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Latest revision as of 17:22, 6 May 2018

Greenery Lantern
Date of Scene: 18 April 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Cruz)

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince is returning to Manhattan from a trip to Metropolis and the Justice League's Hall. She's airborn with her dark blue robe on over her armored body beneath it and her black hair is whipping around behind her... she'd left the 'jet' back at the Hall for her sister's there to use when they were finished with their sparring matches to get back to the Embassy in New York.

In Central Park, there's a large gathering celebrating a wedding. Two newly weds had tied the knot at Central Park's 'Belvedere Castle' and there was now an after wedding party.

Unfortunately the Bride's ex-boyfriend has made a sudden appearance... and further unfortunately he's used a drug from a strange and secretive laboratory he works at to enhance his physical presence and turn himself into a dangerous rage monster!

A sudden roar tears through the otherwise peaceful wedding party!

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz was watching the wedding, just sitting in the park. She looks like an ordinary woman eating an ordinary hot dog, wearing a gray blouse and skirt. Only one thing calls attention to how very unusual she is a - a small green ring on her right hand. She is a bit wistful, wondering about maybe one day, doing ne as well. Then she hears that roar and sighs. "It's my day off..." she mutters.

She rises up, starting to head in that direction... then thinks better and simply slips behind a tree and in a flash of green light dons the uniform of the Lantern as she floats up just above the tree level, trying to get a birds' eye view of the situation. Then thinks better and CREATES a bird construct to fly around, homing in on that noise. The Lantern mark around her right eye flares, giving her visual of the construct as it flits around like a happy songbird... but gloiwng green.

Wonder Woman has posed:
What the Bird construct finds is a wedding under siege now from a giant bipedal black-skinned creature of some kind. Its all giant masses of muscle ontop of muscle and its roaring loudly as its charging into the wedding party and smashing its way through the tables while the audience/attendees are fleeing for their lives!

A table is picked up high into the air and thrown across the dance floor toward a nearby fountain where it splashes into the water and sends a wave of the liquid over the edges of said fountain, pouring down onto the concrete.

The Rage Monster pounds on its chest and turns to see the Groom hunkered down near the stage is... aka, the man that stole the Rage Monsters girl!

With another loud roar, it charges at the stage and the groom!

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs softly. It's basically like fighting the Hulk. She flies towards it, and her first act is to bind its legs with vine constructs that erupt from the ground. She taps her throat and a mic appears by her mouth. "Everyone - flee! I'll draw his attention!" She hovers in front of the rage monster, creating more vines to bind its arms to the ground, her fist clenched with the strain of trying to contain this beast.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Its not ENTIRELY like fighting the Hulk, however, because when Jessica lands those viney growths on and around the Rage Monster's body, the glossy black beast spins around and his eyes suddenly light up with a firey-heat! With a loud roar jets of red fire launch out from inside the angry jaded lover's head! His shots tear into the vines that Jessica had created around him and on him!

His attention soon leaves the vines though and his Rage Fire Eyes pour the crimson flames up toward Jessica as she's flying by!

Diana, south of Central Park, can 'hear' chaos within it and she turns her blue eyes toward it to see the distant red fire shooting skyward... Wonder Woman's course shifts toward her left and she starts to fly in that direction.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz squawks as the vine constructs are withering, creating a quick shield to block the fire, then dodges, frowning as she considers her options. She creates more vines to hold it down, as she tries to do a scan to figure out what it is. She then sees the groom still cowering. With one final bit of concentratoin, she creates another bird at his shoulder and speaks through it: "You're what this beast wants. Flee!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
The groom is quick to stand up and he looks to that 'thing' that just spoke to him. "I can't!" He shouts, and then points beyond the monster that is being Vined-up by Jessica's ring powers. Over beyond the mess of monster and red fire is the Bride. She's wounded, by debris from the monster's initial chaotic entry to the wedding party! Her leg is busted and she's pushed back against an over-turned food table.

The monster isn't capable of rational thought however, so when the Groom stands up and exposes himself he roars madly and looks away from Jessica to now FIRE BLAST! at the Groom!

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs. "Stay down, stay quiet!" She then creates a construct copy of the groom - two of them and has them run across the monster's field of view to distract him. She then zooms forward to block the fire... but her construct shield was strained and some of the fireblast penetrated and slams into her, knocking her to the ground with a shriek. She sits up, shaking her head. "Crap. Anillo, call for help from any nearby entity that can be of assistance!" It beeps in affirmation as she rises up again. She was multitasking too much - regrowing the vines to keep it in place - she can't block the fireblast sufficiently, and the construct grooms to distract the monster. But even if she gets hurt, she'll try to hold it down till someone comes to help.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The fire that is pushing Jessica to her limits is almost literally licking at her form as her ability to block its being put to the test! But then the two constructions confuse the Mysterious Beastly Man and he looks to blast at them! One by one he torches them with his flames before roaring loudly once more in anger at being tricked!

With a sudden burst of strength he tries to blast at Jessica once more, the terrible woman keeping him from his burning revenge!

From the sky though, Wonder Woman lands with shield and sword drawn. She lands in the path of the fire with her shield held up and extended forward! The fire splashes off of the Amazonian Princess' shield and she crouches low beneath it while looking back to Jessica.

Diana calls out to Jessica, "Here!" And she tosses her her sword! "He's sealed his fate, its for the safety of the people!"

Apparently Diana wants Jessica to use her sword to kill the monster?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "Wonder Woman! You answered my call!" She takes the sword, giving it a few swings. "Yes..." She stops all other lightshows except making even MORE construct vines to bind the monster. She flies over... and... thinks about it. And... she doesn't stab the monster. No. She's no killer. She just swings with the flat of the blade hard at the back of hte head, aiming to knock it out, using all her strength.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's shield is heating up from the fire and it might even be testing the limits of Wonder Woman's ability to withstand such levels of pain, but when the blow comes to the back of the Man-Monster's head, the fire dies off and the man's vine-encased body droops and slumps backward onto the battered and burnt dance floor. He groans loudly, a deep and rumbling groan that vibrates the floor around everyone still present.

Slowly, Diana stands back up and lowers her glowing shield down to her left side. She looks to the monster and stares upon him for a moment before her eyes go up toward Jessica.

Wonder Woman steps over to Jess and extends her right hand to receive her weapon back. "A merciful choice." Diana tells the woman with a nod of respect toward her. "Who... might you be?" Diana asks in her curiously accented voice.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "I was not ready to kill this person," she states, returning the weapon to Wonder Woman. "I am Green Lantern," she states, smiling wryly. Not very helpful, but that's a technically-correct statement while she's in her Lantern outfit, a few Lantern insignia flashing into and out of existence, and her personal fasihon statement, a glowing Lantern around her right eye. "Anillo, analysis," She points her ring at the monster. "Subject is augmented human." She nods. "This..." She sighs. "Do you know the legend of Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde? This thing was human. It had one target. The groom. Either the groom has a price on his head... or it's bad love. But I'm not violet enough to ascertain that." She ponders. "The main question is - can we reverse it? For if we can't, we might have to use that sword." She ponders.

Wonder Woman has posed:
While Jessica is speaking, Diana is taking her sword back and sheathing it once more onto her back along with her cooling-shield. She pulls her lasso free from her hip and is tieing the 'man' up as Jessica explains what his origins may be.

"Fascinating." Diana says then, once she'd finished... the creature is now tied up in a glowing golden rope.

She walks toward Jess then and extends her right gauntleted hand toward her. "I had no idea that there were more Green Lanterns on Earth." She tells the other. "Are you a friend of... the Green Lantern who works with me at the Justice League?"

The Groom has moved toward his wife, and police lights are growing closer, while members of the wedding party are not TOO far away as they watch whats left of the situation, others are rushing toward the authorities for help.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz knows that the monster isn't going anywhere; that lasso's power is legendary. "Yes, him and the one who calls himselmf an artist did some of my early training. I'm... new to the ring." She extends her gloved hand to shake. "It's an honor, Wonder Woman. So..." She ponders. "What do we do with this? We can't let the police take him away..." She paces back and forth a bit.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shakes Jess' hand and then relases it while holding onto the end of the lasso in her right hand. "Well." She replies to the other. "It is good to have another Lantern who is potentially on our side." She tells Jess, showcasing a small smile then for the young woman. "Please, at your earliest convenience, come to the Justice League's Hall in Metropolis, I would very much like a chance to get to know you better and... perhaps get a chance to speak with you and our Green Lantern himself." After the smile fades, Diana looks down to the Man-Monster and then to the police.

"We... have been helping the police with containment options for cases such as this. They are better equipped now than they ever have been. And once he comes too..." Diana looks to the Man-Monster. "I have quite a few questions for him." And she tugs on the lasso a little, tightening it around the creatures contained body.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "That is probably very wise." She states, "I'll bet that this guy was the former boyfriend of the bride... even such a rage-filled transformation would need a SOURCE of rage. Seeing someone else with the girl you like would probably do it. But again, it's just a theory." She ponders. "Anyway. Do you have to leave to take care of this now, or once he is safely contained do you have some time?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana wasn't so sure about the reasoning behind the man's attack, but if she'd done it her way she'd of just ended his life before they could've even asked him any questions. But she was raised as a warrior and he had chosen his pathway to harm others, to cast of peace and love and choose war... she despised that, he could've killed everyone here if hadn't been for Jessica.

"I should help them move him to a safe place and then find a way to safely question him then and there. If you are right, then he certainly has a lot to answer for... as soon as we can figure out how to get out him out of this... mutated form he has taken."

The police officer in charge is approaching the two women, clearly intending to speak with Wonder Woman, the one he knows and recognizes, though he nods to Jessica as well.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods as she greets the police officer, identifying herself as Green Lantern (yes, another one that's a girl) and told him the situation, but sighs as the officer turns to the more famous hero. "I'll drop by the Hall in a few days, once this mess is settled. If you see... your Lantern companion, he can call me as well." She smiles faintly, deciding to stay on to make sure all goes well.