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Latest revision as of 01:49, 4 June 2018

The Office - WAND Style
Date of Scene: 29 April 2018
Location: Triskelion
Synopsis: Because we're the two best friends that anyone could have!
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Danger Girl

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has invited Abbey over to the Shield Triskelion HQ in Manhattan to confer about a job coming up, a job with Doctor Strange. She wasn't sure if Abbey was at all familiar with who the Doctor even was, so she may as well prepare her incase she wasn't. Being around Strange generally meant that crazy stuff was soon to follow.

So here they are, stepping into Lara's Office in the WAND section of the massive compound. Its a simple office with a desk and some storage, with some of Lara's ger and supplies on a shelf.

"Welcome to my quiet place." Lara says with a bit of sarcasm in her English-accented voice as she leads the other inside. "Nothing fancy, not quite like my father's study back home was once upon a time."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase had never been to SHIELD offices before. Like most, she'd only heard stories or media reports that made it seem much like the FBI or CIA. That it was largely a cubicle farm was kind of amusing. Though not so much for the animals in the cubes. As it were.

Entering Lara's office she looked to her peer and friend with a smile. "Well it's nice and homey feeling.. at least it's not one of the cubbies out there, right?" She grins.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara lightly laughs at the woman's words. "I was out there for a good while. When I first joined on they had a cubicle for me setup in the corner, and I rather liked it really... it felt more apart of the goings-on of the area out there, but yes, this has offered a lot more in the way of quiet study and a greater level of concentration."

Lara moves around her desk and she sits down on the edge of a chair to open her laptop up. "Are you ready for a rather Strange expedition with me, Abbey?" Lara prefaces the conversation, showing a small smile.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase shakes her head, "I can't see you being the cubicle farm type, Lara. But that's just me." She moves to sit. "You mean.. like our last one with Thor? Hotty of Thunder? That strange expedition?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara laughs a little again, perched on the edge of her chair with her back straight. "This office area is a lot different than say... something like a bank. Just the other day I had a conversation with Frankenstein. The -real- Frankenstein. He works here, in his very own cubicle..."

Lara's hands come up and she holds them together in front of her chin and smiles past them to Abbey. "Thor's rather great, isn't he?" She says. "I helped him recover a couple of his lost artifacts here on Earth. I hope they're serving him well again. But yes, Doctor Strange, more specifically."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase laughs. "Oh, wow. The office Halloween party every year is -amazing-..." She grins, running her hand through her bobbed hair to brush it from her cheek. "Well it was." She frowns, looking up at the ceiling, "What -was- it last time?" She screws up her face in consideration before musing aloud, "... interesting? It was certainly interesting. Crazy? It was that, too. Somehow very close to terrifying beyond all ability for rational thought?" She looks back to Lara, "It was -definitely- that!"

She sits back and grins, "So. When are we leaving?" It would seem the items on that short list were not detractions from her last experience nor will they stop her from signing on again.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara leans back in her chair then and releases a light exhale, shakes her head side to side. "Strange is still gathering information... So I'm not sure. I went to his house but he wasn't home or wasn't interested in guests, so if he takes too long I may just move without him, but I hope not to do that. I would like to have him and his abilities along with us on this, you saw how awful it was. We were under prepared but I think we can make it work going forward."

Lara then shows a slight smile. "But yes, Halloween here is quite unique... Last year I was sent to Sleepy Hollow, which I hadn't realized is so close to here. I ran into a man there, fighting with a few other men, and... well, I think they were attacked by the Headless Horseman." Lara laughs softly and shakes her head. "Either that or I've gone completely mad."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase pauses. "Well. Not completely." Mad that is.

Flashing a grin, she nods, "But yes. It wasn't the sort of expedition I'm used to going on. Being shot at? Fighting with Rent-a-Thugs? Trying to keep one step ahead of government agents without ethics, morals, or senses of responsibility to the people they're supposed to be protecting? Sure. That's just regular business. This supernatural stuff? It's all still a bit new to me."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows a quick and faint grin at the first part and then stares at Abbey while she says the rest. "I understand entirely." She tells her. "I never knew we lived in a world where the paranormal was so... very much 'right there' in front of us, if we just knew precisely where to look and how to find it. Since taking this job here, I've learned so much about it all. Things I never thought I'd learn, but I believe its helped me. If I knew the things I know now, when I was first starting out? Things would be quite different." Lara shows a quick smile then before she leans forward on the desk, forearms crossed.

"You don't have to come on these either, I just trust you and admire your input. You're capable, strong and smart. Thats why I enjoy having you along for these wild adventures."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase nods. "I agree. There is a lot out there we just don't understand. And probably more we don't know about."

She crosses her arms at the offered out, "Lara Croft. You don't get to try and talk me out of this!" she declares. "But thank you for offering an exit if I wanted it. I don't. Just to be clear. Whenever the next expedition is ready let me know and I'll gladly be there too."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is quick to show a grin. "Well I just know how unsettling some of this is. But yes, I won't speak of it again. You're stuck with us now." Lara releases a light exhale and she glances toward the door to her office. "I can have some food sent here, or we can go down to the lounge to eat there, if you'd like? I know SHIELD's palce is a bit... intimidating, at first, and that does take awhile to go away, admittedly. There's a lot of powerful people located here and they do a lot of... big stuff. I've gone on some of their missions, they're quite an experience."

Lara grins at the other woman then. "I'm not trying to recruit you, so don't fear."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase nods knowingly. "I'm aware of how dealing with government organizations tends to work. I guess I'll find out some day how long I've been indentured for.." a grin.

"Food. Yes. That sounds really good. I don't mind getting to see some of the facility. Not like I'm going to get to walk into someone's nuclear reactor lab or something.."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara leads Abbey through the Triskelion, since she has a Guest pass she can be taken to the public facilities where guests are permitted, which includes the athletics and recreation level where the food court is located. Once inside it they have a very wide selection of foods to choose from as the staff in the kitchen at the Trisk is extensive in what they provide to the members of SHIELD.

Lara, having gotten some chicken salad sits down at a table with a bottle of water. She looks over the table to Abbey and flashes her friend a grin. "My favorite part of this place is its athletics area. They have a massive rock wall that can be reconfigured with a voice command, so its forever a different climbing experience. Varying in difficulty and level based on your experience. Its quite fun to scale it in moments and watch the low level agents gawk in confusion."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase looks around as the trek from Lara's office to the cafeteria is completed. "It really is bigger on the inside than the outside, isn't it?" she jokes. She looks around the stations for food. "Anything from Everywhere? Is that even a food group?" she wonders with a laugh. Wandering over to get herself a bowl of Thai noodles with peanut sauce and grilled chicken, she returns to join Lara.

Settling at the table she listens to the trick. "I can completely see you doing that!" Shaking her head, she takes a bite then asks, "By the way. How has the renovation of your family's Manor been coming since I was over there visiting? It's been a while.."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara cannot help but grin at Abbey's words and then release a very light laugh (she rarely ever fully laughs). Her eyes glance away down to her food and then she takes a sip of her water before she nods her head once. "They've repaired the roof, they've fixed the windows and they've completed the work on the western wing... my mother's quarters. I've given her art work that was stored in there to a museum back home, and they're restoring it and want to make an exhibit of it, all just her work. Its... I feel that she would've both loved that, and hated it. The nerves of having others look at her art would've been a lot for her to bare."

Lara didn't thinka bout her mother too much, and that alone made her sad. She was starting to forget her, her voice and face. With another shake of her head she exhales sharply. "I should donate the home to some charity. Its just... difficult to let go of the memories."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase smiles but it becomes more understanding than happy as the work is detailed but the affect it has on Lara also becomes clear.

"You don't have to do anything with it if you don't want to, Lara. Restoring it is good, obviously. But if you can't bring yourself to live there any more? You don't have to. But it doesn't mean you have to give it away or sell it, either. One day you might find that you can finally be at peace with the memories and future of living there."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara sips her water and stares across the table toward Abbey while she speaks. A moment later and she's setting the bottle down and smiling faintly as she looks downward again. "You're right." She replies, then draws in a breath of air between her lips. "Thank you." She adds, glancing back up at the other. "I was certainly happy to find my legal ownership of the grounds, the look on my uncle's face was priceless when he realized I wasn't going to yield ownership of it to him. He wanted it to just gloat at parties with. Hold it up over his rich socialite friends that he had 'Croft Manor' and that he'd use it as his 'newest summer home'."

A smirk is shown then. "He even hired men to try to chase me out, to make me think the place was haunted. The son of a bitch. He's lucky I didn't kill those he hired... I had every legal right to do so. And he underestimated me, and what I'm capable of."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase smiles. "Sometimes I am. It amazes me." Being right. She's joking of course. She eats her lunch while listening to Lara explain. A frown deepens. "Family that turns on itself is terrible. It isn't but it should be a crime of itself." She then nods. "You're stronger than many realize. Even, sometimes, yourself, Lara." She grins though, "He'll never try to cross you again, I'd imagine."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara flashes a quick smile at these words. "He better not." She replies quietly after taking a small bite of her own food. After a sip of her water she looks over to Abbey and grins more boldly. "I'll send you after him next time if he ever does. He wouldn't know what hit him." With another little nod, Lara glances toward the exit of the food court when a large group of individuals are making their way out, some kind of a team it would appear.

"AFter this, I'll take you to the gun range here. Their tech in this facility allows them to create full holographic displays of people and enemies to fire on. Its quite remarkable. I've certainly enjoyed the practice that it yields. One of the major benefits of being at this facility, its resources are seemingly limitless.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase grins. "I'm pretty sure he wouldn't. But it probably wouldn't be very nice of you to do that." She grins all the more evilly. "I love it."

She perks up, "Gun range huh? That does sound very impressive. But.. this is starting to sound more like a recruitment trip than a visit to talk over our next working vacation.."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara laughs and shakes her head side to side adamently. "I swear it is not. I know that this whole thing is the epitome of what you don't care for. I thought that it was that way for me too, but when Fury recruited me... he sold me on the idea of how many doors this would in fact open up for my 'line of work' as he referred to it." She shows a light grin.

Lara shakes her head and looks back down at her food. "I just know that you enjoy firing weapons as much as I do. So we have to go past the gun range before you leave, so you can see what you're missing by not being here full time." She looks up and smiles all sly. "Not a recruitment."