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Fright Night
Date of Scene: 25 April 2018
Location: Movie Cineplex 12 - West Chelsea Hills, Gotham
Synopsis: A fright fest movie festival is interrupted by Fright! Power Girl intervenes. Red Hood is helpful in a Red Hood way.
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Power Girl

Red Hood has posed:
Fright Night! The Chelsea Hills Cinema had decided to carry on a tradition from the days of the drive-in theatre. Six of the screens have been taken with classic horror films, while the other six are doing more modern takes. Jason vs. Frankenstein, Freddy vs. Nosferatu! the fliers had advertised to the movie goers. A costume contest was even held for the best monster and daringest damsel in distress.

As the movie goers are settling into the seats, Jason Todd is still out in the lobby, waiting to buy popcorn and drinks. It's a little known fact that the Hood is a fan of a good monster movie - but he was not going to dress up at all.

Even when a guy passes buy in a gorilla costume, and growls at him, Jason arches a brow. "Go choke on a banana." He's so friendly sometme.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is also something of a fan of classic Horror films, and while she wasn't a Gotham native, she -does- follow this particular theater's social media page on one of her dummy accounts. Specifically she does it because Metropolis doesn't have any theaters that do theme nights and more intriguing attractions, and there really isn't anyplace that is outside of her reach.

    As a result, she's present- having bought her ticket in advance and arrived somewhat incredibly early.

    She's in costume, admittedly- but at the same time, she's also not really trying to cause a scene. Power Girl goes almost everywhere -as- Power Girl, but sometimes, she would rather not draw -quite- that much attention.

    She is always listening, too- and she does "tune-in" to some extent to a line that makes her chuckle. "Choke on a banana. Hah."

Red Hood has posed:
As Power Girl is walking by, there's a ton of comments that Jason could probably make on her and bananas and choking. But he's got just enough class not to give any of them voice. Think them? Possibly. The buxom bombshell gets a quiet 'Wow' from the erstwise vigilante. After all, he's still a young man - sure, one that's been dead and back, but he's still got his hormones.

Not that it's here or there. As the theater-goers are settling in, the movies are starting, and the small crowds are finally settling in to watch. As the lights dim and the music builds, the crowds are just beginnging to start to enjoy the movie.

For a moment, Jason considers trying to figure out what movie Power Girl would be going to watch, but he has plans for his own horror flick - there's just something to be said about the whole idea of a dude with a chainsaw for an arm. And animatronic skeletons that's just awesome - so with popcorn and drink in hand, he's heading towards the showing of Evil Dead 2.

Power Girl has posed:
    As a lover of B-Movies, and especially movies that know they're B-Movies and intend to BE said sort of film, Power Girl has not really resisted the siren's call of Evil Dead 2. Seeing as he watches her pass, he also ends up following her right to the film she was going to. Thankfully, from the rear her outfit is more conservative the the opposite side, so it's not particularly stressful to follow her along.

    As she's arrived early, she's also got her pick of the litter for seats- as it's emulating a drive-in, that means she gets to choose from basically any car she likes. She takes one nearish to the back- intending to make up for the distance with her vision. The only important thing to her is to be centered in whatever row she takes.

Red Hood has posed:
There was someone sitting in the seat that Power Girl had chosen, but the guy is easily quick to move. There is something to be said for a the power of a beautiful woman that can toss you to the upper stratosphere that can make someone move quickly. The movies have begun, and it's about 30 minutes into it that the smell hits the air. It's a sweet smell - similar to the antiestetic gas they use in a dentist's office to loosen a patient up for the teeth pulling to come. As it settles over the crowd, down at the front, there's a panicked scream. Something about skeletons rising up.

Other screams start to rise, a crescendo of noise, as someone yells, "FIRE! FIRE!"

But there is no fire.

"Hell." comes the murmur from the seat near Power Girl. Jason pulls up his shirt into a makeshift mask, holding it tight to his mouth. It would be out of place in a room where panic is being sewn, but he knows that smell. But more appropriately, he knows the reactions that he's hearing to that smell. The air vents continue to drift out that soft crimson wind.

Power Girl has posed:
    Let's be honest, if Power Girl threw -anyone,- depending on the angle, their life would be floating pointlessly through space from then on. She watches on in silence, the man in her seat having acquiesced to her in sadness after she said the word "Alone"- though he was definitely happy for her presence up until then.

    The smell that hits her nose elicits a bothered sigh from her. She sets her drink in the car's cupholder, and moves to step her six-foot-three frame from its doorway, before offering a small stretch. "You've got to be kidding me. In a literal sense, you -have- to be joking. I can't watch a fucking movie?" she states, floating up above the cars and moving towards the vents. She draws in a breath, and exhales swiftly, in an attempt to freeze over the vent itself- and if it succeeds, she'll move to another vent.

    Thankfully, Power Girl is an alien, and she's the kind of alien that requires a version of this particular gas to be laced with a certain glowing rock in order for it to affect her. The result? For the moment, she's grumbling quietly about "probably the fucking Scarecrow."

Red Hood has posed:
"Welcome to Gotham." comes Jason's dry retort as he ties the shirt off in the back to mask his identity as well as protect him from the fumes. "Ain't Crane, he's in Arkham. Swinging door ain't let him out yet." As Power Girl starts to freeze the vents, the young man leaps over the 'hood' of his car.. "..always wanted to do that.." to go and force open the fire door to start the process of evacuating the theatre. "This way!" he calls out, trying to herd the panicking theatre goers.

Though some of them are seeing Jason as the trouble. "He's trying to rob us!" one of them yells.

"I ain't a robber!" Much.

Power Girl's ears will perk from the same panicked noises coming from the other theatres, perhaps giving her a concept of where she should be aiming.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Probably Crane's gas." she states, taking this with all of the confidence and nonchalance that Superman himself would be lacking. She's clearly the punchiest Kryptonian. Having frozen over the vents in this room, she makes her way towards the doors to the next theater. "Hey, listen, I can stop the gas from flowing, but I need you to lead the people out of the building." Her voice booms, and is audible even though she's getting further away from the man in the shirt-mask.

    She continues after a moment- "I can't exactly break thirty moving through the theater without tearing the whole place down. I'll be outpacing you a little bit." She doesn't tell him to be careful, but if she hears one actual gunshot, she's going to get rather bothered. In the meantime, she visits theater by theater, freezing the air vents one by one. It's a slow, tedious task for a Kryptonian- but it is keeping her occupied.

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah. Well. Guns are kinda my //thing//." That was a complaint at Power Girl. Jason continues to work on the evacuation - but eventually, it's gets the better of him. He heads to his motorcycle, and gets out his familiar red hood and gear belt as he slips it on. "Can't even watch a fucking movie - or check out a hot girl." he shakes his head as he seals the helmet into place with a hiss and click of self-sealed atmosphere. The better to deal with gas with.

As Power Girl is approaching the concession stand, that's when she meets the perpetrators of this crime. Jason was right, it wasn't Crane. But the albino woman that stands there with red eyes is very clearly the one in charge as two henchmen in gas masks are working on emptying the registers in the ticket office. "The panic will keep the cops busy, but hurry." the woman says with a frown as she moves to collect the ill-gotten loot.

Power Girl has posed:
    Moving through the theater, she pauses for a moment when Jason vacates the theater. There's a quiet statement about "Dick would've gone without," that she makes- mostly because she's listening to literally everything happening within and without the theater in its immediate area. She hears the noise of his change- and his comment. This makes her stop for a moment, and give off this... Slow sigh. "Yeah, of course he was." she states, before continuing on.

    It's when she floats by the concession stand that she is actually forced to stop. "Are you KIDDING me, though? How much did this cost? The gas, the infiltration, the ability to hook it into the ventilation systems, the training and practice... For the -concession- stand? Are you guys for real?"

    Admittedly, Superman would never heckle his villains. He'd just lecture.

Red Hood has posed:
Yeah, well, Dick ain't here, is he. Power Girl gets to deal with the Robin who doesn't give a..

"Fright. The name is Fright, dearie." says the woman apparently in charge, dressed in a plunging V-neck unitard and black leather duster. Her skin is abnormally pale, with blue hair, and she is definetly one of Gotham's more.. wyrd dizidens. "I have to pay somehow - why not allow them the spoils of my experiment. See. I wanted to visualize what would happen when a control group.. those that are currently in one of these theatres is exposed to fear toxin, and how they would react when they face their true terror in the flesh, as it were."

Outside, Jason is dealing with the results of that, going full on boogey man to scare off some people, even as he's tuning in the radio inside his helmet. "Come on, be on one of the hero frequencies - Peej, you on this thing?"

Power Girl has posed:
    "Fright?" she asks, looking incredulous. "You called yourself 'Fright' when there's already a Scarecrow? What is it with you Gotham folks and the melodrama and the unoriginality? You couldn't figure out something that wasn't Fear Gas?" she states, placing one hand on her hip.

    Idly, she reaches up to her ear, for a moment. "Yeah, I can hear you. I can always hear you guys." she notes, before letting that arm rest and approaching Fright and her goons. "So here's the dilemma. I need the antidote to the toxin. I'm sure all of you need teeth. We can make a trade. You give me the antidote, and I'll let you keep a few."

    One hand casually pulls itself into a fist, at that.

Red Hood has posed:
"You can bug Bats for the cure, is it the guy or the girl? Crane's dangerous in the mind games.. Fright.."

Whatever Jason was about to offer to Power Girl is missed as Fright suddenly moves forward quicker than Power Girl might have expected, and when she punches the Kryptonian - there is super strength backing it up. Apparently her gimmicks are far more than simple scaring people. She packs the heat along with it.

There's a smirk and a laugh from her. "Ah, all you so called super heroes. All talk, no jaw." she offers with a snort of a laugh as she grabs one of the arcade machines - the crane machine filled with knock off stuffed creatures from some new video game to throw at Power Girl.

Power Girl has posed:
    It's a little rare that Power Girl gets sucker-punched. It takes a lot to really -do- that to a Kryptonian. Part of it is Power Girl's arrogance- she knows she's invulnerable, she knows she's stronger than strong. So when Fright hits her, she not only lets it happen, she's taken aback by the amount of strength in the blow.

    Knocked off of her feet and careening backwards, she lands and, in an acrobatic fashion somewhat familiar to Gothamites, rolls through the last of the momentum and uses it to get to her feet. By that time, the claw machine is flying through the air at her.

    To Superman, every brick in Metropolis is sacred. He'll hold every ounce of his strength back that he doesn't have to, and he'd probably catch the claw machine before it hit him.

    Power Girl, on the other hand, unleashes lasers from her eyes, which she sweeps across the machine, in hopes of cleaving it in two, landing to both sides of her. Once it's handled, she'll press off with her legs, taking off at a speed that is likely to be a little reckless for a Theater lobby.

    She doesn't quite break the sound barrier, but she's honestly coming a little close- she's got a bit of a temper. She'll mirror the hit, too- sending a punch right for Fright's chest. Though she's angry- and doesn't necessarily have much of a qualm over not holding back- she's still not trying to kill the woman.

Red Hood has posed:
The claw machine splits against the seams, sending parts flying about as well as small plushie creatures that bounce around along the lobby floor. Posters and standees for movies are blown about as Power Girl slams into Fright, sending her careening backwards towards the concession stand, and sending popcorn and candy spilling about.

The two goons, predictably, open fire on the Kryptonian, trying to distract her. Because hurting her? That's out of the question. And it was an admirable plan until there's a shadow from the ticket booth before Red Hood bursts into the lobby, slamming into one of the men from behind and sending him careening. "Not that you needed the cavalry." he offers to Power Girl dryly.

From the destoryed concessions, Fright rises and rushes at Power Girl. This time, there's no attempt to strike her, instead, she draws in a deep breath.

"She has toxic breath!" Jason manages to get the warning out just as Fright tries to grab Power Girl and give her a lungful of Fright Gas directly from within her.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl stands there for a moment, allowing the rounds to crush against her skin, drawing -their- attention instead of the other way around as Jason does his job to one goon. She offers him a nod, and a small two-fingered salute.

    Fright surges forward, and reaches for Power Girl- who, Jason probably notices, isn't breathing thanks to his warning. When Fright goes in to exhale, Power Girl forces her head forward suddenly, in one -hell- of a headbutt, that Fright's maneuver hopefully left her open to. It's a genuinely dismissive move, and it -might- knock the superpowered toxic terror out, but not entirely likely.

Red Hood has posed:
The exhale never comes, and Fright finds herself swallowing her own gas. She chokes and sputters, before stumbling backwards and falling within the plushies all over the place. It would almost be comical if there wasn't a crime in progress. The Hood snaps around and kicks the remaining goon into the arcade. And of course, he predictably pulls a gun.

Power Girl had complained about them after all. And Jason is just stubborn enough to tick off a Kryptonian. Even though he never fires it, he just uses it to bean the goon in the side of the head to put him down. "You alright over there?" he asks with a glance towards the blonde. Sure, he's the frail human, but he's gonna ask her anyway.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl watches. Admittedly, once Fright is down, she's also calming down herself, and her attention is on Jason immediately following. She's silent- because she's not the type to lecture. She's in fight-mode, so she'll hear and see all of the signs that he's about to fire, and halfway through him having the idea to do so, she'd have stopped him- it's just the rate at which these particular aliens work.

    Luckily- for both of them, Bruce would have pitched a fit about it not being 'her problem', she's sure- Jason just hits him with the gun, instead of firing off a few rounds into something softer than a vest.

    "Yeah, no, I'm good. It'll take a little more than an albino on steroids with some bad breath to make me sweat."

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah well. These assclowns ruined a perfectly good movie for me." Jason rumbles as he moves over to where Fright is and reaches into his own utility belt. Does he have a Bat-doohickey to deal with the supervillain?

Unless that silver roll is Bat-ducttape, then nope. The ducttape is wrapped around the woman's mouth and around the back of her head before he moves to use zip ties on her ankles and wrists. "Anyway. Been real. About as real as those.." No, it's not her breasts he points to, it's one of the plushies.

Picking up one of them he tosses it to Power Girl. "Here that collecting trophies is all the rage these days. Cops will be here soon. I was never here. Later." With that, he's moving to leave the theater to get on his bike and head off.

Power Girl has posed:
    She'd never really figured she'd meet someone less personable than the Bat, but there he is, riding off on a motorcycle. She'd caught the plushy, and after he's definitely gone, she squeezes it once, so it squeaks. "-Yes.-"