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Latest revision as of 06:05, 30 April 2018

Follow the sound
Date of Scene: 29 April 2018
Location: Starling
Synopsis: Dinah stops by a small martial arts studio to refresh her commitment to Justice.
Cast of Characters: Yin, Black Canary

Yin has posed:
A group of older, trendy students file out of the studio following a class. They climb in their fancy cars and zoom off, leaving the building fairly quiet.

Brooke takes some time to straighten and sweep the room, given that rich enlightenment seekers never seem to think to clean after themselves. She turns the lights up - they always like the lights low, never mind they can't see the things they need to be noticing as well. Whatever. She puts the dust mop away, straightens the mats, then goes back to the middle of the room to slowly run through a form, working the flexibility in her back a bit.She breathes slow, senses spread through the area, and looks up as someone approaches the door.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake steps in soon after the rich fools leave, sighing happily, a karate gi over her arm, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a black T-shirt with a picture of Robin Hood on it. She says nothing, watching you go through the forms, nodding in satisfaction, but not willing to interrupt. When you finish, she will simply say, "You must be the sensei here."

Yin has posed:
Brooke smiles and tilts her head. "I am the Shifu here, yes. I don't teach any Japanese arts." She drifts that way. No wasted energy, no sound, wearing a kung fu uniform in black and slippers. Dark skin, no oriental heritage, but a hint of a Chinese accent, probably picked up from people later in life. She sizes you up quietly, and offers a handshake.

"What can I do for you today? You move like you have a lot of training." She studies your posture a moment, in case some subtle injury becomes apparent.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles. "Yes. I used to teach martial arts in a dojo a couple of miles from here. It... it burned down a while ago. I haven't done much in that sine. But I do so enjoy keeping my activity levels up, and I often practice when I can. I am Dinah Drake." She takes the handshake and gives a firm but not crushing squeeze

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods and tries to remember anything about burning dojos in the area - though if it was Japanese martial arts, she wouldn't know as much about that community. "Alright, Dinah. I am Brooke Harris, it is a pleasure to meet you. What can I do for you today? Come in, I have tea."

She smiles graciously, slightly concerned by unannounced visits by other masters. Those can cause any number of odd situations or bring any sort of odd news. She slips over to the cubby where a water heater always keeps the water hot, and pours two cups, fingering through the teas. Hmmm... On a glimmer of an instinct, she pulls out the honeysuckle tea and puts it on the dish, then brings it back to the small table at the edge of the room, setting the cups down and offering you the other seat.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods as she takes a seat. "I still practice, but I don't teach as much these days. I prefer more peaceful pursuits as my main occupation," she muses, keeping a straight face. "It is lovely to meet you, Brooke Harris. And... I was in the area and saw this place and just thought I'd visit."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods, "I see." She flicks her eyes at your hands a moment, sizing up just how much those hands have been actually used recently, and on what. "I'm always happy to meet another practitioner. What might you have heard about my studio here so far? I know I don't have a very widespread reputation yet. I don't really fit the popular image. I don't think I had heard much about your dojo at the time. At least, nothing I remember, besides a mention of a fire." She holds back on taking her cup until you have selected yours, closing her fingers peacefully.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "It was years ago." There are some callouses on her hands, but they could be caused by anything. Nothing suspicious. "It seems like a nice place. I don't... really... do the internet thing. I just drove by on my bike and saw the place, and decided to stop in. Just saw a bunch of seemingly rich fools just walk out and waited for them to clear out."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "Fair enough." She pours tea into both cup, and offers them with a graceful gesture. That's what you do for honored guests, after all. It's a sweet smelling tea. Good for the throat, among other things.

"Well, I mostly just teach qigong and taijiquan from here. Usually the Li square yard short form, because those are convenient for people in offices. I have some xingyiquan and baguazhang forms to use, but I don't teach those yet. They're not as popular or well known, anyways. I do some work with massage and accupressure, on the side. Business is good. It could be better if I had slanted eyes and talked like a fortune cookie, I guess. You know how that goes, I'm sure." She smiles at you softly. "Things have been fairly uneventful here. I've had to take a few trips to check on the health of some of my old masters and their friends."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "My original master has passed. He bequeathed me that dojo I mentioned that burned down a while back. And I am famliar with most of those forms, though I find the more aggressive ones like tae kwon do and kung fu are more stress-releasing and better for the figure." She ponders as she sips the tea. "One of my favorites - sometimes I get a sore throat. I tend to scream a bit too much at times. I do have a bit of a temper."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods, lifting the other cup and sipping quietly. "Yes, your throat looked just a bit tight." She smiles again relaxingly. "I have a preference for soft forms, as you might have guessed. Much more feminine and soothing, and they do become pragmatic if you actually train with them instead of just using them like a meditative dance. Some of the gongs help a lot." She sips again, leaving a comfortable silence for you to continue.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles. "On the other hand, loud noise never bothers me. I do love a gong." She smiles. "So..." She ponders, realizing that she might reveal something she should not. "There is nothing wrong with a meditative dance. Also nothing wrong with beating on a training dummy till you collapse in an exhausted heap."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "I suppose if you like things like that. I like my training to be a bit more focused than either one, myself. My anger doesn't tend to be quite so.. fiery and loud as yours seems to be."

She takes another sip of tea quietly. "I suppose it's there, but I deal with it differently." Though she does have toughened hands, so she's not exactly waving her hands around ALL day, obviously.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles faintly. "Fiery, maybe not. Loud?" She ponders. "Oh, most DEFINITELY. The louder, the better. Justice is loud." She then smiles. "I am wondering. Could you use another sensei? I do feel I could put in a bit of time doing this again - I miss it."

Yin has posed:
Brooke tilts her head. "Maybe. Obviously, I would want to get to know you a bit better; I wouldn't want to find out some horrible and scandalous secret after we already put you on the schedule." She sips and considers a bit. The comment on 'Justice' was blurted out a bit, and she isn't totally sure you meant to say it quite yet. "Crime around here -has- been up a bit. Not quite so much as in places like New York and Gotham, I guess. Have you noticed?"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "Yes, I have noticed." She sighs softly as she stands, pacing back and forth. "Perhaps I have been sitting on my hands far too long..." she mutters softly, shaking her head. "Maybe I wanted a break. A retreat. Just... wanted to play with my flowers for a while in peace and quiet..." She steps to the window and gazes out. "Perhaps it's time to sing once more... silence is not for me."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods and watches. "You use your voice to fight, then?" She stays sitting, and peacefully takes another sip of tea, watching you calmly. She is as always ready to move and react, but that's just a normal and expected set of reflexes for a martial artist at our level.

She mms. "There's no shame in taking time to restore yourself. The kinds of horrors we see out there aren't healed with bandages and stitches."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "And fists." She ponders. "I'm wondering if you have an idea of the other name I am known as..." She sighs softly. "You seem the type that I could possibly confide in." She then ponders, "I won't demontrate said voice - I'd hate to ruin such a lovely dojo."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "I understand. I've been called Yin, before. I keep a low profile, but sometimes people do something especially blatant." She sips again and sets the empty cup down. "Would I be talking to the Black Canary, then? I try to keep a little bit up to date at least."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "You are." She sighs softly. "And I stayed off the streets for a while. Maybe too long. Even told Alpha Flight I needed a time off." She smiles faintly. "I should probably get hold of them and tell them to put me back on active duty... I hate going up to the station..." she mutters. She ponders. "I have a good feeling about you. A kindred spirit, perhaps? I guess that's why I'm opening up to you."

Yin has posed:
With a slow breath, Brooke gently rises to her feet and drifts over to stand nearby. "I suppose so. I'm told I am easy to talk to. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know; I'm a bit of a healer." She hmms. "Nothing as dramatic as making windows explode by saying something mean at them, of course."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles. "Oh, the Canary Cry is... a special thing. I am rather talented with my voice. But... a healer, huh? I think I pulled something in my shoulder yesterday being a bit too aggressive in a punching routine against a training dummy. Might've overexerted myself." She smiles faintly.

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "I saw a bit of that, yes. May I?" She centers herself and looks at the shoulder in question. "Yes, that's some inflammation from strain. You have some extra tension to protect the injury. I can speed that up at least; I wish I could say I could fix everything like a video game cleric, but I don't know if anybody can." She rubs her hands together a bit.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "Very good," she states as she moves to sit down, waiting. "Do what you can. And... what's a video game cleric?" she asks blankly as she waits for your healing touch, taking a few slow deep breaths to center herself.

Yin has posed:
Brooke smiles some, then starts carefully massaging your shoulder, tracing her fingers along the muscle and getting familiar with the area. After a bit, she starts bringing the inflammation down and lining up the chi flows. The muscle gets warm as the blood flow increases to support some dramatically increased healing rates. "I'm going to take most of the pain away, but it still isn't going to be a hundred percent for a little while. I can make it heal faster, but I don't just make injuries vanish instantly." The muscle relaxes. She works on the other side a bit to relax that one to match. "That should help that."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake mmmmmmmmmms softly, her eyes half-lidded as she croons softly, swaying slowly back and forth. "It's greatly appreciated..." She sighs happily. "Healing faster will suffice. And maybe... I can repay this favor one day... but not sure how."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "This is fine. Just let me know if you find anything out, for now." She smiles and steps back. "Maybe introduce me to some of the others at some point. I can always use people to talk to openly."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "How skilled are you?" she asks softly. "Perhaps... you could help clean up Starling." She smiles faintly. "I am always on the lookout for... a fellow that I can fight side by side with. You can fight crime and just be a normal person. I rarely use my... song... in battle."

Yin has posed:
Brooke hmmms. "Well... I don't see myself as anything special." She pulls out her phone and passes it over, set to a video clip of an ambulance camera focusing on a ridiculous army of thugs dressed as ninjas being thrown, taken down, and pushed through the air. "I don't really see it as healthy to brag. But like I said, sometimes people do things that are a bit blatant, and it leaves evidence..." She shrugs a bit.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "Impressive," she muses softly. "I was right to open up to you. I thin you'd make a wonderful vigilante." She smiels faintly. "Will you consider it, at least? We can train together, to get even better. Of course, just between the two of us. I'd never blab your secret."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods, "Sure. And I have been a bit active already. Mostly it doesn't hit the news. You can stop by whenever, I can use all the training I can get." She stretches out a bit. "I don't think either of us are in the mood for anything too horribly active right now. I'm certainly not saying anything."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "Very well. You know the flower shop Sherwood Florist in uptown Starling? That's where I live." She smiles. "Just drop by sometime. I'm there during daylight hours for the most part - though I only run it part time just in case."