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Latest revision as of 06:11, 19 May 2018

Needing to Talk (not Yell)
Date of Scene: 21 April 2018
Location: Hell's Kitchen, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Claire Temple

Daredevil has posed:
After the meeting with Ms. Lopez, Matt fired off two texts, one to Elektra, telling her, that if she could slip away they needed to talk. The second went to Claire, saying he needed to talk as well, though his latter offer included beer and delivering legal documents to her about the clinic.

Then he gathered up the documents, locked up the tape and then headed out to Al's Convenience store to get a sixer of beer, even if Claire was busy, given how the day had gone, he was sure he could use the beer.

Claire Temple has posed:
/Beer's an excellent offering, Saint Matthew./ Claire texts back with a snort. She tosses her phone onto the couch cushion and stretches her arms above her head, one before the other. "Beer's the minimum Matt should be bringing," she mutters as she rubs her sleeve over the gauze on her arm.

She shuts off the television and moves the remote and her cell phone to the top of the television, then pads off to the kitchen to prepare a decent repast of pretzels to accompany the beer.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles when his phone reads him the text and paying for the beer he heads up to Claire's apartment beer tucked under one arm. Arriving, he knocks on the door three times then waits to be let inside. Still turning over, the tape and all the other things on his mind.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire has the bowl of pretzels in her hand when she opens the door. "Full service delivery is always good," she cracks as she steps aside to allow Matt into her apartment.

She shuts the door behind him and gestures to the coffee table and sofa with a rattling bowl of salt and hard-baked dough. "Not all the time you feel a need to bring alcohol, though," she says.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can hear and smell the pretzels and smiles. "Good combo," he remarks of those and the beer as he heads into her place. "And most of the times I come here I've lost too much blood for beer," he smiles as he sets down the six pack on the table and sits down on the couch. It was nice not to be bleeding on it. "Speaking of, how's your arm?" he asks, his troubles, for the moment, can wait.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire rolls up her t-shirt sleeve and peels away the gauze cover. She's been religious about keeping the wound covered this whole time after having a near snag a little over a week after the stitches went in. She hums as she taps the skin around the wound. "Itches, but it's healing all right. These damn things need out," she says.

She tugs a beer out of the six pack and offers it to Matt as she pulls out another for herself. "Here's to not bleeding on the couch," she says, hoisting the beer in salute.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's senses don't give him any hint of fresh blood or anything else worrying and the tiny little sounds of the stitches pulling suggest they're still tight. "Well, I can help with that," he says of removing the stiches. "Trust me?" he asks with a smile.

He takes the offered beer and raises it to Claire. "I'll drink to that," he says cracking the beer and taking a healthy swig before he says, "Though I do have other problems," he says with a knowing look, as though he expects some eyerolling any minute now.

"Someone came to my office with a tape, one that she says shows Daredevil killing someone with a gun," he says, letting the insanity of that statement sink in.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire sighs. "Swabs and a small kit are in the end table to your left," she says. She tucks the sleeve fabric into a loose roll to keep it out of Matt's way... and she has to see this. "Didn't think you had too many opportunities to try this part," she says in a dry voice.

Claire stays quiet for a few moments to consider Matt's 'other problems.' "How'd they know to come to you?" she asks. "First off, sounds like your cover's shot."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods moving to go collect the kit. "Did it for Elektra," he says of his experience at removing stitches. "And a couple times for my Dad."

He cleans his hands first, then starts sorting through the kit getting a sense of what he had to work with.

He shakes his head. "That's the weird thing, I didn't get a sense she knew who I was, but I have to admit her showing up to my door of all the places she could go to, sort of stretches belief," he says. "Though, if that is someone's play, bring the tape to me, tell me about it, what's the end game? See if I destroy it and incriminate myself? I don't know. Besides, if those guys from the other night put two and two together, why bother with this tape, why not come at me directly again?"

He lets out a breath. "Though, got to admit, I'm a little worried."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Maybe they just want you to know they're watching you," Claire says with a shrug. "That's almost worse. Here, we made this video, and we'll put it out there whenever we want..." She shakes her head. "Not everyone does the direct thing, y'know."

"Ready when you are," she says, pulling a swab of her own to remove bits of gauze fuzz from around the sutures. "Face it, there are plenty of places out there better equipped to take a video like that. If they found you for it, and you're not even a prosecuting attorney to begin with..."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt almost scrubs his hands over his face in frustration but catches himself before he has to clean his hands again. He pulls on some gloves instead. "It should have gone to the DA's office, but I got the sense she didn't know where best to take it," he says. "All the pieces don't quite fit, but you're right, best to assume someone is sending a message with this," he takes a breath and thinks it over. He needed to talk to Elektra about this, she'd know more about the men who attacked them the other night and if this was something they'd do. Though with Claire he shares, "I guess I am going to have to look up this Maya Lopez and find out more about what she's about and this so-called murder I'm involved in."

As he says that, he gets to work, feeling along the stiches to get a sense of them before setting about snipping the first one.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire watches Matt snip the first suture and relaxes. He meant it when he said he knew what he was doing, she realizes as she works the swab in a little deeply at the opposite end of the wound. She's debriding the stitches before they're removed, of course. She knows better than to scratch or to use counterirritants.

"I guess it all fits somehow," she says with a sigh. "They're just really weird pieces. Definitely want to do your research before you suit up and go anywhere." She pauses in thought. "Might be worth calling up someone to back you up, maybe even someone who can record their own evidence." She stops there, thinking of names she'd rather not bring up.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt knows his way around stitches alright, and he does do a careful job, especially for a man literally feeling his way through it. Still he does joke, "You might want to drink a bit more of that beer, it's all I've got for painkillers," he says, though this being Claire's he was sure there were all sorts around anyhow.

He nods. "Yeah, probably best if I stay Matt Murdock for the next few days until this gets sorted out. And who were you thinking of backup?" he asks. Most of his friends weren't the rooftop set, except Spider-man and they'd kept that association fairly low key.

Claire Temple has posed:
"You don't snip that scar, we'll get along just fine," Claire says as she takes a drag from the recommended painkiller. "And I guess the beer works better than the meditation, huh...?"

"Stay Matt Murdock and watch what's going on in the neighborhood," she confirms while she shrugs her other shoulder. "Before you two broke up, I'd've suggested Elektra, because she's got people with the resources..." She trails off. Resources, sure, great. "Now I'd suggest Jess, because she's good with a camera. Better than you or me," she adds with a snort. She takes another sip of beer and looks intently at the corner of her coffee table.

Daredevil has posed:
"Which scar?" Matt jokes playing the blind man for the laugh. "And don't knock the meditation thing until you try it," he says. "Not that I'm hoping you have much use for it, but if you want to learn sometime, I can teach you."

"Was thinking of getting word to Elektra anyhow, for her contacts, just to see if knows anyone who can tell me more about all of this. Still at the thinking of it stage though." The mention of Jess gets a nod. "Might work, if she'll do it, not sure if she's over wanting to punch me for the thing upstate."

Claire Temple has posed:
"What, you seeing double, Murdock?" Claire asks, looking down at her arm and back up at Matt for emphasis. These things come out a lot more easily than they go in, she notes to herself as she counts the stitches remaining. "Someday it would be good to learn, but... ah, maybe not under duress," she says.

"Planning on visiting those contacts in uniform?" she asks, restraining herself from sarcasm. "How much is Daredevil already on their radar, you think? At least with Jess, once she's done getting in her swings at you, you don't need to worry about getting stabbed in the back. Or getting hacked with a katana."

Daredevil has posed:
"Technically? Yes," Matt answers as he snips another stitch. He moves to the tweezers to remove it. "Double nothing is still nothing, right?" he says with a grin. That stitch done he moves on to the next.

"Well, was thinking of visiting Elektra out of uniform, or, at least calling her and then let her talk to her contacts," Matt explains with a slight smile at the bit about Jess. "Well if someone gave her a katana, maybe," he says. "Anyhow, I'll need to talk to Jess anyhow, got to run down this Lopez and she's probably going to be quicker at it than I am."

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire snickers at the blind joke. "The math doesn't lie," she says with a smile.

"I just hope Elektra's contacts don't turn around and come after you. You don't need that shit," she says. "Not that anyone does. They don't exactly sound like the local community service club." She sips her beer. "Yeah, you'll need the research Jess can do. If you're lucky, she'll pass it all off to Malcolm," she says. "There's no way she just came out of nowhere."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods, moving on to the next stitch and removing it before saying more.

"I dunno, I trust Elektra to be subtle, besides doesn't do her much good to be dropping my name either, this Lopez person, her name, if she's dirty, that's another matter."

There's a smile, "What? You're saying Malcolm's better than Jess? You better not let her hear that."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Well, if Malcolm has to deliver results on paper, he won't punch you at hello," Claire says. "Now, if Jess has to send something your way..."

Claire takes a deep breath and flexes her fingers. "I don't know just what kind of circles Elektra's contacts are in, and I don't know how they'll relate to anything you're doing, but." She sighs. "Me fussing won't change any of it. I know better," she says, her voice dry. "Just be careful," she says, slinging Matt a look.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles as he cocks his head, "Good selling point," he says about the punching or lack of punching between investigators.

"Last one," Matt says moving on to the last stitch.

Matt doesn't remark on Elektra's contacts and the circles they run in its safer that way, but he does make short work of that final stitch and so is handing her a little bit of alcohol soaked gauze for clean up when she throws him that look. His attention flicks to her, "I will," he says sounding like he means it. "I promise."

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire gratefully accepts the alcohol swab and starts trying to squeeze the alcohol into the pinholes from which the stitches have been pulled. She's being very responsible about it, because it's what's keeping the site from becoming infected, or that's what she tells herself. Feels better, though, she decides as she nods a few times to accept Matt's claim.

"I believe you," she says after a few beats. She screws up her face and moves on to other things. "You mentioned something about paperwork for the clinic?" she asks, voice trailing off. "Please tell me that doesn't also call for beer."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's attention lingers a moment or two, then he turns to the coffee table to produce the documents, "Only to celebrate," he says. "These might just be the last papers that you need to sign before opening," he says as he hands them over. "Let me get this stuff cleaned up," he nods to the kit. "Then I'll walk you through them."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Oh, wow," Claire says. "Yeah, I could definitely see the beer then." She throws away the alcohol swab and quickly wipes her fingertips twice against the side seams on her jeans to dry them. "Here, let me..." she says as she closes the kit and holds out her hand for the scissors and forceps. "Wow. It's really happening," she says.