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Latest revision as of 02:42, 4 June 2018

Catching Up
Date of Scene: 11 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Rhodey fills in Tony on what's been going on lately with him.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, War Machine

Iron Man has posed:
    It's lunch time. And the dining area has a few delicious taco related options for Friday. Taco-Friday? Well, perhaps someone got their calendar screwed up, or bought too much taco related fixings. In any event, Tony's taking his lunch there, relaxed at a table, eating while an assistant, the dark-haired Chloe, rapidly takes down some notes. Tony uses a napkin, clearing his throat, and puts away some of the papers he'd had spread out. Chloe gathers them up, taking the hint. "Right away," Chloe is saying to Tony as she gets to her feet from her chair; she hadn't been eating.
    Tony nods and returns to his lunch as the assistant hurries off, her heels clicking loudly through the mostly emptied dining area as she goes towards the front of the mansion.

War Machine has posed:
     And in walks Rhodey, dressed in a simple black bomber jacket and bluejeans with a respectable T-shirt underneath. He's not dressed up fancy for the evening but apparently it's another one of those visits he's been doing to the place of late. Usually that meant Lila was around here somewhere looking at the mansion and bothering members of the Avengers. Either way the fact she's not right at Rhodey's side means she's most likely hanging out with another avenger.

     Rhodes makes his way over to the sink in order to get himself a glass of water. "Hey-hey Tony, what's the news?" He asks as the water runs from the sink and into the cup. Apparently he doesn't mind water quality that much just judging by the fact he's not using the sinks dispenser. Once the glass is full he turns around leaning on the counter. "Little late for Taco Tuesday aint it?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "Yes, missed Tuesday somehow. But, magically, I can have Tuesday whenever I want," Tony reminds with a brief little arrogant half-smile and gesture of hand. "You don't have to have any if you really were heart set on --- whatever it is we usually have on Friday," Tony adds. He has no idea, that isn't information he keeps in his head.
    "Not much news today. Just throwing a lot of contacts around on that new space-mold-I suppose I should do a press conference on that. What else. Ah! I think we're in good shape getting a lead on the kidnapper's funding. I have a few candidates, we're closing that noose." Tony shuts up, but only to eat some taco.

War Machine has posed:
     "If it were up to me Fridays would be Fried Fridays." Rhodes takes a long sip from his glass single hand slipping into the pocket of his jacket. "Just kick back and enjoy anything fried you want." A light pause. "Sure it'd be cardiac arrest city after a few weeks but trust me: It'd be worth it for some of those nasty Deep Fried concoctions." He lets out a light chuckle, and then Tony's giving him the rest of the lowdown.

     He nods his head quietly taking it in. "Sounds like good progress to me, sooner we sort out these kidnappers the better." His stance shifts slightly to support his foot a bit more. "So when you're talking space mold we talking just regular mold that happens to be from space or some sort of super mold that I don't know makes zombies or turns gold into lead, whatever it is space mold does."

Iron Man has posed:
    "We can make that fried thing happen. I'm usually not here Fridays, so that doesn't bother me either way," Tony offers, in the same tone that he's suggest they just go ahead and buy whatever the restaurant or location is that they happen to be in. Usually teasing: Tony isn't interested in actually owning restaurants. Other places? It has happened. There's a club in midtown that happened that way. It was resold for profit but that's not the point.
    "Unknown kind of mold. Still waiting on some science for that. But it's not destroying the earth yet, so it's more a 'huh, interesting' thing compared to other things."
    Tony eats, chews, and continues, "You up for a mission like that last one, again? I think we'll hit more drugged mutants. Supposedly a really nasty city-tearing one."

War Machine has posed:
     "Well just be sure it's not trying to communicate with humanity and ask us to surrender or be destroyed." Rhodes jokes. "Last thing we need right now is some race of sentient mold trying to kick down our front door" He shakes his head. "Probably try an turn the whole planet into one big humidity box." Then Tony brings up the idea of another mission.

     "Now you know you don't have to ask me twice man." Rhodey kicks back the rest of his water clearly feeling a bit dehydrated, before filling it right back up from the sink. "Run some more areal recon, swoop down and smack some skulls, what's not to like?" He shrugs his shoulders and gives a bit of a smile. "Besides man, why wouldn't I want to help you knock some sense into a few bigots?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "Good. It was useful to have you there." Tony pauses. "But don't get a big head over that. Having another one of my suits present and piloted is mostly the important thing," Tony teases, with a chip gesturing, before putting it into salsa and eating it. He pauses, and gestures at the salsa and chips in a 'come have some' manner, sharing.

    "We just have some more catching up to do, to bring your practice level up to where I am," Tony says, light. It's a backwards way to, indeed, be saying that he does want Rhodey there. Tony's weird about things like that. Feels are difficult. "So more missions, better. If you can get a babysitter?"

War Machine has posed:
     "Just glad to finally have my head on straight enough I can help out." Rhodes smirks before walking over and plopping himself down in a nearby chair. Not hard enough to damage it or anything just to get off his feet as he snags a few chips once the offer comes out. "Tell you: Unmanned planes'll never be as good as one with a real pilot at the helm, but unplanned aircraft?" He tilts his head slightly before chomping down. "No feeling like it."

     Rhodes kicks back a bit and tries to relax after another long day. "Don't worry about it, had enough reality checks I think it'll be a while before I let my ego get ahead of me." He pauses for some snackage before thinking on the comment about babysitters. "Should be able to get ahold of Mom and Dad, sure they'd love to take care of her for me while I'm out putting a few mutant haters in their place." He stretches out a bit. "Already offered to take care of her part time even though they can't exactly raise her on their own, be good for her to spend time with em."

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony clears his throat a little sharply, a clear indication on his preference to not linger too much on that subject. "You know my opinion on parents being too busy for their kids, so. I'm not going to be the reason you're too busy," Tony goes with, eating his chips, and then smoothly adjusting topic back away from that more awkward aspect of it.

    "Any speaking? And do we have enough Iron Man fan art to do a gallery show yet?" Tony asks, with a sleek smile. "I expect a stellar portrait for my birthday."

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes looks over at Tony. "I've still got plenty of time with her, she'll just get to spend some time with her grandparents is all." He kicks back in his chair. "She's filled her whole room with 'schematics' girl's convinced you use coal to power your suit for some reason." He shakes his head. "Don't have the heart to correct her, it's actually surprising how detailed she gets for someone with no understanding on how it really works."

Iron Man has posed:
    "We sponsored a number of engineering toys for kids. I'll get some of the first lot of those if you think she'd be into them. I'll have Pepper get on it," Tony says, upbeat. He gets ideas, and enacts them, immediately: he pulled his phone-like device out and immediately starts to set that in motion. "And she sounds like a steam-punk fan to me. Let her know, though, that I'm not polluting the environment: no coal. That would be terribly irresponsible for me as a role model," Tony smirks.

War Machine has posed:
     "Every time I think I've seen the limits of her imagination she shows me she's still got a lot in that head of hers, someday might even give you a run for your money." He jokes with a smile relaxing as he eats some more of that fantastic food. "She's a big engineering fan, every time I get her a new toy she's got the thing torn apart within seconds and starts trying to draw how it works." He shakes his head. "Think you'd almost be better off just buying her toys at a scrapyard, give her some engines to play around with." A smirk crossing his face. Then he nods his head at the coal comment.

Iron Man has posed:
    "We can do better than scrapyards and recycling bins," Tony says, as if insulted by the very prospect. "She's reasonably on target for keeping up with me. She'll need to start on her first robot soon." A brief smile follows. "She'll be out of school for the summer? Or was she not in school?" Tony questions, with an open sort of shrug. He has no idea what kids are supposed to be doing or at what time of year they do them. It isn't in his general awareness of things to care about.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes shakes his head. "She wasn't in school, wound up cutting my budget everywhere I could and putting her into a private school." He stretches out in the chair having had a long day. "It's a lot more expensive then I ever thought it would be, but I figure it's a good idea to try and give her the chances I never had growing up." There's a light pause. "Might not be her real dad, but I'm going to be the best damn uncle I can be."

     He snags a bit more to drink from his cup still enjoying a simple water for the moment. "Downside is no vacation, upside is: If she keeps going how she is she'll be out a few years early and have plenty of time to keep her own pace." He pauses for a second. "Believe it or not she's already trying to build one. Not sure she understands how to actually make it work but she's trying at least." Leaning back forward. "Just wish she'd say something though man, anything." A light shake of the head. "Won't speak to the other kids, me, anybody. Hell I thought with how much she idolizes you she might at least give you a quick thanks. Not like she can't speak, she just doesn't."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Think she'd benefit with having somebody professional to talk to? A therapist sort of thing," Tony asks. "I can try to chat her up again, but this isn't my area of expertise." He doesn't comment about the money problems - there's a line to walk about things like that, and shoving his wealth down other people's throats isn't something he'll do to Rhodey. "You just know you'll still get good vacations out of me. Stressful possibly, because I'm a fun time, but still. Vegas counts." Tony grins briefly.
    There's a blink and divert towards his mobile device. "Hm. Hang on a minute." He rolls his thumb, scrolling it, his expression turning serious. "Are you particularly busy today?" Tony asks, as if things were fine. Rhodey will know Tony certainly well enough to see right through that particular ask. Shit is going down.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes takes a quick moment to pull out his smartphone and tap out a few lines of text. "Looks like my day just freed itself up." Is his only real response as he comes back to a stand already realizing there's work to be done. "Lucky you." As he gives a bit of a slight smirk Tony's direction single hand going into his pocket, the jacket going back over one shoulder.

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony doesn't pick up after himself, he just turns away from the whole food situation, setting his napkin down near the plate, still looking over what he's getting. "If my luck continues to be all aces, we're in great shape. Looks like one of the kidnapped kids we rescued is getting threatened, or worse. Better safe than sorry: suit up. I'll send what I've got to your heads-up display," Tony says, immediately leading the way out of the dining area.

War Machine has posed:
     With a quick step he's making for the door, already heading back towards where his suit is 'parked' "Race you there." Comes the challange as he grabs onto the door-frame using it to re-angle himself around a corner and keep up his momentum. "Last one there's running recon." He smirks lightly as he makes for the main doors already suiting up as he moves.