. He walks over to the bar and buys three hearty drinks. Two for himself, one for Vanya. He walks back over and set them down on a table "Alrioght, here yer drink. Now spill"

Feral has posed:
    Vanya clucks her tongue as she plants herself in a chair and kicks her bare feet up on the table, crossing her arms.
    "*Almost*?" she scoffs as the orc returns, bending forward to swipe her drink and scrutinize it. The werewoman almost frowns but knocks it back anyway.
    "Maybe... but give me another year. My old bones are still getting stronger," she retorts with an easy laugh.

Crusader has posed:
"Mioght consider yer an apex...ven yer kin beat all this" Vorn flexes, the strength visible through the suit. And as Vanya knows, Vorn muscles arn't just for looks, he has actual power and even fighting moves.
    He notes the face "Whit? Beer ta poor fer yer blood or something?" he knocks back one of his pints. "As for another year...well, guess we'll have a rematch than" he leans forward.
    "However, yer still not say what best earth any you faught is"

Feral has posed:
    The Russian's smile returns as she gazes at Vorn's visible strength, openly appreciative of the reminder. "I was hoping for something 'stronger'," she replies slyly, to what isn't clear.
    Taking another drink, Vanya leans back and lets her chair rock onto its two rear legs, balancing it with the hold her heels have taken on the tabletop. "Crocodile," she answers definitively while sweeping her gaze lazily across the crowd of spectators and fighters around them. "Cats and bears are fun, and nothing beats a bear in raw power, but that cold-blooded dinosaur is much more ferocious... And more fun to wrestle. It's like a giant snake - the weight and power are velichestvennyy, like watching a rocket fly into the air."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn whistles in appreciation "Crocodiles are no joke" granted a crocodile would break their teeth on him, but still, he knows very well how dangerous they can be!. He starts on his second drink. "Let see...." he ponders "Manticore is best creature fought" he tells her. It was a while ago, but he did fight a manticore...and some demons. But manticore were at least animals on this earth, unlike demons which come from another dimension technically speaking.

Feral has posed:
    "If we are counting manticores then I fought a shark who could bury you deeper than worms can reach," Vanya retorts with a barking laugh. "Yeshche odin russkiy," she adds proudly, "and maybe a little taller than you."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn cants his head "Of course were counting Manticores! Did say any earth based animal. And though sicnece doens't recgonize its existance, it is indeed an earth based animal" he says with a laugh ".....hoWhat is Yeshche odin russkiy?" he now asks curiously. This was something he hans't heard before

Feral has posed:
    "Russian for Russian," Vanya snorts. "Nasha akula is like me with all shark blood," she explains, bumping a thumb against her chest while indulging a lopsided and wistful smile. The booze may be getting to her at this point.
    "Your height, at least your weight, with hide to scare a tank and a veeeeery big tail..." the werewoman snickers as she eyes her drink. "And a bigger appetite for vodka." And up it goes again.

Crusader has posed:
"four thousand five hundret" Vorn says when Vanya mentions weight. Yea...he was a heavy boy, a VERY heavy boy. Fact is, him just sitting on a person could probably crush them. He grins "Bit still...hide to scare a tnak...un large tail? Sounds like a creature worth fighting..." he thans stops "Wait.....this sounds like a person, nit an animal" he peers "Is it a person?"

Feral has posed:
    Vanya doesn't answer immediately, locked in an intimate and very one-sided relationship with her drink. The beer goes down like water... and down, and down... and down.
    "Ahh," the werewoman sighs as she follows the drink with a gulp of air and clanks the empty glass on the table. An easy-going cheer has settled into her expression as the brawler leans sedately back in her chair. "All people are animals, some just show it better than others," she retorts with a sly smirk. "The tail and teeth of a giant shark, two legs and arms... you can call her both."

Crusader has posed:
That poor drink. It didn't even get a proper good bye. Jus straight up drunked and used. Vorn chuckles "Yer kin really drink" he hmmms "But did say no mutants und such aside...sounds like she be some sorta mutant or somethin. But oh well....still sounds like a battle worth having."
    He finishes off his second drink "Hmmmm...there no really 'showing' your an animal. You are simple who you are. Sure some of us might act a bit more..." he grins "Wild. But at the end of the day, not all animals are raging beast, or gentle creature. Animals take all forms. Predator, prey, or something inbetween"

Feral has posed:
    "She's the old kind, not one of these new kids," Vanya dismisses. "And well-said. It's silly how many people forget that in their little houses with their furnaces and lightbulbs," she chuckles, leaning forward to blow over the lip of her beer and sound a bass tone for fun.

Crusader has posed:
    "Old or new, a mutant a mutant, a metas a meta. Time has no standing" he muses simply. Hearing the bass tone, he blows on his own - one empty, one full. A small little music show for the fun of it "Make you wonder...how many other animals forget that as well?" he muses.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya snickers as the small bit of music pricks her ears and leans back in her chair again, shrugging. "Humans are the only ones who care. And if you call the old kind mutants then dogs are mutant wolves and wheat is mutant barley."

Crusader has posed:
"Well...they are. Nature is a serious of mutations. Nothing stays the same, everything changes." He continues blowing on the bottles "...and wouldn't say humans are th only ones who care. After all - there Gorilla Grodd - yer know, that gorilla that tried turning all humans into Gorillas?" he muses.

Feral has posed:
    "Hehehe, razve ya etogo ne znayu," Vanya murmurs to herself in amusement. "Good for him," she praises, "But there are better animals than gorillas. He could do better with a tiger maybe, or big owls."

Crusader has posed:
"Like said - humans are not the only ones who cares. Now you know of a Gorilla who cares." Vorn says "So doubt he thinks tiger or owl is better" ponders "Und personally...would take a Gorilla over a tiger" he laughs

Feral has posed:
    "I don't think Grodd makes himself that different than other animals," Vanya dismisses, though the werewoman quirks an eyebrow at the orc's second point. "Why? Because gorillas look more like you and have strong arms?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn shrugs "Mabey he doesn't - but you said no other animals care. Just pointing out that there are other animals who do." Vorn says. But than he grins "Take that as a compliment. But it not just strong arms - they are smart too. No get wrong - strength is great! But strength and smarts is better!"