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Latest revision as of 02:26, 4 June 2018

Team Selection
Date of Scene: 07 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Tony and Drake chat about who they'd have on their Paintball teams.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Slipstream

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony leans on the edge of one of the tables, almost sitting on it but not quite, attention in his device, as is often the case for any number of people that are waiting for something, but particularly so for Stark. He's not suited up by any means: not for business, and not for crime fighting, but just in absolutely normal clothes: jeans, electric yellow and white tech sneakers, long sleeve shirt with a graphic bold blue tee on top of it.
    He still sticks out, of course: it's a presence thing, and that the employees active in the dining area often go over to ask him something or other. One sets a glass of ice-water near him on the table he's sitting against, and he thanks them by name.

Slipstream has posed:
Having been spending all day at the gym now that it is between competitive seasons of the Overwatch League, Drake is taking advantage of the weights and other machines to try and work on getting himself in a better physical and mental health. He is wearing a clingy white shirt and a pair of loose fitted basketball shorts to go along with a pair of black and light blue sneakers. He gives a shake of his empty water bottle as he looks to be heading towards the kitchen, but slows down at the sight of Tony. "Hey, boss. Save the world a few times this morning?" He asks curiously with a smile on his face.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony looks up from his device, with a slight pinch in the gaze that suggests he's probably hungover, and it took a moment to push that sensation aside and mask it. "No, more important matters. Deciding what to do for my birthday," Tony says, with a sleek amused little smile. "Might travel this year."
    Tony picks up the glass near his side and takes a long drink of it, with a soured, but bearing-with-it expression because it's just /water/. Bleh.
    "Glad you're getting use out of the gym," Tony comments of the workout attire. "Have you talked with a trainer? We have ...two, I want to say. Gloria's good. Highly recommended. I forget by who."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, I didn't know we had trainers here. I guess I just.. figured you all magicaly woke up with perfect bodies and didn't need help in that department. I'll track down Gloria." Drake says as he gives him a bright smile. "It's your birthday? That is awesome, dude. Are you going to go big with it? Do it all Vegas style with a bunch of hot girls and a Lambo and spotlights and all that stuff or are you going to be low key? Because if you wanna be low key, I was gonna suggest we go paint balling." He asks as he rocks on his sneakers. "Maybe get a bunch of us and not use powers and just shoot each other up. I think Bucky would probably win though, he has that look of someone that is a sniper. So if we do captains I probably would pick him first. Oh! I gotta get you a present." He slides his phone out and starts to tap away at the screen, googling 'What to get your boss for his birthday if he is super rich.'

Iron Man has posed:
    "End of the month. You've got some time," Tony says, with a laugh. And then at the question about Vegas: "So you've seen footage of previous years," Tony remarks. That isn't a joke: Tony's parties are easily their own category on various 'rich and famous' shows and youtube. "But I already did Vegas earlier this year as a lark, no need to repeat. I was considering using my favorite yacht this year. Or maybe Paris; Pepper would enjoy that. I'll probably decide last minute, though Pepper is pushing me to make a choice a bit earlier, to torture her less." Not 'no' torture, but 'less'.

     Tony arches a brow over the paintball suggestions. But it's pleasant. Just the hangover dragging it down a hair. "A team paintball game isn't a bad idea. You can have Bucky if I get Hawkeye," Tony offers, willing to barter, amused.

Slipstream has posed:
"Aw, shit, I forgot about Hawkeye. That's a good one. Okay, you get Clint, but I get the Widow for my second pick." Drake says as his competitive spirit surges within him, perhaps a part of him that Tony hasn't seen yet. "I need someone who has good game sense and line of sight who also has no problem pulling a kill shot on their best friend, so she is going to be my hard carry." He starts to tap away on his phone a bit quickly with his thumbs now as he pulls up a roster. Already his brain is starting to process a potential team roster. "Let's go five v five."

Also, he secretly taps on 'purchase' for something on Amazon's app, chuckling to himself as a smile tugs along the corner of his lips. "Pepper seems pretty cool. I only met her in passing once and she smiled at me. So, that's a plus. "How long have you two been a thing?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "If we are talking Avengers, Bucky isn't an option for certain," Tony clarifies, "Unless he wants to participate, I guess I don't have a problem with it." There's an edge of skepticism in the tone, as if Tony wasn't really all that pleased with Bucky Barnes for some reason. But it isn't like he's glaring, more that he's vague. "I'd take Steve, of course. Just to be sure he /isn't/ on a team with the two you picked," Tony says, smirking over his water.
    "Pepper and I? About a month or two. I suppose I should know that; normally pepper keeps track of anniversaries and things that I should be aware of," Tony considers, as if realizing the flaw with that, but just shrugs a little. "It's not really public. More for her sake. I don't mind it."

Slipstream has posed:
When Tony picks Cap, a grin forms over Drake's face, one of those 'ah-ha' moments. Is he playing mental chess right now? "My next pick is Logan." He says almost immediately after the Cap pick. He catches the look on Tony's face, then asks, "Everything okay? I met Bucky once and he seemed like an okay guy.. in that ... super intense soldier way where you know he's seen some shit and done some things kinda way. I mean, I can pick someone else if I can't take him, because I'd probably just take Falcon for strategical reasons for a sub or place holder."

"Ah. I see. I hope you two are both happy with each other. I'd think that having relationships as a super hero could be rather difficult." He kicks the ground with his foot. "Lon gas they don't meet genetically created perfect guys in outer space." He mutters under his breath.

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony shrugs at the Logan pick, unconcerned. "Vision," Tony decides without pause. He then considers the question about Bucky, which is uncharacteristic: Tony usually says exactly what he's thinking right when he's thinking it. So some thought is probably a little concerning. Or a lot concerning. "He's had a past I won't go into. He's being monitored. Please be on high guard around him. I don't know how close he may or may be to snapping." And that's the edited version of what Tony thinks!
    "You don't want Thor?" Tony asks, coaxing, in mild mock.

Slipstream has posed:
"Nope. I want War Machine." Drake says after another scroll of his finger along the screen. "Thor calls me Darke. He can't say my name right, so I can't depend on him to shoot the right person." He mulls Bucky over for a moment, then says, "Can I swap him out then for Falcon? That way it makes everything easy?"

Iron Man has posed:
"You've met Rhodes?" Tony asks, and admits, "Smart pick. I expected you wouldn't know about him." He's willing to grant credit where it's due. "He'd enjoy shooting me," Tony says in an almost wistful way, of getting his best friend taken away for the opposite team. "Nearly as much as me shooting him."
    "Swap? Yeah, fine," a vague gesture follows. "Mmmmmm, I'd take Carol next."

Slipstream has posed:
"I have not met him but I was going through the roster one day and was building a zombie apocalypse team in case shit hit the fan and figured a guy with that code name knows how to blow shit up." Drake chuckles in thought. "Carol? That's a heavy hitter. Okay, my last pick will be ..." He hums to himself. "... Uh. Crap. I dunno. Rogue?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "He does know. Military usually do," Tony agrees. "Though some of us civilians can bring it and then some." Tony's brought his food by an employee, in a to-go bag, but he still lingers to chat a bit more, and finish up their little game of picking people. "We still have quite a few people. But let's see. I'm unsure he'd play, but I'd take Pietro. If not, Wanda."
    Tony eases up off the table. "But I've got to head out. See if you can rally the troops for the game, and I'll fund it," Tony invites, passing by Drake and offering a brief pat at the shoulder that's only semi-awkward.