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(Renee is off duty and runs into the very famous Kate Kane.)
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Latest revision as of 23:26, 31 July 2017

A Bat In Film Noir
Date of Scene: 19 June 2017
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Renee is off duty and runs into the very famous Kate Kane.
Cast of Characters: Renee Montoya, Batwoman

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Damn it," Renee Montoya mutters to herself, underneat her breath. She did not like dark alleyways. Not anywhere. But, especially not in Gotham. But, she'd heard the noise, the skittering, the manic laugh, and then the two gunshots. She'd called for backup, of course.
    And she was told to wait for the backup.
    But, Renee knew there was still a chance to catch the mugger, or - well, whatever, or whoever it was. And she she was moving with a decent, but cautious pace, through the unlit alleys, past the graffiti and through the filth littering the streets, stopping to check the pulse of the man, laying facedown in the pool of bloody water and realizing he has none, she moves forward, follwing the hollow, echoing footsteps that can still be heard.

Batwoman has posed:
    Batwoman flits through the shadows, the lone splash of colour in a world milieu of blacks and darker grays. Crimson, like the blood spilled by the bullets shot seconds before. Long red hair falls across the woman's shoulders in waves, framing her black-masked face and statuesque soldiers. Batwoman is tall, taller than Renee even, and slender in a way that speaks to years of conditioning rather than a lack of strenth.. it's hard to tell, however, beneath the black body armour. The sigil of a crimson bat, like a blood stain on black, is clearly visible across her chest.
    This is the person who emerges now to quietly present herself to Renee Montoya, a pale figure limned in red and cloaked in black. "Detective, look out!" Batwoman's voice is a low, sultry alto that is somehow chillingly cold while also seductive. Like a classic femme fatale in garb meant to evoke the Specral Bat. A vampire.
    Then there's another shout when the criminal rounds the corner to fire a shot at Renee, a man in a dark hat and suit holding a matte black .44 in both hands. Batwoman shoves Renee aside and the bullet strikes her shoulder. Of course, she's in armour so other than staggering back slightly it's likely the redhead is okay. If bruised. So he shoots her again.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Renee was not expecting a Bat, not at all, and so when Batwoman emerges, Renee's first instinct is to level her own weapon, unholestered, at the vigilantess. She does not fire, however. And before her lips can form a response, a question, Batwoman is suggesting there's another danger, and Renee's senses kick in to scan the area, seeing te criminal.
    But she can't get off a shot, because she's being pushed out of the way, and her life - possibly, is being saved. Her shoulder hits the alley wall, and she hears the shots ring out as Kate is hit with one, then two bullets.
    She does not stop to assess the situation, her police training kicking in without a pause. She aims. Fires.
    There's a scream, and the sound of a pistol dropping and a splash of blood on the pavement. And then, screaming. Cursing. And then he's pulling himself back around the corner, trying to get to his feet, and make a getaway.
    "Police," Renee identifies herself, briskly, and all business, "Come out. Slowly. Hands up. I won't miss again."
    But ... did she miss?
    She is not even looking at Kate. Though you can bet she's keeping track of Batwoman.

Batwoman has posed:
    Batwoman letss out a soft grunt of pain when the shots connect but she seems to be fine. There's a slight hitch in her movements as hse twists slightly, the armour pressing against parts of her which have no doubt be bruised by the bullets hitting her.
    As Renee is calling for the man around the corner to surrender Kate is examining their surroundings. "I'll take a look" the woman informs Rene quietly as she turns and then steps into the nearby shadows. Once out of view Kate's grappel is out and she silently propels herself toward the roof top. From here it's much easier to get a look at the alleys.
    The redhead moves quickly enough, despite favouring her left side as she ducks through the shadows on cloudy night, moving to keep up with the shooter. She leaps gracefully to the next rooftop, her black cape flaring out behind her to show its crimson underbelly. She's a specter, a hellbat taking to the sky.
    And if Renee doesn't drop the runner before Kate jumps down from the rooftops then the gunman will end up on the ground with her tall red boot on his neck.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    There is a bullet wound through the man's hand, the gun on the ground. And the man is running now, clearly not wanting to face a prison sentence. No quips, no comments. This is not one of the villians of Batman's Rogue Gallery, clearly.
    Renee watches Batman grapples out of sight, and then moves on foot to follow the running murderer. She gets there just in time to see Renee, with the advantage of the rooftops, coming down and landing on the man with her boot at his neck. "Running was a bad choice," Renee says, mildly. There's a brief look then, towards Batwoman. "Thanks," she says, mildly. Not above acknowledging the help, before seeing that the man is unconscious, now. And, without regard to his wound, she begins to handcuff him smoothly, cleanly.

Batwoman has posed:
    "Quit whimpering. You're not doing yourself any favours," Batwoman informs the man, who is gibbering about the new bullet wound he's earned. She shakes her head slowly, crossing her arms over her chest. Intense blue eyes examine the alley way from end to end and Kate pauses as they finally come back to resting firmly on Renee. "You're welcome," she notes quiwtly before looking off down the alley. "I don't think he was alone but we've already lost the other one." She does finally step back to allow Renee to make her arrest.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Mugging, gone wrong," Renee says, quietly. She knows the signs all too well. "That man fought back. Didn't think this jackass would shoot." She stands up, then, and dusts her hands off on her leather jacket. Then, she sticks both of her hands into her pocket, after holstering her gun on the inside holster.
    She then eyes Kate, her features unreadable. "Good timing, too," she mentions, off-handedly. Sirens, now, can be heard in the background, but are as of yet a few blocks away.
    She looks down at the perp, then back up to Kate. "You must all go to the same fashion designer."

Batwoman has posed:
    "Nope, I have my own. You don't see random splotches of gray or bat nipples, do you? I don't know what he was thinking." Kate rolls her eyes at this but then she frowns again. It's apparently a small effort to return to her cold persona as she takes a deep breath afterward.
    "You have good timing too," Batwoman replies in a much more severe tone. "There was another officer nearby. He went the other way. Probably going to clal in shots fired in a few minutes and leave it at that." Batwoman shrugs once, slowly. "You're one of the good ones Montoya."

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Renee narrows her eyes at Kate, but suspects it must run in the family. Or at least, in the costume. She nods, once. "You might want to be more careful around the other officers. Redhead, or no," she ventures. "Some want to bring you in as much as they do Batman. Some, more." It's the whole women empowerment thing, and the fact some of the veterans on the force are not exactly on board. "They won't stop and stare."
    There isn't a comment to how good, or bad she is. But, the Bats, and their family - well, she trusts them, but there's not a lot she knows about them. And that makes her somewhat cautious.

Batwoman has posed:
    "I know," Batwoman agrees quietly. She takes a deep breath then and nods just once. That is stated rather seriously and then the Batwoman turns and steps away. It's much like having a conversation with Batman. She just disappears, though in Kate's case the shadows off the fire escape have a lot to do with the way she just filters out of sight, leaving Renee (theoretically) alone.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Hmf," Renee mentions, aside, to herself, noting that Batwoman has absconded - neither with the loot, or with the perp, but, with her presence. The very few times she's had other encounters with the Bat Family still don't allow her to be used to it. "She's a lot easier on the eyes than Batman," she tells herself, speaking quietly and aloud.
    Slowly, the sirens pull up, and stop, and other officers come to pull on the scene. "Over here," she calls to the wide, burly detective in the trench coat. "Got one. Jameson was chasing the other down the alley towards 5th."
    Several officers in blue move to follow where Renee was nodding towards. "Didn't have time to wait," she explains. "They would've gotten away."
    It's a story she's told several times before. And, it doesn't make the other man all that happy with her. But, that's life. At least, life with Renee Montoya.