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Latest revision as of 16:59, 6 May 2018

Dark Side of the Mind
Date of Scene: 04 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Martian Manhunter, Star Sapphire

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The Dark Side of the Moon is a place where no one can hear you scream, or really bug you for any reason unless you have super cool powers, and generally if that's the case there are far better things to do than bug someone who is up there. This early morning on Earth has the Martian Manhunter on the other side of the moon after the events of escaping the experimentation facility with Black Cat. He's not cut off the link to the two Women in his life, but it is dulled somewhat as the pain of that time is not something he feels enriches their life in any way. For now, J'onn J'onzz stares out away from the Moon and Earth towards the red dot most know as Mars, and ponders what he can do to make sure no others run into a similar sense of helplessness.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Doubtless that it is apparent to the Martian, he has been followed, albeit at a great distance. Star Sapphire cannot or will not shut out that connection, even when there is pain. As J'onn sits in the darkness staring out at the vastness of space, a thought occurs to her that makes her smile. Growing ever closer to the moon, she is encapsulated by a forcefield that protects her, and she passes the moon by, pausing in the dark sky that blankets J'onn.

Without hesitation, she begins creating...the universe. And she begins it with Mars. Careful precision allows her constructs to take shape in dull, shining, or shimmering violet light, and she creates the Earth next. Methodically, she creates, one by one, the objects in the solar system, and then begins to move beyond, painting a nebula here, a star cluster there, as her new universe grows outward. All the while, she maintains radio silence on their connection, save for the nostalgic rush of memory and emotion that this creation carries for her.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
As the first parts of the Violet universe comes into play there is a small crack in the stoic features of the Martian. As each piece is put into play, the feeling of happiness and mirth grows, and eventually as the Solar System is completed there will be small changes to the construct. J'onn's telekinesis manipulates the light, as he had done once before, so that the planets lose the Violet hue, and begin to take on their natural coloring. Reds, Whites, Yellows, Blues, Greens, and all the spectrum of Light begin showing on the construct star has in place.

As the two work in tandem, J'onn reaches out to her mentally as speaking in the vacuum of space is difficult at best, <Ah, my Star. It is good to see you, and to know that no matter how dark the recesses of my mind become you are there to show me the Universe has bright spots as well...> Those red orbs look over to her, taking in her uniform, and a small grin actually surfaces, <And that Beauty should not be hidden behind a veneer of clothing...> Yes, he's teasing her right now.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star smiles as J'onn's thoughts reach her own mind, and the beauty of her constructed universe takes on the intricate hues that nature has generously bestowed, now bestowed by another. <I heard the Moon's dress code was strict. I didn't want to chance being thrown out before I could finish my art.> Her tone is playful, and she drifts toward the Moon slowly, her new universe growing larger in field as she draws closer to J'onn. <There is no amount of suffering that would make me turn away from you. When you suffer, so do I. And the only thing that assuages is drawing closer to you.> She alights close by, and turns to J'onn, her smile soft and comforting.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
<It is so.> J'onn responds with obvious entertainment in his mental voice, a chuckle accompanying his thoughts, <Although there is rumor that some have used this area for more amorous behavior from time to time...> That smile also becoming playful, something missing from the Martian's demeanor the last few days. As the Violet Lantern moves forward, J'onn keeps his place, and that sense of sadness retreats with Star's presence. <I can live with the aspect that I was perhaps too confident to see the trap I was walking into.> J'onn begins to explain to her, still working on her construct as he does, <I worry about what they do to others less capable...> and then a smile in both Mind and Face as he adds, <or with friends that are far more capable than themselves at times.> He shakes his head, adding with a little mental sigh <We will need to make sure they do not continue this abhorrent behavior.>

Star Sapphire has posed:
<I've spoken with Felicia. With your help, when you're ready, we will ensure that they never harm another.> Star smiles at J'onn, tilting her head slightly as she looks around them. <Is it true that out here, no one can hear you scream?> Her tone, too, is playful and inquisitive.