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(Mystique & Gambit meet. Sort of.)
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Latest revision as of 03:22, 1 August 2017

The Chefs Are In Hell's Kitchen
Date of Scene: 31 July 2017
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Mystique & Gambit meet. Sort of.
Cast of Characters: Mystique, Gambit

Mystique has posed:
    One of Mystique's marks had retreated to Hell's Kitchen, a sordid man, with a sordid past, one of which is not just selling children into slavery, but mutants, too. She had tracked him here, and found the apartment empty. But his hard drive, with a list of names, locations, known associates, buyers, and bank account numbers had been convienently left in the safe behind the false wall in the wall safe that had been wallpapered over behind a painting. And, Mystique had managed to nick it.
    She is presently in a suit of all-black leather, her face dark-skinned, and wearing a domino mask, a short of dark short-cropped hair above her head. She drops out of the window, landing near-silently onto the alleyway below off of the fire escape without triggering the ladder down.

Gambit has posed:
The smoke from his escape a few moments ago lingers in the air and the explosion that rocked the area mere minutes ago seems to have caused the city to end up being even quieter than usual.

A black SUV crawls past the alley Raven is in, the driver obviously looking for someone, as a bright light aims down the alley and a small reflection off Mystique's eyes gives the driver something to investigate.

The car halts and slowly turns into the alley a tight fit, but the driver squeezes the large vehicle down the path.

"C'mere ya little mutant freak." The gangster mumbles to himself feeling awfully safe.

Mystique has posed:
    The hard drive has already been neatly tucked and snugged into Mystique's clothes and the clothes shapeshifted in a fashion to hide it's presence. She flattens herself against the alley wall, her eyes, fully human looking and a dark brown, look towards the source of the sound and the SUV.
    Most would assume that such a word, when one is a mutant, that said hunter is hunting them. Not Mystique. She knows how good she is. Which means there's someone else in the alleyway. Alert eyes move down, then up the alley slowly, looking for another human shape besides the encroaching individual.

Gambit has posed:
Above Mystique a single figure does hop from the roof onto the fire escape and starts to decend, a large shadowed figure wearing a long jacket, a duster. Kind of a give away that. He needs something more sneaky if he's gonna sneak. Someone should tell him, or at least remind Remy.

Several floors below the vehicle continues to creep into the tight alley, crushing a trash bin between the passenger side and the building, an awful scrapping sound screeching through the narrow way.

The driver's eyes continue to scan out of the windows for a human shaped figure to dance past the head lights. "C'mooon. Where are you, fucker." He says in a whisper, not that his words could be heard through the thick glass anyways.

Mystique has posed:
    And, seeing that familiar shape, and movement style, Mystique considers, briefly, letting the driver find him. Perhaps playing the part of a hurt, young girl, abused and broken and pointing at Remy.
    But, the fact he's a mutant hater? That wins out. Suddenly she steps out, in front of the van, a human shape, dark, and she slams her hands, hard, into the grill of the van and then fakes a dive, forcing a horrible gash in her head to show fake blood, as she sprawls onto the alley floor. An opossum, laying in wait for the man to take the trap.

Gambit has posed:
At the loud sound, Remy peeks over the side and looks down and gasps. "Oh, no. No, no, no." He pleads to no one while looking down and watching the driver stop and slowly climb out of the car, squeezing with the door just opened enough to not hit the brick.

Remy stays up high where he is but is doing something stupid as the two would hear the driver walk around to the front and sigh. "Shit man." Before he draws something from his jacket and the sound of a round beind chambered clacks through the alley.

"Nonono." Remy says urgently before he climbs over the rail and holding on, he lets go and drops to the next level before doing it again and again, and then finally lands on top of the car.

"Ah t'ink you was lookin' fo' me."

Mystique has posed:
    The dark cat-burglar, who is, but looks nothing like Mystique whips a leg out to slam into the back of the man's knee, hard, fast sharp. And on his descent, she's already flowing upwards into a smooth, practiced motion to wrest the gun away from him by grabbing his wrist as it flings out to find purchase and twist it. The gun, suddenly, is in her hands and pointed right at the man's head. Her accent is a deep, lovely French. "Now, then. Tell me," she says, quietly in that luxurious tone that suggests English is most decidedly her second language, "What you want to do with the mutant," she asks and implores, "And, be precise. This is for posterity, afterall."

Gambit has posed:
"He's aftah dis." Remy says, holding out in is hand between two fingers and thumb, a small tablet that he shakes slightly in the air, showing it off before tucking it back into his jacket pocket against his chest.

The man groans in pain as he hold his wrist limply and stands up slowly, his eyes a burning hatred for Raven and Gambit even deeper.

"It's boss's tablet, and if he don't get it back. He'll -- He'll... I don't know what he'll do to me and Greg, but it wont be good." The man says, holding his hand agaisnt his chest, massaging the pain out with his fingers, his eyes ending on Remy.

Remy steps forward off the roof and onto the engine, the metal buckling and groaning under his weight. The thief crouches down and then points at the masked woman. "Tell 'er, she's de one wit' yo gun."

Mystique has posed:
    "What's on the tablet?" Curiousity. Mystique had a lot of it. And, information, afterall, was a currency that never went out of style or lost value. She steps on the instep of the man's foot, shifting her mass so her weight is even heavier, applying a terrible amount of pressure on his foot.
    The cold steel of the muzzle of the gun presses against the man's temple. "And, who is your boss?"

Gambit has posed:
"I don't know! It's the boss's he doesn't let us look at it." The man says, turning towards Raven and stands up before she steps on him and he groans before trying to push her off of him with a shove. "I just know he uses it a lot after a shipment goes through. Probably some kind of ledger or soemthing! I don't know!"

Remy remains silent, watching this unfold, curious about this unknown masked woman, but he's just watching, squatted down on the hood of the large SUV.

Mystique has posed:
    Perhaps it's because Mystique wishes him to report this. Maybe she wishes to watch his boss do something terrible to him. Maybe she doesn't want to attract more attention by the sound of unsilenced gunfire. The butt of the gun swiftly cracks down on the back of the brute's head, and she pockets the gun into her waistband. Another, for the collection. Or, maybe to frame him later on in something worse.
    She kicks his unconscious body, then stoops to frisk his pockets, with a casual, indifferent air. "You need practice," she says, commenting sidelong to Remy, slightly amused. "They're not supposed to notice it missing unti you're home, and in bed."

Gambit has posed:
"Dey caught me red handed. Didn' expect dem to walk in so late at night wit' mah hand on de device." Remy says as he slides off the front of the car and smirks his cheesy lopsided grin at Raven.

"Ah been tryin' t' turn ovah a new leaf, clean up mah act a bit, but sometimes, dese guys need t' be reminded dat dey ain't doin' de right t'in'." Gambit stoops over after she's done pilfering the gangster and pulls him back away from the car, dragging the man several feet, roughly twenty before dropping him back down.

Mystique has posed:
    "I've heard of you," the dark skinned woman in black leather tells Remy, "You're good." She makes no mention of who she is. She tilts her head, casually, thoughtfully. "Turning over a new leaf? That sounds terribly uninteresting. And, unrewarding."
    Her eyes, interested, flick towrards where Remy stored the tablet. "And just what is so vaulable on that, that they'd kill for it?"

Gambit has posed:
"Like he said. It's a ledger of some kind." Remy says, looking down at his chest/the device and shrugging his shoulders. "If ya 'eard o' me, ah can't be dat good." Remy winks and slowly pulls out a single playing card, turning it over between his fingers for a moment before motioning Raven closer to him, subtly getting her out of the way of danger.

"Ah plan to find out who 'e's been dealin' wit' and make dem pay for de crimes dey're committin'." Remy notes before looking closer at the masked eyes. "An' 'ho are you?"

Mystique has posed:
    "You can call me," murmurs the woman in a deep french accent, "Ebony." It is likely not her name, but, it's good enough for now. Warm caramel-colored fingers touch Remy's cheek, smoothly, playing at seduction, and affection. "Keep your secrets, then. But, use them well. You only get one chance at it," she warns, in a half playful, half warning tone. She looks down at the man they dispatched, suggests, "I'd say you don't have very long, before they begin to put a bounty on your head."

Gambit has posed:
"Ebony." Remy says softly, his eyes drinking in Raven's disguised form. "Ah will keep mah secrets, and don'chu worry 'bout dat. Wont be mah first, won't be mah last." He says before tapping the card against his cheek, "Y'know, Ah might have a couple on me now."

The X-man shrugs and then with a flick of the wrist he throws the card, spinning through the air and just up under the suv where a confined purple explosion causes the rear of the thing to lift off the ground and flip slowly over it's front end until the entire vehicle is upside down.

"Aight. I t'ink dat's good enough."

Mystique has posed:
    "Quite effective. And," voices Mystique-who-is-Ebony, with a mild measure of impressed air about herself, even as she steps back, "Very illuminating." She begins to turn, and walk away without any hint as to why she was there, herself. It has provided, however, some insight into the man he's heard Rogue will be marrying, and that will require further evaluation.
    "Perhaps we'll see each other again, mon ami," she states warmly, looking behind herself as she walks away, before the police sirens can even be heard. She blows him a kiss, then, doesn't look back again.