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Latest revision as of 19:19, 15 April 2018

Log 4228
Date of Scene: 08 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Power Girl

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     After collecting a sample of residue from the floor of STAR labs, and having analyzed it on the Batcomputer, Damian Wayne, AKA Robin had decided to approach the CEO of S.T.A.R. labs. Under the voice of his father, Damian had made the appointment, stating he would explain when he arrived.

  Having made the trip from Gotham to Metropolis, the young man in a sharp black business suit had approached the hallowed halls of science. Damian was the spitting image of a young Bruce Wayne, aside from his stature and eyes, which were an eerie shade of green that always seemed to catch the light. Upon entering, he approached the receptionist all of the reserved boy he had presented himself in the tabloids. "Mr. Wayne for Karen Starr." He informs, giving a slight smile.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl had left plenty of evidence at the scene of one of her recent rescues. Admittedly, it wasn't of much use to anyone but, well, Damian- who is here to see her today. Karen Starr keeps an almost hilariously stereotypical office, truth be told. There's a receptionist that sends Damian right up to the third floor of STAR Labs, where he is guided to the CEO's secretary, a woman whose clerical experience probably was not the reason she was hired, even though she seems competent enough.

    Eventually- though not immediately- Damian is ushered into Karen's office, where the somewhat unassuming looking Karen Starr is poring over a large tome's worth of paperwork- probably relating to the incident where the ex-Victor Stone departed from one of their underground Laboratories.

    "You will have to pardon my distraction, Mister Wayne. I am normally scheduled to meet, and when I meet with a representative of your estate, it is usually the older Wayne that I meet with. As a result, unscheduled meetings require divided attention."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian Wayne was a patient person, at least in his guise. A faint smile and keeping to himself, listening to one earbud as he waits.

  Once the younger Wayne is shown into Karen's office, and the door closed, he approaches the lady. "I don't take offense. I assure you, my being here is apart from Wayne Industries." He slips his hand into a pocket, and pulling out a vial, the residue in question, and a small device. "For our privacy." He adds, turning it on, jamming outgoing signals around a very small radius.

  "I recently came across this. At a STAR Labs where a one Victor Stone had been...recovering." He leans his head in, looking Karen in the eye. "Do you recall that incident?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen's reaction is muted, and overall to be expected of a CEO- first and foremost, it's readily apparent that this woman has genuine business expertise.

    All of that disappears in basically an -instant.- Damian sets the evidence and device down on the desk, and Karen sets down her paperwork, calmly setting it into a nice, perfect pile. Reaching forward towards her intercom- a device that should be inoperable at the moment, as it is not hard wired- Karen presses a button. "Shelly, hold my calls and cancel the eleven-thirty."

    Shelly's response comes quickly- and perplexingly- immediately afterwards.

    "This is STAR Labs, and I'm a fucking alien genius, kid. I can hear and see literally all information that exits or enters the office."

    Dealing with Power Girl is nothing like dealing with Superman, apparently. There's a short pause, as she slips her glasses and wig off of her head. "Feels good to drop the pretenses. Bruce never shares but it's hard not to notice the addition of a pint-sized ward alongside the appearance of the -smallest- Robin I've ever seen. And, yes, I remember. It's adorable that I'm getting tiny-Bruced, but I have a lot to do today. I'm not sure if you're trying to intimidate, or...?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's own guise drops, nothing more of a shy kid in front of her. "Good to know there's not just one genius in the room. And I'm no ward. I'm his flesh and blood."

  Damian takes a seat in front of the desk, raising an ankle to rest on his knee. "I'll cut to the fucking chase. I'm intending to test the Titans, they are severely lacking in combat experience, and this shames a team that is associated with the name of Robin." He motions to the residue. "I've come to ask, for a device like you used, to show Karen Starr at the same time Power Girl was on the scene. Robin needs to be in one place, but really be in another." The young man gives a nod, awaiting for the alien to make a decision, or ask more questions.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Alien genius." she corrects, holding up a finger and leaning back in her chair. "Different weight classes." She nods a couple of times, "Yeah, flesh and blood. I can see that, in a literal sense. Your genetic code is all sorts of custom tailored, but there's plenty to go off of." she notes, "Even without looking at your helixes, I can tell you're not Selina's. That really only leaves one other option, but I have to say, I really don't know why they'd let you out of whatever mountain compound they cooked you up in."

    Throwing up her hands, Karen offers a small shrug. "It's been a long time since I did anything with the Titans, and I'm mostly dealing with finding Victor." For a moment, she looks actively bothered, looking off to the side. "Yeah, I can get you one of these. I think I gave one to Bruce." she states, reaching into the pocket of her incredibly gross-colored pantsuit. She retrieves this small disc, and tosses it onto the desk.

    "So, basically, the way it works is a little... Odd. I don't imagine you don't have the resources to get all the cameras necessary, but keep in mind that the hologram only barely interacts with the environment. You can program some basic responses in, but they're not tuned for humans and will sound like they're from a speaker because the projector is so small and we Kryptonians can throw our voices better than, well, most people."

    Then, she looks straight at Damian. "So, 'Red X'? Really? That sounds like your gamertag." A pause, then, "WAS that your Gamertag?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The young man wasn't insulted, he was in fact happy that there was someone...not like Superman he was dealing with. Damian gives a smile, he was indeed the product of eugenics, and the DNA of Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne. "Oh, I can assure you there was blood, lots involved, and bullet casings. But I fought my way out. Grandfather was more keen on keeping his perfect heir around for himself."

  Damian gave a chuckle, picking up the disc and studying it. He speaks from the side of his mouth, in an exact copy of Batman's voice. "I'm skilled enough with that myself, Karen." He gives a wry smile. "I was channeling some of Deathstroke there. And what exactly would one of father's rogues come up with. The Titans need to...let go of any inhibitions they have in combat. If they were fighting Robin they would go easy on me. I'm looking for hard data on their combat prowess, not chickenshit kid gloves for their non-powered leader. Batman doesn't need powers to be the strongest in the JLA, neither do I." Bravado, yes, but he was certainly much more dangerous than he was given credit for.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Right but was it your Gamertag though?" she states, before offering this small chuckle.

    Leaning forward, then, she offers a nod or two, before gesturing to the small trinket on the desktop. "Well, you have your device, but I want you to understand something. I can hear- and you shouldn't necessarily contemplate whether or not this is physically possible, because that's really crazy- every noise on Earth from Orion's belt. If I happen to hear a voice familiar to the Titans screaming bloody murder, I will not come calling." Holding up a hand, she points quietly at the current Robin.

    "-Bruce- will. I might even get Diana."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives a sigh. "No, my gamertag is 'GoliathRules'."

  The words from Power Girl stick to Damian quite well. "Father knows what I am doing. I have his support. I swore to him I wouldn't kill anymore...that kind of thing carries weight with him still." The young man rises, and begins to walk out, but turns back momentarily. "What do you want with Victor Stone?" He says, holding the jamming device in his hand, about to turn it off.

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen's response is simple, as she's putting her wig back on and setting her glasses into place. There's nothing else that she has to do to resume her guise, offering this small nod. "I want to make sure that he's okay. That kind of thing either turns people into people like us, or the people that we fight. I want to make sure that he doesn't feel like he doesn't have options."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian looks a bit pensive, as if he is fighting with himself. "You ever made a visit to Titans Tower?" He asks, giving the device a deactivating click. "If not, I'm sure we can give you a tour." He says with a small wink before he adjusts his tie, smoothing out his jacket. His voice returns to the reserved gentleness he walked in with. "Pleasure meeting you, Ms. Starr. Should you need anything from me, let me know." With that, he walks out of the office, and eventually back to his chauffeured car, there was more work to be done.