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Latest revision as of 04:17, 28 April 2018

The two newest super rookies in one high octane scene.
Date of Scene: 23 April 2018
Location: Rooftops in Manhattan
Synopsis: Drake and Mandy meet for the first time. She is a curious sort.
Cast of Characters: Bang, Slipstream

Bang has posed:
Mandy was SUPPOSED to be viewing possible college options with her adoptive parents. Then her attention span wavered. That was the end of that.

Trying to keep track of Mandy when she's like this is genuinely understood to be a lost cause by said parents. So when she wandered off and they realized it, they merely texted her with the admonition to be safe, be careful, and also to pick up toothpaste because they'd forgotten it when packing. Meanwhile, Mandy was busy finding a place to change into her costume. A dark, purple, star-studded and hooded robe. Usually pulled down to keep her eyes in shadow beneath their black domino mask. The black orbs seem to almost swallow the light but for glowing red pinpricks in the center. Her lips, painted a dark black are pulled back in a sort of playful grin as she crouches just at the fire escape on the second story of a run-down apartment building. Black-painted fingernails drag along the brown brickwork outside the window as she observes the small horde of hoodie and jean-clad young men counting money inside.

From inside the apartment, this is harder to notice than one might think. The light inside has ruined the darkvision of those inside, and her dark clothes blend well. Still, she tires of waiting. She has never been a woman of careful plotting and long term plans. No, Mandy, or the heroine known as 'Bang!' likes DOING, not planning. So she cocks one thumb up, pointer finger extended, and hand otherwise closed, to mimic a gun, and aims at one of the men. She mouths the word, and the window explodes inward in a shower of glass. It seems Bang! is also not a very QUIET heroine, either.

Slipstream has posed:
Despite still not having an official costume of any type, the newest Avenger known as SlipStream is currently rooftop blinking about as he shunts from one to the other in a quick blur of light blue trails. Today he is dressed in a pair of loose fitted black jeans with some tear along the knees and hips, as well as a snug black Overwatch shirt with the silver logo in the middle. Over that is a bright blue and silver windbreaker with the word STATIC on the back symbolizing the New York Static's team name.

It's with this last blink that he lands on the roof just above those inside and the heroine on the fire escape. The sound of shattering glass easily catches his attention and he walks to the edge of the roof on his worn Addidas sneakers to peek over the edge at the cloaked woman. "Cheers luv, mind if I crash th' party?" He rolls out one of his favorite character's trademarked lines in a terrible English accent. "Whatcha lookin' at?"

Bang has posed:
The girl looks up as the hero looks down at her, eyes wide and filled with wonder,"YOU TALK FUNNY!" A pause, as she points up at the man,"ALSO, WHERE IS THIS PARTY AND CAN I COME- Oh wait. We're bantering! I've never bantered before!" Bang! engages in poor crime-fighting decision number one: Ignoring a room full of armed people to talk to someone.

All the people inside stare at this tableau for a moment before one at a table picks up a pistol and fires three times at her. Two of the shots straight up miss. The third is intercepted by a brick that mysteriously falls from the side of the roof, getting struck in a spray of powder. She doesn't even turn to look. She's too busy 'bantering'. "Okay, okay! Yeah, I got it! Okay, how's this?" She gestures into the apartment and, in a raspy, playful tone says,"Be my guest guv'na! Top o' the mornin' to ya!" Even though it's night.

The thugs inside have now all grabbed weapons and their lead is looking on incredulously,"HEY!" Apparently he doesn't like being ignored. Bang! points another 'finger gun' at him and pulls her thumb down as if 'firing' it. There's a flash of light, and a sound from which she gets her namesake as the man who spoke is launched back into a counter and slumps to the ground. As per standard operating procedure with her, chaos erupts.

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh ... okay ..." Drake trails off as he blinks a few times at her, then flinches at the sound of gunshots going off inside the building. "Wait, are you a good guy or a bad guy? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to fight you or back you up." He leaps down to the fire escape to peer inside, then lets out an 'oh' to himself. "I know those guys, sorta. They aren't nice guys, what'd they do to tick you off?" He asks as he kicks the rest of the window in, then blurs forward with a soft 'woo!' in his wake. He reappears down on the ground level, sweeping the leg of one, blurring forward again to disarm another with a quick martial arts manuever that he is starting to become better at. He moves far too quick to track, just a blink in and out as the men topple and fall to the ground with confused shouts and bullets ricohetting before they're taken away.

The guns are lobbed about here and there with their magazines removed as the young super hero works. "Hold up!" Blink. "Give me a second!" He blinks again. "Don't kill anyone!" He calls up to her.

Bang has posed:
The girl shrugs in response to the man's questions,"Uh... I dunno? I don't think they're good, though. I saw some of them selling brain-sugar in the city-forest... park, that's right! In the park. So I followed the here. I'm heroing today!" She announces this with such pleasure. "I'm not mad, though. I'm sure they're actually really nice people!" Says the girl with demonic red eyes that seems to be randomly detonating things. And she says it with such sincerity!

She floats in the shattered window, and begins walking forward. Bullets seem to zing or whiz past her as she walks in. Occasionally, a can of soup will happen to be in the way, or a man will trip right before he fires, sending the shot into a wall harmlessly. At one point, one even gets close and fires the gun at her point blank. The bullet just happens to fail to fire... A dud? This one, she places a hand on the belly of, and he goes flying with another loud bang. Soon there's more of the same. There's surprisingly little blood. No more than Drake's own martial arts would tend to generate in fact.

The number of goons in the apartment appear to be quickly dwindling,"I work really hard not to kill people. Killing is bad!" She says this with the loud, plaintive tones of a three year old. "You are REALLY fast. Like, the kind of fast that makes people go 'Wow, that was fast!'." She is perhaps not so good at the banter.

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I'm that kind of fast." Drake says as he finishes the last guy off with a quick punch to the jaw with a burst of speed behind it to give him some extra 'oomf'. He rubs at his hand a bit, wincing before he looks at all the downed bodies of gangsters moaning and groaning. He slips his phone out of his pocket and dials 911. "Who are you by the way?" He asks as he runs a hand back through his hair. "Not that this is my turf or anything, even though I sorta live here, but I haven't seen you here before patrolling in my neighborhood. You /are/ a good guy, right?" He asks as he tilts his head to the side. ".. Cuz I'd hate to fight you, you seem like you could easily kick my ass."

Bang has posed:
The girl inverts in midair as she hops, and soon she is, effectively, on the ceiling, some of her little charms tinkling underneath the robe. She sticks out a hand to shake. On closer inspection, the fingernails are long, a little sharp looking. At odds, really, with her friendly, effusive tone. Still, it does reveal a little more of her face at this angle. Very North Indian in appearance. "I'm Bang! And I dunno. /I/ think so. If I was a bad guy, though, I'd still yell you I'm a good guy, right? So it's, like, that question doesn't really solve them."

A long pause follows as the girl tilts her head at Drake. "I'd have trouble actually hitting you, I think. You're, like, hella fast." A pause. "Do people still say hella?" She seems vaguely perplexed,"'Sides, my power's like, the definition of unreliable."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm from Northern California so I'm allowed to still say hella, though I don't think it's a popular term out here." Drake says as he reaches up to shake her hand. "But if you want to rock it, by all means, go ahead. I may be hella fast but you're also .. kinda magical maybe? You are pointing at people and shooting them. I guess it's how you got your name. I'm Drake. I just go by Slip Stream. Um... I'm an Avenger. So, I work for Iron man and Captain America. I also called the cops because I'm sure these guys got some warrants and those guns are probably not legal, so we have a few minutes before we gotta slip out. Well, you can. I'll probably stick around and answer their questions. I mean, without a witness, these guys tend to just walk after a night or two you know?"

Bang has posed:
"Oooh! I'm from *&$@6$!" The word that comes out of her mouth is utterly gut-wrenching alright, and completely incomprehensible. Yep. Definitely magical. "I'm not actually shooting them. More like... uuum... invoking an aspect of my nature, but turning the setting all the way down to one." A pause. "I live in North Hempstead! I'm trying to go to college here, sometime, but I'm basically totally unemployable." She pauses. "What's it like having a job? Is Iron Man as tall as the whole suit? Does Captain America prefer boxers or briefs?" She seems to find her fellow hero fascinating. Maybe one of the only other heroes she's ever met? "I don't usually wait for the cops. I don't show up on camera half the time, and I can barely get cellphones to work. A lot of time, audio recordings come out garbled unless it's a REALLY good recorder. Also, for some reason, sliding doors don't open for me. My ancient enemy." She clenches her fist, a scowl finding her face. OH HATED FOE!

"Why are you so fast?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh ... Iron Man is ... um... not as tall as his armor. You have to have a bit of extra space in there for movement. He won't let me step into the armor though, says I gotta earn it. He equated it to leveling up in a video game. I'm at level two or something and he says the Iron suit is like level five hundred." Drake jokes as he rubs the back of his neck. ".. I think Cap is a briefs guy.. but I haven't actually seen him in his undies, but he's kinda old school, so I'm just assuming. Having a job is fine, I guess.... I like what I do and I get to hang out with some amazing super heroes." He rubs his nose as he tilts his head, listening to her for a few moments and processing it away. "Are you an alien? Also, I'm really fast because my body is stuck in between timelines and ... um.. it's a side effect.. I guess.... It's hard to explain without going into a lot of detail." He gives a glance about the warehouse, then hears the sirens in the distance. "You're trying to go to college? What do you want to study?"

Bang has posed:
In her particularly unfocused way, the girl spends little to no effort paying attention to the distant sirens. "Ooooh. I watch video games sometimes. I push the controls and they don't really DO anything." She lifts a shoulder in an affectedly bored manner.

With a 'whoop!', she drops to the ground and begins to kick the can that had intercepted a bullet for her around in circles. Serious ADD. "I guess alien is an okay word, sure. It might even be accurate. THOUGH... I don't think it's true in the way you're asking? I dunno." The question of her studies gets a smile though,"I want to study ethics!" So proud!

She does make a face though,"You can tell me the timeline stuff, but it's probably lost on me. Mom said I'm..." She narrows her eyes in thought,"Um... I think the phrase she used was 'partially dyschronometric' among other things. Are you gonna make you're own Iron Pajamas?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Short story was that I was kidnapped by a bad guy from the thirty first century, held in a prison of time which shattered upon my rescue and it trapped my body partially in that time line I was imprisoned in, so my body is tryign to get back to it, so it rips itself apart in a very painful manner." Drake points to the large bracelet on his left wrist. "This keeps me grounded in this time line and not having my body torn apart. As a side effect, I can boost myself about with bursts of speed, but it hurts when I do it. I just suck it up." The last question gets a shrug. "I don't know, I don't think I'd look good in spadex or super armor. I'm probably just going to be a jeans and t-shirt kinda super hero." Her own backstory causes him to be a bit confused. "You want to study ethics? Huh. Then what? Get a job?" He tilts his head to the sounds as they come closer. "Good guys are almost here. Want to wait outside?" He says as he heads for one of the back doors.

Bang has posed:
The woman leans over the bracelet, expressing many impressed sounds,"That sounds very awful. I too live in fear of my body being torn apart by internal forces! Let's be friends! We have a datapoint to bond on!" She seems inappropriately pleased by this. "We could get you like, flashing LED lights and a smoke machine. Your power would allow for excellent entrances." The girl does lift into the air and begin floating out the window,"I want to study ethics because I want to make sure I am a people. And possibly an ethical one. A job is a bit much. I would like one, but what would I need it for?" Still, she sees the confused look on the man's face.

Being familiar with such looks, she tries to clarify,"I wasn't supposed to exist, but I kinda went ahead and did it anyway." She frowns as she realizes this is still a less than stellar explanation. "Um... I am not from this planet, no, but I am not from any planets, either." A pause. "Mom and dad explain it better. Sorry. I abstract well, but organizing thoughts is difficult."

"I will wait outside. I brought a superball to bounce against a wall anyway." She floats off a few roofs over to find an AC duct to bounce her ball off of.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, sure, we can be friends. I don't think I need a flashy entrance though. I sort of enjoy the element of surprise." Drake says as he heads out the door as well to watch her bounce the ball against the wall. "You want to make sure you're a good person? I think it's pretty easy actually. Just don't do mean things. Don't hurt people, don't steal from them, just be nice in general and make sure you protect those who can't help themselves." He takes out a piece of gum from his pocket and pops it into his mouth, then offers her a piece as well. "But we can be friends, sure. I'm always out here at night between the hours of nine and one in the morning to do some routine scouting. I hardly find much and I mostly report anything I do see to the cops if no one is in immediate danger."

Bang has posed:
For once the girl gets sort of a sad expression. Still, she fishes around in her robe until she finds a card with simple lettering on it. "That's mom's phone number. Easiest way to get in contact with me." A pause as she ponders. A moment of rare coherence escapes her,"It would be easier if I weren't also struggling with the 'being a person part' as well as the 'being good' part. I really am trying though." She picks up the gum and pops it into her mouth, chewing noisily. "This is excellent. I look forward to many tastings of this." She lets her head tilt up into the air shortly after to lift off, only pausing to toss the ball to the man as well,"I will see you around, Drake Surprise!"