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Revision as of 23:47, 10 May 2018

Egghead (Scenesys ID: 1765)
"A egg-cellent piece of reasoning is smooth and oblong, so it may fit into a scheme, not shape it."
Full Name: Edgar Heed
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: Black Market Financier
Citizenship: American
Residence: Gotham City
Education: New School of Social Research, NYC
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 48 Actual Age: 48
Date of Birth 30 March 1981 Actor: Vincent Price
Height: 6'2" Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair Color: Bald Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Apocalyptica


Edgar Heed was born into a family descended from Typhus survivors, their immune system feature giving them a certain madness that adapted them to the world of unique, unorthodox perspectives in everything they did. Edgar Heed's fascination took to the shape of the egg young, born bald because of his family's genetic mutation that let them survive the outbreak that claimed so many other lives a century before. A genius with deductive reasoning, and a mastermind that prefers 'smooth' schemes based around asymmetric efficiency, his penchant for eggs is only an amusing sideline to his true business. He is an expert at money laundering, computers, and venture capital, making millions in criminal enterprises to hide in chicken coops around the world, by bankrolling the underworld. His lifestyle is quite extravagant, a true philosopher sage of the criminals of Gotham City.



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Edgar Heed has an unusual flair for the dramatic, a quite eccentric criminal, a master of data and finance whose criminal insanity is to his utmost advantage in the field of unorthodox venture capital. His bald head and expressive eyebrows give him the look of a cartoon, with his long, elegant nose and French mustache above a pair of English tutor's lips. His whole frame is quite narrow, fitting into the long gold cape he wears about his shoulders that rises around his ears and neck with a prince's collar. He wears a white playboy's suit with gold buttons and a scarf about his thin neck, a pair of loose silk white pants draping decadently down his legs to his white and gold shoes.


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A Genovese silk weaver named Marius lived in a trade city on the Caspian Sea in East Asia, which was under assault by the Mongol Horde. As the Black Plague overtook the Mongols, saving the residents, they launched their dead over the walls with catapults, spreading the pestilence to those inside the city. A single boat made it back, with a member of the early League of Assassins using remedies and salves and arcane treatments on Marius to keep him alive throughout the fever. Once he returned to Italy, cured, he brought the news of the miracle to the Church in the town, only to see the Black Plague spread to Europe. Without knowing it, he was an experiment by Ra's al-Ghul - they would call men and women like him by an evil name, a Typhoid Mary.

Edgar Heed, Marius' descendent, was born in Gotham City, his father an art dealer, the son of an Italian courtesan that had informed on the Sicilian Mafia and come to America under an assumed alias, given a new life. Edgar Heed was born bald, with lithe limbs and a narrow build, his face like living putty and his mood always bright, even when savage. He was a clear target for bullying in Gotham City, and each of them knew their mistake some how, some way, within hours of toying with him. By high school, Edgar Heed was left to his own devices and his own intrigues, running a non-cash gambling parlor with his friends, competing with them over marks and honors to teach them games of his own devising for future skills. By graduation, he had created an entire batch of talented sharks, who he would use as his personal network of close confidants in later years.

Edgar Heed attended the New School for Social Research in New York City, majoring in Business and Management while picking up a computer sciences education working for the local computer laboratory as an administrator and mobile technician. He saw the business school as the most pleasing major to his taste for asymmetric efficiency, and the work as a computer jock the doorway into the campus intelligentsia. He invented a new game, now, a fixer for local campus businessmen, bringing together people with need, people with money, people with skills, people with plans, and bon vivantes, the people with need the client, the people with money the backer, the people with skills the minions, the people with plans the brains, and the bon vivantes the social cover.

He contemplated his growing power as he graduated with high honors, his fastidious lifestyle of protein and chicken having given him a quite attractive form to himself. But many conformists, who he quite well understood were those that would lead the future generations with their understanding of social engineering, did not like him because of his need to rebel, and his body's unusual form made him an easy target of derision from the less controlled among their ilk. The name 'Egghead' he chose to apply to himself, by tricking an enemy in his court into claiming credit for his own joke after an egg pun, and then it spread. To Egghead, they had all cheated a moral test of his own making, having failed in their duty as chaperones of society. They had applied a crude name that pushed him into crime. To Egghead, it was a matter of promise, test, and consequence.


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Edgar Heed is eccentric, garish, stylistic, and eternally addicted to flair. Although easy to mistake as flamboyantly homosexual, he instead cultivates the air of a classic supervillain in an effort to repel the rivalries of the macho men in the industry of crime, and instead compensate for his failings with physical intimidation with arts, subtlety, and non-threatening jokes to make him seem childlike, knowing the proclivities of most Mafiaso and the realities of things like prison and psychiatric care. Edgar Heed's taste in women is actually that of painters, knowing that his odd form and dress is an attraction to them, as are his fondness for egg puns - what artist doesn't like a falsely pretentious man that has put together his own canvas?

Egghead organizes his systems as oblong, smooth edged, inorganic pieces of reasoning that are placed into structural units that are designed as the principal actions of the crime. For example, he might take a naval shipment full of limpet mines, a group of ninja assassins, and a set of electronics meant to quietly hijack the boat away from a harbor master, and set up the heist around those elements. Each element is efficient and unusual, an egg, with the actual structure and plan obeying any shape or form that Egghead requires.

Egghead believes in the system of a promise, test, and consequence. He will offer the promise of a consequence, place the test into shape marked by the consequence, and if the test is failed, the consequence will be carried out. These tricks are shaped by the entire sequence in reverse - the promise is the consequence, and the action of the failing the test is fulfilling the promise. For example, he will trick a social malignant in a circle of authority figures into stealing a piece of criminal wisdom, that then marks the authority figures as corrupt, with the manner of criminal wisdom openly marked. A mere test of temptation, the deviled egg.


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Egghead has a genius intelligence, particularly in the areas of deduction and spatial reasoning. This assists him with finance, mathematics, logic, computers, telecommunications, and encryption ciphers.


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Egghead is very skilled with banking and accounting, and can hide money with superb skill.

Egghead is a master of encryption and decryption with codes, ciphers, and games.

Egghead is a marvelous security engineer for computer hardware and software.

Edgar is a master of logic and deduction, particularly with puzzles that do not involve traditional paradigms.

Egghead knows finance very well, and knows how to fund, advertise, or liquidate a venture in various methods.

Egghead is quite skilled with satellite, hardline, and wireless telecommunications.

Egghead knows how to evaluate the profitability and risk of a business in statistical terms, particularly criminal enterprise and black markets.


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Egghead has financed many jobs in the underworld, and has a rolodex of criminal contacts from around the world in an encoded ledger designed for his gene deformity's mental reasoning process.

Egghead has a lavish mansion in Gotham City, for entertaining, with a small entourage of servants and dilettantes in the arts community.

Egghead has a network of investors, accountants, lawyers, and other professionals that he's built over the years, their positions ranging from legitimate business to criminal enterprise, even government positions. He has friendly relationships with all of them, and does his best to keep up appearances.

Edgar is worth several million dollars in available funds, and has small caches of tens of thousands of dollars hidden around the world in safe accounts should he ever require flight.


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Egghead is obsessed with arcane methodology, and can never make a scheme that involves a direct path.

Egghead has rapid, eccentric thoughts, and often annoys others.

Egghead is lazy, and dislikes manual labor.

Egghead sides against the common authority out of subconscious counter-rejection due to his unusual mental state.

Egghead is in a dangerous business without much of an ability to fight.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Germination: A new Player July 10th, 2018 Lex Luthor makes a move, contracting a number of individuals to kidnap a mutant 'asset'.
Hunting for a Gorilla Egg June 16th, 2018 Summary needed
Counting Chicken Eggs June 14th, 2018 Summary needed
After the goods June 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Mall caper, over-easy June 9th, 2018 Inexperienced newbie heroes and Kaelyn deal with hacking thugs.
An Eggsclusive Meeting May 15th, 2018 Summary needed


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